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个人破产既是一种失信惩罚措施,也具有保护诚信债务人基本生存权利的人文价值。随着国内对个人破产法的日渐关注,通过审视美国个人破产制度运行一百余年来产生的主要问题,分析国内个人破产机制的规范构建,有利于优化制度设计并降低制度运行中的风险。前置要素方面,我国应颁布个人破产法、设立专门的破产法官、允许公民主动申请破产;主体制度方面,应在严格设定个人破产“门槛”的基础上,建立个人破产清算、财产豁免以及个人破产恢复等机制;配套制度方面,应出台个人失信惩罚、信用信息公示制度和必要的限制措施,使个人破产与失信惩罚、征信管理、信用信息等机制相融合并形成良性互动,促进国内信用体系的完善。  相似文献   

汶川地震引发的银行信贷资产处置难题,使"个人破产制度"再次成为焦点话题.本文立足于我国金融发展现状,探讨金融视角下建立个人破产制度的必要性、条件及设想.  相似文献   

刘静 《金卡工程》2010,14(1):136-137
免责制度是个人破产特有的制度。对免责制度的不正当定位,是我国个人破产未能立法的重要原因。传统大陆法系国家对免责制度经历了艰难的认同过程。从学术研究、文化理念到立法,我国也必将经历同样的历程。  相似文献   

目前,学术界对我国建立个人破产制度争议的焦点集中在个人信用制度特别是征信系统建设尚不完善的情况下,是否会因此引发严重的社会信用危机。本文是从信用制度建设的角度出发,研究征信系统建设对个人破产制度建立的重要性,在详细分析当前我国征信系统建设现状的基础上,提出完善征信系统建设推动我国个人破产制度出台的路径。  相似文献   

自由财产,又称豁免财产,是指在个人破产制度下,破产清算程序后可以由破产债务人自由支配的财产,通常由法律规定或法院酌情决定的。建立自由财产制度的目的是保障破产人及其亲属的基本生存。关于自由财产,不同的国家和地区的立法倾向各不相同。目前,我国还没有个人破产制度,但随着社会经济的快速发展,个人破产制度缺失所带来的的一系列问题逐渐显现出来,个人破产制度的构建迫在眉睫。而自由财产制度是构建个人破产制度不可避免的问题,我们可以借鉴外国的先例,对这一问题展开思考。  相似文献   

目前我国个人破产法律制度尚未健全,建立个人破产法律制度对于保护金融消费者权益、维护金融机构健康运行、促进国家金融稳定都具有非常重要的意义。为此,笔者对当今世界个人破产法律制度最完善的国家之一——美国的个人破产法律制度进行了研究,以期对我国有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高有和 《海南金融》2005,(12):48-50
我国现行破产法律责任制度还不完善,已严重阻碍了破产实践的发展。这也是新的统一破产法制定过程中,涉及的法律问题之一。笔者选取破产法律责任问题作为切入点,通过对破产法律责任的类型、内容以及现行法律法规对破产法律责任的规定及存在的缺陷进行了阐述,试图寻求完善我国新的破产法律责任制度的对策。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国际上的两种立法模式选择,对美国、东亚各国或地区个人破产法律制度进行了梳理与比较,并针对我国目前消费信贷和个人破产立法滞后问题,提出了有关建议,  相似文献   

本文介绍了国际上的两种立法模式选择,对美国、东亚各国或地区个人破产法律制度进行了梳理与比较,并针对我国目前消费信贷和个人破产立法滞后问题,提出了有关建议。  相似文献   

李宁 《海南金融》2020,(4):26-32
个人破产在我国已经付诸于司法实践,个人破产制度也已在探索建立,但与个人破产制度相配套的个人信用体系却尚未健全。大数据技术在各领域中实践应用的经验及大数据技术具有的全面性、科学性等特点使得其在个人破产案件的案前、案中、案后的各个阶段均具有可行性,在我国个人信用体系尚未健全的背景下显得尤为必要。同时,大数据技术因其特殊性,在应用到个人破产案件之中也要遵循谦抑性、保守性的法治化基点,遵循经济性、必要性、限制性的原则,并明确法院的应用主体地位、启动应用的程序及后期监管等问题,有助于个人破产案件实践中的审理。  相似文献   

马继洲 《西安金融》2011,(4):34-36,46
随着中国大陆地区社会主义市场经济体制的确立和深化,无论是在法律制度的设计上还是广大群众的观念接受程度,都需要一定的磨合期,再加上城乡二元结构的差异,使得中国大陆在个人破产制度的推动上难度较大。本文尝试借鉴台湾经验,期望对未来中国大陆个人破产制度的增修作一比较参考,使整体市场退出机制更加完善。  相似文献   

In U.S. data, income interruptions, the receipt of public insurance, and the incidence of personal bankruptcy are all closely related. The central contribution of this paper is to evaluate bankruptcy protection and public insurance in a unified setting where each program alters incentives in the other. Our analysis delivers two striking conclusions. First, we find that U.S. personal bankruptcy law is an important barrier that prevents the public insurance system from improving welfare. Second, contrary to popular belief, we find that increases in the generosity of public insurance will lead to more, not less, bankruptcy.  相似文献   

中国个人消费信贷状况及风险防范研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
杨大楷  俞艳 《金融论坛》2005,10(7):45-50
随着个人信用消费的不断扩大,消费信贷的比重不断提高,在整个市场个人信用制度不完善的情况下,个人信贷风险凸现,银行个人信贷中的不良资产率上升。本文从中国消费信贷的总量状况出发,对于银行消费信贷内部结构展开探讨,继而分析消费信贷的客户风险、制度风险及法律政策风险,并以此为基础提出了建立个人信用管理制度、充分利用客户信用分析法、逐步试点个人破产制度、建立银行内控体系及风险转嫁渠道以及完善个人消费信贷的相关法律保障等防范措施。  相似文献   

The paper argues that there is a need for the formal treatment of personal bankruptcy costs in the finance literature. The need arises out of the relevance of such costs to both corporate and personal financing decisions. We show that (a) personal bankruptcy costs (like personal taxes) are relevant to the corporate capital structure problem and that (b) differential bankruptcy costs across corporations and individuals can result in a clientele model of individual investment-borrowing decision which could lead to institutional arrangements designed to minimize combined bankruptcy costs. Further, we develop a theory of personal bankruptcy and a set of testable hypothesis with regard to their costs. Some preliminary estimates of personal bankruptcy costs are reported which suggest that they are higher than corporate bankruptcy costs. There is also some evidence of economics of scale in personal bankruptcy costs.  相似文献   

Following in the steps of the USA and UK, China introduced partnerships with limited liability in 2006, the same year that a market‐oriented bankruptcy statute was enacted. Although the bankruptcy statute enshrines basic elements of modern bankruptcy law, it fails to stipulate specific rules for partnership bankruptcy. As partnership with limited liability acquires increasing importance, especially limited partnerships as a popular form of private equity firms, a partnership bankruptcy regime becomes indispensable. This article considers the experience of the UK and USA in order to make proposals to establish a partnership bankruptcy regime in China. Although partnership bankruptcy law can be formulated by analogy to corporate bankruptcy law, special considerations must be given to the characteristics of partnership such as unlimited liability and lack of separation of management from ownership. Further, as partnership bankruptcy may lead to partner bankruptcy and vice versa, conflicts between partnership creditors and partners' personal creditors must also be considered. Copyright © 2014 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

A significant policy issue in personal insolvency concerns the debtor with little income and few assets who may be unable to afford bankruptcy in those jurisdictions which require payment to access the individual bankruptcy system. The challenge of addressing the situation of these debtors is one experienced both by long standing personal insolvency systems and newer system in emerging markets. This article introduces a special issue of the International Insolvency Review which considers the responses of several common law, civil law and mixed regimes to this policy topic. The article discusses the background to the English Debt Relief Order enacted in 2009 as a procedure for low‐income debtors, outlines salient issues raised by its implementation and discusses research themes related to the existence of the “No‐Income‐No Asset” debtor, including the structure and financing of the bankruptcy system, the contribution of NINA procedures to access to justice, the role of intermediaries in the bankruptcy system and the political economy of bankruptcy reform.  相似文献   

Given the increasing complexities of the financial markets as well as a shift away from employer/government sponsored pensions to individuals managing their retirement funds, personal finance education is an important tool in order to navigate the evolving and complex financial environment. In this paper, I examine the impact of personal finance education on credit delinquency. Prior studies show that financial literacy affects financial decisions such as savings, retirement planning, wealth accumulation and stock market participation. Using U.S data on personal bankruptcy and consumer credit delinquency rates, I show that personal finance education is important in reducing personal bankruptcy as well as consumer credit delinquency rates. Furthermore, personal finance education does not appear to moderate the impact of gambling legislation on personal bankruptcy or consumer credit default.  相似文献   

The debt agreement option under bankruptcy law was introduced in Australia in 1996. Since its introduction, it has undergone significant review, and two sets of amendments have been crafted to meet issues as they have been raised. Its popularity is reflected in the increasing proportion of debt agreements compared with the other two debt relief options available under bankruptcy legislation, bankruptcy and the personal insolvency agreement. A review of the debt agreement scheme has recently been undertaken, but the government has yet to respond to its recommendations. Meanwhile, the work of comparative bankruptcy scholars has found new impetus from the treatment of consumer debtors during the Global Financial Crisis. At the same time, at the international level, there is growing interest in developing general principles for the treatment of personal insolvency, despite the acknowledged diversity of approach to personal insolvency at the national level. This paper examines the debt agreement framework and how it fits within the comparative bankruptcy literature and the developing international principles for the treatment of personal insolvency. Copyright © 2014 INSOL International and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in U.S. personal bankruptcy filings of the last fifteen years has focused attention on the wide disparities between different states' personal bankruptcy exemptions. These differences have been criticized both on the grounds of equity and also because they provide an incentive to move to a state with a higher exemption before declaring bankruptcy, that is to forum-shop. This paper focuses on the latter of these objections. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), we estimate a Nested Logit model of the household migration decision. Our econometric approach specifically avoids the problem of endogenously induced bankruptcy filings by examining the effect of filing propensity, rather than the actual event of filing, on the tendency to migrate to a higher exemption state. We conclude that while there is indeed evidence that considerations of bankruptcy laws do influence interstate migration, the actual effect is relatively modest. We estimate that, in any given year, roughly one percent of moves to higher-exemption states are motivated by considerations of differences in bankruptcy laws; by way of comparison, this is roughly comparable to the magnitude of recent estimates of welfare-induced migration. This suggests that the emphasis on differences in exemptions which has been a feature of recent attempts to reform the bankruptcy code is somewhat exaggerated.  相似文献   

我国银行业金融机构破产法律制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
次贷危机引发的一系列银行倒闭事件引起了公众对银行业金融机构破产的关注。目前,我国的银行破产法律尚属空白。本文结合我国实际,对未来银行业金融机构破产法的诸多方面进行了研究并提出了立法建议。  相似文献   

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