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通货膨胀与股票一直是国内外经济学家关注的热点,本文通过对国内外相关理论的总结,并选择适合我国经济的经济模型进行实证研究.文章纳入货币政策和实体经济要紊运用VAR模型进行实证,最后得出我国目前通货膨胀与股票价格的关系并不密切,但是随着我国股票市场的进一步发展,股票价格对通货膨胀的影响将会越来越大.  相似文献   

延边地区作为边疆近海区域,利用地缘优势积极发展外向型经济.但相对于中国东部沿海地区,延边地区外商直接投资对经济增长的贡献度不高.本文采用理论分析与实证研究相结合,建立计量经济模型的方法,对外商直接投资对经济增长的作用进行一系列的实证分析.  相似文献   

影响我国税收增长的因素有很多,本文将运用计量经济模型对税收进行实证分析,以期得到税收规律及发展启示。  相似文献   

林沁 《现代经济信息》2012,(20):198+200
本文对经济订购批量模型(EOQ)与零库存(JIT)进行分析比对,从而得出两种经济模型的异同,便于企业根据自身具体情况选择适合的存货管理方式。  相似文献   

国民经济的增长对进口需求的拉动作用不可忽视.本文通过建立经济模型,对国内生产总值和进口需求的关系进行了实证分析.根据模型分析了二者的关系,阐述GDP是如何拉动我国的进口需求,并根据目前的具体情况,提出解决问题的对策,对当前经济的发展有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

外资银行在两岸投资区位选择影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为最活跃的金融机构——外资银行在中国大陆和台湾投资区位的选择受到了各省市政府的关注。本文先分析了外资银行直接投资中国大陆和台湾的区位选择的特点,然后应用计量经济模型做实证分析,最后得出并比较了投资区位选择的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文采用计量经济模型对我国服务业和外商直接投资(FDI)时间序列数据进行实证分析,研究服务业外商直接投资(FDI)对服务业GDP增长的影响。  相似文献   

区域物流能力与地区经济发展的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域物流是区域经济发展的重要组成部分,发展区域物流产业,增强区域物流能力对于区域经济的发展具有十分重要的意义.以江西省为实证分析对象,建立计量经济模型,分析探讨区域物流能力对区域经济增长的实证关系.  相似文献   

利用空间计量经济模型对我国农村居民消费的空间效应进行了实证检验.敏感性分析的结果表明,我国农村居民消费具有空间效应,本地区农村居民的消费水平受到相邻近地区消费水平的影响.据此对促进农村居民消费水平,提出了相关的政策和建议.  相似文献   

谢欣露 《经济论坛》2010,(12):54-57
本文评述了国际贸易影响就业的模型及相关实证论文。主要讨论了计量经济模型、投入产出模型和CGE模型的相关研究。详细论述了计量经济模型中Richard Layard模型与Hine和Wright、Greenaway等人模型的共同点与区别,认为我国学者应用后者对我国的实证与理论不一致尚未做出理论说明和解释,最后评述了计量经济模型与投入产出模型的联系与区别。  相似文献   

世界博览会是一种重要的全球性展会,研究城市居民的世博旅游行为,有助于更好地开发会展旅游市场。通过问卷调查,分析了长沙市民对上海世博会的出游行为。结果显示,长沙市民有着较强烈进行世博旅游的意愿,没有能够实现出游意愿的主要原因是时间和经济条件的限制。长沙市的世博旅游者去上海的交通工具主要为动车和飞机,出游方式以自助为主,住宿方式表现为多样化,对世博的服务、卫生、增长知识、园内参观以及整个世博旅游都有着较高的评价。同时,在世博结束后,长沙市民对保留下来的中国馆和湖南馆仍然有着强烈的参观意愿。  相似文献   

Natural Resource Damage Assessment cases often call for compensation in non‐monetary or restoration equivalent terms. In this article, we present an approach that uses a conventional economic model, a travel cost random utility model of site choice, to determine compensatory restoration equivalents for hypothetical beach closures on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Our focus is on closures of beaches on the Padre Island National Seashore and compensation for day‐trip users. We identify restoration projects that compensate for beach closures and that have good alignment in terms of compensating those who actually suffer from the closures. (JEL Q26)  相似文献   

促进绿色经济的最优政策模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈华 《经济地理》2008,28(4):598-602
发展绿色经济,既是中国经济社会可持续发展的必然选择,也是应对未来可能日益增多的国际环境问题矛盾的迫切要求.政府促进绿色经济政策工具可分为管制性和经济引导性两类.管制性政策的弹性小,有效成本巨大,而经济引导性能够促进关联者自发行动,是主要考虑对象.目前我国绿色经济政策的参数多为主观判断,缺乏定量化手段.以stackelberg模型作为理论基础来构建博弈模型,可以分析绿色产业链条的责任者和辅助者与政府政策之间的互动,得出最优征罚率与最优补贴率,从而为制定促进绿色经济发展的最优经济引导性政策提供建议.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展和经济结构的调整,旅游业在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,但由于旅游活动直接触及旅游目的地的生态系统及文化遗存,可持续发展成为其必然的选择。旅行社作为旅游业中的关键环节,可以通过业务整合、经营方式调整影响相关利益主体来推动旅游目的地的可持续发展。  相似文献   

旅游产业发展的核心是促进旅游经济的增长,探讨三大都市经济圈旅游经济增长的影响因素对明确旅游发展战略具有现实意义。通过建立计量经济学回归模型,分析了影响三大都市经济圈旅游经济增长的因素,发现区域经济发展水平、旅游资源禀赋和2003年的非典疫情是影响其旅游经济增长的最主要因素,并提出了促进三大都市圈旅游经济增长的战略构想,即确定旅游为新经济增长点,推进旅游业技术进步,开展区域旅游合作。  相似文献   

There is a growing literature that promotes the presence of process heterogeneity in the way that individuals evaluate packages of attributes in real or hypothetical markets and make choices. A centerpiece of current research is the identification of rules that individuals invoke when processing information in stated choice (SC) experiments. These rules may be heuristics used in everyday choice making as well as manifestations of ways of coping with the amount of information shown in choice experiment scenarios. In this paper, using the latent class framework, we define classes based on rules that recognise the non-attendance of one or more attributes, as well as on the addition and the parameter transfer of common-metric attributes. These processing strategies are postulated to be used in real markets as a form of cognitive rationalization. We use a SC data set, where car driving individuals choose between tolled and non-tolled routes, to translate this new evidence into a willingness to pay (WTP) for travel time savings, and contrast it with the results from a model specification in which all attributes are assumed to be attended to and are not added up with parameter preservation. We find that the WTP is significantly higher, on average, than the estimate obtained from the commonly used full relevance and attribute preservation specification.  相似文献   

今年发生在南方的雪灾凸显中国产业布局成本高、风险大,区域经济发展不平衡。破解难题需要调整经济布局,减少经济发展的显性成本,特别是选择集群发展战略,作为实施主体功能区规划的微观组织基础。  相似文献   


James Buchanan, one of the founders of Public Choice theory, applies the conceptual apparatus of economics to the public domain. This article investigates which assumptions are crucial to Buchanan's project, concentrating on methodological individualism and the Homo Economicus model. It shows that Buchanan from time to time moves away from these economic concepts, though only in minor ways. The article also focuses on Buchanan's normative emphasis on the role of institutions in coordinating self-interested individual actions in mutually beneficial ways. Criticizing Buchanan's analysis, the article argues that a broader view of the individual and of the role of institutions is necessary in a theory of constitutional choice.  相似文献   

This article estimates the Value of Commuting Time (VOCT) among Swedish males in an empirical on-the-job search model. It uses a large sample of employee-establishment linked data obtained from administrative registers. The sample lacks information on mode choice for the journey to work. We therefore estimate a mode choice model on another sample and use this model to link the administrative data to the relevant set of travel times, costs and distances. The VOCT is found to be 1.8 times the net hourly wage rate in the sample. The relatively high estimate results from a high VOCT among cohabiting men.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to explain differences in economic performance between a subset of OECD countries. We classify countries in terms of their degree of rigidity in the labor market, and use a matching model with labor/leisure choice, bargaining frictions, and labor income taxation to capture these rigidity differences. Added flexibility improves economic performance in different ways depending on whether income taxation is high or low. Feeding income taxation rates estimated from the countries at hand, we find that the model is able to replicate the observed rigidity levels. The model is also shown to reproduce well cross-country differences in non-employment population ratios and the share of part-time jobs. In the absence of rigidity differences, taxation shows little promise to replicate cross-country differences, as it has insufficient quantitative effects on production and productivity. However, the interaction of rigidity and income taxation is crucial in explaining the empirical patterns of the non-employment rate and of the share of part-time jobs.  相似文献   

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