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吴娜 《中国外资》2008,(5):72-73
本文从对合并报表理论的分析入手,着重论述了各种理论方法对少数股东权益和少数股东损益的处理差异。同时,由于我国新企业会计准则在合并财务报表方面有了重大变化,对少数股权的列示及其影响是本文研究的重点。  相似文献   

合并财务报表理论是编制合并财务报告的基础,目前国际上采用主要有所有权理论、实体理论和母公司理论。合并理论取决于合并财务报表的目标及服务对象,同时决定着少数股东权益和损益的列示、商誉归属以及内部交易损益抵销方法的选择等。本文基于利益相关者的视角,认为合并财务报告不仅要为股东利益服务,同时也要保护其他利益相关者的权益,结合分析国外有关企业合并理论的选择和我国目前采用的合并报表理念,指出实体理论将成为我国合并财务报表理论未来选择的必然趋势。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 纳入集团合并范围的企业如存在集团公司直接持股与间接持股、多层次持股的情况,在采用分层次合并财务报表时,集团内部少数股权享有的部分权益及损益将有可能留在少数股东权益和少数股东损益中无法抵销,造成合并财务报表编制不准确.本文拟对此问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

张波 《财会学习》2016,(22):119-120
国际会计准则理事会2011年5月发布了《国际财务报告准则第10号——合并财务报告》(IFRS10),为顺应我国经济的不断发展,顺应全球化进程的加速,我国面临着准则与国际趋同的新形势.财政部2014年发布了新修订后的《企业会计准则第33号——合并财务报表》(简称新准则),在2006年发布的准则(简称旧准则)基础上重新界定合并范围,明确了逆流交易的抵消方法,引入投资性主体的概念,新增母子公司交叉持股相关规定,取消按权益法调整对子公司的长期股权投资,对披露章节的调整等.围绕2014年版新准则的文章并不多见,笔者仅就很少提及的少数股东权益有关变化展开分析,希望引起信息使用者注意.  相似文献   

《企业会计准则第33号——合并财务报表》较以前财政部的相关会计处理规定有了新的变化,根据会计国际趋同的要求和我国国情作了改进。本文就对少数股权处理的理论基础、列示以及账务处理等变化作探讨。  相似文献   

今年以来财政部出台了十项会计准则制度,其中包括财政部关于印发修订《企业会计准则第33号一合并财务报表》的通知(财会〔2014〕10号),通过新旧准则对比可以看出,新准则不再强调母公司按照权益法调整对子公司的长期股权投资后进行编制,也就是说母公司可以自行选择更方便的成本法来编制合并财务报表,成本法下编制合并财务报表能够减少工作量、便于理解、更加实用,本文将探讨在成本法的基础上如何编制合并财务报表.  相似文献   

本文考察了新、旧准则下合并报表净利润对银行信贷决策有用性的变化,以及新、旧准则下合并—母公司净利润差异对银行信贷决策有用性的变化。研究发现,合并报表净利润是银行信贷决策的重要依据,新准则下合并报表净利润与债务契约的相关性减弱,且公允价值变动损益高的公司更明显。论文还发现,新准则实施后,合并—母公司净利润差异与企业获得银行借款的相关性减弱,说明新准则下的合并母公司净利润差异为银行信贷决策提供了新的信息含量。  相似文献   

明确合并范围是编制合并财务报表的基础,合并范围直接影响着合并财务报表的信息含量。本文通过将我国《合并财务报表暂行规定》中对合并范围的规定与国际会计准则进行比较,指出暂行规定的缺陷,然后分析了2006年颁布的新会计准则中对合并范围的规定,指出了新会计准则做出的改进及尚存在的不完善之处。  相似文献   

王珂  周铧 《金卡工程》2009,13(5):222-222
2007年新的企业会计准将开始实施,各上市企业均在年报中公布了由于首次执行会计准则而调整的股东权益变化.本文将通过对上市公司的股东权益由于新准则的实施而产生变化进行比较分析,我们发现新准则的实施提高了企业会计价值相关性,其中公允价值的引入和所得税计税方法的改进两项调整能更好的反映企业的市场价值.  相似文献   

以价格模型为基础,选取中国沪深两市A股非金融上市公司为样本,研究了新会计准则实施前后利润表新增项目(即公允价值变动收益项目与资产减值损失项目)的价值相关性。结果发现,新准则实施后利润表的价值相关性显著提高。进一步研究发现,资产减值损失项目价值相关性较强,相比旧制度下信息质量也得到改善,但不是信息增量的主要来源;而公允价值变动收益项目信息并未得到市场显著反应。结果表明,利润表中其他项目质量的改善是会计信息价值相关性增加的主要源泉。  相似文献   

Under Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), firms are required to proportionally consolidate joint venture investments, as opposed to the United States where the equity method is used. Using a sample of Canadian firms, this study investigates the relative information content of equity method and proportionally consolidated financial statement amounts for explaining market risk. This is possible for Canadian firms where detailed footnote disclosures permit the calculation of pro forma equity method amounts. The findings are surprising in that whereas proportionally consolidated financial statements are more risk relevant than equity method statements for explaining price volatility, equity method statements are more risk relevant than proportionally consolidated ones for explaining bond ratings. The findings suggest that different market participants use financial statement information differently. The study also finds that failure to disclose disaggregated joint venture accounting amounts, as is the case under US GAAP, masks information that could help market participants assess risk.  相似文献   

This paper explains that value relevance research assesses how well accounting amounts reflect information used by equity investors, and provides insights into questions of interest to standard setters. A primary focus of financial statements is equity investment. Other uses of financial statement information, such as contracting, do not diminish the importance of value relevance research. Value relevance questions can be addressed using extant valuation models. Value relevance studies address econometric issues that otherwise could limit inferences, and can accommodate and be used to study the implications of accounting conservatism.  相似文献   

New economy companies often use convertible and redeemable preferred shares with equity and debt characteristics as financing tools to reduce risk during their early stages of growth. According to relevant accounting standards, such preferred shares should be classified as financial liabilities and measured at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in profit or loss. This can lead to confusing financial information: the better a company’s development prospects, the higher its redemption or conversion price and loss, which can result in a large negative net asset value. A successful initial public offering, however, could offset large losses and negative net asset value. Following the development of accounting standards, this article thoroughly analyzes various proposals to modify relevant accounting standards and eliminate confusing information. This article also proposes possible problems and solutions as a reference for accounting standard setters and the various stakeholders in new economy companies.  相似文献   

In January 2005 the Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) issued three new accounting standards that require Canadian firms to mark-to-market certain financial assets and liabilities and recognize the holding gains and losses related to these items as other comprehensive income or as part of net income. The Board’s objectives for issuing the new standards are (i) to harmonize Canadian GAAP with US and International GAAP, (ii) to enhance the transparency and usefulness of financial statements, and (iii) to keep pace with changes in accounting standards in other countries that are moving towards fair value accounting. This paper investigates empirically whether requiring Canadian companies to report comprehensive income and its components provides the securities market with incremental value-relevant information over the traditional historical-cost earnings approach.Previous empirical studies provide mixed evidence on the value relevance of other comprehensive income and its components. This mixed evidence may be attributed partially to the use of as if methodology to construct an ex-ante measure of other comprehensive income prior to the implementation of SFAS 130, which introduces measurement error. In contrast, this study uses actual data on other comprehensive income for a sample of Canadian firms cross-listed in the US in the period 1998–2003. We find evidence that available-for-sale and cash flow hedges components are significantly associated with price and market returns. We also find that aggregate comprehensive income is more strongly associated (in terms of explanatory power) with both stock price and returns compared to net income. However, we find that net income is a better predictor of future net income relative to comprehensive income. Our findings suggest that mandating all Canadian firms to adopt the new accounting standards is expected to enhance the usefulness of financial statements. Our findings, therefore, should be of interest to Canadian accounting policy makers as they provide ex-ante evidence on the potential usefulness of mandating firms to report comprehensive income and the components of other comprehensive income in their financial statements.  相似文献   

从净收益视角看公允价值和历史成本计量属性的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
论文在决策有用性的会计目标框架下,以权益投资者的企业价值评估为视角,探讨了会计计量属性的选择和应用问题。在资产负债会计体系下,即便采用公允价值计量也无法反映企业的整体经济价值。企业价值需要借助金融模型估计,传统收入费用会计体系下的净收益指标是模型中的关键变量,但资产负债表中公允价值的引入使净收益的计量失去了逻辑一致性。这对权益估价模型的应用造成了干扰,从而损害了财务报告对投资者的有用性。论文认为对投资者提供公允价值信息的最佳方式是单独披露,而不是表内确认。最近FASB为应对金融危机对有关会计准则的修订反映了计量方法多样化的趋势,但计量方法的优势并不取决于该计量方法是否符合计量对象的具体特点,而是是否符合会计系统的整体目标。  相似文献   

From a financial analysis perspective, proportionate consolidation of significant influence equity investments is often presumed to provide more useful information than equity method accounting. Surprisingly, Kothavala [Kothavala, K., 2003, Proportional consolidation versus the equity method: A risk measurement perspective on reporting interests in joint ventures, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 22, 517-538.] finds that financial statement measures based on the equity method are more relevant for bond ratings than are similar measures based on proportionate consolidation. This study provides additional evidence regarding this issue. Using a sample of manufacturing firms with significant influence equity investments accounted for under U.S. GAAP, the results indicate that pro forma proportionately consolidated financial statements have greater relevance than equity method statements for explaining bond ratings.  相似文献   

企业新会计准则中引入公允价值计价,使得基于财务报告目的资产重估这一问题变得逐渐重要。本文通过对国外财务报告目的资产重估这一问题制度背景的分析,从资产重估的动因和价值相关性进行研究综述,试图为我国新企业会计准则的运用提供新的研究思路。  相似文献   

公允价值在会计准则中的广泛运用引致了以财务报告为目的的评估业务需求。本文选取了2004~2008年上市公司为研究样本,检验了以财务报告为目的的资产评估总体价值相关性以及基于资产减值测试的评估价值的市场反应。研究结果表明,新会计准则实施后的价值相关性显著提高,而资产减值的计提受投资者的关注度则有所减弱。这说明以财务报告为目的的评估有效地提高了会计信息的质量和信息含量,并在一定程度上抑制了滥用公允价值进行盈余管理的行为。从长远来看,深化经济的市场化程度,努力构建一个完整、统一、开放、充分竞争的市场,实现评估界与会计审计界的良性互动,同时加强会计监管及行业自律并对滥用公允价值及虚假评估行为予以严惩,仍是未来一段时期的重中之重。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relevance of net financial expenses with respect to equity valuation in an IFRS accounting regime. According to the residual earnings valuation model, income related to balance sheet items that are recorded at fair value is not applicable for valuation purposes. There are no residual earnings associated with these items because the balance sheet provides ‘perfect’ value estimates for the items in question. In accordance with the contention that under IFRS, aggregate net financial liabilities are recorded at a book value that is close to fair value, this study demonstrates that net financial expenses are not associated with the market prices of stocks. The investigation discusses the empirical findings in light of the enduring controversies regarding the use of fair value accounting.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research analyzing reconciliations of net income and stockholders’ equity from reports prepared according to Germany's Commercial Code (HGB) to either International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP). We describe the distribution of the reconciling items and assess their value relevance to firm market values 3 months after the financial statement date. The work helps to identify many issues not apparent from research that focuses only on promulgated accounting standards. Among other things, the research presented in this paper demonstrates that, when reconciling to IFRS or US GAAP, German companies must reverse significant software and film licensing revenue. Other areas of significant difference, not surprisingly, show greater conservatism in reporting under HGB than IFRS or US GAAP, particularly in asset capitalizations and write-offs as well as in accruals of provisions and reserves. The latter category is value relevant to the firms’ market values after controlling for all other categories of reconciling items from HGB to either IFRS or US GAAP, indicating that German markets value these companies’ provisions and accruals under the German reporting system.  相似文献   

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