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顾客在购买商品的过程中会提出各种各样的购买异议,这是销售活动中的一种正常现象。它是销售成功的机遇,也是必须跨越的障碍,是对推销员驾驭推销态势的考验。推销员要正视顾客异议,以冷静、豁达的态度和辩证的方法分析、处理顾客异议,这是推销员必须具备的基本素质。  相似文献   

推销障碍又称顾客异议,是指顾客在接受商品推销过程中针对推销员、推销品和推销活动提出的各种不同看法和反对意见。它是任何推销活动都难以避免的,也直接影响顾客购买,对此,推销员必须认真对待和妥善处理。1.欢迎顾客提出异议。处理顾客异议是推销的一部分,更是推销员责无旁贷的职责。从  相似文献   

推销是以人为主体的经营活动,推销活动中推销员和顾客都会表现出各种各样的心理,对推销活动中推销员与顾客之间的距离、顾客的逆反心理及购买念波等心理问题进行探讨分析,能使推销员提高推销艺术,更好地完成推销工作。  相似文献   

销售实践中,我们常常看到这样的情况:一个销售员的在客户面前滔滔不绝、口似悬河地介绍自己的产品,几乎让顾客的思维都没有回旋的余地,更没有顾客插话、陈述自己看法观点的机会。结果顾客一离开,这桩买卖便告黄。记住:推销员不是强迫顾客按你说的去购买或消费,顾客也不乐意轻意被你牵着鼻子走,成为你的附庸。推销员的目的在于通过落落大方的热情、恰到好处的介绍与推荐,有效地影响顾客的购买决策。  相似文献   

适时成交,是指推销员在行销商谈中,巧妙把握购买时机与信号,及时促成保险交易。也就是帮助顾客解决问题,引导其下决心购买保险。它是行销过程的关键一环,意义非同建寻常。因为推销员的一系列努力,都将在此环节中见分晓。  相似文献   

尚风 《全国商情》2007,(5):76-78
俗话说“嫌货才是买货人”,当顾客对产品提出各种各样的异议时,说明他已经开始认真考虑购买产品了,此时,直销员应该谨慎对待顾客的异议,积极处理。[编者按]  相似文献   

推销过程中,推销员对市场顾客类型采用ABC分类法进行分类时出现的悖反情况是:从成交额和效益潜力两个角度划分出的顾客不具有同一性,A类客户可能变成B类客户,B类客户可能变成C类客户,并且在时间投入上C类客户投入的时间反比A类客户长。为解决这一问题,通过分析目标市场的市场潜力、不同顾客的需求量及发展前景,提出了需求量与顾客划分类型的同一性,以及推销员必须以成交额为尺度的对策。  相似文献   

超玲 《大众商务》2003,(5):20-20
推销员面对的是有生命、有感情的顾客,因此推销商谈的关键在于推销员的语言能否激起顾客的共鸣,进而认同产品。但这并不是说推销员只要有精妙的语言就能抓住顾客的心,这中间还得辅以必要的战略技巧。  相似文献   

对于推销员来说,推销产品首先要推销自己,如果你的顾客对你不够信任,他就不可能相信你的产品,更谈不上购买你的产品。若要人“买我”,先让人”爱我”。推销员若想在客户面前塑造良好的自我形象,关键是要在接近顾客的过程中,使对方感到舒心悦目,亲切融洽,从而为促使交易打下基础。 利益接近法 推销人员在介绍商品时,把商品能给顾客带来的利益放在首位,把购买能获得的各种好处,一五一十讲清楚,从而增强对方的购买信心。这种做法迎合了大多数顾客的求利心态,有时一些客户不明真相,意识不到  相似文献   

鄯枫 《全国商情》2007,(2):88-90
优秀的销售人员与普通销售人员最大的区别就在于前者更能够从心理上去影响顾客,通过引导出顾客对产品的内在需求来达成销售。笔者将从“问、说、笑”三个方面来详细解释如何探询顾客的购买需求。[编者按]  相似文献   

封闭式的实样品陈列方式没有为顾客欲选购的具有多样具体属性的商品 ,规定一个可以向服务人员便捷、准确传递的统一称号 ,势必影响购买行为的理性化。对商品实行数字编码陈列 ,能使顾客对其欲选购商品直呼其号 ,售货员则直取其样 ,从而有利于求购目标的实现 ,扩大商品销售量 ,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

Drawing on substitutes for leadership theory, this study examines the relationship between a sales team manager’s empowering leadership and his or her sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability. The authors develop and test a model that positions task interdependence, outcome interdependence, and their interactions as substitutes for empowering leadership. Further, the authors explore two perspectives of team-level performance—customer relationship performance and financial performance—as consequences of a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability. Using matched data collected from sales team managers and sales team members, the authors find general support for their hypotheses. The study finds that a sales manager’s empowering leadership has a positive effect on a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability. However, the results also suggest that the positive effect of empowering leadership on a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability is mitigated when either outcome interdependence or both task and outcome interdependence are high. Further, as outcome interdependence and the interaction between task and outcome interdependence increases, a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability also increases, which suggests that outcome interdependence and the combination of task and outcome interdependence replaces the role of empowering leadership. The study also finds that the greater a sales team’s customer knowledge creation capability is, the higher its customer relationship performance and sales team financial performance will be. Implications for customer knowledge creation in sales teams in the presence and absence of empowering leadership are discussed.  相似文献   

Is a customer orientation universally effective for salespeople? Or does its effectiveness depend on the selling situation? While previous research has largely neglected this question, this study investigates contextual influences on the link between customer-oriented behaviors and customer loyalty. To do so, it takes a role theory perspective on salesperson customer orientation by distinguishing functional customer orientation and relational customer orientation. It then investigates which type of customer orientation is more effective with regard to establishing and maintaining customer loyalty, given the specific situation. Here, the authors analyze the moderating impact of a customer’s communication style (task orientation and interaction orientation) and specific characteristics of a supplier’s products (product individuality, importance, complexity, and brand strength). Multilevel analysis of triadic data from a cross-industry survey of 56 sales managers, 195 sales representatives, and 538 customers provides empirical support for positive, non significant, and even adverse effects of salespeople’s customer-oriented behaviors on customer loyalty, depending on contextual variables.  相似文献   

Although firms spend more than $26 billion annually on sales contests, no empirical research has investigated the effects of contests on individual customers. While some short-term firm effects of contests have been documented, the impact on long-term customer value has remained a matter of speculation. This research investigates the long-term customer impact of sales contests, by applying the customer value framework. We add to previous research that has used customer value of marketing programs by employing the acquired, retained, and add-on framework to segment customers based on their purchase history. We develop hypotheses drawing on theories in the buyer behavior, customer loyalty, and sales management domains. By disaggregating the overall customer value into initial and subsequent components, we demonstrate a greater long-term value per customer in the retained customer cohort and lower short-term and long-term value per customer among the two other cohorts (acquired and add-on customers). There is no adverse impact on other drivers of customer value such as customer churn and purchase frequency. While our study focuses on individual customer effects, we note the significantly higher volume of customers during the contest leads to a positive aggregate-level assessment. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for managers and researchers.  相似文献   

This research investigates the impact of a sales team’s entitativity—the extent to which a group of individuals is perceived as a unified single entity—on customer satisfaction. Four studies demonstrate that a sales team entitativity cue, either based on appearance (e.g., wearing the same outfit) or based on behavior (e.g., explicit coordination in service), leads to heightened perceptions of service quality, which subsequently enhances customer satisfaction. Further, these two entitativity cues are shown to have interactive effects. Specifically, when both cues indicate high entitativity, customer satisfaction with the sales team exceeds the average evaluation of individual team members. However, if at least one cue suggests low entitativity (e.g., different outfits or no explicit coordination), the positive influence of the entitativity cue is undermined and customer satisfaction with the team’s service is mitigated. Product category is identified as an important moderator of the main effect.  相似文献   

推销人员从多个方面挖掘产品能够满足顾客需求的使用价值,挖掘推销产品能够满足顾客特殊需求的差别优势,然后把产品使用价值中的部分内容有针对性地与顾客需求结合起来,满足不同层次顾客的各种需求和主要评价标准,用自己的知识和智慧创造性地运用各种推销技术,就是现代推销的实质。  相似文献   

Management needs properly compiled, analyzed and evaluated data as a basis for planning, decision-making and control in sales and marketing operations. The cost-effectiveness of the various activities can then serve as a guide to future allocation of effort. The types of data available for comparative analysis of sales and marketing performance are reviewed and classified. The information may be used to justify costs, judge the degree of success attained from various operations, and, wherever applicable, isolate problem areas. Two case-history type examples are presented. The first of these compares customer loss rates with customer gains, and by how much losses must be offset just to keep current total sales even, before growth can be achieved. By categorizing and classifying these types of data by type of customer and type of product, management will isolate specific areas where problems exist and require attention and remedial action. Another example, applicable in a parallel manner by customer and product type, shows how accumulated information can be used to determine the optimal time allocation for individual sales visits, based on curvilinear statistical relationships. The desirability for graphic-comparative presentation of analysis results is emphasized, and is illustrated for the case histories presented.  相似文献   

In recent years, marketing research and practice have recognized the importance of managing frontline employees’ identification. However, investigations so far have focused on identification at the collective level of the self, such as organizational identification, thereby largely neglecting important interpersonal identification processes at the relational level. Using a large-scale dataset comprising information from sales managers and salespeople as well as company data on customer satisfaction and sales performance, the authors make a first attempt to address this neglect by exploring important phenomena of interpersonal identification in the sales manager–salesperson dyad. Results show that initial increases in the level of identification congruence between sales managers and their respective salespeople yield positive incremental effects on sales performance and customer satisfaction. Findings also show that interpersonal over-identification and identification incongruence are negatively related to both outcomes. Results demonstrate how sales managers could mitigate these negative effects.  相似文献   

This paper has identified and briefly described a number of verbal behaviors which the salesman can use in the initial contact phase of the sales interview. The initial contact phase of selling is made more effective by using a combination of the responses described in the literature of the behavioral sciences. Experienced and neophyte salesmen can learn these behaviors with brief training using the materials presented here in a role playing situation. Such training should increase their effectiveness in the selling situation.  相似文献   

入世后我国旅行社在市场竞争主体、旅游人才、客源市场以及销售渠道等营销环境上出现变化,我国旅行社应注重实行体制改革、品牌营销、产品组合、横向联合体模式、一对一营销、销售渠道扩展、服务营销、旅行社人才策略等主要营销策略。  相似文献   

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