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文章以2014-2018年沪深两市上市公司为研究样本,探寻了员工持股计划会对公司成本费用产生什么影响.研究发现,实施员工持股计划的公司费用粘性更大,员工持股计划会显著增大公司费用粘性.进一步研究员工持股计划的特征,发现员工持股计划参与人数越多,资金规模越大,高管认购比例越多,公司费用粘性越高.通过分析员工持股计划对费用粘性的作用机制,发现实施员工持股计划的公司能够通过提高创新投入,进而增大费用粘性.区分雇员规模和公司内部控制质量发现,雇员人数少、内部控制质量低的公司实施员工持股计划,相比于雇员人数多、内部控制质量高的公司会有更高的费用粘性.本研究为我国员工持股计划的完善、发展提供了经验证据,对我国混合所有制改革具有重要意义.  相似文献   

员工持股计划作为一项能够充分调动人的积极性的股权激励政策在现代企业制度不断发展的今天,被越来越多的上市公司所使用。随着《上市公司员工持股计划管理暂行办法(征求意见稿)》的出台,我国上市公司如何更好的实施员工持股计划并取得更好的激励效果也具有了现实意义。本文运用文献研究方法找出我国上市公司员工持股计划实施过程中存在的问题,分析征求意见稿出台的现实意义,并结合我国上市公司的具体特征为上市公司围绕征求意见稿实行员工持股计划提出具体建议。  相似文献   

以理性经济人假说和管理者权力理论为基础,选取我国2014~2017年实施员工持股计划的上市公司为样本,考察高管参与员工持股计划与上市公司盈余管理之间的关系,以及外部董事在员工持股计划实施中对盈余管理的监督作用。研究发现:相比于没有高管参与员工持股计划的公司,有高管参与员工持股计划的公司在员工持股计划公告前会进行负向的应计和真实盈余管理,且管理层权力越大,盈余管理越显著;在区分高管类型后发现,相比于其他高管参与员工持股计划的公司,只有CFO参与员工持股计划的公司应计盈余管理更为显著;外部董事的治理效应结果显示,相比于权力较小的外部董事,权力较大的外部董事对员工持股计划中的盈余管理抑制效果更好。  相似文献   

在经济发展全球化的进程中,市场变得更加开放和多元化,公司所处的环境也在不断发生变化,人力资源在这种变化中的重要性正在逐渐显现。2014年证监会发布《关于上市公司实施员工持股计划试点的指导意见》后,我国越来越多的上市公司开始实施员工持股计划。基于此,本文选取沪电股份公司为研究对象,对其员工持股计划的实施给企业带来的影响进行了具体分析,为未实施员工持股计划的其他公司提供参考。  相似文献   

以我国员工持股计划重启为背景,以2011—2019 年A 股上市公司为样本,验证员工持股计划对公司违规的影响。结果显示,员工持股计划降低了公司违规概率与频率。机制检验发现,员工持股计划一方面通过促进中小股东投票与委派董事涉入公司内部治理,另一方面通过信息传递提升独立董事履职效率并增加分析师跟踪。进一步地,区分违规类型后发现,员工持股计划的抑制作用主要存在于信息披露违规与一般违规;区分员工持股计划方案后发现,员工持股规模高、锁定期长、高购买折价、无杠杆、无控股股东担保或兜底、无业绩条件的员工持股计划对公司违规的抑制更显著。经济后果分析发现,员工持股计划对公司违规的监督能够抑制股价崩盘风险。研究结论从公司违规角度验证了员工持股计划的监督者角色,为我国员工持股计划实施效果提供了新的经验证据。  相似文献   

员工持股计划作为一项重要的激励措施,将员工与公司利益进行捆绑,目的在于充分发挥员工积极性,改善公司业绩.本文通过分析水晶光电连续四期员工持股计划实施情况和效果,发现员工持股计划存在参与对象覆盖面不足、资金及股票来源不合理、持股比例偏低、持股期过短并缺乏业绩考核机制等问题,在此基础上提出相应的改进建议,以期为其他企业实施员工持股计划提供借鉴.  相似文献   

员工持股计划作为一项重要的激励措施,将员工与公司利益进行捆绑,目的在于充分发挥员工积极性,改善公司业绩.本文通过分析水晶光电连续四期员工持股计划实施情况和效果,发现员工持股计划存在参与对象覆盖面不足、资金及股票来源不合理、持股比例偏低、持股期过短并缺乏业绩考核机制等问题,在此基础上提出相应的改进建议,以期为其他企业实施员工持股计划提供借鉴.  相似文献   

员工持股计划是一种使员工通过成为公司股权所有者而从中受益的制度安排(美国员工持股协会,1956),能够有效结合资本与劳动两种关键要素.如何让员工持股计划在我国顺利实施并发挥预期作用,是当前亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

基于2014年6月中国证监会《关于上市公司实施员工持股计划试点的指导意见》试行的制度背景,以2014—2017年实施员工持股计划的上市公司为研究对象,运用PSM法,实证分析了员工持股计划影响内部控制有效性的机制。研究发现:实施员工持股计划能够显著提升内部控制有效性;内部监督、信息与沟通以及控制活动三要素具有中介作用,员工持股计划主要通过强化内部监督、改进信息与沟通以及优化控制活动来提升内部控制有效性;同时,股权集中度具有调节效应,低股权集中度能够强化员工持股计划对内部控制有效性的促进作用。研究结论为如何通过实施员工持股计划提升内部控制有效性提供了重要的政策启示。  相似文献   

在西方发达国家,员工持股计划取得了显著的成果。在我国,由于员工持股计划起步较为缓慢,因此会存在很多较为明显的问题。本文首先概述了员工持股计划,其次分析了我国建筑企业员工持股计划的现状,再则对我国建筑企业员工持股计划所存在的问题进行分析,最后对强化我国建筑企业员工持股计划的有效策略进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

企业创新是推进国民经济稳定增长的重要基础力量。员工持股计划(ESOP)在推进企业创新方面成效显著,但分析师关注作为重要外部监督力量,其在该过程中如何发挥作用尚未明确。选取2015—2020年实施员工持股计划的A股上市公司为研究样本,以分析师关注为中介变量,实证研究了员工持股计划、分析师关注与企业创新效率三者的关系。结果表明,实施ESOP能够提高企业创新效率,且多次实施ESOP更能提高企业创新效率;相比应用于国有企业,在非国有企业中实施ESOP更能帮助企业提高创新效率;进一步研究发现,企业实施ESOP通过提高分析师关注度进而促进企业创新效率的提高。研究揭示了分析师关注在ESOP促进企业创新效率提高过程中发挥的重要作用,并验证了ESOP的信号传递效应与公司治理效应,对ESOP的实践具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

本文提出在ESOP实施过程中存在着员工持股股份占企业总股份的比例较低;员工个人持股比例很低的现状,并针对这种现状,质疑“有效员工激励”是否能够实现。本文将结合模型,主要从ESOP是否能增加员工有形动力和是否能增加员工无形动力两个方面来具体阐述自己的观点。  相似文献   

This paper examines three motivations for leveraged ESOP adoption: as a takeover defense, as a mechanism for providing incentives to employees and as a vehicle for tax savings. ESOP adoption is more likely for companies with a higher predicted probability of takeover, but ESOP adopters have many characteristics that are different from takeover targets. Companies that adopt ESOPs can be distinguished from non-adopting companies based on characteristics associated with the tax and incentive effects of these plans. The size of the ESOP is shown to depend primarily on the tax and incentive characteristics.  相似文献   

Research on employee-owned organizations to date has utilized alternative theoretical perspectives and has examined varying attitudinal outcomes. This study reviews previous research and attempts to integrate the findings into a causal model that combines the results of prior studies. the resulting causal model was tested empirically with a sample (N= 181) of employees from a firm that adopted an employee ownership programme. Financial value of the ESOP was positively related to satisfaction with the ESOP plan, but was not related to other attitudinal variables. Perceived influence from ownership was positively related to ESOP satisfaction, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. ESOP satisfaction, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment were negatively related to turnover intention. ESOP satisfaction and turnover intention were related to actual employee turnover behaviour over an extended time period.  相似文献   

Large-scale employee share ownership plans (ESOPs) have been a distinctive characteristic of Irish public enterprise reform, with shareholdings of 14.9% being allocated to employees as part of firm restructuring and privatisation programmes. This paper presents a case study analysis of a large-scale ESOP in Eircom, Ireland's former national telecommunications operator. We identify changes in labour productivity (LP) during 8 years before and after the establishment of the company's ESOP and use a framework based on Pierce, Rubenfeld and Morgan (1991, The Academy of Management Review, 16, 121–144) and Pierce, Kostova and Dirks (2001, Academy of Management Review, 26, 298–310) to explore the role played by the ESOP. The ESOP was found to play a key role in enabling firm-level reform through concession bargaining and changes in employee relations, and thereby indirectly affecting LP. However, despite the substantial shareholding and influence of the ESOP, we find that it has failed to create a sense of psychological ownership among employees, and thereby further impact on productivity.  相似文献   

The study assesses the stock performance of publicly-traded firms following ESOP formations. The results show that ESOPs contributing common stock elicit a more favorable market response than ESOPs contributing convertible preferred stock. This result is consistent with the argument that the convertible preferred contribution reduces the regularity of the repurchase of common shares in the market. Also, ESOPs intended to defend against takeovers elicited no market reaction while other ESOPs elicited a favorable market response. This result supports the hypothesis that ESOPs intended to prevent takeovers may eliminate external market discipline. The study also assesses the long-term performance of firms following ESOP formations to determine whether some hypothesized effects of ESOPs are realized. Results of the analysis suggest that firms experienced favorable long-term valuation effects following the creation of new ESOPs. However, the expansion of existing ESOPs was not as favorable. Differences in the effect can be attributed to the loss of external discipline when an expanded ESOP leads to an increase in proportional ownership. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A00HA012 00006  相似文献   

赵艳飞 《价值工程》2006,25(4):106-107
职工持股制度(ESOP),在全球蓬勃发展。我国该制度是在20世纪80年代中期伴随国有企业改造而诞生的,它从一开始就在国有企业改革中表现了巨大的活力。  相似文献   

This article examines employee participation in recently-formed employee share ownership plan organisations (ESOPS) in the UK. the various legal/institutional forms of ESOP are outlined prior to considering the nature and determinants of participative institutions and processes. It is suggested that there are three ‘constellations’ of ESOP in terms of employee participation:‘technical ESOPS’, ‘paternalist ESOPs’ and ‘representative ESOPs’. There are relatively few innovations in participation in the first of these, while in paternalist ESOPs, innovations centre on individualistic forms of participation and communication at the level of the workplace. In representative ESOPs employees gain more of a say in strategic decisions through such innovations as employee representation on company boards. It is argued that these differences in the nature of participation are due neither to differences in legal structure nor to variations in the extent of employee share ownership. Instead, participative systems are viewed as the outcome of the philosophies and objectives of those involved in the conversion to employee ownership.  相似文献   

职工持股计划是我国国有企业推行产权制度改革、完善公司治理结构、提高资产运营效率的有效方式和重要选择,并且已经取得了很多成功经验。但是在具体实施中表现出诸多问题。文章介绍了职工持股信托的推行将为解决我国职工持股实践中的种种问题提供理想的思路和可行的方法。  相似文献   

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