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童媛媛 《时代金融》2012,(24):16-17
评价企业财务状况与经营成果的分析指标包括偿债能力指标、营运能力指标、盈利能力指标和发展能力指标。在企业盈利能力评价机制中,盈利指标的选择与权重的设置是至关重要的,文章运用层次分析法,对各盈利指标权重进行科学的设置,以此来分析评价企业的盈利能力,具有一定的理论价值与实际应用价值。  相似文献   

童媛媛 《云南金融》2012,(8X):16-17
评价企业财务状况与经营成果的分析指标包括偿债能力指标、营运能力指标、盈利能力指标和发展能力指标。在企业盈利能力评价机制中,盈利指标的选择与权重的设置是至关重要的,文章运用层次分析法,对各盈利指标权重进行科学的设置,以此来分析评价企业的盈利能力,具有一定的理论价值与实际应用价值。  相似文献   

一家优秀的上市银行不仅要为股东创造更佳的当期业绩,更要让广大股东看到未来持续盈利的能力和盈利不断增长的前景。本文通过分析商业银行盈利能力的评价指标及影响因素,比较国内其他大型上市银行盈利能力的状况,结合农业银行的主要财务指标及盈利增长动力要素,提出农业银行提升盈利能力、增强价值创造的路径选择。  相似文献   

杨璐 《金融会计》2011,(7):73-75
一.国内动态 1.2011年5月25日,财政部发布了《金融企业绩效评价办法》,建立了盈利能力指标、经营增长指标、资产质量指标和偿付能力指标4大类21个单项组成的财务评价指标体系,评价结果将作为确定金融企业负责人薪酬的重要依据,并将以适当形式公布。  相似文献   

信用评级主要是对企业的偿债能力及其可信度进行综合评价,目前国内商业银行对企业偿债能力进行评价时过多依赖于财务指标的定量分析。偿债能力评价框架企业的资金运作受到多方面因素影响,单纯通过盈利指标或数据无法全面、准确衡量其偿债能力。因此,对企业信用  相似文献   

盈利能力是指企业赚取利润的能力,是企业进行财务分析的一个重要方面,对企业的生存和发展有重大影响。企业在进行盈利能力评价时应正确运用评价指标,分析相关因素的影响,找到提升盈利能力的方式。本文指出了盈利能力评价指标的适用情形,分析了企业盈利能力的影响因素,阐述了评价企业盈利能力需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

盈利能力是指企业赚取利润的能力.是企业进行财务分析的一个重要方面,对企业的生存和发展有重大影响。企业在进行盈利能力评价时应正确运用评价指标,分析相关因素的影响,找到提升盈利能力的方式。本文指出了盈利能力评价指标的适用情形.分析了企业盈利能力的影响因素,阐述了评价企业盈利能力需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

从财务角度看,增长是一把双刃剑,在增加股东财富和企业价值的同时也消耗着企业有限的资源,而增长与价值创造之间的桥梁就是可持续增长。研究发现,很少有公司能够逐年持续增长,缺乏持续性的增长成为现代市场中普遍的企业现象。可持续增长的深层次含义是价值的持续创造,理论界与实务界都对此高度关注,“维持公司可持续增长”作为一种发展目标被普遍接受,正确处理销售增长与盈利增长、实际增长与可持续增长的关系是公司增长战略管理的核心。随着研究的深入,理论界开始运用数学模型进行量分析,并产生了一系列“可持续增长模型”。  相似文献   

试论财务报告分析中财务指标的局限性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎修志 《海南金融》2005,(10):72-74
我国财务报表分析体系主要由企业盈利能力指标、企业偿债能力指标及企业营运能力指标构成。这些指标虽然在一定程度上能满足偿债能力、盈利能力和整体评价分析的要求,但仍存在着一定的局限性。本文从企业盈利能力分析、资产运营效率分析和偿债能力分析三个方面,分析常见的盈利能力分析指标、营运能力分析指标和偿债能力分析指标的局限性和认识误区,并提出一些改进意见。  相似文献   

胡连云 《会计师》2011,(6):18-19
<正>评价企业的盈利能力,实质是评价企业管理层对企业管理的努力程度。但现行会计准则即新《企业会计准则》将非正常性的资产减值损失、公允价值变动损益和投资收益包装成了营业利润,模糊了盈利与管理层努力程度的关联,歪曲了利润结构,夸大了企业创造经营收入和经营性现金流量的能力,影响了对企业盈利能力和可持续发展能力的判断。因此,有必要对现行会计准则下盈利能力评价指标进行适当的改进。  相似文献   

Business models are economic models that describe the rationale of why organizations create and deliver value. These models focus on what organizations offer and why. Business process models capture business activities and the ways in which they are accomplished (i.e. their coordination). They explain who is involved in the activities, and how and when these activities should be performed. This paper discusses the alignment between business models and business process models. It proposes a novel systematic method for extracting a value chain (i.e. business model) expressed in the Resources, Events, Agents (REA) ontology from a business process model expressed in Business Process Model and Notation?. Our contribution is twofold: (1) from a theoretical standpoint we identified a set of structural and behavioural patterns that enable us to infer the corresponding REA value chain; (2) from a pragmatic perspective, our approach can be used to derive useful knowledge about the business process and serve as a starting point for business analysis.  相似文献   

In Australia, the task of developing a failure classification model for any one industrial sector is made difficult because of the small number of business failures from any one sector. This study develops a five variable business failure classification model for Australia which is sufficiently general to be applied across several industrial sectors. Instead of relying on traditional ratios, it uses an industry-relative approach in the classification model.  相似文献   

In the event of natural disasters, industrial production sites can be affected by both direct physical damage and indirect damage. The indirect damage, which often exceeds the direct ones in value, mainly arises from business interruptions resulting from the impairment of information and material flows as well as from domino effects in interlaced supply chains. The importance of industry for society and the domino effects often result in severe economic, social, and environmental consequences of industrial disasters making industrial risk management an important task for risk managers at the administrative level (e.g. civil protection authorities). Since the possible industrial disaster damage depends not only on hazard and exposure but also on the vulnerability of a system, an effective and efficient industrial risk management requires information about the system’s regionalized vulnerability. This paper presents a new methodology for structural industrial vulnerability assessment based on production factors that enables to assess the regional industrial disaster vulnerability. In order to capture industry-specific vulnerability factors and to account for the processes underlying regional industrial vulnerability, a two-stage approach is developed. This approach combines a composite indicator model to assess sector-specific vulnerability indices (Vs) with a new regionalization method. The composite indicator model is based on methodologies from the field of multicriteria decision analysis (MultiAttribute Value Theory) and the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Method is applied to correct the (Vs) for interdependencies among the indicators. Finally, the developed approach is applied to an exemplar case study and the industrial vulnerability of 44 administrative districts in the German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg is assessed.  相似文献   

The paper addresses two distinct aspects of disharmony in international accounting standards setting. The first aspect relates to the political economic context of financial accounting standards. This is illustrated by the Chinese standards setters’ decision to allow the pooling of interests method of accounting for business combinations despite the prohibition of this method by both the FASB and the IASB. This decision by the Chinese standards setters appears to have been based on political economic factors related to the need for industrial reorganization in China rather than a desire to serve the needs of global capital markets. The second aspect of disharmony relates to the role played by differential understandings of the fundamental objectives of financial reporting in an international context. The IASB's goal of producing one set of global accounting standards to serve the needs of global capital markets has led to a reduction in the number of permissible accounting methods and a move towards the fair value accounting model. In particular, the IASB concluded that the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations should be the only method allowed for business combinations. In contrast, the Chinese standards setters have recognized the existence of both mergers and acquisitions, and in response they created two different methods of accounting for business combinations. Effectively, the Chinese standards setters developed an alternative approach to accounting for business combinations which challenges the IASB's goal of achieving international accounting convergence through the fair value model.  相似文献   

Commensurate with the growth of their pay packages and public visibility, the role of the CEO in the corporate value creation process has increased significantly in recent years. This article argues that sustained wealth creation in a corporation has three distinct elements. The first and most basic is the selection of the lines of business in which to operate; this element is probably the most visible manifestation of CEO action in large corporations today. The second element is the value creation model, which answers the question: How is this particular set of businesses expected to add value over and above the sum of the values of each business or asset category standing alone? The third element is the internal governance system, which establishes the corporate structure and administrative processes of the firm and, perhaps even more important, defines the corporate values that drive the strategic and operational priorities of the different business units. The authors suggest that the essence of the work of the CEO is to develop and maintain a balanced relationship among these three elements of wealth creation and to ensure that the relationship evolves in the face of changing circumstances. CEOs are inevitably faced with dilemmas in managing this process—in particular, the need to balance continuity and change and to maintain the integrity of short‐term performance disciplines while encouraging not only investment in growth opportunities (which can hurt near term performance), but also experimentation and collaboration among business units (which are difficult to measure and reward with most performance measurement and incentive schemes). Adding to the difficulties of managing such dilemmas, visibility and a strong public image are often thrust upon (if not sought by) CEOs, who must then determine how they can use that image to strengthen the commitment of their employees and investors.  相似文献   

基于价值链理论的商业银行业务流程优化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商业银行业务活动和流程是否协调,是决定其客户价值的重要基础.本文以价值链理论为指导,对我国商业银行的业务活动与业务流程进行归类分析,阐述业务活动与流程之间互相联系、共同影响客户价值的关系,建立了商业银行业务流程的优化模型.业务活动的优化关键是解决商业银行的活动瓶颈、不断对商业银行的弱势增值活动进行优化;业务流程的优化可以通过外包非核心业务、集中资源发展商业银行核心业务来解决.商业银行在业务流程优化过程中要注意以客户价值的提高为核心、差别化设计服务流程、集中资源发展核心业务等战略环节.  相似文献   

Most companies rely heavily on earnings to measure their financial performance, but earnings growth has at least two important weaknesses as a proxy for investor wealth. Current earnings growth may come at the expense of future earnings through, say, shortsighted cutbacks in corporate investment, including R&D or advertising. But growth in earnings per share can also be achieved by “overinvesting”—that is, committing ever more capital to projects with expected rates of return that, although well below the cost of capital, exceed the after‐tax cost of debt. Stock compensation has been the conventional solution to the first problem because it's a discounted cash flow value that is assumed to discourage actions that sacrifice future earnings. Economic profit—in its most popular manifestation, EVA—has been the conventional solution to the second problem because it includes a capital charge that penalizes low‐return investment. But neither of these conventional solutions appears to work very well in practice. Stock compensation isn't tied to business unit performance, and often fails to motivate corporate managers who believe that meeting consensus earnings is more important than investing to maintain future earnings. EVA often doesn't work well because increases in current EVA often come with reduced expectations of future EVA improvement—and reductions in current EVA are often accompanied by increases in future growth values. Since EVA bonus plans reward current EVA increases without taking account of changes in expected future growth values, they have the potential to encourage margin improvement that comes at the expense of business growth and discourage positive‐NPV investments that, because of longer‐run payoffs, reduce current EVA. In this article, the author demonstrates the possibility of overcoming such short‐termism by developing an operating model of changes in future growth value that can be used to calibrate “dynamic” EVA improvement targets that more closely align EVA bonus plan payouts with investors’ excess returns. With the use of “dynamic” targets, margin improvements that come at the expense of business growth can be discouraged by raising EVA performance targets, while growth investments can be encouraged by the use of lower EVA targets.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a regression model which is fitted in the cost of equity of stock market companies. In this way we can estimate the cost of equity for companies which are not listed on the stock market based on the weights of line of business and market. Thus the cost of equity used for a value based management of strategic business units can be derived on the basis of these economic parameters. The theoretical model is introduced in a general setting for companies of any industry sectors. Then the model is applied to the insurance sector based on the lines of business Life and Non-life as well as on markets for Germany, Europe and the United States of America.  相似文献   

Observed macroeconomic forecasts display a positive correlation between expectations of long-run growth of endogenous variables (e.g., output) and cyclical activity. Existing business cycle models appear inconsistent with the evidence. This paper presents a model of the business cycle in which households have imperfect knowledge of long-run growth rate of endogenous variables and continually learn about these growth rates. The model features comovement and mutual influence between households׳ growth expectations and market outcomes. It can replicate the evidence on growth forecasts and suggests that optimism and pessimism about long-run growth rates is a crucial ingredient in understanding business cycle fluctuations.  相似文献   

Prior research on the aging phenomenon has demonstrated that new business for property‐liability (P‐L) insurers generates high loss ratios that gradually decline as a book of business goes through successive renewal cycles. Although the experience on new business is initially unprofitable, the renewal book of business eventually becomes profitable over time. Within this context, insurers need to manage their exposure growth in order to maximize long run profitability. Dynamic financial analysis (DFA), a relatively new tool for P‐L insurers, utilizes Monte Carlo simulation to generate the overall financial results for an insurer under a large number of scenarios. This article uses a publicly available DFA model—along with the estimated market value of an insurer, based on 1990–2001 data for stock P‐L insurers and underlying financial variables—to determine optimal growth rates of a P‐L insurer based on mean–variance analysis, stochastic dominance, and constraints on leverage.  相似文献   

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