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近年来,我国大量内资企业纷纷选择在离岸金融中心注册离岸公司,然后再以外商的身份回国投资。本文分析了离岸公司的驱动机制及其产生的效应,并针对内资“外资化”的现象提出了应对策略。[编者按]  相似文献   

方圆 《国际市场》2007,(11):51-51
方仲裁员: 您好,我公司是一家拥有进出口权的民营企业,与外商保持着长期的合作关系。但是,近日我,公司与外商之间就其中一批货物的交付产生了分歧,无法通过协商解决,请问有什么方法既能在仲裁中解决该纠纷,又不影响我们双方已经建立起来的长期友好关系?  相似文献   

近年来,离岸公司在全球发展迅猛,在对外贸易中已经成为了一种新兴的贸易形式。本文以浙江金华发生的两起欧盟通报说起,深入分析其产生的原因,进而提出对外贸易中与离岸公司交易存在的风险、进出口商品质量监管无法律依据、离岸公司以"第三方"中间人的身份扰乱正常贸易秩序等问题,最后结合对外贸易实际,针对性地提出质量监管建议,并希望离岸公司这一新兴的贸易形式能得到有效监管,获得良性发展。  相似文献   

"离岸"的含义是指投资人的公司注册在离岸管辖区,但投资人不用亲临当地,其业务运作可在世界各地的任何地方直接开展。理论上主要离岸金融中心可分为三类:1、以伦敦为代表的伦敦型离岸金融中心。其特点:经营的货币是境外货币,市场的参与者可以经营离岸金融业务,又可以经营自由市场业务。在管理上没有什么限制,经营离岸业务不必向金融当局申请批准。  相似文献   

在金融发展的历史上,我们已经经历了亚洲金融危机。2008全球金融危机,欧债危机等,这些危机的危害性都是毁灭性的,都给全球经济造成了重创。汇率的波动可能是由于这些原因产生,当然还受其他的一些因素,如国家政策的影响等。所以,对于公司来说,不可避免地就要面临这些危机所带来的风险。一般地,大小公司会面临三种不同类型的汇率风险,经济风险,交易风险和折算风险。不管是小公司还是大公司,都需要运用对冲的手段来管理这些风险对公司可能造成的伤害,只有这样才可以保证公司盈利,并且有相对稳定的现金流。本文将会对大小公司如何运用对冲工具管理汇率风险进行分析。  相似文献   

近年来国内企业兴起了一股离岸化发展的热潮,大批的企业特别是民营企业纷纷走出国门,在国际离岸金融中心设立离岸公司,并且利用海外注册的离岸公司对国内进行投资,在充分利用离岸金融中心的相关便利的同时也能享受国内的相关吸引外资的优惠政策。这种“走出去”模式虽然会使中国企业较快的融入世界经济,可是由于国内外相关政策法规的完善和国内外经济形势的变动,很有可能使这些企业陷入一种“离岸化陷阱”。  相似文献   

许多酒店行业的人士或多或少了解或接触过俱乐部营销,倘若你问他们:“什么是Hotel Club?”他们之中的相当一部分人的答案会是:“俱乐部,不就是打电话卖卡吗?”若问:“酒店自己运作俱乐部和俱乐部运营公司来运营有什么区别?”也许答案是这样的:“酒店自己运作,卖卡的钱都归自己了;和其他公司合作,我们就要分钱给他们,所以核心的问题是,他们要拿多少,我们能分多少。”  相似文献   

河南安阳太行食品城孙永刚经理来电.现在嚣令他发愁的问题就是业务员的管理,他白手起家创立这个公司七年多了,现在公司的发展仿佛进入了一个瓶颈期、市场总是不温不火,当年拼劲十足闯天下的业务人员也都“一身疲惫”,许多老业务员凭借自己的经验与资历,总是不专心工作,但按现有的公司管理制度还对其无法进行惩罚,况且他们又为公司发展立下了汗马功劳,都有着固有的网络资源,还是公司离不了的重要人物,但让人忧心的是,这些人员的作风对公司整体氛围造成了一定的影响。  相似文献   

在市场经济的今天,企业的生存和发展面临着严峻的挑战,每天有许多公司成立,也有许多公司破产,为了实现企业的良性发展,我们应该居安思危、防患于未然。事实上许多公司内部风险控制的体制都存在一定问题,问题的存在就像定时炸弹,我们无法预料其在何时爆炸,给企业致命的一击。所以,不断完善公司内部控制风险的管理机制,是公司降低风险实现可持续发展的重要方法。在此,我将分析中国公司内部控制风险的管理机制中的问题,讨论了相应的解决方法,以期为企业风险管理提出一些建议。  相似文献   

海外离岸公司的实践应用与法律监管趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
离岸公司是指在原住所地以外注册成立的公司.由于离岸公司注册国家或地区不对该类公司征收税款或者税率很低,因此这些海外注册地也经常被称为"税务天堂".  相似文献   

Setting up affiliated companies in tax havens is a legitimate, but ethically dubious, business practice. This study examines the conditions under which emerging business groups tend to use such a business practice. Business groups in emerging economies have been operating in weak institutional environments with substantial government intervention and ineffective market-supporting institutions. Having offshore companies in tax havens enables the groups to bypass some market transaction costs and institutional constraints, and it also provides them the opportunity to evade taxes and hide illegal conduct, such as bribery. Empirical evidence based on a sample of Taiwanese business groups showed that business groups with a higher level of prosocial orientation established fewer offshore companies in tax havens, as manifested by their commitment of resources to establishing nonprofit organizations. In contrast, groups that have higher levels of product and international diversification tend to use this ethically dubious business practice. However, highly internationalized groups are less likely to do so when they have committed substantial resources to prosocial activities.  相似文献   

Successful firms create substantial value by doing things in ways that differentiate them from the competition. Business models reflect choices and their operating implications. They facilitate the analysis, testing, and validation of the cause-and-effect relationships that flow from the strategic choices. Due to business models are one of the main forces driving strategic renewal efforts of businesses around the world, we focus on service industry companies and their unique characteristics, with regard to new business and competition models that service companies use for strategic management and on how such models mesh with the traditional processes of competitive and corporative strategies.  相似文献   

Many executives mix business with politics, but to what end? Over the past 30 years, researchers have examined whether this practice leads to increased business performance, and have found conflicting results. Via meta-analysis, we reexamined these results and condensed them into one meaningful package. The good news is that businesses which mix business and politics generally receive handsome returns. The bad news is that engaging in political activity has risks and can hurt performance. The ugly news is that risks can be mitigated; however, the methods for doing so are likely to offend some firm stakeholders. Overall, we conclude that mixing business with politics is beneficial, although executives must pursue the practice with a hint of caution.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):251-252
Multinational companies and their subsidiaries have been important actors in the world economy. However, we know relatively little about the evolution of subsidiaries and their adaption to host country conditions. This article is a case study of a Norwegian subsidiary of the Canadian mining multinational Falconbridge Nickel Mines Ltd. It examines what autonomy the subsidiary had, how the autonomy was used, its development of knowledge and how it adapted to Norwegian ways of doing business. The article shows that subsidiaries may contribute significantly to the development of their mother companies. It highlights four factors that influenced the degree of autonomy and the evolution of subsidiaries in the inter-war era; namely host country politics, the line of business, the configuration of knowledge within the given multinational company and in case of acquisitions; the prehistory of the subsidiary.  相似文献   

一个公司的偿债能力反映了这个公司经营风险的大小,而经营风险又是投资者必须要考虑的因素,因此分析一个公司的偿债能力就显得十分必要了。本文主要选取了创业板市场的20家机械制造业企业,利用因子分析来计算企业的综合得分,进而评价企业的偿债能力。最后利用回归分析法分析偿债能力与企业资产流动性风险之间的关系,帮助投资者找出两者之间的一个最佳比例。  相似文献   

A China strategy is becoming more important for a growing number of mid-sized companies as they observe China's increasingly greater impact on the U.S. economy. Our study surveyed Indiana and Guangdong firms to assess their interest in future international engagement in the other's country. Our results confirm current engagement by mid-sized firms from both countries in some activities with the other country, but there is a strong interest in doing more. Hence, there are opportunities for many Indiana organizations to play a role in assisting Indiana firms in developing international expertise, business development, and knowledge of China. In the study, 97 firms from the Guangdong Province and 105 Indiana firms identified their current international activities as well their future intentions relative to business development in the other's country.  相似文献   

This paper presents BP's approach to ethical corporate governance. The author suggests that corporate social responsibility is in the interests of both business and the people at large. In this context co-operation between business, NGOs and activity is the best way to proceed, with each party focusing on their own field of engagement; doing business in a way that respects human rights for the companies, and campaigning and advocacy for the NGOs. Increasing transparency and risks to reputation require business to take social responsibility seriously. It is also crucial, however, to examine the boundaries of business responsibility. The challenge is to address these issues and to co-operate with other parties such as NGOs to provide clear guidelines within specific time frames. This requires bold leadership on all sides.  相似文献   

Piracy in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a global marketplace, doing business in China is inevitable. Companies that conduct business in China, especially manufacturing and distribution, are particularly sensitive to piracy. It is common knowledge that piracy can be found everywhere in China, and in virtually every industry. This article analyzes Intellectual Property Rights and the business structure in China. Herein, the legal system is evaluated and common problems facing companies operating in China are discussed. We conclude with suggestions for companies currently operating in China, as well as those which plan to enter China in the near future. The opportunities of doing business in China outweigh the threat and fear of piracy.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(2):233-243
Many retail and restaurant companies adopt international expansion as a strategy to take advantage of business opportunities presented by target markets. Common objectives include increasing revenue, escaping a hypercompetitive or saturated home market, entering an emerging or lucrative market, and leveraging domestic capabilities in a bordering country. Success in international expansion is not guaranteed, however; the business world is littered with failures. In this article, we examine the international expansion failures of five service companies that opened physical facilities in a foreign country: Target, Tim Hortons, Best Buy, Tesco, and Walmart. While a variety of factors led to these failures, some common causes have been identified. These include a lack of understanding of the purchasing characteristics of consumers, underestimation of the local competition, supply chain issues, and poor strategic decisions regarding facility location and the rate of expansion. Not all international expansions are failures, though, and herein we also present the success stories of Aldo, Carrefour, and Nordstrom. These companies understood customer preferences and focused on location issues and their supply chains. Based on the aforementioned failures and successes, we offer guidance for companies looking to expand their business operations via a physical presence in a foreign country.  相似文献   

"Doing Well By Doing Good"——做好事才能做好生意,越来越多的企业开始引用和信奉这句话。我们在此次的企业公民案例中报道的社会责任投资公司——青云创投按照中国人的语言习惯,将其翻译为"利成于益",并作为自己的企业理念。跟一般的慈善行为不同,企业公民行为追求社会利益与企业自身利益的和谐,社会、环境和企业的三重盈余。而越来越多的企业也开始运用自己做好生意的能力来做好事,比如在此次我们报道的其他企业公民案例中,合众人寿利用自己庞大的业务员队伍来实现对真正需要财务资助学生的"人肉搜索",惠氏利用专业组织来提升公益活动的效率和独立性,百事公司利用自己擅长的水处理能力帮助水资源匮乏的西北地区,这些企业在为社会、为环境创造价值的同时,自身也在实践着一种超越支票本式慈善的履责主义。  相似文献   

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