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为解决兵团大量小规模农产品加工企业低水平重复建设问题,文章运用区位商分析得出兵团农产品加工业内部具有显著优势的是食品制造业和饮料制造业,具有相对优势的是农副食品加工业和纺织业,造纸及纸制品业、医药制造业和家具制造业三个行业则处于劣势地位,并结合兵团农产品加工业发展现状对实证结果进行了进一步的验证。  相似文献   

河北省位于中国中东部环京津,河北省在中国农副食品加工行业有着很重要的地位。2015年河北农副食品加工行业规模以上企业累计完成主要业务收入2202.12亿元,同比增长10.6,累计完成利润97.80亿元,行业整体利润率4.44%,亏损额大幅下降,出口10.76亿美元,进口3.16亿美元。进出口略有增长。从全年情况看,行业整体利润率偏低,行业还是以粗加工为主,高附加值、高科技的产品不多。行业进出口业受到不同贸易壁垒的影响。展望未来,随着中央一号文件,"互联网+"等农业政策的实施,农副食品加工行业发展前景乐观。  相似文献   

本文通过建立能源环境约束下新疆工业结构调整的多目标规划模型,以新疆国民经济与社会发展“十二五”规划为目标,根据规划要求确定模型中参数,得出实现新疆国民经济与社会发展“十二五”规划的工业结构调整方案:重点发展的行业为石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业,电力、热力的生产和供应业,化学原料及化学制品制造业;鼓励发展的行业为非金属矿物制品业、有色金属矿采选业、纺织业、饮料制造业;控制发展的行业为黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业、农副食品加工业、食品制造业、造纸及纸制品业;限制发展的行业为黑色金属矿采选业、化学纤维制造业、有色金属冶炼及压延加工业.  相似文献   

食品加工业:增长的永恒主题 食品消费的经济效益比房子、汽车大 目前,中国城镇居民的消费结构在“八五”期间完成了由小康型向富裕型的转变过程,农村居民基本实现了温饱型的消费,并向小康型迈进。在城乡居民生活的渐进变化过程中,人均收入提高、物价下调,居民食品消费的比例在恩格尔系数上呈下降  相似文献   

本文通过建立上海城市居民消费行为的AIDS模型,从动态角度研究了上海城市居民消费行为演化的动态特征。主要研究结论:第一,上海居民对食品消费缺乏弹性,随着生活水平的提高,食品价格对上海城市居民食品消费行为的影响程度趋于减小;第二,居民衣着消费的价格弹性非常规的为正值,而且随时间推移而不断增加,体现出上海居民爱赶时髦、标新立异、追求高品质的生活方式;第三,耐用消费品虽然仍然是奢侈品,但“奢侈度”随时间推移而呈下降态势。“高、精、贵”应该是上海居民未来耐用消费品的消费方向;第四,上海居民非常注重医疗保健消费,消费占总支出比重随时间增加,而对价格的敏感程度却不断下降;第五,上海居民将文教娱乐作为一种基本的生活消费,对其消费缺乏价格弹性;第六,上海居民对住房的消费经历了从非理性到理性的动态发展历程。  相似文献   

随着民众对食品安全问题关注,农副食品加工业的社会责任信息披露尤为重要。选择两个农副食品加工业上市公司为案例研究对象,对其企业社会责任报告中披露的信息进行分析,从利益相关者的角度探究其履行社会责任以及披露状况,并针对两个公司的社会责任披露情况和财务情况对比分析总结,最后给出行业社会责任披露的政策建议。  相似文献   

据悉,2009年1~10月份,全国22个地区工业实现利润17865亿元,同比下降3.4%,降幅比1~9月份缩小5.7个百分点。在39个工业大类行业中,有34个行业利润比1—9月份增幅回升或降幅缩小。其中,橡胶制品业利润同比增长610%,化纤行业增长143.8%,交通运输设备制造业增长337%,食品制造业增长28.4%,非金属矿物制品业和塑料制品业均增长24.2%,农副食品加工业增长19.8%,  相似文献   

日前,央行发布了今年第一季度储户问卷调查。调查结果显示,51.9%的居民认为目前房价"高,难以接受",较上季度下降6.9个百分点,44%的居民认为目前房价"可以接受",4.1%的居民认为"令人满意"。对下季度房价,15.6%的居民预期"上涨",52.9%的居民预期"基本不变",17.8%的居民预期"下降",13.7%的居民预期"看不准"。未来3个月内准备出手购买住房的居民占比为13.8%,较上季度下降0.7个百分点。倾向于"更多储蓄"的居民占45.6%,较上季度提高0.7个百分点;倾向于"更多消费"的居民占18.5%,  相似文献   

财经要闻鼓励消费将成为2008年中国经济发展重要"着力点"中央经济工作会议提出,要控制固定资产投资规模和扩大消费需求,加快转变经济发展方式和结构调整。业内人士分析认为,鼓励消费将是明年经济发展的重要"着力点"之一。  相似文献   

吴跃平 《魅力中国》2014,(24):66-68
净资产收益率、主营业务利润率、总资产利润率、资产负债率、主营业务收入增长率、净利润增长率、总资产周转率等因素对中小板上市公司的盈利能力都有不同程度的影响。通过建立多因素灰关联模型,分析影响因素与河南省中小板上市公司盈利能力的相关程度。研究发现河南省中小板上市公司的盈利能力与主营业务利润率和净资产收益率等指标有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

How to stimulate corporate performance is a crucial issue of general concern in all countries. This paper examines how China’s Income Tax Revenue Sharing Reform in 2002 affects corporate financial performance. Unlike general tax policies that directly adjust the nominal tax rate or depreciation allowance, this reform indirectly affects the effective Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) rate by switching tax administration, thereby affecting corporate financial performance. We use a firm-level data-set from Annual Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF), and test the impact by using a quasi-natural experimental design through regression discontinuity design (RDD). We find that after the reform, the effective EIT rate (ETR) of enterprises collected EIT by State Administration of Taxation (SAT) was 10% lower than that of enterprises collected EIT by the Local Administration of Taxation (LAT). If the ETR reduces by 1%, corporate financial performance, more specific, Return on Asset (ROA), increases by 1.7%. There are two available channels: increasing fixed asset investment (FAI), and alleviating external financial constraints. Additionally, the impact can be weakened for locally SOEs, large firms, firms with low SA index and those in less competitive industries.  相似文献   

本文使用CHNS2000、2004年的个体膳食调查数据,估计60年代和70年代生人的四大类食物(谷类、蔬菜类、畜肉类和蛋类)的消费函数。对回归结果进行分析发现,食品消费对于价格因素并不敏感,收入是影响消费决策的重要变量;并且代际差异确实存在。就收入弹性而言,两者在畜肉类食物上的差异最大。同时,对于收入引致的畜肉类食物消费增量与身体质量指数(BMI)增量之间关系的研究认为,两者存在显著正相关关系,这有助于解释70年代生人超重和肥胖人口比例迅速上升的现象。  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of having a child in poor health on the mother's receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and public support in the form of food (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children [WIC] or food stamps), health insurance (Medicaid), and housing. We find that mothers with unhealthy children are between 2 and 8 percentage points (8-33%) more likely to rely on TANF than those with healthy children. There are stronger effects for mothers with older children than for those having first births. Mothers of children in poor health are also more likely than those with healthy children to receive SSI, Medicaid, and housing assistance but not WIC or food stamps. Given the restrictive new welfare environment, mothers who rely on TANF to cope with the burden of caring for unhealthy infants may soon encounter difficulties making ends meet and have insufficient resources to invest in their children's health.  相似文献   

基于大食品安全的全产业链治理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从大食品安全的视角,首先分析了在原始生产、农庄生产和大规模生产三种不同生产方式基础上链条、群落、环境的不同,指出农业产业链应建立在人类食物链、生物链之上;进而指出食品安全应以生态安全为基础,全产业链通过打通行业壁垒和实施全过程控制,实现从田间到餐桌的无污染。资源驱动型、市场主导型、技术主导型三种产业链由低到高构成产业链金字塔,其关键点分别为优质原产地、渠道品牌、技术,并分别以资源董事、市场董事、技术董事为核心,构建相应产业链治理模式。最后就大食品安全与全产业链治理提出有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

The longitudinal Three City Study (TCS) of low‐income families with children measures food hardships using fewer and some different questions from the standard U.S. instrument, the Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) in the Current Population Survey (CPS). We use a Rasch measurement model to identify thresholds of very low food security among households and among children in the TCS that are comparable to thresholds from the HFSSM. We also use the TCS to empirically investigate the determinants of food insecurity and of these specific food insecurity outcomes, estimating a multivariate behavioral Rasch model that is adapted to address longitudinal data. The estimation results indicate that participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program reduce food insecurity, while poverty and disability among caregivers increase it. Besides its longitudinal structure, the TCS measures many more characteristics about households than the CPS. Our estimates reveal that financial assistance through social networks and a household's own financial assets reduce food insecurity, while its outstanding loans increase insecurity.  相似文献   

集团企业进行管理资源有效整合的基本路径是"系统集成、要素整合、协同管理"。系统集成是静态的管理体系各子系统纵向的整体构成,要素整合是管理体系各子系统中共同要素横向的全面集合与按需组合,协同管理是管理体系的信息技术支撑和动态运行。在这个系统工程中,实施流程主导、系统集成、要素整合,加上BPM(业务流程管理系统)、SOA(面向服务的架构)、BI(商业智能)、EA(企业架构)各自充分发挥作用并深度融合,促使重庆烟草的管理迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the income transfer properties of food aid in order to shed light on the inputs necessary to ensure a contribution to equitable growth, particularly with reference to the alleviation of poverty and malnutrition. The author defines the concepts of income-transfer efficiency and nutrition efficiency and shows that food aid which is income-transfer efficient is usually also nutrition efficient. Some empirical evidence of the income-transfer efficiency of different commodities supplied to various countries is reviewed and policy implications for the selection of food aid commodities and projects are discussed. The author concludes with some working propositions designed to stimulate further debate on the selection and administration of food aid projects.  相似文献   

Plagued by widespread malnutrition, stagnant staples production, and increasing dependence on food imports, the Mexican government launched a new food program, the Sistema Alimentario Mexicano (SAM), in 1980. This program was designed to restore self-sufficiency in staples production while improving the diet of the poor by stimulating increased production in rainfed areas and subsidizing basic food consumption. In spite of its achievements, the program was soon discontinued. The major obstacles it confronted are found to be: inadequate technical information about alternative production strategies, organizational complexity, and internal bureaucratic competition; opposition from established agricultural élites; and the inadequacy of the state's financial resource base.  相似文献   

文章在古诺模型的基础上,以我国食品行业集体失德危机为背景,建立了一个企业同时进行质量和数量博弈的模型,从双寡头情形扩展到N人博弈情形,证明了企业的逐利性将导致行业集体失德。尽管政府监管水平差异将导致不同的博弈均衡结果,但道德规范仅在中度监管情形下有意义,此时针对N人博弈中要么全部生产问题食品、要么全部生产正常食品的均衡策略,道德规范可以突出生产正常食品的聚点意义。  相似文献   

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