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当前价格上行压力仍然较大。今年3-5月,CPI同比涨幅继续扩大,环比涨幅明显超过历史同期平均水平,环比趋势周期项持续为正且涨幅不断扩大。其中,近期猪肉价格大幅上涨和蔬菜价格反季节上升导致食品价格高位运行;非食品价格上涨范围扩散、涨幅持续扩大,对CPI上涨的贡献度已超过2003-2004年和2006-2008年上二轮物价上涨。展望下半年物价走势,总体看物价稳定的有利因素在逐渐增多。一是在一系列政策措施的作用下,经济运行在库存调整作用下已开始温和放缓;二是通胀的国内货币条件已基本回落到正常区间;三是在全球流动性逐渐收紧、新兴经济体增长降温的影响下,输入型通胀压力可能有所减弱;四是上游价格涨幅放缓效应将逐渐释放。尽管有利物价稳定的因素逐渐增多,但在多种因素影响下,本轮物价上涨的惯性可能较强,一是当前通胀预期虽略有缓和但仍然较强,在这一背景下各种意外冲击对物价走势的干扰作用可能被放大;二是本轮物价上涨伴随明显的成本上升,成本上升具有一定的不可逆性;三是尽管增量货币供给已回落到正常区间,但前两年为应对危机大量投放的流动性存量仍可能成为推动物价上涨的力量;四是如果发达经济体复苏继续放缓,不排除美国货币政策进一步放松导致国际大宗商品价格再度上涨的可能。综合以上对有利和不利因素两方面的分析,下半年物价走势在波动中缓慢回落的可能性较大。  相似文献   

<正>第一部分价格形势受猪肉和鲜菜价格同比涨幅显著回落影响,食品价格高位回落,同时非食品价格相对平稳,导致CPI同比涨幅小幅回落。CPI环比涨幅年内首次回落到历史平均水平以下,季节调整的CPI环比涨幅收窄,趋势周期项涨幅继续缩小但仍相对较高。国际大宗商品价格明显回落,国内生产者价格高位窄幅波动。  相似文献   

傲霜 《证券导刊》2010,(17):16-16
国家统计局将于11日公布4月份国民经济运行数据,4月物价成为各界最为关注的焦点。在食品价格、生产资料价格的一片涨声中,有机构预计,4月份CPI同比涨幅有望突破3%。  相似文献   

2012年1月,CPI在食品价格带动下出现反弹,但未来仍将保持回落势头;PPI继续延续放缓态势一、季节性因素导致物价出现反弹,但总体仍处于高位放缓通道1.1月CPI同比上涨4.5%,较上月有所反弹今年1月,居民消费价格指数(CPI)累计同比上涨4.5%,涨幅较上年同期放缓0.4个百分点,  相似文献   

进入2007年,我国粮价继续高位盘整,并带动食品价格和CPI快速上升加。近期粮食、肉禽及其制品价格的大幅上涨必然在相当程度上推高CPI涨幅,预计5月份的CPI同比涨幅将达3.5%左右。鉴于此,央行出于预调的目的很可能再次加息。  相似文献   

最近,对平凉市部分县农资市场和农户调查结果表明,尽管农资供应较充足,但在当前物价总水平高位运行背景下,受供求关系变化、成本推动和季节等诸多因素影响,目前农资价格涨幅较大,农民普遍承受较大的农业生产压力。  相似文献   

当前价格总水平仍处于下滑的运行态势,短期内继续下滑的趋势不会改变,预计2、3月份居民消费价格的同比变化将由上涨转为下降,一季度累计同比涨幅将为负增长,通货紧缩的压力进一步加大。造成这种局面主要是由于以下六个因素:首先,全球经济增长均处于下降通道,金融危机的影响仍在加剧。其次,全球市场环境恶化,信心严重不足。第三,国内商品价格下行压力较大。食品价格面临较大的下降压力。第四,生产资料价格的大幅度回落短期内对居民消费价格的运行产生向下的压力。第五,各种价格改革和价格矛盾的梳理措施对价格总水平上升的综合影响有限。第六,翘尾因素对今年价格总水平下降的影响很大。  相似文献   

12月17日,来自国家统计局兰州调查队的最新调查显示,11月份,兰州居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨3.5%,环比则下降06%,相比10月份,物价出现小幅回落,而今年前11个月,物价总体指数累计上涨36%。总体来看,食品价格涨幅较大,而居住及服务价格则环比出现较大幅度回落。  相似文献   

<正>自2012年12月至2013年2月物价明显上行,CPI同比涨幅扩大,PPI环比连续上涨,房价和股价总体上升。物价变动情况与经济温和回升的趋势基本一致,2012年下半年以来稳中趋松的货币环境也为物价回升提供了支撑。天气和节假日等季节性因素加大了物价的波动性,导致CPI涨幅扩大。国内生产经营回暖和企业回补库存动力增强拉动PPI环比连续上涨。受近期美元指数走高影响,国际大宗商品价格总体下行,对国内物价影响不大。从物价周期性变化规律看,当前CPI已由底部进人上行期。尽管受食品价格回落影响,短期内CPI涨幅会有所回调,但年内上升趋势已基本形成。值得注意的是,当前推动物价上涨的因素增多,出口反弹较快,资本流入较多,货币信贷扩张的压力较大,并且发达经济体  相似文献   

防止价格总水平过快上涨,是2008年宏观调控的重大任务。今年以来,我国月度居民消费价格指数一直在8%左右徘徊。央行8月15日发布的货币政策执行报告显示,二季度居民消费价格涨幅高位有所回落,但通货膨胀压力依然较大,物价问题仍然是当前经济运行中最突出的矛盾。因此,中央近期提出把保持经济平稳较快发展、控制物价过快上涨,作为宏观调控的首要任务。  相似文献   

2011年8月以来,CPI同比涨幅持续回落,全年CPI上涨5.4%。从2012年物价走势看,受政策滞后效应和上年同期基数效应影响,上半年物价有望延续回落趋势,而随着政策微调和宏观经济回升,下半年物价重拾升势的可能性较大。预计2012年全年CPI涨幅为3.6%左右。综合考虑我国工业化发展阶段、刘易斯拐点与资源品价格市场化改革等因素来看,中长期内物价仍存在上涨压力。  相似文献   

文章分析了房价上涨在通胀形成和传导中的作用,指出房地产等资产价格上涨通过引发通胀预期推高各类生产要素特别是劳动力成本价格,从而对整体价格水平产生成本推动型的上涨压力,其中劳动力等生产要素价格上涨通过加大食品价格波幅和提高其价格中枢水平对通胀水平产生显著影响,因此,抑制物价须管好房价,并充分发挥货币政策的作用。  相似文献   

美元贬值和石油价格变动相关性的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入新世纪以来,由于各种因素导致美元不断贬值,与此形成鲜明对比的是,石油价格一路飙升。那么,美元汇率和石油价格之间是否存在着某种因果关系呢?由于期货市场具有价格发现功能。本文以最具代表性的美国纽约商品交易所的原油期货价格为研究对象,分析美元贬值和石油价格之间的关系。本文首先定性分析美元贬值导致石油价格上涨的传导机制,然后利用模型对相关数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明,石油期货价格的上涨,除了有美元指数的影响之外,更重要的原因是前期石油期货价格上涨对本期石油期货价格上涨有正向的推动作用。  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent antitrust cases in which Japanese auto parts suppliers colluded to raise supply prices against their long‐term collaborators, the Japanese carmakers, we study the conditions under which an upstream collusion is profitable even after compensating downstream direct purchasers. Oligopoly competition in successive industries is shown to give rise to a vertical externality and a horizontal externality. If a collusive price of intermediate goods better balances the two externalities, the collusion will raise the joint profit of all firms in the two industries and is therefore profitable for the upstream after compensation of downstream firms.  相似文献   

This study documents a significant relation between changes in commodity prices and investors' price sensitivity in the market for mutual funds. Specifically, price sensitivity⸺defined as the negative relation between fund-level flows and a fund's cost of ownership⸺is more pronounced in periods when energy commodity prices increase sharply. Aggregate flows into actively managed funds relative to the cheaper passively managed funds decrease (increase) when energy prices rise (fall). The results furnish novel evidence supporting an integrated view of the representative “consumer-investor,” whose price sensitivity in choosing financial products is related to price shocks in household consumption goods.  相似文献   

This article examines the extent to which the trading behavior of heterogeneous investors manifests in stock price changes of asset portfolios which constitute the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There are three major findings that materialize. Firstly, reliable statistical evidence of a negative relation between the conditional first and second moments of the return distributions of stock prices lends support to the volatility feedback effect. Secondly, ‘feedback’, or momentum-type investors, are not present in this market as is often detected from the daily price changes of other industrialized markets. Finally, trade volume as a proxy for ‘information-driven’ trading suggests that such investors play a statistically significant role in stock price movements. Parameter estimates from this latter group of investors imply that a rise in stock prices from a high volume trading day is more likely than a rise resulting from a low volume trading day.  相似文献   

We present a methodology to study a data set of 119 260 daily closed-end fund prices using mixed-effects regressions with the objective of understanding price dynamics. There is strong statistical support that relative price change depends significantly on (i) the recent trend in a nonlinear manner, (ii) recent changes in valuation, (iii) recent changes in money supply (M2), (iv) longer-term trend, (v) recent volume changes and (vi) proximity to a recent high price. The dependence on the volatility is more subtle, as short-term volatility has a positive influence, while the longer term is negative. The cubic nonlinearity in the weighted price trend shows that a percentage daily gain of up to 2.78% tends to yield higher prices, but larger gains lead to lower prices. Thus, the nonlinearity of price trend establishes an empirical and quantitative basis for both underreaction and overreaction within one large data set, facilitating an understanding of these competing motivations in markets. Increasing money supply is found to have a significant positive effect on stock price, while proximity to recent high prices has a negative effect. The data set consists of daily prices during the period 26 October 1998 to 30 January 2008.  相似文献   

Global liquidity expansion has been very dynamic since 2001. Contrary to conventional wisdom, high money growth rates have not coincided with a concurrent rise in goods prices. At the same time, however, asset prices have increased sharply, significantly outpacing the subdued development in consumer prices. We investigate the interactions between money and goods and asset prices at the global level. Using aggregated data for major OECD countries, our VAR results support the view that different price elasticities on asset and goods markets explain the observed relative price change between asset classes and consumer goods.  相似文献   

How does an upstream firm determine the size of its distribution network, and what is the role of vertical restraints? To address these questions, we develop two empirical entry models. In the benchmark coordinated entry model, the upstream firm sets market‐specific wholesale prices and implements the first best. In the more realistic restricted/free entry model, the upstream firm only sets a uniform wholesale price. As a second‐best solution, it restricts entry in markets where business stealing (encroachment) is high, and allows free entry elsewhere. We apply the model to magazine distribution, and assess the profitability of alternative vertical restraints. Banning restricted licensing reduces profits only slightly, so the business rationale for restricted licensing should not be sought in the prevention of encroachment. Furthermore, market‐specific wholesale prices implement the first best, but the profit increase would be small, providing a rationale for the commonly observed uniform wholesale prices. Finally, uniform franchise fees are much less effective than a uniform wholesale price to cope with local market differences.  相似文献   

How does the frequency and magnitude of micro-price rises and falls relate to macroeconomic crisis, as well as moderation? Weekly micropricing behaviour in British groceries was investigated across three leading retailers over the moderation period 2004–7 and the crisis period 2008–10. We find significant price flexibility sharply distinguished from behaviour observed in most previous works. Downward price flexibility increased markedly in 2008. Overall basket prices rise, but significantly more individual prices fall than rise in the latter period. Tests of obfuscation in price setting suggested that large numbers of small price falls were used to disguise the basket price rises.  相似文献   

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