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Market relative maturity is an important index in setting up marketing objectives. Firstly, single price model is introduced, including methods of modeling and resolving. Then the input and output system and the measuring method of market relative maturity are proposed, and a case of a moderate-sized pharmaceutical company is analyzed. Finally, its applications in market practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The decomposition of demand into domestic, export, and import components in a cross-industry study of 18 two-digit manufacturing industries suggests that export growth has less of an impact on interindustry wage differentials than the equivalent growth in domestic demand. The difference seems to be greatest in the case of full-time workers in large firms. This result for Japan is different from those of similar studies for the United States and is consistent with a model of industry rent-sharing with domestic–international price differentials in the product market.J. Japan. Int. Econ., March 1999,13(1), pp. 22–43. Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, Oxford University, 27 Winchester Rd., Oxford OX2 6NA, EnglandCopyright 1999 Academic Press.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: F14, J31.  相似文献   

The development, sale and management of online game have become a whole industry chain. It is hard to imagine its economic benefits. The article analyses the forming of supply-demand relationship in online game market, profits source, the way of market exchange, business order and primary problems that online game market faces. To make the market and the industry of online game develop in a sustaining and healthy way, our society should create a favorable environment, and the authorities in economics, management and law fields ought to attach importance to the research on relevant problems,  相似文献   

The current social and economic background of China and the development of Chinese financial market decide that, the system innovation of bill market must choose reasonable path, perfect the system arrangement of bill market, innovate the financing instruments of bills, control the market risk, raise the efficiency of market operation, bring the market function of bills into full play, make the bill market really become the effective instrument for the financial institutions and enterprises to finance, and become the carrier for the monetary policy to conduct and promote the standardized and healthy development.  相似文献   

President G.W. Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has been rated as one of the successful US aid interventions of recent decades. We investigate the impact of PEPFAR on economic development, democracy, and human rights by comparing focus countries that received PEPFAR with other countries that did not receive PEPFAR from 2003 to 2008. Moreover, we examine specific changes made within focus countries after the implementation of PEPFAR using Difference-in-Difference estimation. Our results show that PEPFAR did improve economic conditions in focus countries but had a limited impact on political conditions, that is, on democracy and human rights.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to develop a theoretical strand of research in monetary economics by modelling central bank ability in the loss function. Recently, many working papers issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) prove that some central banks, particularly from developing countries, are suffering from serious operational problems that might affect their abilities to control the economy. Simultaneously, a literature review shows that the movements are toward using asymmetric loss function. Therefore, we utilize this function in the standard monetary approach. The results proved that both central bank ability and preference in developing countries are fundamental to explain inflation bias and the movement of monetary policy instrument.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionForeign direct investment (FDI) has been one of the defining features of the world economyover the last two decades. It has grown at an unprecedented pace for more than ten years,with only a slight interruption during the recession of the early 1990s. Almost all economiesnow are competing to attract multinational corporations (MNCs). Inward FDI flows havebeen far exceeding private debt flows until recently in some emerging market economies. Interms of geographic distributio…  相似文献   

I. Introduction In late June 2004, the EUmade a decision on its Preliminary Assessment of the People’s Republic of China’s Request for Graduation to Market Economy Statusin Trade DefenseInvestigations. This preliminary result came out after China lodged the request in June2003. The EU assessment report holdsthatbefore it can be granted thestatus, China needsto make substantialprogress in fourfields:government intervention, corporate governance,property and bankruptcy laws, and the f…  相似文献   

The project construction time is not sufficiently considered in the decision-making procedure of the extant city infrastructure project all over the world. To increase the investment benefit, the text discusses the influence of construction time on investment benefit, the condition of the optimal construction time, the method to confirm the optimal construction time, etc.  相似文献   

This study examines whether different patterns of change to the benchmark interest rates of central banks are associated with their contributions to variances in the forecast errors of three financial market variables: the long-term interest rate, the foreign exchange rate, and the stock market index. On average, the central bank’s interest rate accounts for approximately 20% of the variance in each variable. We find that the total range of changes is more important than the frequency of changes. The panel regression shows that the range and frequency of policy rate changes is positively associated with the volatility of long-term interest rates but no association with the volatility of stock prices and exchange rates. These results suggest that small and frequent adjustments of policy rates are desirable for reducing the volatility of interest rates. The panel VAR represents interest rate channel is a more important than exchange rate and stock price channel.  相似文献   

Open Economies Review - In this paper, we decompose the current account (CA) balance in 19 Euro area countries into cyclical and non-cyclical components. For the period 1999:Q1 to 2015:Q4, we...  相似文献   

Utilizing a sample of loan originations, the distribution of the market served by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and conventional lenders is modeled through this current cycle. Results indicate that FHA market shares in the early years of the observation period (2003 through 2006) are concentrated in zip codes with higher economic risk characteristics and obtained by high risk borrowers. FHA is forced to accept lower quality loans as competition from more nimble private lenders with lower access hurdles and more rapid processing expanded into markets traditionally served by FHA. Unexpectedly, the analysis also reveals that the distribution of FHA loans fails to exhibit a targeted racial bias toward neighborhoods with African American Concentration.  相似文献   

The security market is a complex system. To explore the mechanism of complexity of the security market helps people understand the dynamics and the nature of its development, so as to better adapt to, regulate and control the security market. In terms of the science of complexity, investors' crowd psychology results in the complexity of the security market. This paper first confirms the existence of a crowd with empirical evidence gathered from the security market, then empirically demonstrates the existence of crowd psychology with a questionnaire, and finally analyses the influence of crowd psychology on the security market from the two angles of the correlation persistence and system evolution.  相似文献   

Audit regulators around the world have expressed concern over market dominance by Big 4 accounting firms and the potential adverse effect it may have on the quality of audited financial statements. We use cross‐country variation in the audit market structure of 42 countries to examine two separate aspects of Big 4 dominance: (1) Big 4 market concentration as a group relative to non–Big 4 auditors; and (2) concentration within the Big 4 group in which one or more of the Big 4 firms is dominant relative to the other Big 4 firms. We find that in countries where the Big 4 (as a group) conduct more listed company audits, both Big 4 and non–Big 4 clients have higher quality audited earnings compared to clients in countries with smaller Big 4 market shares. In contrast, in countries where there is a greater concentration within the Big 4 group, we find that Big 4 clients have lower quality audited earnings compared to countries with more evenly distributed market shares among the Big 4. Thus concentration within the Big 4 group appears to be detrimental to audit quality in a country and of legitimate concern to regulators and policymakers. However, Big 4 dominance per se does not appear to harm audit quality and is in fact associated with higher earnings quality, after controlling for other country characteristics that potentially affect earnings quality.  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(10):1677-1696
The paradox of debt is that heavily indebted poor countries (HIPCs) became heavily indebted after two decades of debt relief efforts. Average policies in HIPCs 1980–97 were worse than other less-developed countries (LDCs), controlling for income. Terms of trade and wars do not show a different trend in HIPCs than in non-HIPC LDCs. Financing HIPCs shifted away from private and bilateral nonconcessional sources toward International Development Assistance and other multilateral concessional financing––but this implicit form of debt relief also failed to reduce net present value debt. The record is not encouraging for the success of current debt relief efforts.  相似文献   

The book of Modem Consulting Method and Practice is the appointed teaching material for registered consulting engineer qualification examination (investment) of China. Its Lowest Price method in evaluating mutually exclusive project has some problems, which contradict the delta IRR and NPV methods. We improve the method and recommend Good-Bad Boundary Price Method to solve problem of this type.  相似文献   

U.S. President Donald J. Trump tweets frequently to communicate his thoughts to the public. We quantitatively evaluate the impact of Trump's China-related tweets on the Chinese stock market. We find that following Trump’s inauguration, his tweets with a positive sentiment significantly increase abnormal returns for the manufacturing industry in the Chinese stock market. Furthermore, an increase in the absolute value of his positive sentiment increases both the trading volume and volatility of the market. The positive effect is more pronounced for those subindustries with high exposure to international trade and stronger business relations with the United States than for other subindustries. The results are robust for various sensitivity tests.  相似文献   

Atlantic Economic Journal - The purpose of this paper is to present and assess the literature about the determinants of public spending. Its originality is the adoption of a methodological...  相似文献   

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