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电力体制改革为油气管道企业用电成本管控提供了政策支持。在梳理电力改革政策的基础上,简要介绍了适用于油气管道企业的新电力政策,详细分析了我国油气管道企业存在的基本电费偏高、力调电费偏高、用电类型不合理、用电管理有待完善等用电现状及其根本原因。在上述分析的基础上,提出了选取合适的用电类别、选择合理的电费计费方式降低基本电费、提高功率因数降低力调电费、积极利用直购电政策、健全用电成本管控激励和考核机制等对策建议,以期为油气管道企业用电成本管控提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

文章介绍了核电供应链和核电的低碳优势,分析了核电成本构成和技术构成。文章认为,核电产业是技术资金双密集型产业,通过运用逆推归纳法分析产业联盟间的分阶段博弈,说明技术不完全自给条件下,我国应小规模发展核电产业。文章最后提出了发展核电产业时应采取技术领先战略。  相似文献   

杨国山 《科技和产业》2021,21(4):159-163
农灌电价长期受政府扶持,享受大量交叉补贴,扭曲了电价形成机制.弃风弃光电量规模巨大,造成能源资源浪费.基于电网公司购电成本管理的角度,以甘肃省为例,通过调研农灌负荷电量,对比省间农灌电价差异,测算出农灌负荷电价交叉补贴强度,论证了将廉价弃电量直接交易到农灌地区的可行性,提出的相关政策设计和商业化运营方案是实现降低电网公司平均购电成本、抵消部分农灌电价交叉补贴、降低弃电率的有效途径.  相似文献   

以长三角为例,采用LMDI模型和M-R模型从时空视角将2009—2019年长三角居民用电差异的驱动因素分解为人口规模效应、人口城镇化效应、家庭规模效应、用电强度效应。研究发现:用电强度、家庭规模、人口规模是推动长三角居民用电量增加的因素,用电强度推动作用最大,人口城镇化抑制了用电量增加;长三角居民用电量的空间差异在逐渐扩大,人口规模是上海、江苏空间差异的关键驱动因素,浙江空间差异主要来源于农村较高的用电强度,安徽则是由于农村较低的用电强度。降低江苏和浙江用电强度,提高安徽城镇化程度和农村用电强度,研发和使用绿色建材和智能电器是控制长三角居民用电增长和缩小空间差异的关键路径。  相似文献   

农村电子商务生态系统是一个复杂系统,具有自组织、集群化、根植性等特征,分为农村电商创业、农村基础产业、农村电商服务和农村电商交易等四个子系统。农民是农村电子商务生态系统的主导种群,农村电商创业子系统是核心,它与农村基础产业、农村电商交易和农村电商服务等三个子系统互相依存,农村电子商务的发展是农村电子商务生态系统各要素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

丁剑 《科技和产业》2012,12(2):77-81
供电公司面临用电企业失信带来的经营风险,规避用电企业信用风险是电力市场中用电行为分析的一个重要内容,也是供电公司保证企业经营效益的重要前提条件,本文在分析了对用电企业的信用进行评价应考虑的主要因素的基础上,建立了一套适用于对用电企业信用进行评价的AHP-模糊综合评价体系,并进行了实例验证。结果表明,经AHP-模糊综合评价法得到的用电企业的信用等级与实际基本符合。  相似文献   

日本核电力资源开发的特点及问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
电力资源供应是否充沛已成为目前制约世界经济稳定增长的主要因素,由于核发电优势明显,利用核动力开发电力资源业已成为一些国家保障经济发展的重要选择。日本是利用核能开发电力资源的大国,长期以来在"国策民营"体制下建立起来的核发电业有效地保障了经济的发展。但另一方面,日本在核发电业的发展过程中也表现出一些问题,这些问题对于意欲大规模发展核能的国家来说不仅具有参考价值,而且在国际合作开发与利用核电非常盛行的今天也具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Since 1980s, China has experienced a series of reforms to support the development of electricity industry, and the latest one is in 2015. The essence of this new reform is to improve efficiency and lower energy cost. However, China's electricity market has its particularity. The “provinces as entities” is the main regulation frame in China's electricity sector. The operation of the electricity industry can be seen as a game result and interest compromise between the local government and grid companies, and this “win-win exchange” regulation failure leads to grid market power. The profit mode of the grid enterprises will be gradually changed with the deepening of new electricity reform. How to regulate electricity transmission and distribution sector and improve grid efficiency becomes a crucial problem to address. This paper aims to examine the relationship between market power and power grid efficiency. We calculate the unconditional and conditional efficiency of grid companies by applying a conditional slack-based measure (SBM) model. The empirical results show that grid efficiency is at a low level and the indicators differ among provinces and regions. Moreover, market power indeed has significant negative effects on power grid efficiency. These findings provide some insightful references for the future development of China's power industry and electricity reform.  相似文献   

查志伟 《科技和产业》2023,23(10):166-171
基于2000—2019年江苏省用电量和影响因素的数据,运用非参数回归方法探究了一维变量城镇人均住房面积与用电量的关系。结果表明非参数回归方法的拟合效果是很理想的。运用半参数回归模型探究了多维变量人口数量、人均GDP、城镇人均住房面积、农村人均住房面积与用电量的关系。结果表明,人口数量和人均GDP对于江苏省用电量具有显著的参数效应;城镇人均住房面积和农村人均住房面积对于江苏省用电量具有显著的非参数效应;两者之间具有交互作用。  相似文献   

利用以热量法为基础的电、热成本费用分摊方法,对典型热电联产电厂的发电、供热效益进行了测算分析。结果表明,在全厂总体盈利的情况下,发电盈利但供热亏损,发电、供热效益不平衡,存在着以发电(盈利)补供热(亏损)的情况;典型热电联产电厂发电、供热及全厂效益均随煤价的升高而下降,发电及全厂效益随电价的提高而提高,供热及全厂效益随热价的提高而提高,发电、供热及全厂的效益均随发电利用小时数的增加而提高。建议通过提高热价和增加发电利用小时数改善热电联产及供热效益。  相似文献   

竞争性电力市场态势与走向:由四个新兴市场国家生发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
竞争性电力市场既是完整的现代市场体系,又是一整套现代化的经济管制制度。电力市场化改革的目标是使得电力像一般商品一样在市场竞争中形成价格,电力系统的技术特性与商品交易的经济特性紧密结合,能够解释电价市场形成的深层次机理。低碳经济时代迫近,我国政府应按照选准市场模式、夯实市场体系、破除垄断利益、理顺竞争与监管关系的思路进一步推进电力市场化改革。  相似文献   

Using a disequilibrium model, we investigate the relationship between the supply constraint of electricity generation capacity and electricity demand in Taiwan. We find that electricity consumption faced supply constraints in Taiwan between 1959 and 1972, but that generation capacity grew rapidly after 1973, such that economic growth came to be the major determinant of electricity consumption. Our experience in fitting this disequilibrium model suggests that simple causality tests are not a proper means to understand the relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth. Our results also suggest, at least for developing countries, that an electricity supply constraint sometimes plays an important role when investigating the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth.  相似文献   

张士杰   《华东经济管理》2011,25(2):155-157
文章在对绿色GDP的相关理论进行广泛调研的基础上,提出了一种新的能源成本核算指标——效后发电成本来修正传统的能源成本指标,并建立了能源的发电价格模型。对几种不同能源的发电价格进行了估算,为合理评价能源经济性及区域经济协调发展提供了定量参考。  相似文献   

文章在充分研究国内外电力市场建设经验的基础上,借助美国SMD的基本思想,总结并提出我国标准电力市场建设的基本要素,并对这六个基本要素的定义和相互关系进行了详细阐述,旨在提出更加清晰、完整的标准化电力市场设计的框架。同时针对我国电力市场发展的现状,为我国电力市场改革的起步模式提出政策建议,为今后电力市场的发展以及标准化建设奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

近年来,随着能源短缺、环境污染等问题的日趋严重,太阳能光伏作为一种清洁可再生的新能源产业,受到世界各国的普遍关注和重视。以光伏为代表的新能源产业被视为"后金融危机时代"拉动经济增长的新引擎。本文分析研究了光伏发电的原理,论述了发展光伏产业在我国调整经济结构、转变增长方式中的重大作用。  相似文献   

Understanding the diversity of the residential demand for various electrical services is critical for utilities and policymakers in conducting effective demand side management and narrowing urban-rural inequality. Previous research has usually treated the household as a unit of analysis, and thus may have ignored the fact that household electricity consumption is derived demand driven by specific services, which fails to examine the heterogeneous behavioral responses. Therefore, this paper presents a new pattern of residential demand for various electrical services and quantifies the impacts of socioeconomic determinants in China. The conditional demand analysis is performed on the unique dataset of the Chinese Residential Energy Consumption Survey of 2014 to estimate the electricity demand distribution in eight types of services and to investigate the effect of socioeconomic variables on service-specific electricity consumption. The results show that, together, entertainment and food refrigeration account for about half of the total annual electricity consumption, followed by laundry, lighting, space cooling, and hot water. Rural households use about 7.2% of total electricity for cooking purposes, while urban counterparts hardly use electricity to cook at all. Electricity consumption for space heating is negligible for both urban and rural households. Heterogeneity in socioeconomic determinants is found not only among different electrical services but also between urban and rural households.  相似文献   

风能是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的无污染的可再生能源,其利用方式主要是发电,相对于火电、核电而言,风电具有无污染、成本低、可持续利用等优点。新疆风能资源丰富,被中央列为风电的重点推广地区,而且已建成亚洲最大的风力发电场,发电能力可观。文章在分析加快新疆发展风电产业的必要性和可行性的基础上,对新疆发展风电产业存在的困境及其产生的原因进行了探讨,并对加快新疆风电产业的发展提出了一系列的建议。  相似文献   

销售电价改革呼声日涨,销售电价由市场决定是改革的最终目标,考虑到我国实际情况及电力行业作为国民经济的基础,实现销售电价由政府管制状态向市场化的平稳过渡是改革成功的关键。本文从电价制定者的角度出发,考虑基础产业价格的敏感性与社会福利最大化,设计出基于非线性规划理论和最优控制理论的销售电价静、动态调整模型,使用Kuhn—Tucker定理和Hamilton方法求解模型并给出仿真算例。结果表明:本文设计的静、动态调整模型均能实现电价有效平稳过渡,而基于最优控制的动态调整策略更能有效利用电力资源和充分增加社会整体福利。  相似文献   

One critical factor that affects China's achievement of its peak emission by 2030 is total electricity demand. The aim of this study is to examine regional disparity in electricity consumption in China. The analysis is based on a panel database which is compiled at the provincial level. A distributional dynamics approach is then employed to reveal the trend and movement of each province within the distributions in different regional groupings. The mobility probability plot (MPP) is also employed to provide detailed information on the probability of change in electricity consumption. The results demonstrate significant divergence presents across provinces, over time and within different regional groups. The results can pinpoint the transition mechanism within each region so that appropriate energy policy can be formulated to accommodate future demand in electricity for different regions in China. The results suggest that regional specific energy efficiency policy is needed.  相似文献   

The electricity distribution industry is currently fragmented and in a financial crisis. The government proposes restructuring the industry into a number of regional electricity distributors (REDs) that will take over the electricity distribution function from municipalities and Eskom, who will be given shares in the REDs in exchange for their distribution assets. It is also proposed that REDs be controlled by boards consisting of customers, trade unions, national and provincial governments, municipalities and Eskom. This article critically examines these and other restructuring options relating to the ownership and governance of REDs. It is argued that these proposals would perpetuate the inequalities that exist between historically advantaged and disadvantaged local governments; that they would extend Eskom's monopoly of the electricity industry, and that they would obstruct good governance and private investment in the sector. To conclude, the article makes a number of recommendations that would mitigate these negative consequences.  相似文献   

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