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本文旨在探讨组织变革、动态能力以及创新绩效之间的影响关系。以新产品开发为视角提出基于NPD的三维动态能力,并利用探索性案例研究方法,以制造业三家具有代表性的企业为分析样本,证实了组织变革对需求识别能力、概念开发能力和产品设计能力与创新绩效之间的关系起到了部分中介影响作用。  相似文献   

本文通过大量的文献调查、企业访谈对组织学习能力和新产品开发之间的关系研究,发现企业组织学习能力中的知识整合能力、知识创造能力和知识吸收能力对新产品开发绩效起到了良好的推动作用。  相似文献   

新产品开发团队(NPD团队)的整体实力,在一定程度上决定了高新技术企业自主创新能力的水平,而多团队系统学习(MTSL)对于多团队系统(MTS)能力的提高非常重要。本研究以高新技术企业NPD多团队系统为研究对象,将工作过程分析、人际环境分析、目标成分分析作为多团队系统学习概念模型的三个维度,将过程绩效、产品绩效、延伸绩效作为NPD多团队系统绩效测评模型的三个维度,再运用结构方程模型的研究方法,建立了多团队学习与NPD多团队绩效关系模型。研究表明:多团队学习概念模型与NPD多团队系统绩效测评模型的拟合度良好,各维度因子负荷均通过显著性水平检验。多团队学习的各子维度均正向显著影响NPD多团队系统绩效。  相似文献   

研究了高管团队的受教育程度及组织信任对企业新产品绩效的影响研究了高管团队的受教育程度及组织信任对企业新产品绩效的影响,运用实证研究的方法,引入高管团队的知识共享和团队自反性两个团队过程为中介变量享和团队自反性两个团队过程为中介变量,建立高管团队受教育程度、组织信任与新产品绩效的结构方程模型并进行分析。研究结果表明研究结果表明:高管团队受教育水平对新产品绩效的直接影响不显著高管团队受教育水平对新产品绩效的直接影响不显著,但其可通过直接影响团队的知识共享与自反性与自反性,进而间接地影响新产品绩效;而组织信任一方面对新产品绩效有直接正向影响而组织信任一方面对新产品绩效有直接正向影响,另一方面团队自反性及知识共享在此过程中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

孟坤  熊中楷  王建洪 《现代管理科学》2009,(11):102-103,106
文章以Goffee和Jones的双S立方体模型为基础,以中国中部地区山西、吉林等8个省各自的"2007年度省级企业100强"企业为调查对象,对不同组织文化类型下的知识管理与组织绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果显示:网络型文化和共有型文化与知识管理之间存在正相关关系,散裂型文化和图利型文化与知识管理之间存在负相关关系;网络型文化和共有型文化下的知识管理和组织绩效之间存在正相关关系,散裂型文化和图利型文化下的知识管理和组织绩效之间存在负相关关系。  相似文献   

国内外的研究认为顾客资源能帮助企业提高新产品开发绩效。然而,组织理论的相关研究指出新产品开发成功的关键来自企业内部团队行动的支持。到目前为止,国内外学术界对顾客资源、团队行动以及新产品绩效三者间相互影响的机理还缺乏相应的研究。文章在中国情景下论述了顾客资源的两维度(信息提供、知识开发)与新产品绩效的关系;并构建了一个中介模型,提出了团队行动在顾客资源与新产品绩效间起中介作用的假设,试图在实践层面上,帮助企业寻找到应对迅速变化外部环境的内部行动机制,提出了具体地提高企业新产品绩效的战略建议。  相似文献   

关于新产品开发(简称NPD)管理控制系统的内容、特征,西方学者进行了广泛深入的理论探索,并取得了丰富的研究成果。但在我国,关于新产品开发活动的管理控制系统(简称MCS)的探索非常匮乏,这不利于提升我国企业产品创新水平。本文采用案例研究方法,根据管控系统能动性的特征以及已有经典理论、文献的研究成果,基于对许继集团的实地调研,构建了满足NPD活动对效率和弹性双重要求的能动性管控系统,这种能动性管控系统可以提升产品创新效率和产品创新能力。  相似文献   

何声贵  郑垂勇 《价值工程》2012,31(15):151-152
按价值取向将税收征管绩效分为税收征管效能和纳税服务品质,讨论组织资源能力对这二者及二者之间的相互关系。采用问卷调查法,运用描述性统计分析,信度和效度检验,验证性因子分析以及结构方程建模模型研究了组织资源能力对税收征管绩效影响,结果发现,组织资源能力对税收征管效能和纳税服务品质具有很强的正向影响,但纳税服务品质对税收征管效能的影响并不显著,且结果为负。说明在中国的国境下,组织资源能力的提高可以提升税收征管绩效,但服务品质的提高却未必能改善税收征管的成本和效益,政府应做好税务管理现代化实施过程的调控。  相似文献   

基于组织视角,分析了集群创新网络创新绩效的影响因素,构建了组织因素、知识合作能力、技术转化能力和创新绩效的理论模型,利用结构方程模型进行实证检验。结果表明:集群创新网络组织因素对创新绩效没有直接效应,知识合作能力和技术转化能力在组织因素与创新绩效之间起中介作用。据此提出对策建议:集群创新网络成员企业要加强基础设施建设和研发投入;强化产学研合作,促进成员之间的协同创新活动,进而提高创新绩效;建立健全法律法规,为提高集群创新网络绩效提供法律保障。  相似文献   

中国制造业企业对先进制造技术的采用,在一定程度上有效促进了企业绩效的提升,然而,对先进制造技术进行单纯投资无法明显提升企业创新能力。通过对江苏运用先进制造技术已有一定时间企业的实证研究发现:先进制造技术的使用程度与技术学习、产品创新显著正相关;先进制造技术的知识特性与技术学习、产品创新均相关,但未发现隐性化程度与产品创新绩效之间的显著相关性;技术学习在先进制造技术和产品创新之间具有部分中介作用。因此,建议企业提高先进制造技术的集成程度和创新设计方法的采用度,注重提高组织技术学习的能力进而提升创新能力,激发创新潜能,并通过技术学习和管理建立起与先进制造技术匹配的系统环境。  相似文献   

Product innovation and the trend to globalization are two important and interrelated dimensions driving business today. In this article, the results of five published research articles on the topic of global new product development (NPD) are summarized to provide an integrated overview of the factors that impact global NPD program performance. The overall conceptual framework is based on three types of literature—NPD, globalization, and organization. The main theoretical approach for establishing relationships between factors is the dynamic capability/resource‐based view. Accordingly, factors linked to outcome are seen as operating on different organizational levels, with more actionable initiatives or ‘capabilities’ largely mediating the softer and longer term background ‘resources’ of the firm. The analyses are based on a broad cross‐industry sample of 467 firms (North America, Europe, B2B, goods/services). Three global NPD‐related background resources (global innovation culture, resource commitment, and senior management involvement), labeled the ‘behavioral environment’ of the firm, are identified and shown to be linked to global NPD program performance via the mediated effect of four specific NPD capabilities (NPD process, strategy, team, and IT/communication). A qualitative synthesis of the findings is provided, along with recommended management initiatives with which firms can enhance their performance in the global NPD effort. Both sets of factors are found to be essential and highly interrelated, but it is the strength of the behavioral environment resources that distinguish the best performing firms, setting the stage for success in global NPD.  相似文献   

成功的创新需要合适的组织结构的支撑,而当前的企业组织结构存在阻碍创新的弊端。创新型企业要求的组织结构应具有分权化和开放系统性特征,二元组织(Ambidextrous Organization)思想和生存系统模型(Viable Systems Model,VSM)为创新型企业的组织设计提供了新的思路。创新型企业应进行组织结构的重设,分别设立日常事务部和创新业务部,并将创新业务部分为创新业务经理、信息部、协调部、控制部和操作部,为提高创新型企业的自主创新能力提供组织保障。  相似文献   

Few studies have attempted to investigate the following: (1) whether the firm's core capabilities or resources and routines (e.g., integration among functions) for product development, in the presence of environmental dynamics, become incumbent inertia or core rigidities? and (2) how environmental dynamics affect the influence of a project team's implementation capabilities in the new product development (NPD) process on new product launch performance? This study approaches these questions by addressing the three most indispensable NPD process components (i.e., marketing, technology, and organization) and incorporating new moderators, namely pace of technological change and competitive intensity, within a single study. It specifically examines the extent to which the latter two external environmental variables moderate the impact of NPD practices on new product launch outcome. Data obtained from a survey of NPD projects developed and launched by Korean manufacturers suggest that environmental dynamics would reduce the contribution of functional-specific sources of advantage (resources) and project-specific sources of advantage (e.g., integration among functions) to organizational implementation capabilities (i.e., a project team's proficiency in executing NPD activities). Moreover, the research also shows that market dynamics may increase the contribution of organizational implementation capabilities to NPD project performance.  相似文献   

Research suggests that organizations involved in new product development (NPD) can adopt quality management (QM) systems to optimize their NPD processes and thereby build their NPD competence. This paper contributes to a further understanding of the link between QM and NPD by investigating why and how more effective QM can promote and assist NPD. Based on taxonomy of QM practices, we examine the differences between the effects of infrastructure quality management practices (IQMP) and core quality management practices (CQMP) on a firm’s NPD capability and NPD performance. We also incorporate NPD practices in a conceptual model, to examine the integration effects of QM practices and NPD practices. The results show that IQMP significantly promotes NPD capability, while the influence of CQMP on NPD capability is relatively insignificant. Furthermore, our results indicate that the integration of design and manufacturing has a significant negative influence on NPD capability. Our findings highlight the significant role NPD capability plays in explaining the link between QM practices and NPD performance. Our findings also suggest to practitioners that they should integrate QM with other technology management practices in order to optimize their NPD processes.  相似文献   

We propose a set of organizational efforts that can help companies accumulate and learn knowledge related to new product development (NPD) activities. We call it the NPD learning process and argue that a set of coherent human resource management (HRM) practices, termed knowledge-oriented human resource (HR) configuration, can facilitate the NPD learning process. Collecting survey data from Taiwan, we find that the knowledge-oriented HR configuration is positively related to the NPD learning process and that the NPD learning process is positively related to managers' perceived new product performance. This study contributes to the literature of strategic HRM and innovation management.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest in green innovation literature, little is known on how and under what conditions firms' knowledge transfer activities affect green innovation. There is lack of research that on how particular organizational capabilities are seen more useful and how it influences on green innovation performance. To address this research gap, we examine a mediation model in which we explore whether a firm's knowledge acquisition capability and investment in environmental management mediate the impact of buyer-driven knowledge transfer activities on green product innovation and green process innovation. On the basis of an analysis of a sample of 239 manufacturing firms, we find that buyer-driven knowledge activities have a greater positive impact on green product innovation than green process innovation. Investment in environmental management fully mediates the relationship between buyer-driven knowledge transfer activities and green process innovation, and knowledge acquisition capability partially mediates the relationship between buyer-driven knowledge transfer activities and green product innovation. The current study provides evidence that internal competencies and the role of buyers in knowledge transfer are critical for explaining the green product innovation and green process innovation. Our results suggest that buyer involvement pushes firms to develop resource acquisition capability to enhance green product innovation. Our results also highlight the importance of investment in environmental management for overcoming the environmental challenges in the manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

Based on a survey study of 155 U.S. firms, we conducted a firm-level assessment of the impact of different kinds of structures (i.e., functional versus cross-functional) in different kinds of new product development (NPD) processes (i.e., incremental versus radical) on different kinds of firm innovation performance (i.e., derivative versus breakthrough). We observe that most firms opt for similar structures for their incremental and radical NPD processes. At the same time, though, we find strong evidence that (1) firms that apply a cross-functional structure for the radical NPD process perform significantly better in terms of breakthrough innovation performance than firms that apply a functional structure for the radical NPD process and (2) firms that apply a functional structure for the incremental NPD process perform significantly better in terms of derivative innovation performance than firms that apply a cross-functional structure for the incremental NPD process. These latter findings point to the relevance of adopting structural ambidexterity, where firms make an explicit distinction between incremental and radical NPD processes and organize them in a different way.  相似文献   

相对于成熟的企业知识管理来说,城市公共部门知识管理实践具有重要意义,运用结构方程模型和数理统计方法重点对上海市公共部门知识管理进行调查的实证研究表明:城市公共部门中开放型的组织文化对知识交流、知识共享和组织学习有正向影响;城市公共部门的知识管理实施将对公共部门组织管理领域、业务流程领域、创新实践领域、公众服务领域、人力资源管理领域等5个领域有明显的改进作用,结论为推动我国城市公共部门知识管理提供现实性的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

The paper examines organizational capabilities for improving performance, with respect to radical innovation (RI), in established firms. These organizational capabilities are (1) openness capability, (2) autonomy capability, (3) integration capability and (4) experimentation capability. The paper proposes four research hypotheses, to examine the relationship between four types of organizational capabilities and radical innovation performance. A dataset of 112 corporate RI-specific capabilities and innovation performance data, from the top 500 Taiwanese manufacturing firms, is collected via a postal questionnaire survey. The multiple regression results reveal a positive relationship between organizational capabilities and radical innovation performance. Finally, some managerial recommendations, to develop radical innovation capabilities, are provided.  相似文献   

Intermediaries are frequently used as external institutions to bridge knowledge gaps and enlarge innovation search. Although there is a consensus that ties with intermediaries have a significantly positive impact on firms’ innovation performance since external knowledge sources are important to firms’ innovative activities, far less is known about how these intermediaries become effective drivers of corporate innovation. From the capacity-based view, this study proposes that intermediaries facilitate the development of dynamic capability which further causes remarkable innovation. A firm's dynamic capability acts as a mediator in the relationship between intermediaries and innovation performance. It is also observed that organizational structure formalization and strategic conformity negatively moderate the mediation effect. This proposed theoretical framework is proven by empirical results from a moderated mediation analysis using a sample of Chinese manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

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