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高校图书馆应开展多方位的知识服务模式,来满足读者日益增长的信息需求。建立建全各项服务机制,深化服务理念,推进服务进程,为读者提供最前沿的信息源。  相似文献   

图书馆工作离不开读者与读者服务,读者到图书馆是为了获取知识,图书馆是"推销"知识场所,是无偿地向读者传播知识图书馆是保存人类文化遗产,收集、整理、存储、传播和开发文献信息并向社会提供使用的文化教育机构。图书馆的读者服务是图书馆工作的重要环节之一,工作人员必须提高思想认识,树立全心全意为读者服务的思想,提高专业知识水平,开展丰富多彩的读者服务活动。根据读者需求,不断调整图书馆藏书结构,引起读者借阅兴趣。用现代化手段代替传统的借阅方法,提高大量图书文献信息,提高图书馆读者服务的质量。  相似文献   

有效地为读者提供所需的信息服务是图书馆工作不变的主题。图书馆需要不断跟踪、适应变化着的读者需求开展工作。高校图书馆由于其服务群体的特殊性和专业性,应改变僵化的用人观念,创新服务模式,增加购书经费,更新图书馆建筑及设备,使读者服务工作更适应时代的变化,更好地发挥高校图书馆在教学与科研中的作用,提高自身地位。  相似文献   

基于读者满意度的高校图书馆信息服务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着知识经济时代的到来和高校图书馆服务的迅猛发展,高校图书馆的信息服务质量问题受到了越来越多的关注。高校图书馆信息服务是按一定方式提供信息的过程,是以信息为内容的服务业务。读者是否满意及其程度如何,是衡量高校图书馆信息服务质量的最终标准。读者满意度原则是图书馆信息服务诸原则中的核心原则。从读者满意度和高校图书馆信息服务的内涵出发,探讨新时期基于读者满意度的高校图书馆信息服务发展措施。  相似文献   

概述了学科服务现状,分析了医学院校图书馆主要读者对象及信息需求特点,提出了开展针对用户信息需求的学科服务方面的举措,并对国内高校图书馆提供学科服务的未来做出了展望。  相似文献   

随着图书馆的社会化,高校图书馆对校外读者的服务也在飞速发展,如何改进校外读者的服务质量以满足读者需求已成为图书馆面临的一大难题。本文从加强校外读者服务的宣传、循序渐进的开展校外读者服务、高校图书馆应主动为校外读者提供服务、规范校外读者管理制度等四个方面来改进校外读者的服务质量。  相似文献   

高校图书馆一直将以用户为中心作为自己的服务理念,计算机网络技术的普及,为高校图书馆开展服务工作提供了全新的平台,高校图书馆的服务模式由文献服务逐渐转化为信息服务,并受到了用户的好评。不过随着智能化网络技术的逐渐发展,高校图书馆现有的信息服务模式又逐渐向知识服务模式转变。将知识地图引入高校图书馆,让能提高高校图书馆知识服务质量,为高校图书馆用户带来更好的服务体验。  相似文献   

叶惠玲 《商》2013,(20):374-374
高校图书馆建设是高校建设的一部分,要体现高校图书馆的特色,为高校师生的学习、教学、科研提供优质的信息资源和知识服务,架起图书馆资源、服务与读者之间的桥梁。就高校建设特色图书馆的方案、内容、服务以及注意的问题进行了研究和阐述。  相似文献   

高校图书馆电子阅览室在传播科技信息和教学科研中发挥着重要作用,是学校图书馆现代化和数字化的重要标志之一。传统图书馆从资源到服务手段早已不能满足读者对知识的信息增长需求,而数字化图书馆可以利用互联网迅速传递信息,向师生和用户提供比传统图书馆更为广泛,更为便捷的服务。通过运城学院的学生读者对图书馆电子阅览室利用情况的调查,发现分析其中存在的问题。从读者流失、管理人员素质、技术手段、转型方向等方面提出完善高校图书馆电子阅览室服务现状的对策及建议。  相似文献   

高校图书馆基于读者导向的信息服务探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新形势下,若要找准高校图书馆信息服务工作的定位,必须树立“以读者为导向”的服务理念,即在服务流程上满足读者的要求,在高校图书馆工作人员的管理方式上以提升管理员素质为主,在网络环境上采用自动化的信息处理系统,以此来满足读者的现实需求,切实提高高校图书馆的信息服务水平。  相似文献   

In the era of the global economy, knowledge‐based services are becoming important sectors of the service industry. Services offered by a university are knowledge‐based services. Universities are in the service business, and they play a key role in creating and disseminating knowledge through teaching, research, and related services that cross domestic borders. The current research focuses on the internationalization of US MBA programs. The internationalization of US MBA programs refers to the delivery of knowledge‐based services beyond the domestic borders. The main objective of our research is to examine the effect of an organization's (e.g., a US business school) resources and a host country's attractiveness on the internationalization of knowledge‐based services offered by a firm (a US business school). Using data gathered from MBA programs of US colleges and universities, theÊstudy findings show that internationalization is influenced by human capital, prestige and reputation, management's willingness, and foreign market attractiveness. The results of this study offer practical insights for US business school leaders. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In today's volatile economy, innovation in providing interactive services to consumers through a variety of channels is critical in retailing. Interactive service innovations offer opportunities for retailers by creating new markets or offering new benefits in existing markets. They also pose threats as existing customers encounter new alternatives offered by competitors. This article explores some of the most promising opportunities in interactive retail services; namely, the increasing power of consumers, channel synergies, pre- and post-transaction service, optimal use of resources, and consumer heterogeneity. In discussing these areas of opportunity we identify knowledge gaps and suggest research questions relevant to these gaps that warrant attention. Collectively, these questions offer a research agenda for the topic of interactive retail service innovation.  相似文献   

Drawing on research from design science, marketing, and service science, our paper provides an integrated framework for evaluating and directing innovative service design. The main goal of our review is to highlight the strengths of existing frameworks and to suggest how they can be enhanced in combination with design science principles. Based on our review, we propose a new framework for the design of innovative services that integrates several key paradigmatic approaches and identifies fundamental open research questions. Our approach is unique as it combines three service disciplines, namely services marketing, service science, and design science, and provides a new framework that describes step by step the procedure that needs to be taken and the conditions that need to be met for developing innovative services. We believe that providing such a framework is a valuable addition to the literature.  相似文献   

邢丘丹  李娜  黄卫  牛冰洁 《商业研究》2011,(12):123-127
作为营销新观念,服务营销以客户需求为中心,以提供优质服务为手段和方式,除了向顾客提供满意的产品以外,还注重向顾客提供与之相关的各种服务。本文试图从服务营销中的顾客感知价值的角度出发,运用服务定价的基本理论,将顾客感知价值与网上银行信息安全产品的服务定价联系起来,从顾客感知价值的角度探讨网上银行信息安全产品的顾客服务与服务定价策略,不仅关注网上银行信息安全产品的销售,更加关注顾客的需求、顾客购买和使用产品全过程的感受,旨在通过取得顾客满意度、忠诚度,实现网上银行业绩的持续改善和长期增长。  相似文献   

The paper stresses the importance of listening to customers at university libraries and the need to move from a library‐based view to a customer‐based view. Largely on account of their public nature, academic libraries in Finland – where the study was conducted – have until recently, based their operations and development mainly on conventional procedures and library‐based perspectives. However, in order to better serve their own clientele, as well as their parent organizations, they need to listen to the voices of their customers, the library users. One way of ‘listening’ is through a customer survey, in this case LibQUAL – a survey instrument developed in the US for libraries. It collects data on the quality of the services, thus enabling libraries to identify areas in which service levels should be improved.  相似文献   

This paper tests the utility of platform thinking, a design principle that has so far been applied to product development yet under-researched in service settings, for improving the value of services. A key principle of platform thinking is to balance the reuse of service components with the heterogeneity in user needs. Tuning services to specific user needs is valuable, but differentiating services when user needs are homogeneous may decrease service quality and increase cost. Using data from 676 human resource management services, this study finds that the service value is highest when the service provision is matched with the commonality potential of the services. The results indicate that using the wrong delivery channel decreases the service value which eventually could decrease the service value for an organization's external customers. These empirical findings demonstrate the relevance of platform thinking for service design and challenges conventional design criteria used for optimizing service delivery.  相似文献   

Key Account Management (KAM) is surprisingly little known marketing approach in retailing and consumer services context, however it has much to offer to companies in these industries. It provides an effective, practical and rather simple method for companies interested in increasing their profits by right customer and relationship management. Indeed, KAM is a business-to-business marketing approach, however most retailers and service companies can greatly benefit from it. A large number of retailers and service companies operate both in the consumer and business-to-business market. Few retailers or service providers have never invoiced another company. Moreover, most consumer goods and services are influenced by business-to-business services. The availability and quality of consumer goods and services often essentially depends on various business-to-business services in the earlier phases of marketing channels. Furthermore, by understanding the logic of KAM, retailers and consumer service providers can develop their own key supplier management. Information is one of the most important resources of goods and services in post-industrial economy. Information-intensive services are based on knowledge and refining of information. Increasing number of information-intensive services emerge both in the consumer and business-to-business market. This paper describes the nature of KAM and information-intensive services, and suggests a framework for KAM practices in information-intensive services.  相似文献   

Health and social care services are changing – and this change is radical. Service user and carer involvement has been a key aspect of health and social care policy for a number of years. In terms of the National Health Service (NHS), this has been significantly strengthened by the report ‘High Quality Care for All’. The NHS will no longer be a monolith dictating what services it offers. It is beginning to take seriously the views of its consumers: the patients, service users and carers. The NHS is starting to put the patient experience at the centre of everything it does, and its regulators are asking for evidence of public and patient involvement. This process may yet prove to be one of the NHS' greatest challenges as it transforms to prioritize the consumer viewpoint. Social care, though further down the line in relation to involvement, is now responding to the relatively new personalization agenda. This paper will consider what the university sector can do to embed the consumer and service culture within the education of health and social care professionals. It looks at the challenges of involvement and required culture change, highlighting the key points to address in the early and middle stages of involvement from a university office's perspective. It includes examples of consumer involvement in teaching, assessment and the selection of students and how their input is starting to make a difference. Finally, the paper outlines what is needed in a development office to establish and support effective service user and carer involvement on health and social care courses in higher education. The article concludes by acknowledging that there is much more work that needs to be done in this field to embed the work of a development office, but that early steps have been promising.  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化步伐的加快,如何完善养老服务体系,提供社会化、多层次养老服务成为我国当前亟待解决的社会热点问题。提高养老护理人员素质和保障服务水平,是推进我国养老服务体系发展的关键。构建养老护理人员胜任素质指标体系,能够为政府部门制定养老护理人员培育政策及其职业生涯发展提供指导、为加强养老服务人力资源开发与管理提供科学的依据。以胜任素质模型为理论依据,运用文献回顾、行为事件访谈法编制养老护理人员调查量表,针对济南、青岛6家养老机构396名养老护理人员的问卷调查数据,采用探索性因子分析和结构方程模型,构建并检验了养老护理人员的胜任素质指标体系。研究结果表明:养老护理人员胜任素质指标体系主要由护理基本知识、照护技能、个人特质、职业道德与认同感4个维度的26项胜任素质特征构成。从每个维度的影响效应分析,影响最大的是照护技能,其后依次为护理基本知识、个人特质、职业道德与认同感。基于该指标体系,分别从完善养老护理人员的招聘选拔机制、培训机制、考核激励机制三方面提出了拓宽招聘渠道扩大招聘群体、设置合理选拨标准、加强培训内容开发、增设培训可选择方案及实景模拟评价方式等养老护理人员胜任素质提升路径。  相似文献   

图书馆以信息资源为主要要素,为用户提供知识服务.从互动程度来看,图书馆服务可以分为静态服务与动态服务.注重动态服务,主动参与到用户的教学、科研活动中去,是图书馆服务的新方向.从未来图书馆服务的特点出发,改进和创新图书馆服务,助力高校教学、科研活动,是图书馆的任务.  相似文献   

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