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周薇  李跃忠 《商》2014,(36):121-121
由于经济的发展,许多传统文化和非物质文化遗产遭受了一波又一波巨大的冲击。然而如何让这些具有科学价值和历史底蕴的文化遗产得到有效抢救、传承和保护呢?政府应该实施地方剧种保护和扶持计划,以剧种保护扶持为依托,推动地方戏曲团体健康发展,促进艺术的全面繁荣。文章以益阳南县花鼓戏为例分析政府主导非物质文化遗产的保护的重要性,如何引导社会公众的参与保护非物质文化遗产,怎样合理科学的保护地方戏曲,怎样把握管理的分寸,不使民俗变官俗等问题。  相似文献   

孙月飞  蔡欢欢 《华商》2008,(21):59-59
随着戏曲演出市场的不景气,县级剧团也陷入了演出市场萎缩、经费不足、人才流失等问题。发展县级剧团,需要政府、社会和剧团共同努力。  相似文献   

孙月飞  蔡欢欢 《华商》2008,(22):59-59
随着戏曲演出市场的不景气,县级剧团也陷入了演出市场萎缩、经费不足、人才流失等问题。发展县级剧团,需要政府、社会和剧团共同努力。  相似文献   

彩调又称调子,是广西各族人民喜闻乐见的戏曲剧种之一,源于桂林地区农村歌舞,是桂林传统文化精华的代表,是一个地方历史记忆的表现.近年来,随着新型城镇化建设的快速发展,为桂林彩调的保护提供了条件,但在一定程度上也造成了冲击.将桂林彩调的保护融入产业化发展路径当中,营造特色文化区,彩调文化与旅游相融合,以文化资源产业化推动当地经济多元化的发展.通过调研,文章以桂林彩调为案例,研究桂林彩调的保护与产业化发展的路径.  相似文献   

论浙江中小民营剧团生态演出权利的法律保障体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态演出要求人与文化环境和谐共处,这是国内外演出的要求之一。浙江中小民营剧团生态演出机遇与挑战同在,加强地方立法、严格司法、完善执法等方面是构建中小民营剧团生态演出法律保障体系的主要内容。中小民营剧团演出可持续化是人民共享文化发展成果的重要途径。  相似文献   

河南曲剧是一种汉族戏曲剧种,又名河南曲子戏、高台曲。由坐班清唱的河南鼓子曲中杂牌小调与民间歌舞踩高跷相结合的河南曲剧,于1926年经临汝县农民同乐社在登封县首次搬上舞台,发展为戏曲剧种。由于曲调易学,用本嗓演唱,表演接近生活,传播极快。  相似文献   

近些年.不少地方剧种的传承出现了一些问题,或者后继无人.或者受众萎缩.濒临灭绝。相应的,保护的呼声也日益高涨。据了解.中国现存172个剧种如果全部作为非物质文化遗产保留下来,我个人认为太多了,必须做减法。  相似文献   

文章在方言与地域文化的视域下,探讨了邵阳布袋戏发展的瓶颈和传承保护的途径,在寻找保护途径时,巧妙地结合当地旅游经济的发展,使得地方戏曲的保护和地方经济的发展相得益彰。  相似文献   

中国戏曲经典原创动画工程日前启动,首批预选的100个剧目涵盖54个剧种,其中32个剧种属国家级第一批非物质文化遗产。剧目多选自中国戏曲经典作品。据悉,未来戏曲动漫的音乐将保留原作的精华,由优秀戏剧演员配唱。通过动漫形式,把传统戏曲神韵传达给观众,这无疑是个好创意。  相似文献   

一、以“服务型工商”建设为载体。服务发展效能得到提高 联系实际制定了推进“十大功能区”建设服务“十项攻坚”20条意见、推出服务发展保障民生十件实事、出台免征小微企业注册登记费实施办法,免征小微企业注册登记费和年检费143.9万元。支持吉林市歌舞团、话剧团、戏曲剧团改制先行核准注册登记。  相似文献   


This study illuminates the ways in which men and women consume soap operas as a means of reflecting on and discussing sociocultural taboos. Through interpretive research we examine the ways in which religion, sexuality and gender relations are depicted in popular Turkish soap operas and how these depictions are consumed in the Balkans and the Middle East. This study challenges the assumption that consumption of taboo discourses leads to active identity modification or public defiance. Instead, in-depth interviews and online ethnography reveal that consumption of soap operas that challenge local religious and gender norms provide a liminal space for discussing taboo topics. Firstly, the findings indicate that talking about taboo topics seen in soap operas enables consumers to speak about what they expect gender and religious norms to be. Secondly, consumers get their mediated understandings of what religion is through soap operas. Thus, rather than simply offering escape, soap opera consumption facilitates the discussion of taboo topics.  相似文献   

In Coal and Culture William Condee examines Appalachian small-towntheaters built between the 1860s and 1930s that appropriatedthe high-culture term ‘opera house’ for spaces presentingdiverse activities from high school graduations to travelingtheatrical troupes. The title ‘opera house,’ ratherthan ‘theater,’ conveyed an aura of culture, refinement,and acceptability in an era when theater was sometimes regardedas having questionable morals. ‘Opera house’ soundedgrand, but many structures were modest buildings whose facadesdiffered little from  相似文献   


In the United States, nonprofit organizations are the primary vehicle through which wealthy patrons nurture arts and culture. They provide support for theatres, orchestras, operas, and ballet troupes of all sizes, as well as museums, galleries, zoos, and public radio and television stations. The survival of this subsector is dependent on the ability of individuals and foundations to raise and funnel money to the almost 7,000 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations in the United States. Nonprofit arts organizations have historically fared well during periods of financial constraint, in part because they have not depended heavily upon government subsidies. But another explanation for this stable funding picture may be the networks of overlapping board member and interpersonal ties of collegiality and friendship which characterizes the world of nonprofit arts organizations.

We began our research with the idea that network position, particularly as measured by network centrality, is an important resource for nonprofit arts organizations. We hypothesized that the more central an arts organization is in the entire network of for-profit and nonprofit arts organizations in the community, the greater will be the level of support it can generate from local donors. We also hypothesized that the more wealthy a nonprofit arts organization, the more central it is likely to be in the entire network of for-profit and nonprofit organizations.

Using an extensive database of almost 3,000 directors in the Louisville, Kentucky area, and special computer-based network analysis software packages, we were able to calculate the precise centralities of local arts organizations within a network of 149 organizations, corporations, and umbrella funding agencies. In order to determine the local financial support, we collected the 1990 IRS (Internal Revenue Service) Form 990 returns for nineteen of the twenty-five organizations (76%) we identified as active in the Louisville area. After determining organizational centrality, we did a bi-variate analysis between the centrality of an individual arts organization and total organizational wealth. What we found was that centrality is strongly associated with level of contributions and weakly associated with overall wealth. We believe that nonprofit arts organizations can take deliberate steps to maximize this resource by being aware of the other organizational (and social) ties of prospective directors.  相似文献   

湖北省蕲春县依托当地的人文资源以及药材种植、加工的优势提出了"医药兴县"的战略,并在税收、种苗补贴、中医药产业、旅游、中医药人才、中医医疗保险等方面给予政策支持。由于中医药行业本身的问题,影响政府扶持作用的效果发挥。中医药本身的弱质性,中药材作为经济作物的种植,不具有自给自足性,市场的波动容易影响农民种植的积极性。中医药产业对本地药材种植的带动作用效果明显,但深度与广度显著有限。"医药兴县"是一种特色,是一种努力的方向,但是实际中医药产业在整个县域经济体系中占比并不高,对农村农业的发展带动不大,对农民的实际收入贡献度不高。  相似文献   

黑龙江省因农民的组织化程度低、中介组织不健全等原因,使农产品市场主体发育不健全,出现了卖难的问题,严重影响了农民的收入。应运用现代企业理念和运行机制改造传统的生产和营销方式,着力扶持培育一批具有较强国际竞争力和辐射带动能力的大型农产品龙头企业,并建立健全行业协会组织和专业组织。同时,政府部门应采取有效地扶持措施,促进农产品市场主体的建设。  相似文献   

构建商品自由流通的国内统一市场能够增进消费者福祉。在地区间市场开放的条件下,对于有大量商品销往外地的地区而言,其中相应产业应具有较强的竞争力,且该商品在当地的消费市场应更为发达;而当一个地区特定产业的生产规模较小时,外地商品流入将对当地的居民消费产生支撑作用。进一步地,以中间品流通为基础的国内价值链分工能够提升产品竞争力,表现为大量商品外销的地区中交通运输、批发零售等流通行业活动的中间投入需求较大。以全国31个省2007、2012年投入产出表及经济运行数据为基础构建计量模型进行实证分析,结果印证了上述地区间商品贸易与居民消费水平间的关系机制。由此可以说明,促进地区间最终商品和中间品市场整合对于提升居民消费具有积极意义。  相似文献   

作为相关商品、要素进行直接交流的平台,专业市场的发展可经历本地生长、邻近渗透等多个阶段。在本地化扩张和向邻近地区渗透阶段,专业市场和产业集群呈现出多层级、多阶段互动发展的特征,其产业影响力是造成市场辐射区域内相关地区的产业结构差异减小。当区域内扩张造成本地市场出现拥挤效应时,跨空间扩张成为专业市场获得持续发展的重要选择。由于产业基础、人文环境、地理因素等影响,专业市场跨空间发展过程中的产业影响力与本地化发展过程中的产业影响力将表现出明显差异。实证研究发现分市场建立对迁入地制造业的直接影响不明显,专业市场发展的市场示范效应大于直接的产业影响力。  相似文献   

农民专业合作经济组织的发展需要具备农业生产的家庭经营、商品经济发展、农业社会化服务和农业产业化等社会经济条件和政府的扶持与引导。目前农民专业合作经济组织主要面临数量、规模及运行等内部问题和思想认识、制度供给、规范管理及市场体制等外部问题,政府应强化引导示范、宣教培训、制度供给、规范管理和健全市场环境等职能。  相似文献   

传统戏曲元素在动漫广告中的开发应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马振龙 《中国广告》2014,(6):124-128
随着现代社会科学技术的飞速发展,戏曲这一古老而传统的艺术形式受到了巨大的冲击。如何利用现代化的信息资源改良和拓展戏曲的发展空间,并在传承与弘扬传统戏曲的基础上同时让我国的动漫广告得到更好的发展是本文撰写的根本宗旨。文章通过对传统戏曲元素与动漫广告同构的可行性创新思考及其在同构中对传统戏曲的可开发潜在元素分析,重点对传统戏曲的视觉表现元素在动漫广告设计中开发应用的方式方法结合实例进行了较为深入的论述与探究。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the findings of a questionnaire survey returned by 125 Scottish hotels from a sample of 500 small and middle‐sized enterprises. We asked questions on the level of impact that hospitality graduates have had upon human resource management practices within individual units. The research reports that, although the cumulative graduatization of the managerial workforce appears to be under way, the main route to a permanent management post still remains one of practical work experience, rather than the attainment of a hospitality‐related degree. Although manpower planning is widely used by line managers for managing the conditions of local/external labour markets and operatives’ jobs, there is less evidence of a systematic approach to the management of graduate careers/skills or of the management of internal job structures and labour market processes in order to improve the quality of customer service. Our work suggests a need for smaller hotels to strike a fresh balance between traditional operationally driven approaches to people management and strategic human resource management frameworks.  相似文献   

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