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对冲基金在我国的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以对冲基金为研究对象,拟从对冲基金规模、区域分布、投资组合策略、对国际金融市场的影响、收益风险特征变化以及监管等几个方面,对对冲基金进行研究与分析,同时加强了我国有关对冲基金的前瞻性研究以促进我国本土对冲基金的健康发展,并对如何监管对冲基金、制定合理的法律法规及相关政策,以及防范对冲基金引致的各类风险提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

日本对冲基金发展状况及监管经验对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在2000年通过立法允许对冲基金在日本正式开展业务.在五年的时间里,日本市场上的对冲基金规模迅速膨胀;除了部分富裕阶层之外,大量的养老金、保险公司也都成为对冲基金的投资者.目前日本对于对冲基金的立法尚属空白.为了保护投资者,特别是养老金的利益,监管当局正在建立对冲基金的监管机制.日本在对冲基金的法律定位、监管原则和监管模式方面的选择,可以为中国未来的对冲基金监管机制设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

从美国次级贷危机看国际对冲基金监管的必要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冲基金在操作中存在着大量的场外交易,常常脱离监管的控制范围。随着其规模的不断扩大,对冲基金对全球金融稳定的影响与日俱增。本文从对冲基金的发展现状入手,通过分析对冲基金在美国次级贷危机中的作用,尝试对对冲基金监管提出建议。这些建议包括增大对冲基金的透明度,促进资金流动的有序性以及加强国际金融监管合作等。  相似文献   

本文介绍了对冲基金组织原理,并对对冲基金与传统的共有基金的区别做了一定的解释说明。对冲基金赖以生存的法律约束,构成其法律生态环境。在此环境中,本文讨论了对冲基金对保密与脱离监管的环境的特殊要求。  相似文献   

从对冲基金和跨国银行看国际金融监管体系的重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从1981年以来,由对冲基金发起的投机性攻击已经造成了多次区域性金融危机,实质是跨国银行而不是对冲基金构成了投机性攻击的关键力量,这暴露出以独立性、差别性国家监管为基础的国际金融监管体系已经陷入两难,必须进行深刻改革。  相似文献   

"热钱"进入的状况和影响目前正在受到国内各界的广泛关注。文章借用以指数收益推算要素敞口的方法,研究了"热钱"的典型代表———国际对冲基金在中国金融市场上的投资活动和资产分布。从全球对冲基金行业来看,尚不存在大规模投资于中国大陆市场的迹象。全球对冲基金业绩仅与中国股票市场存在较微弱的正相关关系。就大中华区而言,大陆股票、香港股票和台湾股票市场是这一地区对冲基金的主要活动场所。没有发现对冲基金在行业意义上进入中国债券、期货和房地产市场的证据。文章还分析了国际对冲基金进入中国的主要渠道和目前国内对对冲基金的监管现状,并提出有关政策建议。  相似文献   

投资基金监管制度的国际比较与我国的改进之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李克强  李丽 《经济管理》2004,(13):18-21
本文在分析国外基金监管制度及我国基金监管制度的基础上,提出了我国的改进模式,即基金监管的重点是要处理好三个关系:合规性监管与风险性监管的关系、政府监管与市场化监管的关系、行政监管与自律的关系,从而构建起以风险监管为核心的基金监管模式。  相似文献   

随着金融市场的加速创新和结构性调整,对冲基金的规模也快速扩张,成为中国金融市场活动的重要参与者。然而,在给金融市场增加流动性和市场效率的情况下,对冲基金也给中国金融市场带来了新的不稳定因素,因此,对对冲基金进行监管,减少其对中国金融体系的负面影响,也就成了中国金融管理部门不得不面对的新课题。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,对冲基金在英镑危机、东南亚金融危机中,获取了巨额的投机利润,同时,给世界经济造成了巨大的损失,致使各国都视之如洪水猛兽,避之唯恐不及。然而,对冲基金真是我们心目中的邪恶资本吗?通过对对冲基金的发展历程和内部运作进行分析,以此揭示对冲基金作为一种经营灵活、富于创新的有限合伙基金组织的真面目,并且指出对冲基金中国化的趋势。  相似文献   

一、私募投资基金 在经济生活中的发展 私募基金在市场上一般按照投资对象的不同分为对冲基金(HEDGE FUND)、风险投资基金(VENTUREFUND)、收购基金(ACQUISITION ENTITIES)、结构化金融实体(STRUCTURED FINANCE ENTITIES)等,其中以对冲基金和风险投资基金为常见。本文主要以对冲基金为例进行介绍。 “对冲基金”在美国联邦证券法中并没有被定义或使用,没有精确的法律含义。一般来说,对冲基金被用来描述主要从事各种证券和商品(包括股权、国债、金融期货、选择权和外汇)交易、运用套利、杠杆和对冲等复杂投资  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of hedge fund activism on corporate innovating activities. It finds that innovative firms are as likely to be targeted by activist hedge funds as non-innovative firms. Activist hedge funds tend to target innovative firms with low innovation efficiency. Hedge fund interventions are associated with significant improvements in innovation output in both highly competitive and less competitive industries. The improvement is more pronounced in active intervention events. Our results suggest that activist hedge funds are not myopic investors and their interventions enhance innovative activities that benefit innovative firms’ long-term performance.  相似文献   

Mandatory disclosure of hedge fund portfolios has been a hotly debated topic. This article studies asset returns of ‘confidential holdings’ (confidentiality treatment [CT]) or those assets that were not voluntarily disclosed by US-based hedge funds in their original 13F filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission. After analysing returns from 1999 to 2013, we find that in aggregate, the CT position size, ownership share and returns are statistically different to non-CT positions. We provide a mechanism for regulators and investors to rank fund managers based on what they hide in positions.  相似文献   

We study the high-moment distribution of hedge fund returns and identify factors that drive high-moment risk. Using hedge fund monthly returns, we find a strong correlation between the first four moments of returns (i.e. mean, standard deviation (SD), skewness, and kurtosis) and different characteristics of the funds such as leverage, liquidity, incentives, and strategy-related factors. We find that after controlling for other factors, incentives-related factors and a hedge fund’s specific strategy have the greatest impact on the distribution of fund returns. Our evidence also suggests investors allocate across hedge fund characteristics while placing greater emphasis on fund strategies and incentive factors.  相似文献   

This article investigates the characteristics of US and Canadian pension funds that allocate assets to hedge funds. The typical pension fund that invests in hedge funds is a large sophisticated pension fund that diversifies its portfolio across numerous classes of investments, private equity in particular, uses a core-satellite organization and has access to low delegation costs for alternative assets. Moreover, we find that pension funds investing in hedge funds significantly obtained higher global returns.  相似文献   

Alternative investments, such as hedge funds, have, in last years, become an integral part of the investment portfolios of the wealthy. The article’s goal is also to answer the following research question: Does the global wealth of the world have impact on the global value of the hedge funds’ assets? We also try to forecast the value of the hedge funds’ assets for the next years 2015–2017. The results from this study would also be valuable to investors and other stakeholders, such as the regulators and the creditors of the hedge funds.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the risk and return characteristics of a wide universe of hedge funds in the period 1990–2000. Most major categories of hedge funds are found to have outperformed (often by a considerable margin) the performance of traditional asset classes. The potential impact of hedge fund trading on market spreads and volatilities is examined especially in the period 1998, so as to provide some guidelines in terms of regulation of such funds. It is shown, however, that despite hedge fund difficulties in that period, the inclusion of hedge funds in investor portfolios definitely moves the efficiency frontier outwards, and allows significantly higher levels of returns for given levels of risk. This is primarily because of the low level of correlation of certain hedge fund styles, especially arbitrage strategies, with other hedge fund styles and with traditional assets.
(J.E.L.: G10, G11, G14, G23).  相似文献   

近年来,宏观型对冲基金加快了策略转型和运作方式调整,表现为进一步分化为中小型化和专业化,其结构性变化是投资者中的机构投资者显著增加,大型金融机构也相继设立了机构内对冲基金;在投资策略方面,为了减少风险暴露,宏观型对冲基金正在寻找与各国政府意愿和金融市场走势更加协调的投资策略;这些新的变化对于各国金融稳定提出了新的挑战。目前,中国的经济金融形势十分有利于对冲基金实施多头策略,因此,如何有序开放金融市场和金融业及有效阻止对冲基金可能给中国金融体系造成的冲击是中国应当考虑和关注的问题。  相似文献   

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