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近年来,一些城市出租车司机收入水平与运价水平之间的矛盾日益突出,已经给当地出租车行业的健康发展带来不小影响。本文首先分析我国城市出租车行业管制的现状,通过考察出租车行业发展过程中司机和乘客利益的变化,反映目前出租车运价形成机制存在的问题,最后从出租车市场供求角度,提出完善城市出租车运价联动机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章针对出租车与专车的矛盾问题日益尖锐的现状,以杭州市为例,运用文献研究、模型分析、问卷调查、访谈调研等方式展开研究,对乘客和司机进行满意度分析,着重探讨政府、出租车公司、出租车司机顺应"互联网+"新形势发展应采取的措施,认为政府需要完善和整顿出租车行业和专车行业,引入互联网技术并将出租车司机纳入社会保障体系;出租车公司需要对从业人员进行培训,合理安排工作班次并保证所收份子钱的相对公平;出租车司机需要提高自身素质,提升服务质量,转变观念,适应潮流。  相似文献   

共享经济的浪潮推动传统行业的变革,并带来机遇和挑战,共享出行行业在过去的一年里站在了风口浪尖。随着滴滴出行日渐扩大市场份额,以及人们出行模式的转变,传统出租车行业受到经济、法律、管理等多方面的冲击和前所未有的挑战。文章综合参考北京市交通发展年度报告(Beijing Transport Annual Report)提供的数据,基于SCP理论,分别从市场集中度、产品差异和进入壁垒三个方面分析北京市出租车产业的市场结构,从价格行为、并购行为和竞争行为三个方面分析北京市出租车产业的厂商行为,最后从出租车公司和司机、消费者、政府三个利益主体的角度剖析市场绩效,综合评测了打车软件对于出租车市场存在的冲击,并试图提出趋势预测和政策建言。  相似文献   

客运出租作为城市公共交通的重要组成部分,是居民出行的重要交通方式,是城市交通组织的重要途径,是关系民生的重大问题.自2008年重庆发生"罢运"事件以后,全国许多城市相继发生了类似事件,一定程度、一定期限及一定范围内造成了交通瘫痪,影响了居民出行,引发了社会问题.如何规范有序管理出租行业,为社会提供优质便民的服务,赢得社会和管理部门的认同,得到出租车企业和司机的赞同,是社会关注的焦点问题,是交通运输部门探索及追求的方向.吴江交通运输部门坚持社会效益和企业及司机经济利益相结合的原则,秉承"循环服务、内外反哺、阳光运行、多方协动"的工作思路,在出租车行业管理中积极探索,大胆实践,实现了乘客、企业、司机和行业管理部门满意的多赢格局,为中小城市出租车行业管理模式进行了探索及尝试.  相似文献   

本文重点以深圳出租车行业中全面风险中交通事故款的管理,结合对司机安全管理的培训,达到事前的控制,降低重大事故的发生,减少交通事故款的发生,达到司机与公司健康、和谐相处,共赢发展的局面。  相似文献   

共享经济进一步推动和发展了互联网技术的应用领域,实现市场闲置资源的有效整合,与此同时网约车行业在共享经济的影响下也得相应的发展,网约车产业模式作为我国新型产业,在网约车普及过程中不仅给传统出租行业带来巨大冲击,同时也给政府监管部门的行业管理提出新的难题。网约车在陕西省发展过程中,陕西省对于网约车监管力度不够,导致网约车市场中仍旧存在违法犯罪情况,由于网约车产业影响了出租车的既得利益,在此情况下网约车司机与出租车司机的摩擦矛盾已发展为普遍性,严重影响正常社会秩序。基于此,本文对共享经济下网约车监管必要性进行分析,其次以陕西网约车发展现状为基础探究共陕西网约车监管存在的问题,最后提出陕西网约车监管水平的完善对策。  相似文献   

商晨 《财经论丛》2016,(7):104-113
专车受到非议的原因,主要是因为出租车需要接受政府监管而专车不用。本文从出租车数量管制入手,通过构建包含管制数量、监管成本、代理层级的委托代理模型对出租车行业改革和专车发展进行分析,认为监管技术、监管成本、出租车数量都会影响出租车经营模式,政府对专车行业应当从提高专车司机投机成本和提高行业进入门槛两方面来进行规制。  相似文献   

近年来国内一些城市陆续发生的出租车停运事件,凸显当前我国出租车行业在"公司化"经营体制下,出租车公司与司机之间的利益协调尚存在沉痼.本文建立了出租车公司与司机方的利益博弈模型,通过对模型均衡解的求解与分析,我们认为,构建我国出租车行业的利益协调机制,关键是建立起能够提供"选择性激励"且名副其实的司机方利益"代言人"--工会组织,并明确提出,发挥组织力量来增强司机方的谈判势力,是破解双方"利益困境"、实现双方合意利益均衡与合作的有效途径.为使出租车行业真正走出"公司化剥削"的困境,我们进一步思考了工会组织为何名不副实、如何构建起出租车行业的利益协调机制等深层次问题.  相似文献   

当今社会,出租车行业越来越多的受到了人们的关注.而目前,城市的出租车行业面对的竞争主要有以下两个方面:一方面是公共汽车、地铁等交通工具的来自行业外部的竞争,另一方面是来自各个不同公司不同驾驶员之间的行业内部的竞争.无论是哪个方面的竞争,目前出租车行业的经济效益都是与行业内部的服务质量息息相关的,两者相辅相成,只有不断提高和改善服务质量,认真做好对客户的服务工作,才能够创造更大的经济效益.文章主要从出租车行业的服务质量与经济效益的关系方向做出分析,以至能够对广大出租车司机同志起到良好的促进作用,更大程度的扩大出租车行业的经济效益.  相似文献   

近年出租车行业先后出现一连串纠纷或矛盾,暴露出现行出租车管理模式和运行机制在市场化改革中存在许多问题:执法处罚过严、油价上涨过快、黑出租车严重等。为控制市场失灵,政府部门应制定合理高效的宏观管理模式,取消准入和价格管制。在产权、经营权上向个体经营者放开;组建出租车行业协会,加强行业自律;最终实现国家、个体司机和消费者三赢的效果。  相似文献   


This paper is the first to empirically compare the impact of fuel price on ridership of taxicabs and transportation network companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft. We build a theoretical model of the car service market to demonstrate how drivers under the two systems may have different reactions to fuel prices. Although all drivers pay for their own gasoline, TNC drivers have more flexibility in reducing their supply when operating costs are relatively higher. Due to greater regulation, taxi drivers are more fixed in their supply but receive a “rigidity dividend” from paying greater gas costs while profiting from the reduced competition when TNC drivers leave the market. Through ordinary least squares and seemingly unrelated regression estimation, we find that a 1-day 1% increase of fuel prices in New York City is associated with a 0.367% to 0.486% decrease in trips from TNCs, while the quantity of taxi trips will slightly increase by 0.033% to 0.088%. Empirical results additionally show a diminishing marginal effect for the fuel price elasticity of TNC trips.


出租车行业竞争性很强,对该行业进行的数量管制必然以社会福利的损失为代价,主要表现在:数量管制造成人为的垄断,给社会带来无谓的损失并形成高额的垄断租金;数量管制限制消费者的选择权,对管制租金的争夺又导致出租车司机和管制主体之间的冲突;数量管制不能克服城市拥堵问题。取消出租车数量管制,可以避免由垄断造成的低效率,增加社会就业,提高消费者的福利。  相似文献   

供应链管理理论及其在农产品物流企业中的应用   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
本文认为,农产品物流成本高、物流技术陈旧、物流投资不足、物流信息服务薄弱以及农产品市场主体发育程度较低等是提高我国农产品物流企业供应链管理水平的主要制约因素,提高我国农产品物流企业供应链管理水平,一要采用先进的物流供应链管理方式;二要多渠道提高物流供应链管理效率;三要完善农产品市场信息服务体系,发挥政府服务功能;四要加快建立农产品供应链全面质量管理体系;五要建立行业协会,规范第三方物流企业与传统物流企业在服务管理方面的行为;六要加快农产品流通标准化建设等。  相似文献   

Demand collaboration has recently been promoted by industry leaders as an important tool for supply chain management. Its greatest significance beyond the sharing of point‐of‐sale and forecast information stems from its potential to allow supply chain partners to extract private market information from each other for more effective planning and better supply chain performance. A simulation framework based on actual business processes is developed to investigate the underlying drivers of demand collaboration and the inherent risks and benefits of such collaboration.  相似文献   

快递业是我国物流业的重要组成部分,对社会经济的发展,国家的文化交流及人们的生活都有着重要作用。我国快递业发展迅速,但存在经营管理水平低、信息网络不完善、服务质量差等问题。可以通过完善管理理念,加强信息沟通,提高服务质量,注重人才培养和完善法律法规等措施来提高快递业的整体服务水平和市场竞争力。  相似文献   

Research on supply chain strategy has emphasized the importance of ensuring the supply chain for a product is appropriately aligned with the characteristics of that product and the market for which it is intended. The current study synthesizes theory from supply chain management, entrepreneurship, and marketing, and examines the results from a case study of multiple supply chains that were formed to launch products based on disruptive innovations to propose new theoretical perspectives on the development of supply chain strategy in this unique market context. The results suggest that legitimacy and value proposition definition and refinement are the initial primary drivers of supply chain strategy and the specific means by which the initial supply chain is formed and structured to achieve successful commercialization. These findings advance theory in both supply chain management and entrepreneurship as well as provide insight to firms seeking to commercialize potentially disruptive innovations.  相似文献   

Marketing literature has recently witnessed major debates about the critical drivers of success – namely, the quality versus network effect, in high-tech markets as well as the efficiency of such markets. Extant research suggests that both quality and network effects are significant factors determining market share in these markets, but that quality effect is more important. Based on surveys of several retail managers and a new dataset on the US video game industry from 1995 to 2007, we replicate and extend this research in several directions: (1) we replicate and confirm prior results that both quality and network effects are critical drivers of market share; (2) network and quality effects vary over the product generation life cycle, and hence, quality does not always win; and (3) in the Growth and Maturity phases of the product generation life cycle, network effects can trump quality effects. Our empirical results provide some practical insights for retail managers.  相似文献   

随着现代金融制度及管理模式的创新,金融体制必将发生深刻的变革,而这种变革又将带来更加适合竞争与发展的新型金融管理模式。供应链金融就是为中小物流企业量身定做的一种新型融资模式。在供应链金融实际应用过程中,可根据主体具体情况的不同采取不同的融资流程和方式,但都不可避免地会存在一定的风险。为更好地促进物流企业快速成长,在供应链金融实际应用过程中,应从供应链自身存在的风险、供应链金融业务中涉及到的信用风险、运营风险、法律风险等角度出发,对供应链金融业务风险进行深入分析,并针对相应的风险采取相应的规避措施,如政府带头培育良好的信用环境和法律环境,在供应链金融实施过程中选择好产业链群,商业银行加快构建较为完善的风险控制体系,建立供应链保障机制。  相似文献   

Associated with explosive growth in motorization, China has the world's highest road toll with more than 100,000 deaths and 400,000 injuries annually. In response, the Chinese Government introduced the first road traffic safety law in 2003, which included mandatory use of seatbelts by drivers and front seat passengers. Noting frequent non-compliance to this seatbelt regulation by Beijing taxi drivers, the authors studied seatbelt use patterns as onboard observers in a convenience sample of 235 taxi trips. Findings indicated a low seatbelt-wearing rate among taxi drivers of 7.7%, an overt non-wearing rate of 57%, covert non-wearing of 35.3% and total non-compliance of 92.3%. As in high-income countries, adoption of proven safety strategies, including wearing safety restraints, could contribute to reducing the Chinese road toll, particularly as vehicle occupant numbers and the availability of restraints increases. Further investigation of reasons for non-compliance and pretense of wearing seatbelts is required to inform future seatbelt-wearing promotions, including attitudinal studies of taxi drivers. Seatbelt wearing rates should continue to be monitored.  相似文献   

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