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通货膨胀是经济生活中的货币现象。文章从通胀成因研究史的角度比较中西方在20世纪80年代以后通货膨胀成因的主要类型,指出中国通货膨胀成因构成与西方的差异,以及中国经济在转轨时期通胀成因的复杂性和独特性,指出期间通胀成因共存五种解释的必要性以及体制性成因是根本原因之所在,认为产权关系模糊和预算软约束是促成中国通胀的长期性非货币因素,资金供给制下的地方政府和企业对银行倒逼机制的存在是通胀实现的货币因素。随着经济市场化改革的不断推进,笔者预期未来中国通胀成因理论会与西方理论日趋接近,并有统一化趋势。  相似文献   

本文对不同货币层次、汇率与通货膨胀之间的相互关系进行了实证分析,根据我国对货币层次的划分,论证了M1是通胀的成因;准货币不是通货膨胀的成因,以及基于该点,分析了储蓄保值计划的作用机理及其可行性.在汇率方面,人民币升值有利于降低通货膨胀,但是汇率的系数不显著,说明在治理通货膨胀方面,不能将汇率政策作为基本工具来使用.  相似文献   

我国本轮通胀预期在本质上是超额货币供给引致实际货币购买力下降的结果,这表明近年中国持续高货币增长并非简单用"货币透失"所能解释.为检验我国通胀产生动因.本文通过引入产出缺口、货币缺口进行建模,发现产出缺口对通胀有短期正向冲击.而货币缺口是导致我国通货膨胀主要且持续的根源.同时,近年来备受关注的房地产市场对我国通胀效应具有助推效果,实证结果表明房价的攀升对通货膨胀和货币缺口有着直接而显著的影响,因此控制房价也应成为管理部门调控通胀的重要手段.  相似文献   

前一阶段我国通货膨胀问题严峻,一种流行观点认为货币供给过剩是此次通膨的原因,本文通过构建计量经济模型运用基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数研究得出结论:前期我国通货膨胀的主要原因是成本推进,货币供应量在通胀中并不扮演主要角色。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,由于通货膨胀目标制(Inflation Targeting,以下又简称通胀目标制)被越来越多的国家采用,使得通胀目标制成为近年西方货币经济学领域最热门的研究课题之一。从传统的以控制货币供应量为主的货币目标法(Monetary'Targeting)和以稳定汇率为主的汇率目标法(Exchange rate Targeting)到明确公布通货膨胀目标的通胀目标制是一个货币政策方面的重大转变。本文主要分析了我国实施通胀目标制的可行性,并提供相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国目前的通货膨胀主要由产出缺口、货币信贷量过快增长、经济结构因素变动、汇率的变化以及通胀预期造成的,而产出缺口是决定通胀的一个基本力量,在货币供应量指标M2中,短期内只有"真实交易货币"能直接对物价起推动作用。结合通货膨胀产生的原因对中国治理现阶段的通货膨胀提出几点建议,主要是完善CPI体系、央行实行货币从紧的政策、压低房价、加快转变经济发展方式。  相似文献   

当前我国通货膨胀压力增大,其原因有多种多样,许多学者仅从传统的通货膨胀归因理论进行了研究,没有涉及我国特有的制度成本推进型通货膨胀。我们认为,我国的通货膨胀除了有需求、供给、货币、国际输入的因素外,还有制度因素,我国的成本推进型通胀有其独有的特点,不仅是由经济原因造成,更是由制度原因造成。因此,解决通货膨胀顽症,要更多从社会层面的制度上去着力。  相似文献   

本文检验中国1945—1949年恶性通货膨胀期间是否存在价格泡沫,并据此考察理性预期路径的收敛性。结论认为通胀中含有显著的泡沫成分,尤其在样本后半期恶性通胀主要由泡沫所推动而脱离了市场基本面;由于泡沫成分的存在,理性通胀预期的路径并不收敛。经验结论还表明这一时期货币供给主要是内生决定的,预期价格上涨导致名义货币供给几乎同比例增长。这保证了政府的实际铸币税收益,也意味着通货膨胀和货币增长循环相因构成恶性循环。本文的方法为当前我国资产市场泡沫问题的研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

中国通胀惯性特征与货币政策启示   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
通胀惯性与货币政策效果紧密相关。本文应用具有统计无偏性的"Grid Bootstrap"估计法和未知断点结构突变检验法,研究了1980—2007年中国通货膨胀的惯性特征。本文发现,在低通胀环境下通货膨胀仍然呈现相当高的惯性特征,这暗示着我国货币政策的滞后效应依然非常明显,通货膨胀对政策变化的反应速度缓慢。计量结果说明,中央银行至少应该在出现通胀压力前一年采取措施,来应对高通胀惯性环境下的政策滞后效应。因此,新时期货币当局不仅需要保持对通胀抬头趋势的适度警觉,而且应该关注高通胀惯性对政策效果的影响。  相似文献   

货币供应与通货膨胀的动态关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过实证研究发现,货币供应量的冲击无法有效解释我国通货膨胀现象,超额的货币供应并不是影响我国通胀的重要原因,而居民对物价水平的预期却能解释未来通货膨胀的变化。因此,从通货膨胀治理的角度来说,调整货币供应抑制通货膨胀的作用非常有限,而通货膨胀预期管理也许更能起到平抑通货膨胀的作用。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the adoption of an inflation target reduces the persistence of inflation.We develop the theoretical literature on inflation persistence by introducing a Taylor Rule for monetary policy into a model of persistence and showing that inflation targets reduce inflation persistence.We investigate changes in the time series properties of inflation in seven countries that introduced inflation targets in the late 1980s or early 1990s.We find that the persistence of inflation is greatly reduced or eliminated following the introduction of inflation targets.  相似文献   

Using theoretical and empirical analyses, this paper shows that the expectation dynamics induced by information asymmetry between the Central Bank (CB) and the public can cause the price puzzle. The signalling and learning dynamics between the CB and a representative private-sector agent under asymmetric information is investigated. Inflation positively reacts to contractionary monetary policy because the change in the interest rate is perceived as a signal of the CB’s private information about higher future inflation and output by the public. The empirical section of the paper validates this theoretical argument using a VAR specification about the US economy. Besides providing an explanation for the price puzzle, the results of this paper has practical implications about transparency and monetary policy. The theoretical and empirical findings indicate that asymmetric information causes significant frictions in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. These frictions induce short-run undesired effects like increase in expected inflation and actual inflation as a response to contractionary monetary policy which is identified as “the price puzzle”.  相似文献   

This paper investigates monetary policymakers' rationale for dissent to test for a hypothesized difference in policy preferences between bank presidents and members of the Board of Governors. The paper analyzes the cited reasons for dissent, the identity of the dissenter, and uses multiple regression to make inferences regarding the differences.
Examining the identity of dissenters and the given reasons for dissent yields four conclusions, (i) A broad base of bank presidents dissent for tighter policy because they want to control inflation by keeping monetary aggregates within targeted ranges. (ii) On the other hand, board members' dissent for tighter policy is dominated by one man–Henry Wallich—who apparently was disturbed by the inflationary outbreak during the late 1970s and early 1980s. (Hi) Several board members dissent for looser policy to stimulate the real economy, (iv) But only a few bank presidents, primarily from the Northeast, dissent for looser policy with the same objective.
Regression analysis supports the assertion that bank presidents dissenting for tighter policy do so to keep monetary aggregates on target in order to control inflation. The analysis confirms Wallich's focus on inflation during the late 1970s and early 1980s. It also allows for the possibility that the various board members dissenting for looser policy either have an inherent preference for looser policy or have diverse reasons for dissent.  相似文献   

关于货币供给与通货膨胀的关联性,学者们还没有形成一致的看法.理论上,货币供给与通货膨胀具有一定的关联性.通货膨胀有需求拉动型和成本推动型,在通货膨胀的原因中有“货币因素”,也有“非货币因素”.实证检验表明:中国货币供应量与物价指数不存在长期的稳定均衡关系,但货币供应量是物价指数的格兰杰原因,反之则不然.事实上,中国通货膨胀或通货膨胀压力一方面是与货币供给有关,另一方面还与结构性因素有关.因此,要实现中国经济的低通胀运行:一是实行总量均衡和结构合理的货币供给模式;二是采取更有效的货币政策;三是推进经济结构调整,实现国际收支平衡;四是深化金融体系改革,增强中央银行货币控制能力;五是进行汇率机制改革;六是通过财政政策调整供需结构.  相似文献   

本文回顾了2011年中国货币政策操作的主要措施和金融运行情况,分析了2012年货币政策运行环境,提出了货币政策建议。本文认为,2011年,面对不断上升的通货膨胀压力,中国人民银行实行了稳健的货币政策,货币信贷条件向常态水平回归,有效遏制了物价过快上涨的势头。2012年,在经济增长下行压力和物价上涨压力并存的局面下,中国人民银行需要继续实施稳健的货币政策,进一步增强货币政策的针对性、灵活性和前瞻性,根据经济形势的变化,适时适度进行预调微调,保持货币信贷总量和社会融资规模的合理适度增长,更好地服务于实体经济发展。  相似文献   

The inflation of the 1970s in the US is often discussed as if the only type of policy action that could have prevented the inflation were monetary policy actions and the only type of policy errors that might have induced the inflation were monetary policy errors. Yet fiscal policy underwent dramatic shifts in the 1970s and economic theory makes clear that in an environment of uncertainty about future fiscal policy, monetary policy instruments may lose potency or have perverse effects. This paper documents the vagaries of fiscal policy in this period and argues that people at the time must have been uncertain about fiscal policy's future course. It also lays out a theoretical framework for understanding the effects of fiscal uncertainties on monetary policy and shows that fiscal variables have predictive value in dynamic models, even if traditional monetary policy indicators are included in the system.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a long-standing political debate as how effective is monetary policy to stabilise food inflation. While a wealth of theoretical literature suggests a stabilising role of monetary policy via aggregate demand channel, there exists hardly any empirical consensus on this issue. Very recently, a limited strand of empirical literature has attempted to shed light in this arena. The present study contributes to this literature by analysing the effectiveness of aggregate demand channel in presence of production cost channel of monetary policy transmission, affecting prices positively via supply side, in a panel of developed and emerging economies for the period 2006 Q1 to 2016 Q2. We find that an unexpected monetary tightening has a positive and significant effect on food inflation in both advanced and emerging economies. Our findings suggest that in the backdrop of inflationary pressure stemming from the food sector, a monetary tightening may turn out to be destabilising for the food as well as overall inflation in the economy.  相似文献   

积极的货币政策帮助中国经济在危机中和后危机时代保持稳定而较快的增长。然而与之相随的是物价上涨、通胀压力显现和外部的人民币升值压力。当前中国经济的主要矛盾是防通胀,保增长的压力较小。而且,由于中国有管理的浮动汇率制度和对资本项目下货币流动的严格管理制度,利率上升本身不会对人民币升值带来显著影响,也不会导致热钱的大量流入。  相似文献   

Can US monetary policy in the 1970s be described by a stabilizing Taylor rule when policy is evaluated with real-time inflation and output gap data? Using economic research on the full employment level of unemployment and the natural rate of unemployment published between 1970 and 1977 to construct real-time output gap measures for periods of peak unemployment, we find that the Federal Reserve did not follow a Taylor rule if appropriate measures are used. We estimate Taylor rules and find no evidence that monetary policy stabilized inflation, even allowing for changes in the inflation target. While monetary policy was stabilizing with respect to inflation forecasts, the forecasts systematically under-predicted inflation following the 1970s recessions and this does not constitute evidence of stabilizing policy. We also find that the Federal Reserve responded too strongly to negative output gaps.  相似文献   

In this paper, using a monetary policy framework where the central banker is considered as conservative, we investigate the role of labor market structural reforms in inflation dynamics. Our theoretical model suggests that a more deregulated labor market reduces inflation persistence. Using data from a large sample of OECD countries over the period 2000–2012, we empirically confirm our theoretical proposition. The main policy implication is that the reduction of inflation persistence can be addressed not only by central banks, but also by governments through the path of labor market structural reforms.  相似文献   

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