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技术贸易壁垒与我国出口贸易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术贸易壁垒是目前发达国家实行贸易保护的最主要手段之一。技术贸易壁垒对国际贸易发展有消极和积极两个方面的影响。利用世贸规则以防不合理的技术贸易壁垒和提升我国出口商品科技含量显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how pre‐existing preferential trade agreements (PTAs) dilute the trade creation effect and shield the trade diversion effect of new PTAs. Countries having pre‐existing PTAs enjoy smaller gains in intra‐bloc trade because of the dilution effect and experience smaller losses or even gains in extra‐bloc trade because of the shielding effect. The findings support the proposition that PTAs could be used to fend off future trade diversion.  相似文献   

在当今世界经济的发展中,区域经济一体化是战后世界经济发展的重要特征,也是当前世界经济发展的客观必然趋势.按照<中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议>时间框架,中国-东盟自由贸易区于2010年1月1日全面建成.本文首先介绍了中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展状况;然后采用定性分析法,通过对建立中国-东盟自由贸易区的贸易效应分析,可以看出中国东盟的经济还有很大的发展空间,只要将贸易区内存在的问题处理妥当,中国-东盟自由贸易区在建成后将能发挥更大的潜力.  相似文献   

Trade Impacts of China's World Trade Organization Accession   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examines China's World Trade Organization (WTO) accession commitments and assesses their implications for China and the world using a model reflecting the importance of duty-free intermediate inputs in China's exports. The WTO agreement built on earlier reforms that introduced competition into the trade regime, eliminated nontariff barriers and exchange rate overvaluation, and reduced tariffs. The reforms associated with accession were conservatively estimated to increase global real incomes by $74 billion per year, with $29 billion accruing to China and the remainder primarily to those countries trading directly with China. Some lower-income developing countries faced greater competition from China in third markets.  相似文献   

王艳 《时代经贸》2011,(8):84-85
在当今世界经济的发展中,区域经济一体化是战后世界经济发展的重要特征,也是当前世界经济发展的客观必然趋势。按照《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议》时间框架,中国-东盟自由贸易区于2010年1月1日全面建成。本文首先介绍了中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展状况;然后采用定性分析法,通过对建立中国-东盟自由贸易区的贸易效应分析,可以看出中国东盟的经济还有很大的发展空间,只要将贸易区内存在的问题处理妥当,中国一东盟自由贸易区在建成后将能发挥更大的潜力。  相似文献   

张圆媛 《经济师》2009,(12):38-39
在经济全球化和国际竞争日益加剧的背景下,一些国家出现了一股新贸易保护主义思潮,其关注的焦点由传统理论所关注的经济问题扩展到社会问题,由产业发展转向了人类本身。各国采取的贸易保护政策出现了一些新的特征,反倾销措施、技术性贸易壁垒、保障措施等贸易壁垒被频繁使用,各种新的贸易壁垒层出不穷,对我国对外贸易的发展造成严重阻碍。文章正是基于此,分析了新贸易保护主义对我国对外贸易的影响,对我国对外贸易应采取何种措施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

文章利用Eviews软件,对1994年~2004年的加工贸易进出口数据、价格贸易条件和收入贸易条件数据进行了简单的统计分析,得出的结论是:加工贸易进出口额增长率、竞争力指数、增值系数的变动均会引起价格贸易条件的下降,而进出口额增长率则对收入贸易条件都有促进上升的作用。  相似文献   

程婷 《时代经贸》2008,6(8):106-107
随着全球化发展的不断深入,国际贸易领域出现了许多新的重大变化,其中最令人瞩目的是全球性生产网络的建立和产品内贸易的不断增长.产品内分工基础上的产品内贸易的发展对于发达国家和发展中国家都具有重要影响,它拓宽了经济开放国家或地区的国际贸易参与度,但处在产品内国际分工不同生产环节的企业所荻收益却并非一致.  相似文献   

从需求角度考察国际贸易理论,需求模式的变动会通过产业结构调整来影响贸易模式的发展和变化,因此,贸易格局的最终动因要到需求结构中去找。一国的竞争优势取决于市场规模,更取决于市场特征,内需在竞争优势中发挥了重要作用。目前,我国的外贸结构存在非持续性的弊端,实施绿色贸易战略,应该在注重外需因素的同时,充分发挥内需在培育绿色竞争优势方面的作用。  相似文献   

International Provision of Trade Services, Trade, and Fragmentation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper examines the special role that trade liberalization in service industries can play in stimulating not only trade in services but also in goods. International trade in goods requires inputs from several services industries (trade services, such as transportation, insurance, and finance) in order to complete and facilitate international transactions. Restriction on the ability of national service providers to provide these services across borders and within foreign countries creates additional costs and barriers to international trade above those that would arise in otherwise comparable intranational exchange. As a result, trade liberalization in services can yield benefits, by facilitating trade in goods, that are larger than one might expect from analysis of the services trade alone. This paper explores this idea using simple theoretical models to specify the relationships between services trade and goods trade. The paper also notes the role of services trade in a model of international industrial fragmentation, where production processes can be separated across locations but at some cost in terms of additional service inputs. The incentives for such fragmentation can be larger across countries than within countries, owing to the greater differences in factor prices and technologies available. However, the service costs of international fragmentation can also be larger, especially if regulations and restrictions impede the international provision of services. As a result, trade liberalization in services can also stimulate fragmentation of production of both goods and services, thus increasing international trade and the gains from trade even further.  相似文献   

A modified version of the partial‐equilibrium gravity model, originally proposed by Fukao et al. (2003 ), is employed to investigate the changing pattern of US textile trade. We use US Bilateral Manufacturing Imports and Exports data for 1989–2001 to assess the impact of labor wages, tariffs, and exchange rates on the composition of US textile imports before and after the creation of NAFTA. The analysis is performed at the SIC two‐digit industry level and the more disaggregated four‐digit sector level. We find little evidence of trade diversion in textiles frequently attributed to NAFTA, while trade creation is clearly present. Furthermore, lower wages in some textile‐exporting countries (e.g. countries in Asia) do not appear to significantly increase these countries' shares of US textile imports at the expense of other trading partners. However, variations in currency exchange rates and tariffs have substantial effects on the composition of US imports.  相似文献   

Conventional aggregate trade elasticity estimates hardly vary across countries. We introduce an aggregate elasticity that is implied by theory: It is the value that equates the welfare gains from trade as implied by one‐ and multi‐sector versions of the model in Arkolakis et al. (American Economic Review, 102 (2012):94–130). These estimates are predicated on sector‐level values for trade elasticites, which we provide at three‐digit levels for 28 developed and developing countries. The values for this aggregate elasticity vary greatly across countries, and they do so because of countries' patterns of production and because a given sector‐level elasticity displays considerable cross‐country heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the competitive determination of the pattern of trade, seen as a choice of technique problem within a two-country, two-commodity, circulating capital model. It seeks to re-examine the analytical premises of the principle of comparative advantage. The establishment of competitive advantage is addressed in a Sraffian framework that allows the integration of the choice of technique problem to issues of growth and distribution. The focus is on exploring the validity of this principle when capital is internationally immobile—the context in which the principle was first postulated. Capital immobility imparts a degree freedom to the model. Closing the model and establishing a trade outcome on the basis of the principle of comparative advantage depends on the specification of appropriate boundary conditions. These boundary conditions boil down to some specification of relative scales of the trading partners and the scope for complete specialization and mutually beneficial gains from trade is circumscribed.  相似文献   

中国对外贸易在规模总量迅速发展的背后,潜藏着众多不利于可持续发展的问题,诸如贸易结构不合理、贸易条件恶化以及环境污染破坏严重等,依靠要素投入的传统贸易增长方式正是导致这些问题的根源.因此,动态地利用比较优势原理,实现比较优势的高级化和提高竞争优势,使增长方式向集约型转变是解决对外贸易可持续发展潜在问题的根本之道.  相似文献   

文章利用产业内贸易指数分析中蒙贸易的互补性,建立扩展的引力模型探究两国的贸易潜力。结果显示:中蒙主要是产业间贸易,有互补的贸易需求;两国贸易为"潜力开拓型",潜力值波动不明显,还有未被发现的贸易潜力。中蒙应加强互联互通,在保持原有贸易模式的同时,寻找新的贸易增长点。  相似文献   

绿色贸易壁垒对我国外贸的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自可持续发展思潮产业和发展起来以后,环保问题愈来愈引人注目,与贸易有关的环境问题也已成为影响国际贸易可持续发展的重要因素,并受到WTO的高度重视。1995年WTO设 贸易与环境专门委员会(CET),以强化WTO对贸易与环境的管理,并在WTO导言中阐述了实现可持续发展与环境保护需要的目标。但是由于在乌拉圭回合的谈判所形成的协议之中对关税壁垒及传统的非关税壁垒的有关规定越来越严格,贸易的透明度进一步提高,传统的贸易保护进一步受到有效的限制,贸易保护主义不得不寻求新的贸易保护手段来实施其贸易保护战略。在这种背景下,发达国家利用自己的经济,技术,优势,借环保之名,对一些发展中国家设置了“绿色贸易壁垒”。这种壁垒已越来越成为发达国家在国际贸易中所使用的主要技术壁垒,对世界经济产生重大影响。我国加入WTO后,外贸出口面对的国外贸易保护和关税壁垒状况将会大为改观,但是与贸易有关的环境因素构筑的绿色贸易壁垒将会威胁我国的贸易利益。在与国际市场全面接轨的过程中,如何适应WTO多边贸易体制有关贸易与环境问题达成的协议,如何突破西方发达国家日趋严格的绿色贸易壁垒,是我国加入WTO后,外贸环境能否真正得到改善的关键所在。  相似文献   

中国当前的加工贸易与加工贸易政策(上篇)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文概述了目前我国加工贸易的状况和政府给予加工贸易的优惠政策,分析了加工贸易政策的利与弊,得出了加工贸易政策目前已经弊大于利的结论,提出了取消给予加工贸易的优惠政策的主张  相似文献   

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