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Although public anti‐smoking campaigns have undoubtedly paid off, their scope has been rather limited. This paper aims to contribute to this debate and provide a theoretical foundation based on the perceptions of female smokers that could provide guidance for the planning and design of more effective anti‐smoking campaigns. To attain this end, this study resorts to the concept of Perceived Value (PV). A scale of measurement was drawn up from the conceptualization of the Smoking PV (SPV) founded on a review of the specialized literature on smoking habits and an empirical study drawn from a sampling of female smokers. Results offer empirical evidence on the utility of the SPV both to improve our understanding of the perceived smoker experience and to predict intentions to quit smoking.  相似文献   

This paper examines data from four Australian National Health Surveys and shows that decline in tobacco smoking prevalence experienced in Australia since World War II may not have continued as might have been inferred from the Lopez et al. model. The decline may have stabilized at approximately 20% of the adult population despite active anti-smoking campaigns. The data also suggest that changes in smoking status have not been consistent across all segments of the population despite all segments being exposed to the same fear-based campaign strategy. The data also suggests that while this health-scare approach may have coincided with improvements in the proportions of some groups of smokers who successfully quit the habit, an increase in the proportion of young females who have, at some stage, commenced to smoke has begun. If smoking prevalence is to be eradicated in Australia or other similar markets, campaigns must address cessation and prevention.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke is the most dangerous of the toxic elements in our environment. Smoking is responsible for almost 500 000 deaths each year in the United States — more than any other environmental toxin. The medical evidence is clear, mainstream and sidestream smoke kills people, and anyone who participates in the spreading of this smoke is acting unethically. Yet, when there are no governmental laws that ban smoking in public, most business-people allow smoking in their places of business. These businesspeople are acting in an unethical manner, a manner which endangers customers and employees. This paper examines the impact on the environment of smoking in public and concludes that businesses must move quickly to ban smoking, or we will need nationwide, uniform legal restrictions to force ethical action in this critical area.Dr. David M. Ludington is the Senior Professor of Business Administration at Culver-Stockton College in Missouri. Before teaching, he held management positions at the National Bank of Detroit and The University of Michigan. He was also a partner in a management consulting firm. He has published a number of articles in the areas of business ethics, strategic marketing and strategic management. He is currently finishing a book on business ethics. He also assists companies in developing an ethical orientation.  相似文献   

Smoking is an international health crisis. Tobacco packaging is an important vehicle to convey antismoking messages, which to date have been predominantly limited to fear‐based health appeals. Using an experimental approach, we examine whether a novel alternative—using negative social cues on packaging—is effective at discouraging smoking. Our results support the notion that packaging which conveys to smokers that “others” view smoking negatively is sufficient to trigger feelings of self‐consciousness, which in turn reduces smoking intentions. This approach is particularly effective in “isolated” smokers who do not see smoking as identity‐relevant or congruent with their social self. These findings suggest that for a particular segment of the smoking population, the integration of negative social cues on packaging may be an effective complement to current fear‐based appeals.  相似文献   

Because of the negative aspects of smoking, the US National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse has recommended that university campuses should be smoke free. The purpose of this research was to learn students' opinions about the effectiveness of a smoking policy on campus. The policy simply stated there should be no smoking within 30 feet of a building. However, no areas were designated as smoking areas. Using phenomenological inquiry, the authors observed and interviewed both smoking and non‐smoking students. Findings suggest that the existing smoking policy was weak and often ignored. Students felt the purpose of the smoking policy should be clearly stated because they were not sure if the policy was intended to make smokers quit or prevent them from smoking in front of doors. This study demonstrates the utility of careful observation as a prelude to the design and implementation of qualitative data collection methods. The results indicate observation is a valuable part of a qualitative research strategy.  相似文献   

Smoking habit seriously affects public health in a number of direct and indirect ways. The study reported here took place in Brazil and examined the promotional activities of the tobacco industry at the point of sale, with particular reference to their impact on children. Tobacco control policies are generally in place in developed countries, and smokers typically develop the habit while still young. Trained researchers visited a stratified sample of 429 retail outlets in the city of São Paulo, comprising the local equivalents of bars, snack bars, luncheonettes and pubs. Data for analysis were collected by direct observation at the point of sale and interviews with the person deemed to be in charge of the outlet visited. The results indicate that the tobacco industry is displaying its products within full view of children and making use of the sales' incentives offered to the retailer. The findings contribute significantly to the study of the effect of promotion at the point of sale on young smokers and can inform the policy debate on the increasing regulation of tobacco marketing promotional methods.  相似文献   

Decades of tobacco control initiatives have turned public opinion against cigarette smoking. Smokers, once considered glamorous, are now stigmatized in domains including the workplace. Extant literature lacks scrutiny of smoker stigmatization and devaluation within the job selection process, and mechanisms that lead to such outcomes. Using an experimental design, we empirically examine initial reactions to job applicants’ smoking behaviors within two samples (N = 122 Canadian business students, and N = 143 online U.S. respondents with hiring experience). We show that initial impressions are significantly worse when job applicants smoke versus do not in a store-based context. Moreover, this effect occurs indirectly through perceived likelihood of engaging in counterproductive work behaviors (and to some extent negative emotions experienced), and is conditional upon respondents’ own attitudes towards smoking (particularly within the U.S. sample). These relationships—similar for customer service and inventory management jobs—are indicative of potential biases within the hiring process. Implications of these findings, and the moral dilemmas they raise around the treatment of smokers, are discussed from the ethical perspective of human resource management.  相似文献   

Despite the success of antismoking campaigns that aim to prevent young teens from smoking, this qualitative study provides strong evidence that different initiatives are needed for college students, particularly those who already smoke. When asked for responses to current antismoking messages, nonsmokers generally championed the cause; however, smokers often responded with anger, defiance, denial, and other negative responses. Consumers who respond in this manner are not well served by existing strategies, and money used for such campaigns could be better spent. New strategies are offered in hopes that antismoking campaigns can communicate more effectively with one high‐risk group—college student smokers.  相似文献   

Using two experiments we demonstrate that people have lower tolerance for smoking and higher anti‐smoking activism likelihood when in‐group versus out‐group members smoke. The likelihood of anti‐smoking activism toward in‐group smokers was greater for men than women. Moreover, as social distance declined, men showed greater anti‐smoking message receptiveness, message susceptibility and activism likelihood, whereas, women displayed no significant differences in tolerance for smoking, message receptiveness, message susceptibility, and activism likelihood. Open‐ended responses indicated generally negative cognitive reactions to smokers, yet a broad unwillingness to confront them. While feelings of personal relevance and caring facilitated anti‐smoking activism intentions, beliefs in the freedom of personal choice and polite interpersonal interactions hindered these intentions.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate over the ethical status of policies that give an employer the right to discharge an employee without a good reason or notice (i.e., employment at-will policies). This article moves beyond the question of whether the adoption of such a policy is unethical per se under all circumstances, focusing instead on the following question: Assuming that an at-will policy is not unethical per se in all circumstances, what are the ethical issues associated with an employer's implementation and maintenance of an employment at-will policy, and how can these issues be addressed? Three primary ethical concerns are identified and discussed, and specific propositions regarding employers' obligations are presented. The article concludes by offering practical guidance intended to assist at-will employers in meeting the identified ethical obligations.  相似文献   

Smoking has been considered a health problem virtually since its introduction to Europe in the 1500's. At various times, laws were enacted to attempt to control smoking, while cultivation of tobacco became economically more and more important. The development of widespread recognition of the health consequences of smoking has led to numerous suggestions that cigarette advertising be banned. However, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of the press. Analysis of the legal issues involved in such a ban requires consideration of the entire trend of Supreme Court decisions in the area of commercial speech. While it is not possible at this time to predict exactly how the Court would rule in this area, a comprehensive regulatory effort to reduce tobacco consumption could probably include a ban on tobacco advertising.  相似文献   

Considerable interest has long existed in two separate phenomena of considerable social interest, namely children’s early exposure to employment outside of any organizational, legislative, or collective bargaining protection, and teenage smoking. We used data from a large national survey to address possible direct and indirect links between children’s early employment intensity and smoking (both intent and history) because of significant long-term implications of the link between work and well-being in a vulnerable population. Fifth to ninth grade children’s (N = 19,018) informal employment intensity (number of odd jobs) was related to both smoking history and smoking intent, and these effects were partially mediated by the amount of weekly spending money and self-esteem. The number of one’s parents and friends who smoke separately moderated the relationships between self-esteem and weekly spending money, and smoking behavior. These findings illustrate the complex consequences of young children’s exposure to early employment, and emphasize the need for research on the ethical implications of pre- and early teenagers who are employed outside of the formal employment context.  相似文献   

Disclosure of medical and errors to patients has been increasingly mandated in the U.S. and Canada. Thus, some health systems are developing formal disclosure policies. The present study examines how disclosure training may impact staff and the organization. We argue that organizations that support “disclose and apologize” activities, as opposed to “deny and defend,” are demonstrating values-based ethics. Specifically, we hypothesized that when health care clinicians are trained and supported in error disclosure, this may signal a values-based ethical environment, and staff may be more committed to the organization. We surveyed 325 clinical care providers employed by a large hospital that had recently begun implementing disclosure policies and training. Disclosure training explained significant variance in perceptions of the ethical environment, and the ethical environment mediated the relationship between disclosure training and organizational commitment. Although this study explored disclosure of medical errors, organizational support for error disclosure is a concept that could be relevant for many types of organizations.  相似文献   

Governments in many developed countries are increasing their efforts to reduce smoking. In line with their commitment for action, governments use anti-smoking advertising to highlight the health risks of smoking and regulatory measures to dissuade consumers from consuming tobacco. In the past, governments tended to take these steps in isolation, now they are more likely to combine these strategies as part of a demarketing mix. However, relatively little is known about the differential impact of these demarketing mix elements in relation to consumers' intention to quit smoking and other important outcome variables. This article presents a conceptual model linking the 4Ps in a demarketing context with three outcome measures: consumers' attitude toward the tobacco industry, consumers' attitude toward smoking, and consumers' intention to quit smoking. The authors use empirical longitudinal data to test the model and the results suggest that the four demarketing mix elements affect smokers' attitudes toward the tobacco industry and smoking, as well as their intention to quit over time. Further, the results from structural equation modeling analysis indicate that not all four demarketing mix elements are equally effective in inducing consumer behavior change.  相似文献   

A Content Analysis of Whistleblowing Policies of Leading European Companies   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Since the introduction of the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 and several other national corporate governance codes, whistleblowing policies have been implemented in a growing number of companies. Existing research indicates that this type of governance codes has a limited direct effect on ethical or whistleblowing behaviour whereas whistleblowing policies at the corporate level seem to be more effective. Therefore, evidence on the impact of (inter)national corporate governance codes on the content of corporate whistleblowing policies is important to understand their indirect impact on whistleblowing behaviour. This study analyzes the contents of whistleblowing policies, and parts of corporate codes of conduct and codes of ethics, describing such policies of 56 leading European companies. By classifying the contents in seven categories, an exploratory framework was created. General contents often identified were: applicability to all employees, a group-wide scope and an authoritative tone. The most common general violations to report were breaches of internal policies and external regulations or laws. The more specific violations most frequently mentioned were criminal offences and dangers to health and safety or the environment. Contacts to report to were the direct or indirect supervisors, a compliance officer or a confidential “hotline” facility. A confidentiality guarantee was common and anonymous reporting was often possible, though sometimes discouraged. Protection against retaliation is stated by ensuring that retaliation will not happen, prohibiting it or making it punishable. The requirement of good faith was frequently given. Finally, investigation of the report was often guaranteed. Surprisingly little information is given on the treatment of whistleblowers reporting an unfounded complaint in good faith, or reporting a violation they were involved in. The study’s findings are most relevant to companies without a whistleblowing policy or those that intend to benchmark their policies, and to pan-European standard setters.  相似文献   

Targeting young people in their early teens before they have established a smoking habit may be critical to reducing smoking rates. Mass-media campaigns can play an important role in reaching large numbers of young people directly with prevention messages. Given the current level of debate in this area regarding which message theme is most appropriate, this study was conducted to explore young people’s views, attitudes and behaviours towards smoking, and examine young people’s response to different types of message appeal. A qualitative research design was employed and a total of 12 focus groups and 18 friendship pairs were conducted in England with 11-14-year-olds, half of whom were smokers and half of whom were experimenting with smoking. The results indicate that no single anti-smoking message appeal is likely to have universal appeal and that young people’s response to message appeals is mediated by the values they attach to smoking. Implications for future youth smoking prevention campaigns targeting young people in England are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper compares the results of large-scale U.S. and U.K. surveys designed to identify managers' major ethical concerns and to investigate how firms are formulating and communicating ethics policies responsive to these concerns.Our findings indicate some important differences between U.S. and U.K. firms in perceptions of what are important ethical issues, in the means used to communicate ethics policies, and in the issues addressed in ethics policies and employee training. U.K. companies tend to be more likely to communicate ethics policies through senior executives, whereas U.S. companies tend to rely more on their Human Resources and Legal Departments. U.S. firms consider most ethical issues to be more important than do their U.K. counterparts, and are especially concerned with employee behavior which may harm the firm. In contrast, the issues which U.K. managers consider more important tend to be concerned with external corporate stakeholders rather than employees.Diana C. Robertson is an Assistant Professor in the Legal Studies Department of The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Robertson has been a Visiting Assistant Professor at The London Business School and she has received The University of Pennsylvania Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching. Her research interests include the impact of corporate policy and strategy on employees' ethical behavior, and the diffusion of ethical practices among corporations. Dr. Robertson has published articles in theSloan Management Review, theJournal of Business Ethics, andOrganization Science.Bodo B. Schlegelmilch holds the British Rail Chair of Marketing. Dr. Schlegelmilch was formerly a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Lecturer in Marketing and International Business at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests include international and strategic marketing. Dr. Schlegelmilch has published articles in theJournal of International Business, theEuropean Journal of Marketing, andIndustrial Marketing Management.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore how young adults in Puerto Rico perceive and respond to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives in comparison with young adults in the United States. It explored the awareness of CSR, the importance placed on four CSR dimensions (economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic), and how such perceptions potentially link to individuals' behavioral intentions. An online survey found that Puerto Rican respondents perceive themselves as having a higher level of awareness of CSR than young adults in the United States; however, the level of CSR awareness among these demographic groups was low in both countries. Puerto Rican respondents placed more importance on the economic dimension of CSR, while U.S. respondents placed more importance on the legal dimension of CSR. CSR awareness was positively linked to behavioral intentions only among U.S. respondents. The allocated importance of CSR was a critical factor for respondents in Puerto Rico to show more favorable behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

Do chief financial officers (CFOs) of publicly held corporations agree with the Institute of Management Accountants' (IMA) Standards of Ethical Conduct and are they willing to adopt them? To address these issues, a survey was conducted concerning the Standards. The IMA issued the Pronouncement of Standards in June, 1982. In November, 1992, 790 survey questionnaires were mailed to chief financial officers (CFOs) of corporations listed in Forbes. These CFOs held the positions of vice president of finance and controller. Completed questionnaires were received from 208 CFOs representing a 26.3% response rate. The questionnaire employed a 5-point Likert scale and included seven demographic questions to facilitate the interpretation of the findings. The surveyed CFOs agreed with the majority of the Standards. However, many CFOs commented that some of the Standards of Ethical Conduct were difficult to implement in the real world. The CFOs critically commented that all the Standards were too general, too vague, or did not cover the grey areas that occur in real world situations. Ironically, the more years of experience acquired by CFOs, the less they believed in the Standards. Surprisingly, only 41.3 percent indicated that their corporations experienced ethical issues or problems. From the survey, 98.6 percent consider the Standards reasonable, 96.6 percent comply with the them, and 88.4 percent have implemented their own code of ethical conduct standards within their organizations. Thus, 10.2 percent of the CFOs believe the Standards are reasonable but have not implemented any code of ethical conduct standards within their organizations. Also, 8.2 percent of the CFOs comply with the Standards but have not implemented them as policies in their organizations. Interestingly, 11.6 percent of the CFOs that have not implemented their own code of which 60 percent believed that their organizations should adopt a code of ethical conduct. The other 40 percent expressed no plans to adopt any code as policy. Evidence indicates that the less CFOs support the Standard to "Recognize and communicate professional limitations . . .", the more ethical issues and problems occur within their organizations. Also, the organizations with codes of ethical conduct support two particular Standards more than organizations without codes. Finally, CFOs with CPA certification supported the Standard to "Prepare complete and clear reports after appropriate analysis of relevant and reliable information" less than CFOs without the certification.  相似文献   

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