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<正>4月初,漳平水仙茶开采节开幕仪式在福建漳平市南洋镇举行,数百名茶农、茶商向"茶圣"陆羽神像行祭拜礼,祈愿新的一年风调雨顺、茶叶丰收。仪式之后,采茶娘背着茶篓来到茶园,宣告2019年春茶正式开采。漳平水仙茶是福建特有品种,因为全年产量只有5000吨左右,一度被人们称之为"小众茶",长期进入不了大众消费的视野,其市场知名度  相似文献   

林宝凤 《山西农经》2024,(2):172-174
我国茶叶种植已有千年历史,福建省是我国产茶大省之一。福建省区位条件适合茶叶生长,茶产区面积范围广,茶叶产量大,品种繁多,茶叶质量高,使福建茶享有很高的声誉。但茶产业竞争激烈,优质产品不断在行业中脱颖而出。通过分析当前福建省茶产业链现状及存在的问题,对其今后发展提出建议,也为我国其他茶产区的未来发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

"茶是产业,是文化.福建是茶之乡,茶之祖,茶之源,茶之韵." 这些年,福建省茶产业强劲发展.据日前召开的福建省茶叶工作会议披露,去年福建茶园面积达到240万亩,产值42.7亿元,增长6.7亿元,出口创汇4850万美元.茶叶产量稳居全国第一,茶园面积、产值和出口创汇量稳居全国第二.  相似文献   

正素有"闽北茶乡"美誉的福建省建瓯市小桥镇万亩茶园郁郁葱葱,吸引众多游客前来观光游览。近年来,福建省建瓯市结合茶叶特色小镇规划,助推茶旅结合多元发展。  相似文献   

我的家乡在福建省永春县,是著名永春佛手茶的发源地,也是全国茶叶生产大县。兔年春节,我和亲朋好友聊天,比较种粮与种茶的效益。龙年春节,依然谈茶叶,因为我们那里的一切几乎都离不开茶,茶就是家乡农民的天和地。  相似文献   

“茶是产业,是文化。福建是茶之乡,茶之祖,茶之源,茶之韵。” 这些年,福建省茶产业强劲发展。据日前召开的福建省茶叶工作会议披露,去年福建茶园面积达到240万亩,产值42.7亿元,增长6.7亿元,出口创汇4850万美元。茶叶产量稳居全国第一,茶园面积、产值和出口创汇量稳居全国第二。  相似文献   

正"作为茶产业发展的服务者,我对福建茶叶的评价是品种多、品质好;作为茶叶的消费者,福建的茶请你们放心地喝,尽情地喝。"福建省副省长黄琪玉在茶博会现场推介闽茶,介绍闽茶文化。福鼎白茶、武夷岩茶、安溪铁观音等知名茶品纷纷亮相,来自福建安溪县、福安县、华安县、大田县等16县(市、区)的33家茶企参展,产品均已列入省农产品质量安全可追溯平台监管。  相似文献   

2012年以来,福建省茶叶质量安全可追溯试点企业共有12家,分别是福建九峰农业发展有限公司、漳州皇家龙茶叶有限公司、安溪举源茶叶专业合作社、华祥苑茶叶有限公司、武夷山儒释道茶叶专业合作社、武夷山金红袍茶时有限公司、福建新坦洋茶叶集团、福建敖峰闽榕茶业有限公司、福建雀安溪县冠和茶业有限公司、福建省华辉九龙生态茶业有限公司、漳平市北寮水仙茶专业合作社、宁德市白马山茶叶有限公司,这些企业员量安全意识强,对参加农产品质量安全可追溯管理具有很高的积极性和主动性,  相似文献   

正"明前茶,贵如金",眼下正是新茶上市的时候。在高价的诱惑下,有些不良商家用陈年旧茶冒充新茶,蒙骗消费者。前些日子,浙江省宁波市的李先生花了1200元在宁波市鄞州区横石桥茶叶市场买了一批声称刚刚上市的龙井新茶,结果发现茶叶质量不佳,经验证后证明是陈茶。茶叶作为一种将保健、养生、传统文化有机结合起来的商品,从古至今得到了许多人的青睐。伴随物质生活的渐次丰盈,公众的茶叶消费需求与日俱增。"以茶散郁气,  相似文献   

<正>松阳银猴茶为浙江省新创制的名茶之一。因条索卷曲多毫,形似猴爪,色如银而得名,具有"色绿、条紧、香高、味浓"特点,实现了大众茶的优质化,深受消费者青睐。松阳县地处浙江西南山区,素有"浙南桃花源"之称,境内生态优美,山清水秀,云雾缭绕,气候生态环境非常适宜茶叶生长。松阳产茶历史悠久,起源于三国,在唐代就已成为贡品,茶叶久负盛名。宋代苏东坡诗道:"天台乳花  相似文献   

以福州消费者问卷调查数据为基础,利用结构方程模型对福建乌龙茶的品牌忠诚影响因素进行计量分析研究。结果表明:福建乌龙茶的感官品质、价格合理性、购买便利性、广告,以及"消费者对自我形象的态度、对风险厌恶程度"都对福建乌龙茶的品牌忠诚具有极显著的正向影响;"消费者对相关群体的重视程度"呈显著的负向影响,而"消费者对时间的重视程度"没有显著的影响。并在此基础上,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   


The objectives of this report are twofold: to examine the demographic factors that drive demand for green food and to segment Chinese consumers based on their attitudes toward food safety. An online survey was used to collect consumer behavior information. A total of 402 responses were obtained covering participants who lived in 24 provinces and municipalities in China. Probit modeling, analysis of variance, and cluster analysis are used. Income, education, age, gender, presence of young children, household size, and overseas experience are variables that have an impact on green food purchase. Young, wealthy men, who have young children and live in a small household, are likely to buy green food. The survey shows that Chinese consumers are willing to pay a price premium for green food; however, price will be a major factor restricting the growth of the green food label in China, given market prices. Three segments―the “distrustful consumer,” the “ambivalent consumer,” and the “trusting consumer”―are identified for market segmentation purposes.  相似文献   

福建省生态公益林碳汇经济效益影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对福建省6个样本县进行样地调查及其农户访谈式问卷调查的资料,首先应用因子分析法对影响福建省生态公益林碳汇效益的主要因子进行分析,然后将碳汇效益与主要因子进行逐步多元回归分析。结果表明:坡度、林龄、树种、蓄积量、碳汇量、重置成本、降水量、碳汇价格是影响福建省生态公益林碳汇效益的主要因子;碳汇价格、蓄积量和重置成本对福建省生态公益林碳汇效益影响显著;碳汇价格、蓄积量与碳汇效益呈正相关,重置成本与碳汇效益呈负相关。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, world olive oil consumption registered an impressive growth. Although olive oil consumption remains concentrated in the main producer countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea (“traditional” markets), it is also growing rapidly in many other countries all over the world, where olive oil is still largely perceived as a novelty food (“nontraditional” markets). This study focuses on the Brazilian market of olive oil, which is one of the most important nontraditional markets in terms of both its dimension and growth rates. A hedonic price model has been used to evaluate whether, and to what extent, extrinsic cues impact on the retail price of olive oil. Data were collected via direct observation of several e-shops where Brazilian consumers could purchase olive oil. Results show that the retail price of olive oil is highly influenced by extrinsic cues such as branding, labeling, and packaging.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of consumer preferences for product claims, specifically about origin and production methods. In particular, it addresses two important questions: i) whether consumers are willing to pay a premium for food products carrying these claims; and ii) whether local and organic claims are complements or substitutes. A choice experiment designed to estimate two‐way interactions was undertaken in Spain for eggs. The findings show first, that consumers are willing to pay a positive premium price for an enhanced method of production (that of barn, free‐range and/or organic instead of cage produced eggs) as well as for the proximity of production (local, regional and national over imported). Second, the findings show that consumer preferences for the claims are heterogeneous with two consumer segments being identified: “origin preference”, the larger segment, and the “production method preference”. Results show that organic and local claims were complements for the larger first segment but that free‐range and local/regional claims were substitutes for the second smaller segment. These results provide the marketing chains with insights applicable for pricing strategies.  相似文献   

Construction land plays a vanguard role in China’s rapid urbanization process. However, confront with massive loss of farmland resources, the highly centralized land-use planning and management system established by the central government in 1998 stipulates that the red line of 1.8 billion mu of farmland should be guarantee to ensure food security. A series of land management system innovations such as “the replacement of basic farmland in different places”, “the compensated supplement of farmland in different places”, and “the land conversion quotas transregional transaction” in Zhejiang province have received increasing attention, under the premise that neither dissipating the economic development efficiency nor breaking the constraints of various planning quotas. Inspired by the “three-phase” efficiency improvement based on the concept known as the “adaptive efficiency”, this article first proposes the inherent policy shortcomings as incalculability, inseparability, and uncontrollability. Then, adopting the mathematical model derivation and economic analysis tool, we demonstrate that the “general allocation + competition allocation + rewarded allocation” of new construction land quota allocation scheme has improved the three-stage Pareto efficiency. Relying on the network analysis of the cross-regional trading in Zhejiang province, the “time hotspot”, “regional hotspot”, Siphon effect, price fluctuation and inequality of opportunity are also observed in the process of trading. The authorities should play a quasi “wedge-like” blocking role in due course. It is therefore suggested that a differentiated management scheme should be adopted considering the variance in regional resource endowments and social ecosystem. This paper expected to shed light on improving construction land-use efficiency for China and other similarly placed developing countries.  相似文献   

以福建省西北部用材林为研究对象,在林地期望价修正法的基础上,考虑随着时间推移和社会经济变异所引起的林地质量差异、地区差异和物价变异,构建出由林地标准地租、立地差异系数、集材费用、运输费用、地区差异系数和物价变动指数所组成林地资产动态评估模型。研究结果表明,该模型是符合福建省西北部当地的地租水平的,可方便、快捷地对用材林林地资产进行评定估。  相似文献   


Consumer organic food choice motives and purchase preferences were studied in a structured quantitative survey (N = 201) in Bangalore, with the aim of identifying consumer segments based on these motives and preferences. Further, sociodemographic differences between the clusters were studied. Face-to-face interviews were used to sample the data, which were analyzed with factor and k-means cluster analysis (SPSS 16.0). Five latent factors were identified based on the motives, representing a set of consumer concerns labeled here as “food phobia” (health),” “environment,” “humanity,” “healthy eaters,” and “control.” Further, three clusters emerged from these motives representing 38%, 37%, and 25% of the sample size. The factors differ in terms of variance. Here, the records of perceived healthiness (food phobia) were the most important element, explaining 18.37% of the total variance. These clusters were differing in terms of the level and order of motivations. The health factor was a most important motive in two clusters, followed by environment. Further, humanity was the most important motive for the third cluster. This may reflect a heterogeneous nature of consumers in study area. Additionally, five clusters were identified based on the preferences, and profiles of these clusters differed in terms of sociodemographic factors and consumption pattern. Segments were identified based on motivating factors and preferences, and linking them with food choice motives and products preference provides the input needed by marketing professionals and policy makers to calibrate more efficient marketing strategies to better focus and position their products and design their communication strategies for target segments.  相似文献   

Agricultural applications of nanotechnology are at a relatively early stage and little is known about consumer responses to the technology. Canadian consumer responses to food nanotechnology are examined through the lens of the Food Value Scale. Data from a survey of Canadian consumers are used to evaluate the relative importance of eleven food values to food purchase decisions. We find that taste, safety, nutrition, and price are among the most important food values to Canadians, however, consumers exhibit considerable heterogeneity with respect to the priority placed on these values. A discrete choice experiment (DCE) explores the effect of food values on choice behavior. The DCE is positioned as a sliced apple product with non-browning and antioxidant-enhanced features introduced through the use of nanocoating or a conventional coating method. Random parameters logit (RPL) and latent class models (LCM) confirm the existence of significant preference heterogeneity. The LCM identifies three classes of consumers: “supporters,” “doubters,” and “opponents” who differ in their reaction to nanotechnology and in the relative importance placed on food values such as naturalness, novelty, and convenience. The analysis shows that food values provide additional insights into consumers’ food choices and their attitudes toward novel food technologies.  相似文献   

福建省特色农业区域布局规划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
该文从福建省农业的比较优势出发,阐述特色农业区域布局的指导思想、基本原则和发展目标;提出具有福建特色的沿海蓝色产业带、闽东南高优农业产业带、闽西北绿色产业带3条农业产业带;畜牧产业、水产业、林产业、园艺产业4个主导产业和畜禽、笋竹、水产品、蔬菜、水果、食用菌、茶叶、花卉、烤烟9个重点农产品发展区域布局和发展重点以及规划实施的保障措施。  相似文献   

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