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We investigate the sources of supply of several core skills,using an innovative approach to skills measurement that involvesadapting a job analysis methodology and applying it in a surveycontext. We then estimate the determinants of skills supplyusing a production function model. The main findings are: (i)prior education and work experience have generally positivebut diminishing marginal impacts on skills, consistent withthe earnings function literature; (ii) off-the-job trainingis productive of most types of skill, while on-the-job trainingis effective for the generation of problem-solving and team-workingskills. Both types of training are transferable from previousemployers; (iii) more education enhances the development ofcomputing skills at work, but with respect to other core skills,less educated workers make up for their lower education throughmore work-based learning; (iv) there is a strong associationbetween the presence of some new or flexible organisation characteristicsand both the level and growth of all types of skills. We argueoverall that the contribution of work-based learning to skillsdevelopment is more important than normally allowed for in theskills policy discourse.  相似文献   

国有企业产权改革的深度、广度、难度和敏感度前所未有,无论思想观念、实际运作,还是体制政策以及企业管理者和职工的切身利益等诸多方面,都不同程度存在着一些障碍或者争议,这些障碍背后有深刻的成因,对此,必须明确破解的思路和对策。  相似文献   

有思想就是要注意报道的正确导向,有温度是指和采访对象贴心,要体现党的关怀和人性关照;有品质是指有独特新闻视角,新鲜的任务和事件."有思想、 有温度、 有品质"的报道,会有非常强的代入感和感染力、 吸引力,读起来引人入胜.写出有思想、 有温度、 有品质新闻报道一是要牢牢掌握党和国家大政方针;二是深入基层明察实情;三是具有敏锐的新闻洞察力;四是掌握力透制备的文字功底.  相似文献   

根据研究分析的目的不同,R&D强复的计算公式也可以不同,可以是R&D投入除以GDP,也可以是R&D投入除以产值,还可以是R&D投入除以产品销售收入,在研究技术创新能力时,用得较多的是R&D投入除以产品销售收入。R&D投入是从事技术创新活动的基本条件,也是决定技术创新成功与否的重要因素。2002年6省市R&D投入从大到小为:  相似文献   

外部性的类型、庇古解、科斯解和非内部化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙鳌 《华东经济管理》2006,20(9):154-158
文章的目的是对外部性进行一个比较系统的分类,在此基础上,讨论外部性的科斯解与庇古解的根本分歧.我们的观点是,他们的根本分歧是,庇古愿意依靠政府去解决外部性导致的低效率,而科斯不愿意如此,根本的原因是他们具有不同的政府信念.实际上,在正交易成本的世界里,内部化一切外部性的企图是不理性的,而不内部化一些外部性是理性的.外部性的非内部化有两种类型--算计的非内部化和政治的非内部化.  相似文献   

倩文 《走向世界》2009,(4):46-47
选自于:<论语·学而> 解读:人要学会温和、善良、恭谨、简朴、谦让.即:做人一定要有美好的德行.其实这正也是自古以来的做人之本.  相似文献   

Casual empirical evidence suggests that infrastructure provision is higher in economies that are open to world trade. We develop a model of imperfect competition to show that open economies are likely to provide more infrastructure than closed economies. If infrastructure is financed by taxing a producer lobby, the open economy will overprovide while the closed economy will underinvest; an open economy approaches optimal provision when this lobby group is small in size. If financing of infrastructure is done by taxing the whole population, the closed-economy outcome may be preferred relative to that of the open economy.  相似文献   

中国是一个农业大国。方晓涛的“珍奇味”食品公司从创立之初,就把公司的发展方向精准地定位于农业产业化上,是一家集生产、加工、销售为一体的农产品深加工休闲食品企业。准确的定位决定了珍奇味食品今天的成功。  相似文献   

金融危机过后,“华尔街阴谋论”逐渐盛行起来,可惜都是臆测居多,缺乏真凭实据。而本书的作者以真实的访谈入手,揭出CIA等情报机构与华尔街银行合作的种种细节,可谓匠心独具。  相似文献   

This article combines the results of three financial studies that examine capital issues affecting minority business development. The results are presented so as to explain or refute conventional wisdom regarding capital availability, cost of capital, credit market discrimination, sources of capital and differences in firm capital composition. Generally, Asian and Hispanic businesses more approximate nonminority businesses in the sources of capital, the cost of capital, total capital investment, and access to capital. Black firms, on the other hand, face credit discrimination from all sources of capital, which limits their access to capital, increases its cost, and affects firm profitability. Consequently, black firms have a smaller capital composition at startup and during operations. The only deviation from this pattern occurs where minority and nonminority financial institutions vie for black business patronage by reducing the cost of borrowing and increasing the availability of funds.  相似文献   

中共十七大报告指出,要加快建立以"企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合"的技术创新体系。文章基于企业视角,从经费投入、技术创新链条上企业的作用等方面阐述了企业在政产学研用合作中的主体地位,分析了政产学研用合作现状,建议企业从选择适合的政产学研用合作模式、完善合作的保障机制等方面加强产学研合作。  相似文献   

我想通过书画市场的新常态、新逻辑、新跨越,也就是书画市场化和现代化的问题来折射金融文化的市场化. 中国艺术品市场总量官方统计数据是2000亿,其中书画产业占了60%.书画作为一个古老的行业,它的最大特征是个体化,在文化产品的生产方式方面,这一点很有共性,上游的生产者主要是个体,下游的消费者主要也是个体.  相似文献   

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