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1980年代以来,在人口老龄化加剧、个人金融资产迅速积累、金融自由化改革以及泡沫经济的背景下,日本个人理财业兴起并发展迅速.中国个人理财业兴起的背景与日本很类似,分析日本个人理财业发展的动因和特点,可以为中国个人理财业发展提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

澳大利亚个人理财业的发展与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,个人理财业的迅速扩张使得澳大利亚个人理财业发生了根本的变化.与澳大利亚相比,中国个人理财业正处于早期形成阶段,加强理财的教育培训,构建合理的理财经营模式,进行严格的金融监管对个人理财业健康发展十分重要.  相似文献   

我国个人理财业处于发展期,现今理财服务市场中的综合个人理财服务供给不足.造成综合理财服务供给不足的限制因素主要有分业经营的金融政策限制,理财产品设计创新不足且同质化情况严重,专业理人才的培养不足,专业理财能力素质水平有待提高等.为顺应个人理财业向综合理服务方向发展这一趋势,应该在宏观制度环境层面、综合理财市场的组织层面、理财业务方面的技术层面构建发展框架,以促进综合理财服务业务的健康发展.  相似文献   

金融策划在我国还是一个新兴的话题.然而,从世界范围来看,金融策划业的发展已有数十年的历史.金融策划与个人理财紧密相连,在许多国家和地区金融策划业从业人员已成为个人理财市场中最重要的力量.目前我国个人理财市场还处于初级阶段,发展金融策划业是加快启动和发展我国个人理财市场的必由之路.  相似文献   

中国个人理财业问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个人理财业在我国已经兴起并迅速发展,但是理财理论研究明显落后于理财实践,理财服务还处于产品推销的阶段,只重视推销理财产品不重视推销理财理念,产品同质化,理财人才缺乏等问题制约了个人理财业的发展。  相似文献   

张威 《投资与合作》2014,(10):68-68
随着我国改革的深入,居民收入也随着经济的迅速发展和国内生产总值的增长而不断增加,这就产生了居民对个人资产增值、保值理财业务的迫切需要,也促使了我国商业银行注重发展个人理财业务.个人理财业务指的是银行根据客户的投资爱好、资产情况,利用银行的行业优势、资源平台为理财人员打造的符合其个人标准的理财计划,来实现个人财富的增长、保值.  相似文献   

中国大众理财年会是由《大众理财顾问》杂志精心打造的中国个人理财业的年度盛会。自2005年启动以来,已成功举办了三届,是目前国内唯一的专家与投资者互动的大型年会。年会面向投资者个人,通过中国个人理财市场的年度盘点与展望,结合行业市场特点,拓宽大众理财视野,启迪大众财富智商,促进中国理财业的健康发展和投资者的理性成长。  相似文献   

商业银行个人理财服务的业务发展模式探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘玲 《中国信用卡》2005,(10):68-71
近年来,以消费信贷等个人理财服务为代表的个人金融服务的异军突起,证明了个人金融服务市场蕴涵的巨大商机和潜力,也使得各家商业银行越来越重视对个人金融服务市场的拓展。我国银行业对个人的金融服务正逐步从简单的储蓄存款、代收代付等业务,向提供贴心的个人理财服务过渡。个人理财服务逐渐成为商业银行产品和服务创新的主要领域。一、商业银行个人理财业务的发展概况近20年来,随着中国经济体制的改变,商业银行的方方面面也发生了很大变化,个人理财业务也经历了一个由简单到复杂的演变过程。1.业务发展历程(1)理财品种不断发展。以储蓄业…  相似文献   

伴随着我国持续高速发展的经济和不断增加的居民收入,个人理财业务成为银行中间业务越来越重要的一部分.目前国内银在个人银行业务方向的开拓和投入明显增多,推出了许多差异化的个人理财产品与服务,在个人高端客户市场和理财产品创新上的投入和竞争尤其激烈.本文以招商银行作为研究对象,阐发了招商银行个人理财在我国理财业的发展现状及竞争态势,具体分析了该行理财业务的劣势和优势,以及今后拓展个人理财业务所面临的机缘与挑战.最后,针对现状和不足,对招商银行个人理财业务进行了具体探讨,并且在此基础上提出解决个人理财业务问题的对策建议.  相似文献   

个人理财业务在国内总体上讲尚处于初级阶段.但无论从个人的角度,还是从银行的角度来看,它的发展和完善都有重要的意义.对个人它可以使其资产增值保值,对银行它是其新形势下重要的利润增长点.本文从个人理财业务兴起的背景写起,概述了个人理财业务的现状和存在的问题,提出了一些个人理财业务的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Given the increasing complexities of the financial markets as well as a shift away from employer/government sponsored pensions to individuals managing their retirement funds, personal finance education is an important tool in order to navigate the evolving and complex financial environment. In this paper, I examine the impact of personal finance education on credit delinquency. Prior studies show that financial literacy affects financial decisions such as savings, retirement planning, wealth accumulation and stock market participation. Using U.S data on personal bankruptcy and consumer credit delinquency rates, I show that personal finance education is important in reducing personal bankruptcy as well as consumer credit delinquency rates. Furthermore, personal finance education does not appear to moderate the impact of gambling legislation on personal bankruptcy or consumer credit default.  相似文献   

Given the importance of interpersonal relationships in the financial planning process, it is surprising that relatively few registered financial planning programs explicitly provide students the opportunity to meet with real clients on a one-to-one basis. This paper describes the structure of a financial planning practicum developed for the purpose of providing such experience to future financial planners. It is hoped that this information will encourage others to consider offering experiential learning opportunities to those seeking positions in the financial services industry.  相似文献   

While advanced computing technology, and particularly the use of artificial intelligence in the form of expert systems, could not necessarily be said to be common in the US financial planning domain, it is certainly not unheard of. This situation is significantly different from that found in the comparable UK domain. This paper is based on a project to look at the use of computing technology to support the role of the personal financial adviser in the UK—a domain in which little published research work has been undertaken. It briefly describes the current UK marketplace and details the construction of a small hybrid-based expert system, built to support the selection of personal pension plans, to illustrate the inherent value in developing such technology in this domain. The paper discusses the benefits of using hybrid representational techniques as opposed to single representations in creating an expert system in a financial planning domain.  相似文献   

次贷危机在全球扩散,其冲击力超出许多金融机构预期,全球金融业也为此付出沉重代价,美国的银行业首当其冲,不少美国金融机构的股价跌到50年来的低点。  相似文献   

Greater personal responsibility toward financial decision-making is being advocated on a global basis. Individuals and households are encouraged to take a more active approach to personal finance. In this paper, we examine behavioral factors, which lead households toward savings and financial planning across a panel of 1253 Dutch households. In line with the available literature, we find that an individual's propensity to save decreases with age and is higher among the financial literate. Moreover, we find that saving behavior varies across generations, and is significantly dominant among baby boomers. This generation effect, however, weakens once we account for more individual specifics. Our results offer evidence for parental influence, and for the effects of the psychological and behavioral metrics of numeracy, self-efficacy, locus of control and future orientation. A good understanding of these personality variables helps to explain why some take financial responsibility while others do not.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study into Australian seniors' service preferences in relation to financial planning services. Focus groups and a national survey were conducted to identify those aspects of interactions with financial planners considered most important by seniors. The results indicate that financial planners targeting senior clients in the Australian context should work to develop trusting relationships, treat older clients with dignity and respect, ensure the full disclosure of all fees and commissions, and keep up to date with relevant changes in the financial environment. The two primary areas of concern identified in the study were those relating to personal relationships with the financial planner and the performance of the financial products recommended in terms of the benefits accrued.  相似文献   

Academic, government, employer, and individual interest in personal financial literacy have mushroomed as financial decision making has become more complex, costly, and less paternalistic. Financial illiteracy in America manifests in many ways, including low levels of personal saving, high levels of personal debt, negative financial wealth, a decline in standard of living, and increased demand on social safety networks. For college students, of particular concern is the high level of public and private debt accrued while working toward a degree. It is important to understand how prepared households are for retirement planning decisions and which factors can improve their preparedness. We show that financial education is impactful in reducing financial illiteracy, and provides evidence that taking a personal risk management and insurance course helps to prepare college students to make retirement decisions. Second, we provide evidence that life stage explains differences (similarities) in how professionals self‐rate the importance, familiarity, and motivation to plan and save for retirement versus their opinion on how vital the questions should be to students. Finally, additional evidence is provided showing that demographic characteristics explain differences in the importance and motivation to plan and save for retirement and in the familiarity that respondents have with retirement planning and saving products.  相似文献   

Measuring financial stress in a developed country: An application to Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops an index of financial stress for the Canadian financial system. It is a continuous variable with a spectrum of values, where extreme values are called financial crises. An internal Bank of Canada survey is used to condition the choice of variables. The authors show that alternative measures of financial crisis suggested by the literature do not accurately reflect the Canadian experience, while several measures developed in this paper are more representative and are thus likely better suited to a developed financial system. An accurate characterization of stress is a prerequisite for any researcher attempting to forecast financial crises.  相似文献   

企业动态财务规划系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统财务规划不再能够满足价值管理的需要。现代财务规划更强调基于长期行为分析的战略支持性财务规划。本文构建一个用于战略决策模拟分析的动态财务规划系统,并借助于系统动力学原理和方法建立一个动态财务规划系统模拟基模。本文认为,如果在动态财务规划系统基模基础上结合企业实际建立更具针对性的动态财务规划系统模型,则将有助于企业价值管理。  相似文献   

作为我国深化金融开放、推进金融创新的重要区域,长三角地区不仅金融总量庞大、金融业态丰富、金融生态优越,而且还拥有上海国际金融中心这一龙头以及各类区域金融改革试点,金融体制机制创新十分活跃,这些因素都为长三角经济社会一体化发展奠定了坚实的金融基础。然而,与长三角一体化加快推进的大趋势相比,金融领域的一体化建设总体还处于酝酿和规划阶段,有待实质性破题。其中,一个基础性的问题在于:长三角一体化发展大背景下,金融业的高质量一体化发展需要怎样的金融营商环境。本文借鉴企业生命周期视角下营商环境的定义,对金融营商环境的内涵进行准确界定,给出长三角一体化背景下金融营商环境评估的分析框架和评估结果,并针对性地提出优化金融营商环境的政策建议。  相似文献   

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