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中国鞋遭遇欧盟反倾销的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘冬梅 《中国物价》2005,(12):30-32
我国虽是世界上公认的制鞋生产大国,但不是强国,鞋类出口一直以“量大低价”取胜,大多属于中低档产品,缺少知名品牌。这就使鞋类出口一方面容易遭受国外反倾销调查;另一方面,我国制鞋企业出口能赚取的利润却少得可怜。本文总结了我国鞋类企业出口障碍的几点主要原因,并提出具有针对性的建议措施.力图对中国鞋业出口有所借鉴和启迪。  相似文献   

梁芫 《商业科技》2014,(23):24-26
为了抢夺较多的市场经济份额,在商品出口时候的低价出口策略,似乎已经成为世界上公认的普遍策略和方式。从改革开放至今,由于我国的资源要素禀赋和比较优势使我国在许多商品的出口中,一直采用了低价竞争的出口策略。但自加入世贸以来,我国遭受国外反倾销与国外贸易摩擦愈加频繁,出口低价竞争逐渐成为困扰我国外贸发展的顽疾,明显的弊端对我国的外贸和经济发展,带来了重大危害,本文从我国低价出口竞争的原因开始分析,指出现阶段我国商品低价出口竞争策略的弊端,进而提出低价出口竞争策略改革转变的建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国逐步成为世界鞋业生产和出口第一大国,但近年来,许多国家增设了各种绿色壁垒,使我国鞋类出口面临严峻的挑战.针对当前全球经济危机的影响,分析我国鞋类产品出口遭遇绿色壁垒的情况,并从政府、行业协会、企业自身三个方面提出解决出口困境的对策建议,努力使我国鞋类出口企业化解危机,扩大出口,提高鞋类产品在国际市场的竞争力.  相似文献   

促进我国鞋类产品出口的对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国鞋业发展的现状分析 我国是世界上最大的鞋类生产和出口国 ,目前有各类制鞋企业 2万多家 ,出口企业超过 5, 000家, 2004年中国出口鞋类产品 152亿美元 ,比 2003年增长 17%左右 ,主要出口到美国和欧盟市场 ,鞋类出口占世界出口总量的 60%以上 ,并处于主导地位 ,在资源、劳动力、价格等方面有比较大的优势.  相似文献   

近年来,我国出口企业频频遭受反倾销诉讼。本文利用博弈的基本理论构建了完全信息与不完全信息条件下的库诺特模型,并通过对其纳什均衡解的比较分析得出结论:我国出口企业不必采取低价策略便可在进口国占有较高的市场份额。  相似文献   

我国劳动密集型产品出口企业低价竞销的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国劳动密集型产品出口企业的低价竞销行为是导致我国出口贸易条件恶化、出口企业利润率下滑和贸易摩擦增加的重要因素。文章运用不同博弈模型分析了同种产品同质和不同质两种情况下劳动密集型产品出口企业低价竞销行为的原因和形成机制,并在此基础上给出了我国出口企业长期健康发展的启示。  相似文献   

鞋类产品一直是我国的主要出口产品之一,在出口结构中占很大比例。据统计,我国鞋类出口量达到世界总出口量的65%左右,出口量和金额居世界第一位,主要的出口市场包括美国、欧盟、俄罗斯、日本和澳大利亚等国家和地区。但我国鞋类产品的出口结构一直以贴牌生产和低档次鞋为主,出口鞋类的质量也一直被国外客户所诟病。笔者拟以吴江地区出口鞋类产品为例,结合多年的检验监管工作经验,提出一些扩大鞋类产品出口的对策与建议。  相似文献   

一、现状 改革开放以来,我国的鞋类出口发展迅速,一跃成为世界最大鞋类出口大国。1990年出口鞋类7.7022亿双,价值16.4亿美元,1993年出口20.6亿双,价值52.8亿美元。1990—1993年数量年均增长33.12%,出口金额年均增长48.26%。1994年出口额57.1亿美元。目前,我国鞋类出口额占全年出口总值的5.8%,占全年轻工业品出口总值的17.6%,占世界鞋类出口总额的44%。  相似文献   

胡小平 《浙商》2005,(8):28-28
目前,面对中美、中欧纺织品贸易冲突,面对欧美对我国纺织、服装、鞋类、农产品、眼镜、打火机等出口产品越来越频繁的反倾销限制,面对海外同行对低价浙商产品的暴力行为,面对国外中高端产品对我国企业的冲击……以“块状经济”、“集群经济”、“出口导向经济”、“草根经济”著称的浙商,发展中遇到了前所未有的难题。如何转变经济增长方式,应对国际市场竞争呢?  相似文献   

中国的低价出口贸易,其实是中国加工贸易、三来一补贸易发展的现状。近年来中国的许多商品采取低价出口的方式来获取市场份额,从而提升企业在市场中的竞争力。虽然商品低价出口对中国经济和出口企业有一定的好处,但它还是有着明显的弊端,譬如制造贸易争端、影响企业的健康发展等。而现在越来越多的产品加入到这一低价竞争中来,国家的限制低价出口的政策收效不明显。着重分析了低价出口的成因,并指出低价出口的危害,最后给出低价出口改革的建议。  相似文献   

This study focused on a taxonomic analysis of export marketing strategy pursued by U.S. electronics exporters, and identified six distinct strategy types, i.e., innovative differentiation, low price leadership, promotion- and technology-based differentiation, low price leadership with deemphasis on technology, marketing differntiation with product adaptation, and "stuck in the middle." The study also identified the significant impact of export marketing strategy on export performance. Two strategy types, i.e., low price leadership and innovative differentiation, were found to be particularly successful.  相似文献   

Processing trade is an important exporting mode for many countries developed by the export-oriented industrialisation such as 1960s Japan, 1990s Korea and 2000s China. Exporters who rely on processing trade for foreign profits do not enjoy much market power, and hence care more about exchange rate changes. We develop a model to illustrate how processing trade affects exporters' responses to exchange rate fluctuations. The model suggests that the elasticity of export price with respect to exchange rate for processing-trade exporters is greater than that of the ordinary-trade exporters, while the elasticity of export quantity of processing-trade exporters is smaller compared to their ordinary-trade counterparts. Most developing countries' governments offer processing-trade exporters better tax/tariff reduction policy to encourage exporting, which grants processing-trade exporters additional advantage to adjust more on export price and less on quantity when facing changes in exchange rate and therefore causes their different responses to exchange rate fluctuations. We find strong empirical supports by studying the data from China, which is the largest developing country and biggest processing-trade exporter.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the economic impact of export subsidies by investigating stock price reactions to a critical event in 1997. On November 18, 1997, the European Union announced its intention to file a complaint before the World Trade Organization (WTO), arguing that the United States provided American exporters illegal subsidies by permitting them to use Foreign Sales Corporations to exempt a fraction of export profits from taxation. Share prices of American exporters fell sharply on this news, and its implication that the WTO might force the United States to eliminate the subsidy, which happened in 2004. The share price declines were largest for exporters with high profit margins and those whose tax situations made the threatened export subsidy particularly valuable. This evidence suggests that export subsidies do not merely benefit foreign consumers, but also improve the profitability of exporters, particularly those earning rents in imperfectly competitive markets.  相似文献   

The innovation-export nexus has been extensively explored, while relatively few studies have focused on innovation's impact on firms' export survival and the role of export mode. Using a large panel dataset from China, this research empirically explores how innovation impacts firms' export survival, considering export modes. First, we employ the discrete-time survival analysis model (cloglog) to examine this research addressing the censored issue. Second, the propensity score matching (PSM) methodology is employed to address the selection-bias issue and select the similar firms based on which to compare their Kaplan–Meier survivor probability. Results present a positive role of innovation in the export survival of direct exporters; however, there is an inverted-U relationship between innovation intensity and their survival probability. For indirect exporters, evidence shows an insignificant innovation-export survival nexus. In addition, results show higher export survival for Chinese innovative exporters who are foreign-owned, highly export-intensive, long-lasting in export market, in technology industries. For innovative exporters who export directly, those in medium and low-technological industries and export capital goods are more likely to survive. Our research provides insights for Chinese exporters regarding innovation participation and suggests the government conducting prudent and deliberate design for innovation strategy.  相似文献   

本文通过将服务要素和汇率波动引入拓展的MO理论模型,并使用2001—2013年中国工业企业数据库和中国海关数据库匹配的样本研究了服务业对外开放对出口企业加成率的影响。研究结果表明:服务业对外开放显著提升了出口企业加成率,但人民币升值减弱了服务业开放的正面影响,该结论在经过工具变量法、替换变量等一系列稳健性检验后依然成立;服务业对外开放对技术密集型企业、非垄断企业、加工和非加工贸易企业加成率的提升作用明显,但随着人民币升值该促进作用逐渐减弱;服务业对外开放通过提升产品质量促进出口企业加成率,人民币升值通过价格效应抑制出口企业加成率;服务业对外开放和人民币升值均显著降低了加成率离散程度,优化了资源配置;服务业对外开放通过资源再配置效应提升了行业加成率。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between markups and international trade at the firm level using a large sample of French manufacturing firms for the period 1995–2007. In particular, the paper investigates the effect of increasing import competition from China on firms' price–cost margins and the way in which exporting interacts with this effect. The results show robust evidence that firms in more direct competition with Chinese imports decrease their markups. However, firms that become exporters experience a smaller reduction in their price–cost margins. Consistent with these findings, the results also show that firms facing tougher competition from China are more likely to start exporting to avoid such competitive pressures.  相似文献   

Maple Leaf Foods Inc. maintains a market leadership in Canada for its food processing and export business and sustains its relatively high growth. MLF has an innovative approach to strategy as it reduces head-to-head competition with other major pork exporters in Japan and raises its premium image with an innovative food safety program. MLF is creating a new market segment in Japan's pork market by positioning itself between the domestic premium segment and the import commoditized segment and attracting consumers who are interested in both brand and price. This article illustrates how MLF innovates value in a competitive marketplace, using Kim and Mauborgne's blue ocean strategy framework.  相似文献   

中国企业普遍缺乏核心竞争力和市场开拓的多元渠道.更不具备独立的跨国营销组合手段,作为“稀缺”资源的广交会被看成是一个捷径和高效的营销方式。但出口竞争依赖低价格优势,综合效益和利润不高等顽症均能在参展的各环节得到反馈。核心技术与品牌的缺乏导致企业在贸易谈判中失去定价话语权!同时,行业管理严重失控,广交会中一些”假、大、空”之弊端与市场化运作存在深刻矛盾。如何祛除行政化管理模式、建立新型出口绩效考核指标.实施参展商的门槛制度是政府面临的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

Using a rich data set of Chilean exporters, we analyse several issues regarding the relationship between entry into export markets and product quality. We find that every year, a large number of new exporting relationships are initiated, but the survival rate of these entries is very low and declines over time. Using unit values as a proxy for product quality, our estimations show that entry is generally associated with higher product quality. This higher quality, however, tends to reduce over time and eventually disappears three years after entry. In addition, our evidence suggests that the positive relationship between entry and quality is more prevalent in new exporters. To better identify this effect, we explore whether there are systematic differences across sectors. As expected, for sectors in which quality differentiation may be important, our findings reveal that reference‐price and differentiated products show a higher price in the year of entry and a longer convergence to incumbent prices. These results hold after controlling for potential sample selection bias.  相似文献   

This study explored factors that distinguish proactive versus reactive export marketing strategies of Zimbabwean export companies. It identified key variables that contributed most to the discrimination between proactive firms with high levels of adaptation of export marketing strategy against reactive exporters with low levels of adaptation of export marketing strategy. Data were collected through a structured multi-item questionnaire involving a randomly selected sample of 105 exporting organizations. The overseas experience of management and strategic orientation of the company, cultural values, and legislation were found as key variables that discriminated between reactive exporting firms using low adaptation of export marketing strategy from those proactive exporters with high adaptations.  相似文献   

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