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公私合作融资模式的出现解决了政府在公共项目建设方面的资金短缺、经营管理效率低下的问题.通过政府的宏观管理.在财政资金少投入的情况下实现基础设施的有效供给。但是.在整个项目生命周期中的不确定性(如不可抗力)却无法利用评估技术来提前预测、预防.因此在公私合作背景下风险投资的退出机制建设是一个非常重要的问题。文章立足于国内公共项目公私合作现有的退出机制.通过对国外相对成熟的模式进行借鉴研究.以期提升我国公私合作退出机制的成熟度.  相似文献   

<正>一、前言民办学校在推动教育改革、促进教育公平等方面发挥着重要作用,是我国教育体系的重要组成部分。本文从内部控制(内控)角度出发,对民办学校的财务风险的主要来源和表现进行分析,结合民办学校的财务风险特性,进一步探讨了内部控制理论在民办学校财务风险管理中的应用。从完善治理结构、优化财务管理制度、加强内部审计等方面提出相应的解决对策及相关建议。  相似文献   

随着政府对公办学校投入的加大,民办学校昔日优势日渐丧失,处境更加艰难,师资流失严重。从教育政策的角度来看,我国民办学校教师流失主要是因为民办学校尚存在教师的身份认定不清、学校发展前景未卜、法律条文不清晰、应试教育下教师身心压力沉重等问题。基于此,树立法治观念、完善相关法规、铲除制度实施壁垒是稳定民办学校教师队伍的有效途径。  相似文献   

正记者从江西省教育厅获悉,为稳固和提升民办学校师资队伍,江西省日前明确,民办学校教师享有与公办学校教师同等的法律地位,各级政府和民办学校要把教师队伍建设作为提高教育教学质量的重要任务,各地要将民办学校教师队伍建设纳入教师队伍建设整体规划。江西省规定,民办学校教师在资格认定、职称评  相似文献   

传统意义上,公共服务是政府通过垂直管理或者横向合作的方式来提供的。随着公民需求的日益多元化,面临的社会事务越来越复杂,仅仅依靠政府就不能提供有效的公共服务,这样,公共服务的网络治理应运而生。网络治理是一种全新的、通过公私部门之间的合作,政府、非营利组织、盈利公司等多元主体广泛参与提供公共服务的治理模式。本文通过研究合作性网络治理理论与公共服务供给中网络治理的应用,着重探析了我国现阶段公共服务供给模式,将网络治理发展为政府提供高效率公共服务的有效途径,这对于建立以公民和社会为本的公共服务型政府具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

整体性治理理论强调的是政府间的合作和资源的整合与共享,主要解决行政区内横向政府组织间跨界治理问题。该理论突破治理空间的限制,为创新突发事件应急协调机制提供重要理论支撑。文章以整体性治理为视角,分析南宁市应急管理部门协调及区域合作中存在的具体问题,提出要从增强政府及相关部门应急协调的意愿,制定协调联动的制度规范,重点在信息沟通、资源共享、社会参与和区域合作共赢方面,创新构建南宁市应急协调与合作机制,以解决应急协调不畅与合作不力的问题。  相似文献   

张建勋 《发展》2014,(5):104-105
结合甘南藏族自治州目前在基础教育理念、学校教学资源、教学条件、师资队伍及教学质量等方面所存在亟待解决的问题,从构建数字资源共享平台的角度提出了切合实际的对策与建议,旨在进一步巩固和提高甘肃省"双基"成果,使教育信息技术与教育教学深度融合,进一步促进甘肃藏区基础教育公平、均衡发展。  相似文献   

赵皆通 《魅力中国》2014,(19):224-224
巨型学校垄断了大量的优质教育资源,拉大学校间的办学差距。加剧金钱择校现象,教育同质化问题显著,阻碍了教育公平的实现。地方政府的推动、社会认识的偏差、学校自身的发展和扩展是巨型学校快速发展的重要动因。解决巨型学校问题,在教育资源配置中要兼顾效率与公平,鼓励学校自主生成优质教育资源。限制巨型学校的办学规模,完善基础教育评估机制,采取“弱势强补”政策,实现基础教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

江建全 《上海改革》2003,(12):56-59
改革上海教育办学体制的出路在于进一步打破垄断,促进各类学校之间的公平竞争,上海民办教育目前还只是公办教育的补充,应促进其更好地发展,转制学校也应切实转换体制和机制,防止出现“翻牌学校”。对民办学校的产权应该明确加以界定。从长远看、对非营利性教育与营利性教育应予以有区别的规范和政策扶持。  相似文献   

党的十四大以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立与完善,随着教育体制改革的不断深化,适应市场经济体制发展的民办学校陆续创办,并与日俱增。民办学校的办学,教育质量是关键。目前几乎所有的民办学校都充分认识到教育质量的重要性,但由于缺乏办学经验和理论指导,许多学校的质量管理带着很大的盲目性,迫切需要建立一个科学高效的教育质量管理体系。  相似文献   

In Tiebout's idealized world, families would sort into homogeneous communities. Each family would get its preferred quality of public schools and there would be no demand for private schools. But limited public school options and a demand for religious instruction not permitted in public schools create a market for private schooling. Recently, many state governments have greatly limited districts' freedom to spend what they wish on education, often in response to court rulings to equalize education spending, such as Serrano in California. Funding equalization also affects the level of public school spending in the average state district; if this rises, as it has in many states, private schools become less attractive. Examining private school enrollment in 159 metropolitan areas in 1970, 1980, and 1990, we find that private school enrollments fall as average public spending rises and increase as public spending becomes more equal.  相似文献   

我国大中城市公共绿地开发经营模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作为一种重要的公共空间资源,城市公共绿地的开发建设正在得到政府和社会各界的重视。然而,政府单一渠道投资建设公共绿地的模式已越来越不能满足社会的需求。本文提出运用PPP模式开发经营城市公共绿地的理念。通过介绍PPP模式的概念、运作思路等,分析其优势.结舍典型案例、指出新的城市公共绿地开发经营模式。鼓励引导私营投资机构参与融资.形成可持续的符合市场经济环境的城市空间开发经营机制。但要看到现阶段在我国公共绿地建设中运用PPP模式存在的问题,并制定相应的对策。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the nature of public–private partnerships (PPPs) and their governance, with specific reference to the types of risks involved and how these are managed. The paper investigates whether there is any regime responsible for providing resources and enforcing contracts and service standards to make metropolitan governments efficient, effective and economical in designing, managing and exercising control over PPP ventures. In this context, the roles of selected stakeholders are discussed. The basic assumption of this paper is that metropolitan government could improve local economic growth through PPPs when the nature and governance of PPPs and the legalities underpinning them are thoroughly understood.  相似文献   

吴光芸  李建华 《改革与战略》2011,27(4):107-109,123
区域公共治理从本质上讲是一种多中心治理,它是以政府为主体、多种公私机构并存的新型社会公共事务管理模式,是国家与公民社会、政府与非政府组织、公共机构与私人机构在区域公共利益基础上互相信任、互相合作以管理区域公共事务。区域公共治理离不开信任、对公共机构的情感及合作的意愿、公众的参与精神、公众参与网络、网络行动的规则等社会资本。这就要求发展民间组织、促进公民有组织地参与区域治理;建立社区合作网络,加强公民基层参与;推行区域政务公开制度,使多元主体在信任的基础上相互协商,为了共同的利益而互相依赖,进行合作。  相似文献   

从教育的外部性角度看中国农村义务教育投入机制的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹莲娜 《特区经济》2006,211(8):121-122
20世纪80年代至今,20多年间中国农村义务教育的投入机制发生巨大的变化:从以农民投入为主转向以政府投入为主。原因是多方面的:税费改革的促发,解决教育地区不平衡的考虑等等,根本原因是教育,特别是基础教育属于公共品。本文试图从教育外部性结合户籍制度这一较为独特的视角阐释这一巨变。  相似文献   

文章依据财政部PPP项目库信息整理得到253个城市的非平衡面板数据并对PPP模式的经济增长质量效应展开实证分析。结果显示,我国PPP模式的运用能够有效促进地区经济增长质量提升,且该结论通过一系列稳健性检验后依然成立。机制分析显示,缓解地方政府短期财政压力和促进地区市场化水平的提升是PPP模式发挥经济增长质量效应的主要渠道。与此同时,政府干预较多会抑制PPP模式经济增长质量效应,而提高财政透明度则有利于发挥该效应。此外,异质性分析表明,市政工程以及教育、医疗等社会事业领域PPP模式的经济增长质量效应更强,并且当某地PPP模式以中短期合作或以政府付费和可行性缺口补助项目为主时,其对地区经济增长质量的提升作用更为明显。  相似文献   

By identifying the political motives of officials and local governments, this study aims to provide a new political economic analysis framework for understanding China's incentives for investing in public–private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects. Chinese urban panel data for the period 2013–17 were used to examine the mechanisms of promotion pressure and financial burden in relation to investments in PPP infrastructure projects. Based on our findings, the following policy recommendations are proposed: standardise the behaviour of local government officials in promoting PPP projects, establish a lifelong accountability mechanism for PPP project performance, establish a mechanism for local government debt risk assessment and prevention, and avoid the risk of local debt arising from over‐investment in PPP infrastructure projects. Moreover, a match should be formed between local economic infrastructure planning and investment plans to avoid over‐ or under‐investment.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(5):887-902
Since the move from a centrally planned to a market economy is recent, it is not surprising that private schools are rare. Estimates of the determinants of school choice indicate that better-off households are less likely to send their children to semi-public schools but more likely to send them to private schools. Willingness to spend on education increases as household incomes rise. In addition, the marginal cost to households of switching from public to private schools may be small. Given its importance in determining children's ultimate attainment, parental education should be considered in any targeting efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study describes enrolment rates and constructs an econometric model for primary education demand in Senegal, relying on the results of the QUID survey realized in 2001. A sequential probit model is constructed to explain the different choices made by the households in relation to their children's education, namely: decision to enrol or not, choice of the type of school (public or private schools, if private, religious or secular schools), decision to allow the children to attain the last grade or not. A dozen of explanatory variables relating to children and households’ characteristics and availability of education supply, are retained in this model. Simulations based on the model estimation results show the discrimination endured by rural children compared to urban ones whatever their gender, and by girls relative to boys, in terms of the probability distribution of the dependant variable of the model.  相似文献   

This paper documents wage differentials between private and public school graduates in Bangladesh and Pakistan. While evidence in support of a wage advantage of private school graduates in Bangladesh is lacking, Pakistani private school graduates are found to earn more than their public school counterparts. This finding has important implications for the current debate over the effectiveness of private schools in South Asia. To the extent the wage premium arises owing to education in private schools, our result suggests relative superiority of private schools in Pakistan and are consistent with extant studies that have assessed private school quality using test scores of students. The difference in the performance of private schools in the two countries, however, remains a puzzle. This difference, we conjecture, may be partly explained by the between-country differences in public policy towards private schools and, therefore, the regulatory regime facing these schools.  相似文献   

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