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本文从理论和实证两个角度,深入探讨了外包行业的技术特定性对中国制造业熟练劳动与非熟练劳动相对工资的影响。我们首先建立熟练劳动在行业间不能自由流动的技术特定性模型,通过比较静态的研究方法,分别讨论发展中国家承接高技术外包和低技术外包对本国相对工资的影响。实证方面,我们以中国1997—2006年28个工业细分行业为样本来检验行业技术特定性对我国相对工资差距的作用。实证结果支持理论模型的结论,认为我国承接的非熟练劳动外包会缩小我国的工资差距,行业的技术特定性会加强外包的工资效应。  相似文献   

本文运用协整理论与向量误差修正模型,对中国1983~2008年的生产者服务业FDI与技术进步的关系进行了实证分析.实证结果表明,无论是流量还是存量,生产者服务业FDI与技术进步之间均存在长期稳定的均衡关系;生产者服务业FDI存量与技术进步互为格兰杰原因,生产者服务业FDI流量是技术进步的格兰杰原因,但技术进步不是生产者...  相似文献   

本文借鉴成本函数的研究方法,采用我国1993~2010年19个工业细分行业的相关数据考察了影响熟练劳动与非熟练劳动相对工资变化的因素。通过计算行业的VSS和回归估计发现,国际贸易和技术进步才是拉动我国相对工资差距的主要原因,外包对相对工资差距起到微弱的缩小作用。根据行业的要素密集度,本文继续将工业行业划分为3个子样本,进一步考察了这些因素对不同要素密集型部门的相对工资的影响,结论与总体回归基本一致。本文的结论与理论预期的不一致,可能是由中国劳动力市场的特殊性和中国加工贸易的特点决定的。  相似文献   

车雨芳 《特区经济》2012,(8):249-251
在经济全球化的进程中,FDI成为利用境外资源和市场的标志性手段,虽然对于FDI对东道国经济贡献存在一系列争论,但是数据显示FDI对于第二产业的发展起到了很大的推动作用,同时也带动着我国在货物贸易方面的发展。然而伴随着服务业管制放松、服务贸易自由化的制度安排以及服务业的特殊性质,使得全球外商直接投资(FDI)的重点已转向服务业。与英美等服务贸易强国相比,我国的服务贸易还存在着相当大的差距。本文通过实证分析得出目前服务业FDI的流入并没有如同制造业那样带来服务贸易国际竞争力的增加,并从三个方面分析了出现这种现象的原因和改进措施。  相似文献   

本文采用最新测度生产者服务品进口技术含量的方法,估算了2004~2012年间我国生产者服务品进口的技术含量水平,分析了生产者服务品进口促进生产者服务业发展的内在机理,并运用6个细分行业的面板数据进行了实证检验。结果表明:第一,从总体上看,生产者服务品进口技术含量的提升可以促进我国生产者服务业的发展;第二,从生产者服务品进口分项层面上看,生产者服务品进口技术含量越高的部门,其对我国生产者服务业发展的促进作用就越明显;第三,从我国生产者服务业分行业层面上来看,生产者服务品进口的技术含量对知识和技术密集行业的促进作用明显。  相似文献   

本文利用1998~2006年中国30个省市的面板数据,对FDI对制造业工资收入差距的影响进行了实证分析。研究发现,FDI有利于缩小我国制造业行业间工资收入差距;FDI缩小制造业行业间工资收入差距的原因在于其能够更多地拉升制造业中低收入行业的相对工资,该作用在东部地区要大于中西部地区;FDI能提高制造业的相对工资,但这种作用在不同地区是有差别的。因此,FDI虽然缩小了制造业行业间的工资收入差距,但是客观上扩大了东部和中西部地区之间制造业的工资收入差距。基于以上结论,本文最后提出了一些缩小制造业行业间收入差距和地区收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文首先检验了国际外包对我国熟练劳动力与非熟练劳动力工资差距的影响.计量结果表明,与斯托尔帕-萨缪尔逊定理所揭示的相反,外包贸易降低了我国相对丰裕的非熟练劳动力的相对工资.微电子设备的使用也加大了对熟练劳动力的需求,进一步加大熟练劳动力与非熟练劳动力的工资差距.为了检查是否是因为贸易形态的变化所导致的结果,我们进一步检...  相似文献   

本文首先从理论上探讨了FDI促进出口产品质量升级的微观机制,然后利用1999~2007年产品层面的贸易数据对此进行了实证检验。结果发现,FDI稳健地提高了我国出口产品质量,而且外商投资对产品质量的提升作用要强于港澳台投资。进一步分组回归发现,资本密集型行业和高外资进入行业中FDI的存在有利于出口产品质量升级,而劳动密集型行业和低外资进入行业中FDI的存在不利于出口产品质量升级。此外,研发密度、人均工资等也起到了积极的作用,而资本劳动比的影响则恰好相反。  相似文献   

毛日昇 《南方经济》2012,(7):103-116
本文利用中国1999-2007年441个四位码工业行业数据,考察外商直接投资在产业内部和产业之间,通过直接影响劳动力市场供给方式和间接生产率外溢方式对中国内资行业的工资外溢效应。研究结果表明:(1)外商直接投资(FDI)通过直接和间接方式对中国内资行业工资在产业内部和产业之间都产生了显著的正向外溢效应;(2)国有行业比重提高会显著促进FDI通过劳动力供给方式对内资行业产生工资外溢效应,但同样会显著阻碍FDI通过间接的生产率外溢方式对内资行业产生工资外溢效应;(3)FDI对内资劳动密集型行业的工资外溢效应显著高于资本密集型行业,FDI进入显著缩小了中国不同劳动生产率工业部门的工资收入差距。  相似文献   

本文在理论和实证上探讨了中国对外直接投资(ODI)通过"生产要素需求创造"和"生产要素需求替代"的直接效应,以及通过"生产率效应"和"产业结构调整效应"的间接效应对母国行业间收入差距产生的影响。由于数据获得的局限性,目前国内的研究集中采用《中国工业企业数据库》分析工业企业ODI与工资的关系。本文利用Dealogic及FDI Markets数据库中2003-2017年12623家中国对外并购和绿地投资的企业数据,考虑行业异质性的影响差异,在34个全行业的层面上进行跨时期和分行业生产要素密集度的实证分析。结果表明:总体上,中国ODI对母国行业间收入差距的影响为先扩大后缩小,呈"倒U型"趋势,但当前阶段缩小的影响仍小于扩大的影响。中国ODI通过"生产率效应"间接扩大了国内行业间的工资差距,并且影响具有时滞性;通过"产业结构调整效应"间接扩大了国内行业间工资差距,但影响呈收敛趋势。行业异质性影响结果显示:劳动密集型行业ODI总体上呈扩大影响,而资本密集型行业ODI总体上呈先扩大后缩小的影响。34个细分行业中,有24个细分行业的ODI当前处于扩大国内行业间工资差距的阶段。但知识密集型制造业中的通用、专用设备制造业及通信设备行业,以及知识密集型服务业中的信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业具有明显的缩小作用。  相似文献   

We examine the wage trends of ordinary workers and the wage convergence between unskilled and skilled workers in China. First, we find that wages in all non-agricultural sectors, wages of migrant workers, and wages of hired workers in the agricultural sector have increased dramatically since 2003. Second, through comparing wage differentials between migrant and urban resident workers and between heterogeneous education groups within migrant workers, and by investigating the changes in the contribution of the returns to education to wage differentials, we find that the wages of unskilled and skilled workers have converged. Both the increasing wage trends and wage convergence are interpreted as evidence supporting the hypothesis that China has passed what can be called the Lewis turning point in the industrial sector. We conclude that the sustainability of economic growth in China requires an upgrading of labor market institutions to accommodate the merging of the rural and urban labor forces.  相似文献   

This study adopts a semiparametric smooth coefficient model to evaluate the export–wage premiums, firm size–wage premiums, and the wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor. Particular focus is placed upon widespread evidence indicating that pay levels in ‘large’ and ‘export‐oriented’ firms are higher than in their ‘small’ and ‘domestic‐oriented’ counterparts. Applying the firm‐level data for Taiwanese manufacturing firms, we find a positive export–wage premium for skilled workers and a negative export–wage premium for unskilled workers. The hypothesis of a constant export premium across firm size is rejected. While most of the export–wage premiums for skilled labor can be attributed to the small and medium firms, the large exporting firms have a significant adverse effect on wages for unskilled labor. Moreover, our results suggest that the firm size–wage premiums for skilled workers are larger than those for unskilled workers. The wage gap between the two skill groups is also sensitive to size categories.  相似文献   

We investigate migration and foreign direct investment (FDI) for a small trading economy. Historically, immigration in small countries has been accompanied by FDI inflows (complementary capital movements). Based on the skill composition of migrants, empirical evidence finds that skilled immigration is accompanied by FDI inflows but unskilled immigration is accompanied by FDI outflows (substitutable capital movements). We prove that the Heckscher-Ohlin model cannot reconcile these apparently contradictory observations. We introduce a theoretical model in which capital and unskilled labor are sector specific, and demonstrate that this model can reconcile the historical and empirical observations on migration and FDI.  相似文献   

This article incorporates foreign direct investment (FDI) and product differentiation in a general equilibrium trade model. The analysis shows that freer trade and FDI will upgrade China's technology, improve its skills of labor, and increase the competitiveness of local firms in the international market. At the same time, the relative wage of skilled labor to unskilled labor will rise. The size of this rise will be affected by the degree of protection for intellectual property rights. These theoretical results are consistent with empirical evidence. The analysis provides insights in coordinating policies on FDI, labor market reform, and intellectual property rights protection.  相似文献   

This paper studies the labor market impacts of trade liberalization, and specifically tariff reductions, with a focus on the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers in presence of vertical linkages in the fixed costs of production. To that purpose, we develop and empirically test a monopolistic competition model with variable elasticity of substitution and labor differentiated by skill level, where skilled workers are the residual claimants of savings on imported inputs. Consistently with the model predictions, we find that a 10% reduction in tariffs implies on average a 3.8% increase in the wage gap. In addition, the same level of tariff reduction is expected to lower unskilled employment in domestic production by 3.3%, which is partially offset by an expansion of unskilled employment in the export segment of production. These results are obtained matching detailed international trade data with World Input–Output Tables and EU KLEMS data on country-sector wage by skill level on 17 OECD countries from 1996 to 2005.  相似文献   

This paper examines the income distribution and welfare effects of appropriation activities in an economy. In the short run, with a given number of firms, appropriation can narrow wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labor when the capital resources accrued by appropriators are not large. However, wage inequality widens when the capital accrued is large. In the long run, with free entry and exit of firms, an increase in appropriation can cause firms to enter when the accrued capital is not large. This gives rise to a win–win outcome by raising the wages of skilled and unskilled labor. However, if accrued capital is large, firms exit and a lose–lose situation may occur in which skilled and unskilled wages are reduced.  相似文献   

Multinational Companies and Wage Inequality in the Host Country: The Case of Ireland. — In this paper, the authors analyze the impact of multinational companies on wage inequality in a host country. Based on a model, in which the introduction of new technologies leads to increases in the demand for skilled labour and, therefore, to rising wage inequality, they econometrically study the Irish manufacturing sector between 1979 and 1995. They examine inequality between wages for skilled and unskilled labour within the same manufacturing sector. Their results indicate that there is an inverted-U relationship between wage inequality and multinationals, i.e., with the increasing presence of multinationals, wage inequality first increases, reaches a maximum, and decreases eventually.  相似文献   

This study examines various claims that in the U.S., international trade has contributed to a loss of manufacturing base, an increased gap between unskilled and skilled wages, lower employment, and a loss of productivity. Cointegration tests indicate that in the long run and at the macro level, the ratio of trade to output and FDI to output are correlated with the manufacturing share of output, the ratio of unskilled to skilled wages, labor productivity, and the employment rate. However, Granger causality tests reveal that, with one exception, causation does not run from trade to the domestic variables, the only exception being that FDI Granger causes productivity. When the focus is shifted to the manufacturing sector, the results support the proposition that openness to trade has had adverse effects on this sector.A slightly different version of this paper was presented at the Fifty-sixth International Atlantic Economic Conference, October 16–19, 2003 in Quebec City, Canada. The research reported in this paper is partially funded by a grant from the Institute for Global Economic Affairs at Marquette University.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of the supply of skilled and unskilled labor on the growth rate of open economies. Using an expansion-in-varieties framework, the model distinguishes between a long-term equilibrium and a medium-term adjustment path. It is demonstrated that the dynamic effects of labor supply are different in a model with expanding varieties in the consumption sector from those in a model with expanding varieties in the production sector. In addition, the outcome depends on the elasticities of substitution in production as well as the countries' production shares in world goods markets. It is shown that, in general, the supply of unskilled labor is likely to have an unfavorable effect on long-term development.  相似文献   

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