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Anonymity is frequently offered to recipients of mail questionnaires in order to secure their cooperation and thus increase the response rate obtained. Individuals desiring to remain anonymous may, however, choose to respond differently to the instrument than known respondents because their identities are secret. Thus, a potential source of bias is introduced whenever anonymity is made available. This article examines the responses of identified and anonymous respondents to a mail questionnaire in order to determine the extent to which such bias occurred.  相似文献   

The effects of manipulation of appeal types, anonymity/nonanonymity, and the promiselno promise of feedback of research results on response patterns were examined using a sales population. The results indicate that the use of these techniques can enhance the response patterns from salespeople. Specifically, the egoistic appeal, the interaction of egoistic appeal with anonymity, and feedback were shown to influence response rate, response speed, and response completeness.  相似文献   

A mail survey was conducted to empirically investigate contributions to charity as a method of stimulating responses to a mail survey. The research design included a control group and four experimental groups with the following treatments: a prepayment of $1.00 enclosed with the questionnaire (immediate personal reward), $1.00 promised upon return of the questionnaire with the respondent identified (delayed personal reward, no anonymity), $1.00 promised upon return of the questionnaire with no identification of the respondent (delayed personal reward, anonymity), and the promise of $1.00 contribution to a respondent-selected charity (delayed non-personal reward). The $1.00 prepayment yielded a statistically significant higher response rate than the $1.00 promised to charity or $1.00 promised upon return of the questionnaire. This study generally supports existing empirical foudnations of equity theory. An immediate personal reward yields a higher response rate than a delayed personal or non-personal reward.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of the methodological characteristics of research source and anonymity of response upon mail survey response behavior. Unique features of the study were that the survey sponsor was identified, and the population sampled was one that should have a certain amount of commitment to both the sponsor and the topic because of membership in the sponsoring organization.  相似文献   

Response quality (accuracy) is replacing response quantity (response rate and nonresponse error) as the major issue in survey research methodology. Using a survey of 500 members of the general public from four cities, the authors examine an important aspect of response quality: uniformed response error. By asking respondents to evaluate the past performance of a fictitious public agency, the authors examine the effect that using a monetary inducement to increase the response rate to a mail survey has on uniformed response error. In addition, the ability of a “Don’t know” option to reduce uninformed response error is analyzed. The important impact that uniformed responses can have on response quality is documented. deceased  相似文献   

The response to business reply envelopes and first class stamped return envelopes was compared. Although response rates were significantly different, the speed of responses, in terms of how long it took respondents to answer, was not. A study of the question of predictability based on early returns revealed serious problems with a prediction technique offered in the literature.  相似文献   

Some researchers have expressed concern that the lack of a physical representation of an attitude scale in telephone surveys hinders repondents in answering attitude questions. One suggested remedy is to ask respondents to refer to their phone dial (a 9-point scale) in answering such questions. The method has been shown to be easily administered and enjoyable to respondents. However, additional concerns have been raised as to whether the use of telephone dials as scales produces different responses than would be obtained using printed scales on opinion cards or in self-administered questionnaires. This paper reports on the results of an experiment designed to address these concerns. The authors found that the use of telephone dials (as compared to other scales) produced no significant difference in response.  相似文献   

Consumer concern with the environmental problems and the related adaptive behavior have been investigated. For purposes of analysis the respondents are categorized into high concern and low concern groups on the basis of the degree of concern expressed by the respondents. Differences between the groups were analyzed in relation to the following consumer response variables: (1) attitudes towards pollution control; (2) pollution related message recalls; (3) believability of corporate pollution related advertisements; (4) purchase intentions of non-polluting products under different conditions of adaptive behavior; (5) willingness to make monetary and convenience sacrifice in buying non-polluting products; and (6) non-polluting product purchase recalls. Data analysis leads to the following conclusions: respondents in general do not consider that the dangers of pollution are exaggerated; respondents in both the groups expressed more willingness to adapt or change their behavior in situations involving socio-psychological, convenience and economic variables than product quality variable; and the two groups significantly differed with regard to the number of non-polluting product purchases recalled.  相似文献   

近年来,大学生博客群体日益壮大,分类日益细化。博客日益成为大学生释放现代性焦虑的新方式,以及梦想成真的“舞台”。将博客运用于思想政治教育工作中,具有现实迫切性。  相似文献   

央行在2019年宣布即将发行央行数字货币(CBDC),2020年8月14日商务部印发《全面深化服务贸易创新发展试点总体方案》,方案提到在京津冀、长三角、粤港澳大湾区及中西部具备条件的试点地区开展数字人民币试点.央行数字货币的法偿性使其区别于比特币等私人数字货币,其匿名性、便捷性等特点相比于传统的现金货币存在诸多优势.由...  相似文献   

随着网络的发展与普及,网络的虚拟性、匿名性、开放性、分散性与不对称性使得网络内容面临失控危险,尤其在突发性危机事件发生后,其在网络上的连锁反应很有可能引发社会的动荡,甚至危害国家安全。面对此类风险,针对突发性危机事件进行的网络管制是合法的,管制时需要建立良好的应变机制,而且要区分其不同的阶段运用不同的管制手段,最终形成一定的制度体系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the adoption and viability of the channels manager concept in large manufacturing organizations. Results of a survey indicate that only 14 percent of respondents have a channels manager position within their companies. However, these respondents from companies with a channels manager position strongly support the establishment of the position within their own company and within other large companies. Among all respondents, executives tend to reject the need for a channels manager position within their own organizations, and estimate that the likelihood of implementation of the position within their company is low. The major impediment to implementation is concern about proliferation of organizational positions and cost of implementation. The study indicates that the channels manager position is still more a concept than a reality. However, favorable views of those respondents representing firms with a channels manager position suggest the concept does have potential value in certain types of companies.  相似文献   

比特币因其特殊性引起了极大的争议.比特币具有无发行机构、自然属性、无信用担保、匿名性特点,可以定性为代币票券、虚拟商品或类似于金本位的电子货币.但目前难以与现行法币体系兼容.比特币挑战传统货币理念.  相似文献   

To establish the predictive validity of ethnic identification measures, respondents in the Montreal Urban Community were surveyed and measured on a variety of ethnic dimensions. The data was then fed to a clustering algorithm. Two-group clustering assignments were then compared to traditional taxonomic measures. It is shown that some measures do an excellent job in classifying respondents, while others, which are commonly used in practice, do not fare as well.  相似文献   

A major issue in marketing concerns potential bias from nonreturns in survey research. This study was designed to examine if their are personality characteristics that differentiate the respondents from nonrespondents in a mailed questionnaire. Five hundred and eight salesmen of a national marketing firm participated in the study. Nine of the twenty variables studied had a significant difference between respondents and nonrespondents. Practical and theoretical considerations suggests that a respondent population may be an even more select group than previously considered.  相似文献   

突发事件网络舆情具有自由性、互动性、即时性、隐匿性、群体极化性等特点,一般经历形成、高涨、波动和最终淡化四个阶段。对网络舆情的引导和控制,必须遵循其形成演化规律,建立公开透明、及时的政府信息发布制度,同时注重培育网上意见领袖,推动网络媒体与传统媒体良性互动,并依托网络舆情监控系统,对不良信息进行及时处理,这样才能有效消除网络媒体的负面影响,发挥其在社会突发事件处理中的积极作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of foreign economic, political, and cultural environments on American consumers' willingness to buy foreign products. Results of a self-administered mail questionnaire revealed that respondents were most willing to buy products from economically developed free countries with a European, Australian, or New Zealand culture.  相似文献   

Consumer information seeking behavior was studied in the U.S. and Singapore. Rank order correlations were used to determine how the two samples differ on the extent respondents sought information from the various sources and how they evaluated usefulness of information from sources. Several interesting similarities and differences were found.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that respondents who are exposed to multiple sources featured in an advertising appeal engage in more diligent processing of the message arguments than those who are exposed to a single message source presenting the same basic appeal. Other research has demonstrated that the persuasive advantage of an appeal can be significantly diminished when respondents perceive that the message source is motivated by the compensation received to endorse a product. Using a 2 (Single vs. Multiple Sources)×2 (Paid vs. Unpaid Source) between-subjects factorial design, subjects were shown a print advertisement for a new multivitamin food supplement. Results showed that subjects exposed to unpaid multiple sources generated significantly more positive thoughts and attitudes than those exposed to a similar number of sources who were paid to endorse the product. In contrast, subjects in the single-source conditions showed no significant differences in the number of thoughts and the strength of attitudes in response to paid versus unpaid message sources. Theoretical and managerial implications of these findings are discussed. He holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University in marketing and international business. His research in the field of advertising and persuasion focuses on attitude theory, social cognition, and emotion. His published work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Global Marketing, andAdvances in Consumer Research. His research and writing interests are in the area of managerial and consumer decision making. He is the author of the trade bookJudgment Calls: High Stakes Decisions in a Risky World (1993) and the textbookConsumer Behavior (1993). He is the author or co-author of more than 60 refereed articles on managerial and consumer decision making in such publications as theJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Decision Sciences, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, andJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia. His research in the field of attitude and persuasion, the self-concept and social memory has appeared in a number of journals including theJournal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Social Cognition, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, andAdvances in Consumer Research.  相似文献   

Perceptual mapping using the basic structure matrix decomposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perceptual mapping techniques are used to graphically represent perceptions of brands in a category, companies in an industry, and so forth. The data required to construct perceptual maps using typical methods can be difficult for respondents to provide and time-consuming to collect. An alternative, but relatively obscure perceptual mapping technique is rooted in correspondence analysis, and involves a fundamental matrix decomposition. Data requirements for this approach are simple. For example, a simple brand-attribute matrix, each cell containing the frequency of respondents stating that the respective attribute applies to the respective brand, could serve as the input data for the map. The data is treated as a contingency table, and the matrix whose elements are the deviations between observed and expected frequencies, adjusted for the respective expected frequencies, is decomposed to obtain the basic mapping coordinates. The resultant mapping approach is shown to be basically equivalent to correspondence analysis.  相似文献   

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