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30年改革是解放生产力、解放生产关系和解放人自身的过程 对这30年的改革,我个人是从“三个解放和发展”角度来把握的,第一是生产力的解放和发展,第二是生产关系的解放和发展;第三是人自身的解放和发展。生产力的解放和发展主要就是追求富强和繁荣。生产关系的解放和发展是追求活力和公正。人自身的解放和发展关键是追求自由和人权,这里侧重还是从发展这个角度来研究。为什么要讨论发展方式的转变?  相似文献   

河南依靠资源优势和发展机遇,特色农业发展已有一定的基础,已成为农业和农村经济发展中新的增长点.结合河南特色农业发展存在的问题,提出了河南特色农业的发展思路、发展重点和发展对策.  相似文献   

坚持发展是第一要务,加快安徽现代粮食流通产业发展步伐 经过几十年的改革和发展,我国已经进入现代粮食流通产业发展新的历史阶段。发展,已成为新时期粮食流通工作的重大主题和首要任务。当前,安徽省粮食流通产业发展要以产业化经营、园区建设、现代物流、批发市场建设等为主要抓手,创新发展理念,转变发展方式,破解发展难题,提高发展质量和效益。  相似文献   

"十二五"时期河南省在经济发展水平、工业化进程、增长动力、城市化进程、社会发展进程等方面表现出一定的趋势特征,处于不同的发展阶段,因此会有不同的发展目标、主要矛盾和发展重点,经济和社会发展将迎来新的机遇和挑战,需要根据所处发展阶段特征,科学制定发展规划和措施。  相似文献   

通过分析和借鉴国内外发展现代农业的经验,立足于黑龙江垦区的发展历程、特点和要求,对垦区现代农业发展现状和存在问题进行分析,进而提出黑龙江垦区发展现代农业的对策和建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农垦总局党委(扩大)会议以来,各分局掀起了贯彻会议精神的高潮,纷纷结合实际,提出了具体发展思路和相关发展对策。齐齐哈尔分局党委组织发动各方面专家、领导和全局干部职工建言献策,形成科学发展、创新发展、包容发展的发展思路,现选编分局和农场部分负责人的真知灼见,供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

我国农村社区发展基金的现状及问题研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据发展资金的来源和管理方式不同,我国农村的社区发展基金可分为三种类型,即国际机构推动型、政府推动型和村民自建型.社区发展基金是在小额信贷模式基础上的创新和发展,对我国农村地区的发展起到了很大的推动作用.但在我国现行的农村金融体制下,社区发展基金的发展还有诸多制约.  相似文献   

企业是在社会环境中发展的,社会的发展能为企业提供更大的发展空间和机遇,企业的发展也使它有更大的能力来履行和承担社会责任,进一步促进经济社会的发展。企业承担社会责任和自身发展是统一的。本文以三鹿事件为警醒,正确看待社会责任问题。  相似文献   

发展是当今世界的主题,也是当代中国的主题,发展观作为发展实践的先导,作为发展的观点、理论和方法,针对什么是发展,为什么要发展,怎样实现发展,如何评价发展等问题作出回答.中国共产党在领导人民进行改革开放和现代化建设的伟大历史进程中形成了当代中国的科学发展观,这就是党的十六届三中全会决定中指出的"坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,促进经济社会和人的全面发展."这一表述对中国经济社会发展和人的发展作出了科学回答,为当代中国的发展构想了宏伟蓝图、指明了前进方向.  相似文献   

该文运用可持续发展的理念 ,引入农村人力资源发展的新概念 ,着重探讨农村人力资源在传统开发的基础上如何可持续发展。本文界定了农村人力资源发展和农村区域人力资源发展规划的概念 ,探讨了农村人力资源发展的原则和必要性 ,提出了农村区域人力资源发展规划的意义和农村区域人力资源发展规划的方法、程序和编制的步骤。  相似文献   

土地整理产业化是解决目前我国土地整理资金筹措问题的有效措施,同时也是今后土地整理工作的发展方向。本文从土地整理产业化的涵义、土地整理产业化的本质特征、实行土地整理产业化的意义、我国土地整理产业化的政策法律基础以及运作模式对土地整理产业化进行了探讨,并详细地分析了我国土地整理产业化发展的制约因素,同时提出了推进土地整理产业化发展的建议。本文从各个方面对土地整理产业化进行了详细地探讨,对今后的土地整理工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

目的 基于乡村振兴战略有关要求以及新阶段“三农”发展现状、特征构建农民现代化综合评价指标体系,对2019年江西省103县(区)的农民现代化发展水平进行测度和评价。方法 文章综合运用层次分析法和熵值法从职业素质、生活水平、生活环境、健康水平、市民化水平五方面选取了15个指标构建农民现代化综合评价指标体系,找出影响江西省农民现代化发展的主要因素,并对2019年江西省103县(区)的农民现代化水平进行测度。结果 (1)江西省农民现代化发展水平主要受职业素质、人均可支配收入、市民化水平等的影响;(2)江西省农民现代化发展水平总体评价值为0.565 5,空间分布上呈现出“西部高东部低,北部高南部低”的趋势;(3)从一级指标发展水平空间分布来看,农民职业素质发展水平、生活水平、生活环境发展水平、市民化发展水平均呈现出显著的多维性和异质性。其中,职业素质发展水平呈现出“西部高东部低,南部高北部低”的特征,生活水平、生活环境发展水平、市民化发展水平均呈现出“西部高东部低,北部高南部低”的特征。结论 江西省农民现代化发展进程还有待推进,未来应该在加大农民职业教育培训力度、扩大农民增收渠道、加快促进农民就地市民化、加强区域间农民现代化发展交流合作等方面加强政策引导与支持,进一步提高农民现代化发展水平。  相似文献   

In recent decades the intensification of agricultural production in many European countries has been one of the key components of land-use change. The impact of agricultural intensification varies according to national and local contexts and a greater understanding of the drivers of intensification will help to mitigate against its negative impacts and harness potential benefits. This paper analyses changes in land use intensity in six case studies in Europe. A total of 437 landowners were interviewed and their responses were analysed in relation to changes in land use intensity and agricultural production between 2001 and 2011. In the case studies in Western and Eastern Europe we observed stabilisation during the last decade, and no clear tendency of increase or decrease of land use intensity. The use of fertilizers and pesticides seems to have decreased in our cases in Western Europe, which is contrary to trends in Eastern Europe. Agricultural production remained stable in almost all cases, except for an increase in Austria and Romania which may indicate that the farming efficiency has increased. A statistical analysis showed a division between study areas in Romania and Austria (increasing land use intensity) versus those in the Netherlands, Denmark and Greece (decreasing). In the Mediterranean cases we observe a process where agriculture is becoming increasingly marginalised, at the same time as changes in function with regard to urbanisation and recreational land uses have taken place. Logistic regression highlighted the importance of farm size and farmer type in understanding changes in land use intensity. The dominant pattern of stabilisation which has occurred over the past 10 years may also partly be a result of effective EU and national environmental and agricultural policies, which are increasingly concerned with improving environmental conditions in rural areas.  相似文献   

江西省乡村聚落空间分布及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]通过江西省乡村聚落发展及演变现状对其空间分布特征进行研究,并从乡村聚落发展优化的角度提出具体建议,对江西省乡村振兴战略实施具有重要的借鉴意义。[方法]运用GIS102操作平台对江西省乡村聚落空间分布情况以乡村聚落密度、乡村规模以及人口密度进行空间等级划分,通过计算最临近点指数、地理集中指数和地理联系率分析其空间分布特征。[结果]江西省市域和县域内的乡村聚落在乡村规模、人口密度以及聚落分布密度上存在较大差异,分布呈现不均衡的特点,且与经济发展和人口密度在空间上的均衡、配合程度较高。[结论](1)江西省乡村聚落分布密度在空间上存在较大差异,形成以南昌市为中心,包含宜春市、萍乡市和上饶市大部分县域的北部密集区,主要为北部赣江流域下游平原和鄱阳湖平原地区,抚州市南部和赣州市大部分区域乡村聚落分布密度较小; (2)江西省乡村聚落在空间上整体呈集聚型分布且分布不均衡的特点; (3)其乡村规模较大的聚落多分布在上饶、赣州、九江和宜春等地,反映出江西省丘陵区和山地区的乡村聚落规模较大。  相似文献   

This study analyses the impacts of de-coupling of agricultural support from production in Finland. A dynamic agricultural sector model, which includes 17 production regions and endogenous investments and technical change, is used in the analysis. Investment in different production techniques is dependent on the relative profitability and the spread of each technique in the population of heterogeneous farms. There are relatively few large farms which use efficient production techniques in Finland. De-coupling weakens the incentive for investment in dairy production and causes a temporary but significant slow down in dairy investments and technical change. Consequently, de-coupling is likely to result in a significant drop in milk and beef production in the next 10-20 year period if no corrective measures are taken in agricultural policy in less-favoured areas such as Finland. However, a slow recovery of investment and output levels are expected in the long run.  相似文献   

In recent years, sustainability has always been one of the most important approaches in policy making and program development in general, especially in the agricultural sector. On the other hand, land leveling and consolidation programs are usually implemented as the development programs of the agricultural sector in different regions of Iran. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the agricultural sustainability in two different regions (with and without land leveling and consolidation) in Zarghan District, Fars Province, Iran. In this research, a quantitative research approach has been used, and data were collected in two phases using a researcher-made questionnaire. The results of the first phase of the study showed that in the leveled and consolidated lands, the ecological dimension is potentially in a good status of sustainability, but social and economic dimensions are in a moderate status. In the unleveled and unconsolidated lands, the ecological dimension is potentially in a good status, while the social dimension is in a moderate, and economic dimensions are in a potentially weak status of sustainability. In addition, comparing the results of the two groups of lands demonstrated that there is a significant difference between them in terms of ecological and economic sustainability, and in consolidated and leveled lands, ecological and economic sustainability are in a more favorable status. Furthermore, the results of the second phase of the research indicated that agricultural activities in both categories of land are beneficial. However, the net present value of agricultural activities revenues in the leveled and consolidated lands is higher than those of the areas outside the coverage of this plan. Therefore, it can be concluded that agricultural activities in leveled and consolidated lands, not only have a better status in terms of sustainability but also have a higher economic justification.  相似文献   

[目的]基于空间变异理论预测郑州市休闲农业的空间发展趋势,以期为郑州市休闲农业的发展提供支持,并弥补该研究领域的不足。[方法]采用统计分析法统计2010—2017年郑州市各县市区的规模以上休闲农庄数量和各区域面积,采用空间分析法计算各区域休闲农业空间分布密度确定其空间变异性,结合郑州市各县市区的区位条件、休闲农业资源和交通状况,综合分析郑州市休闲农业的未来发展方向。[结果](1)郑州市休闲农业的数量从2010年的39家增加到2017年的282家,其中增长幅度最大的是惠济区,其次是荥阳市和登封市;(2)惠济区的休闲农业分布密度历年均居各县市区之首,而且呈现逐年增加的趋势,登封市和荥阳市的休闲农业分布密度历年均远高于除惠济区外的其他县市区;(3)各县市区的区位条件、交通状况和休闲农业资源存在差异,造成各区域休闲农业发展不均衡。[结论]郑州市休闲农业未来的主要发展区域将会以惠济区、金水区、荥阳市和登封市为主,依托有利的交通优势以郑州市中心向周边县市扩散,以现代农业和高效农业发展为主的管城区和中牟县将会成为未来全市休闲农业发展的重点开发区域。  相似文献   

山西"丁戊奇荒"的时限和地域   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郝平 《中国农史》2003,22(2):38-42
文章主要利用地方志等史料对山西“丁戊奇荒”①的时限和地域进行界定,从时间和范围方面来说明山西省区受灾的严重程度。  相似文献   

从城乡居民食物消费、农业现代化建设、海洋经济发展、与国民经济的发展关系诸方面论证了海洋渔业经济在天津国民经济发展中的战略地位;深入分析了天津海洋渔业经济发展状况和问题及发展前景;对天津市中心渔港建设、发展渔港海洋渔业经济区提出了建议.  相似文献   

This research explores the role of agrarian and environmental movements in contesting the development and promotion of agricultural biotechnology through trade liberalization in Latin America. Organized around themes of mobilization, participation and representation, it raises key questions about who mobilizes and how, and about the strategic dilemmas that arise when movements with different histories, membership bases and cultures of protest attempt to work together. Issues of accountability, representation and participation run through the analysis of strategies of organization and claim-making adopted by an eclectic range of groups seeking to contest the role of biotechnology in the structure of agricultural production, the institutions that manage that relationship and the discourses which sustain it. In particular, analysis centres on their responsiveness to the concerns and agendas of poorer groups in the front line of the 'gene revolution' as it plays out in the Latin American countryside, in particular in Argentina and Brazil, the key players in biotechnology in the region.  相似文献   

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