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以往顾客满意度的研究主要从认知角度考虑影响顾客满意度的因素,而忽略了情感因素的重要性.基于认知和情感的视角,本文以航空服务业为研究背景,考察了航空服务质量、正面情感、负面情感、感知价值和顾客满意度的结构性关系.研究结果显示,航空服务质量和感知价值对顾客满意度有正向影响,而负面情感对顾客满意度有负向影响,同时正面情感通过感知价值间接影响顾客满意度.以上结果表明,航空服务质量和消费情感对顾客满意度都具有重要影响.  相似文献   

负面事件对品牌关系造成的伤害已引起学术界广泛关注,但学者们的研究主要从顾客利益直接相关的负面事件展开。文章基于顾客利益层次视角,将餐饮服务负面事件分为与顾客直接利益相关和与顾客间接利益相关两种类型,通过两个情景模拟实验,分析两类负面事件对品牌关系的影响机理,探讨不同声誉品牌负面事件对餐饮品牌关系影响差异。研究结果表明,(1)两类负面事件均对品牌关系造成伤害,且伤害无显著差异;(2)两类负面事件对品牌关系影响机理不同:直接利益相关型负面事件通过影响感知质量影响品牌关系,间接利益相关型负面事件通过影响品牌形象影响品牌关系;(3)两类负面事件对品牌关系的伤害程度会随品牌声誉高低发生变化,品牌声誉越高,伤害越大。文章丰富了负面事件对品牌资产影响理论,对降低负面事件对餐饮服务品牌伤害提供了方法指导和决策参考。  相似文献   

当顾客遭遇由个别雇员引发的服务失败时,顾客会产生怎样的心理反应?文章基于服务失败情境探讨了顾客的自我建构倾向与服务质量预期对满意度与负面口碑传播的影响。研究运用实验法模拟(餐厅)服务情境,结果发现,当服务失败源于个别雇员的不当行为时,如果顾客对企业的服务持有相对负面的质量预期,那么自我建构类型为互依型的顾客(vs.独立型自我建构)更倾向于认为企业对雇员的服务质量具有可控性,会对企业更不满意;但在负面口碑传播上,独立型自我建构的顾客却反而更有可能通过口碑传播服务失败经历(vs.互依型自我建构)。文章在此基础上主要讨论了自我建构对服务失败研究以及企业实践的启示,并指出未来可进一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

韩小芸  冯欣 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):91-98
顾客在企业授权措施影响下产生的对服务经历的控制感被称之为顾客心理授权.文章在文献研究的基础上,提出了一个包含顾客心理授权、顾客参与、员工服务质量、顾客服务质量和顾客满意感的研究模型,并通过对旅行社顾客的调查,对模型进行了实证检验.数据分析结果表明:(1)顾客心理授权与顾客参与是两个不同的概念,且前者对后者有显著的正向影响;(2)顾客参与通过顾客服务质量间接影响员工服务质量;(3)顾客服务质量和员工服务质量都会影响顾客满意感,且与员工服务质量相比,顾客服务质量对顾客满意感的影响更大.文章研究结果可以丰富学术界对顾客授权理论的研究,同时对旅行社授予顾客权力、鼓励顾客参与,提高顾客服务质量,进而提高顾客满意度有一定的实践参考价值.  相似文献   

明晰顾客消极情感体验有助于守住共享住宿经营底线,了解积极情感体验则能够掌握其差异化竞争关键,但当前研究仍难以洞悉顾客二元情感体验的成因过程及异质性。因此,文章基于共享住宿在线评论大数据,使用深度学习技术和扎根理论方法探究顾客二元情感体验的成因机理。结果表明,积极与消极情感体验形成过程中存在共性与异质性成因。(1)共性成因:住宿环境、主客互动、基础服务和预订信息是激发顾客二元情感体验的外界刺激,而价格价值则是重要过渡因素。(2)异质性刺激:增值服务和客客互动是顾客积极情感体验形成的关键刺激因素,而经营规范和平台运营等问题则会激发消极情感体验。(3)异质性中介:享乐价值和心理依恋是积极情感体验产生的关键过渡因素,而性能价值和心理距离则是消极情感体验形成的中介因素。该研究从二元情感视角揭示了共享住宿不同情感体验的形成机理,也为管理者夯实共享住宿经营底线并发挥差异化竞争优势提供参考。  相似文献   

温碧燕 《旅游学刊》2011,26(5):68-76
文章探讨员工敬业度对工作满意度和顾客满意度之间关系的影响。研究结果表明:员工敬业度包含3个独立的维度,即精力充沛、奉献精神和专心致志;与敬业度较低的服务人员相比较,敬业度较高的服务人员的工作满意感及其服务的顾客的满意感都比较高;对敬业度较高的服务人员而言,工作满意感与顾客满意感之间存在显著的正相关关系,而对敬业度较低的服务人员而言,工作满意度与顾客满意度之间并不存在显著的相关关系,而且他们之间的相关系数是负值,换句话说,对敬业度水平较低的服务人员来说,高的工作满意度不仅不会带来顾客满意度的上升,而且可能带来顾客满意度的下降。  相似文献   

顾客餐馆体验的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
餐馆的菜肴质量、服务环境和员工服务影响顾客的情感体验和社会体验,论文用调研问卷方法验证了不同体验之间的内部关系,以及不同人口统计特征的顾客对体验的差异化反应.研究发现,菜肴质量、员工服务是影响顾客体验的主要因素,顾客体验感知差异主要来源于年龄上的差异.  相似文献   

蒋婷  胡正明 《旅游学刊》2011,26(5):77-83
顾客间互动现象广泛存在于服务接触当中,但顾客间互动的研究十分有限。文章使用关键事件技术的方法对我国游客在服务接触中的互动行为进行了分类,将游客间互动行为分为5大类:基本礼仪、旅游规范、语言沟通、帮助行为和其他,又细分为20个二级子类。研究发现,不同类别的事件会给游客的服务体验带来完全不同的感受;负面互动令游客印象更深;不同的游客群体对互动行为满意的评价不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

以往对情绪劳动前因变量的研究主要集中在个人因素、情景因素和组织因素3个方面,研究成果较为丰富,但对个人因素和组织因素间的互动过程对情绪劳动影响的探讨还比较缺乏.文章以社会交换理论为基础,通过对酒店一线服务人员的问卷调研探讨服务企业员工在与组织互动过程中的情感体验(组织认同和基于组织的自尊)对其情绪劳动的影响.层级回归分析和结构方程模型均表明,组织认同与基于组织的自尊都对情绪劳动具有显著影响,表现为组织认同水平越高,员工越倾向于采用深层表演策略,基于组织的自尊水平越高,员工越倾向于采用深层表演策略;基于组织的自尊在组织认同与表面表演作用关系中起完全中介作用,在组织认同与深层表演作用关系中起部分中介作用.因此,企业管理者应积极关注员工的情感需求,注重提升员工的组织认同感和基于组织的自尊感,以实现企业、员工与顾客的互利共赢.  相似文献   

服务诚信问题是旅游业中备受关注的一个现实问题。已有研究从企业层面分析了旅行社整体诚信度对顾客与企业关系的影响,但对于单次服务中不诚信行为如何影响顾客信任,尚缺乏深入的探讨。文章试图用心理契约违背理论来分析服务不诚信行为对顾客信任的影响过程,同时考虑企业声誉在其中的作用。在访谈研究的基础上,文章通过情景实验法来检验研究假设。实验结果表明,服务不诚信行为不仅导致顾客对旅游服务的期望未被满足,也让顾客感觉自己遭到背叛,因而造成顾客对企业的信任感降低。企业声誉在顾客信任违背过程中发挥着双面效应,既有缓冲的作用,也有激化的作用。但总的来说,在高声誉条件下,不诚信行为严重程度越高所造成的顾客负面反应变化幅度更大。  相似文献   

文章应用巴顾兹(Bagozzi)的态度模型,采用结构方程建模方法,构建并验证了基于饭店业一线员工感知视角的服务补救绩效预测模型。实证结果表明:(1)一线员工对授权、培训、奖励以及对饭店进行顾客抱怨管理的感知正向影响其工作满意度;(2)顾客抱怨管理和授权不仅通过一线员工情感变量(工作满意和情感承诺)的中介作用间接正向影响服务补救绩效,还能够直接预测服务补救绩效;(3)一线员工的情感变量是解释员工培训和奖励正向影响其服务补救绩效的完全中介变量;(4)工作满意直接正向影响一线员工的情感承诺,而在工作满意和服务补救绩效之间的间接正向影响关系中,情感承诺变量起到了全部中介效应。文章最后总结了对服务补救理论和饭店业管理实践的贡献。  相似文献   

This article develops and tests a model of emotional labor in the hotel industry using affective event theory. A multiple-wave longitudinal analysis using data from 424 hotel service employees and their immediate supervisors reveals how work contexts (supervisory support) affect work events (interactional justice), and thereby influence the affective (negative emotions), attitudinal (job satisfaction), and behavioral (emotional labor, service quality, and voluntary turnover) reactions of hotel service employees. The results show that (1) supervisory support relates positively to supervisory interactional justice; (2) supervisory interactional justice is negatively associated with negative emotions; (3) negative emotions relate positively to surface acting and negatively to deep acting; (4) surface acting leads to lower job satisfaction, whereas deep acting leads to higher job satisfaction; and (5) job satisfaction leads to higher service quality and lower turnover. The implications suggest important recommendations for hotel managers.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature has confirmed the deleterious effects of emotional labor on service employees. The study adds to it by investigating two hypothesized antecedents to emotional labor; affectivity and empathy which is conceptualized as a two-dimensional construct composed of emotional contagion and empathic concern. It also examines the impact of emotional labor on job satisfaction and exhaustion. The results confirmed a two-dimensional structure of emotional labor, emotive dissonance, and emotive effort. Hospitality employees with higher positive affect tend to experience less emotive dissonance while individuals with higher negative affect exert more effort to enact emotional labor. A positive relationship was found between emotional contagion and emotive dissonance, and emotive effort and job satisfaction. The results also suggested a negative relationship between emotive effort and emotional exhaustion. An unexpected negative relationship was found between emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion. Managerial implications discuss training and acting techniques to more effectively manage employee emotional labor.  相似文献   

While the impact of tour guides’ interpretation on tourism experience is well acknowledged, little research has been conducted on the production of effective interpretation by tour guides. In this study, effective interpretation is defined as producing a positive outcome on tourists’ knowledge and understanding of the visited heritage site, feelings and emotion, satisfaction and likelihood of visiting other relevant nearby heritage sites. Based on a literature review, a conceptual model of effective interpretation consisting of four propositions was formulated and examined by empirical on-site research in the World Cultural Heritage Site in Macau. The empirical findings support the four propositions and the applicability of the model for effective interpretation in Macao. The research was conducted in two phases: on-site guide evaluation and a linked tourist survey. The target market was mainland Chinese visitors. The results revealed the influence of four factors on effective interpretation, namely, heritage and tourist information knowledge, service attitude, communication competence and emotional intelligence. Special attention is given to the use of humor, provocation and emotional sensitivity. Future research should further investigate tourists’ emotion management and the applicability of this model to other tour guides’ heritage interpretation, at different types of site and in different regions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to 1) explore to what extent service providers’ emotional labour is affected by personality as measured using HEXACO personality factors, 2) analyze the affect of emotional labour on the performance of required emotional display rules, and 3) investigate differences in emotional labour depending on service providers’ demographic characteristics. From a questionnaire survey of employees in different service sectors in Korea, four HEXACO personality factors, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness were found to have a positive influence on emotional labour. Deep acting has a positive influence on the requirement to display positive emotions and a negative influence on the requirement to hide negative emotions. Demographic variables generally do not affect emotional labour. This study provides practical information about employees to managers in the service industry. It could help in recruitment, the management of human resources, and enhance a company’s service assessment.  相似文献   

Many studies on coping have been conducted in diverse industries but within the hospitality industry, studies on how employees cope with customer complaints have only just begun, despite the task being one of the most significant stressors amongst service employees. The aim of this paper was to explore the cognitive appraisals, emotional elicitations, emotional coping behavior and complaint handling behavior of service employees. In-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 26 frontline restaurant employees. The results show that service employees engaged in different cognitive appraisals and emotional reactions in response to different customer complaints. Subsequently, they engaged in different emotional coping behaviors including both positive and negative of avoidance and approach. Theoretically, a model was developed to depict a holistic picture of Cognitive-Emotive-Behavioral in a complaint-handling context. The findings might assist industry practitioners to devise better complaint handling and coping strategies to enhance both customer and employee satisfaction.  相似文献   

This study examines the interrelations between service climate, organizational identification, employee job satisfaction, and customer perceived value and satisfaction. To achieve this, we apply the service profit chain model to South Korea’s coffee shop industry. Data were collected from 263 employees and 973 customers in Daegu. The hypotheses were tested by conducting a path analysis to investigate the relationship between the variables. Organizational identification and job satisfaction were found to be positively correlated with each other. Additionally, job satisfaction was correlated with customer perceived value, which, in turn, was correlated with customer satisfaction. The findings suggest that a good work environment and service-related training can create a positive service climate for employees, which can subsequently improve customer satisfaction. This study is unique in its application of the service profit chain model on the coffee shop industry in Korea.  相似文献   

Drawing on job demands-resources (JD-R) theory, this study examines the double-edged sword effect of service recovery awareness (SRA) on post-recovery satisfaction via frontline employees’ (FLEs) emotional responses (including emotional exhaustion and work engagement). The moderating effect of perceived psychological empowerment (PPE) was also assessed. Dyadic and matched responses from 267 five-star hotel FLEs and customers indicated that SRA is appraised as a challenging demand that is positively associated with post-recovery satisfaction through work engagement. However, SRA is also considered a hindrance demand that leads to emotional exhaustion, which is negatively related to post-recovery satisfaction. PPE amplified the impact of SRA on work engagement and buffered the impact of SRA on emotional exhaustion. The theoretical contribution, managerial implications, and suggestions for future research of this study are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the antecedents of employee’ intentions to resign from their jobs in luxury hotels in India. Two aspects are considered in this context: firstly, the employees’ enthusiasm for the profession and organisation, the nature of the work and its impact on social and family life. Secondly, their level of satisfaction with the job in terms of organisational loyalty, relationship with supervisors, job security, earnings and additional benefits. A theoretical model (see Fig. 1) and seven hypotheses are tested to indicate whether the employees’ level of agreement with statements about the job and their level of satisfaction with the job will impact their intentions to quit. The study further examines if any current employees intend to leave their job. The term luxury hotel is used to represent 5 star and 4 star hotels of India.Findings from the analyses of 884 responses suggest that, when considering intentions to resign from the job, a negative relationship is found between professional and organisational enthusiasm and perceptions about the work being stimulating. No support was found for a positive relationship between the extent work impacted social and family life and the intention to quit. However, results supported the notion that the employee's organisational loyalty has a negative effect on his/her intention to resign from the job. Our findings contradict several other studies in that they suggest the employee's intention to resign from the job increases as job security and earnings improve. The study is distinctive as it explores intentions luxury hotel employees in India to leave their jobs; three is little evidence in the wider literature of similar attempts in the context of the Indian hotel industry. The outcomes have implications for both theory and practice as this is the first such major study in the context of the hotel industry in India where there is a population of over a billion people and an expanding hotel industry.  相似文献   

This study incorporated the social service environment in the hotel guest affect–satisfaction–behavioral intention model in order to elucidate the effect of social comparison on consumption-based affect by factoring in the moderation effect of hotel ambience on relationships. Structural equation modeling of survey data from hotel guests revealed that social comparison significantly influences hotel guests’ affect, and that affect has a critical role in inducing satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Hotel ambience moderates the model’s relationships – high ambience strengthens the relationships more so than low ambience. Results affirm the inclusion of social environments in predicting hotel guest experiences and shed light on managerial implications for bettering service provision.  相似文献   

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