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“用理性不能了解俄罗斯。用一般的标准无法衡量她,在她那里存在特殊的东西”,这就是俄罗斯精神,而这种精神的载体就是俄罗斯文化。在与外来文化不断碰撞、融合中形成的俄罗斯文化中的“强国理念”、极端性、开放性,对俄罗斯的经济政策产生了直接的决定性的影响,这也是原苏联这个超级大国顷刻间迅速解体的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

俄罗斯位于欧亚大陆北部,横跨欧亚两大洲,生活在这片广袤大地上的俄罗斯民族因其独特的自然地理环境和历史文化传统在世界民族中展现出迥然不同的民族性格和精神风貌,其文明显露出一种奇妙罕见的兼具东西方文化特质的混合特性。独特的自然人文地理环境、特殊的历史发展进程、女性崇拜文化传统以及俄罗斯历史上优秀的灵魂人物对俄罗斯民族性格与民族精神的形成都产生了深刻的影响,使得俄罗斯民族的性格具有复杂性,思想具有深刻性,精神具有神秘性。  相似文献   

曾朝晖 《品牌》2002,(5):50-55
品牌就像一个人,她有特殊的文化内涵和精神气质,她也是有性格的,这就是品牌个性。品牌个性是区分品牌与品牌之间差别的重要依据,奥格威曾在其品牌形象论中提出:最终决定品牌市场地位的是品牌总体上的性格,而不是产品之间的差异。  相似文献   

温馨服务,手有余香,这就是"替人行孝"的魅力所在。一个刚刚毕业的23岁女孩,用她独特的营销理念,仅用1年时间,就积累了十万财富。大学学会计专业的她,没有任何从商经验,是如何创造这个创富奇迹的?  相似文献   

一 历史的俄罗斯 在俄罗斯总是能让人感受到历史无处不在。历史,是一个国家的精神命脉,是一个国家人民赖以团结、发展、斗争的无形纽带,是一个国家的国魂。一个国家无论处于辉煌的鼎盛时代,还是处于风雨如晦的低谷,历史总是使国家、人民挺立的脊梁。任何国家的人民都不会忘记本国历史,尤其是今日的俄罗斯。我在俄罗斯感受最深的是,她以独特的方式保存着自己悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。同时,我们从保护历史文物到为历史树新碑立新传,都能看到俄罗斯社会思想的变化和倾向。  相似文献   

世界上有一种物质,它能够把自然、历史、人类、社会和文化诠释得如此精辟、透彻、丰富和富于哲理。它用灵魂支撑着人们精神的信仰和力量;它用生命解读道德的完美与永恒;它炼造精神世界的高洁,陶冶人的情操;它极尽一切美丽,带给人们吉祥。这就是福人德尚品珠宝——五彩珊瑚。2007年福人德品牌创始人林金銮把十年的运营经验总结成为珠宝业终端赢利模式11种动力,她认为只有终端盈利,这个品牌才是真实的。只有终端盈利模式建立,这个品牌生命力才能长盛不衰。她认为:珠宝业终端盈利模式建立才是商战的第一法则。  相似文献   

世界上有一种物质,它能够把自然、历史、人类、社会和文化诠释得如此精辟、透彻、丰富和富于哲理。它用灵魂支撑着人们精神的信仰和力量;它用生命解读道德的完美与永恒;它炼造精神世界的高洁,陶冶人的情操;它极尽一切美丽,带给人们吉祥。这就是福人德尚品珠宝——五彩珊瑚。 2007年福人德品牌创始人林金銮把十年的运营经验总结成为珠宝业终端赢利模式11种动力,她认为只有终端盈利,这个品牌才是真实的。只有终端盈利模式建立,这个品牌生命力才能长盛不衰。她认为:珠宝业终端盈利模式建立才是商战的第一法则。  相似文献   

杜国英 《北方经贸》2011,(4):166-167
彼得堡是俄罗斯特殊历史时期的产物,是俄罗斯帝国的象征,俄罗斯近代文化的集大成者,开启了俄罗斯现代化发展的新纪元。在18世纪初到20世纪初的二百多年里彼得堡具有举足轻重的作用。苏联解体后,彼得堡重回历史舞台,在俄罗斯精神文化生活中继续发挥作用。  相似文献   

广告作为一种商业文化和社会文化,在人们生活的几乎所有时空里都展示着它的文明:同时,"不做总统,就做广告人"成为更多人的职业选择。现任马来西亚李奥贝纳公司首席创意执行长雅思敏,就是在这样一个背景下走出来的广告巨子。进入广告圈前,主修心理学的她曾做过Perwira Habib银行见习生、IBM市场业务代表、爵士钢琴家,那个时候广告似乎离她很远。用她自己的话说,进入广告圈是她人生错位的一  相似文献   

正蛋糕,一直被国人认为是西方的产物。这两年,一个叫诺心LECAKE的蛋糕品牌凭借着这一"舶来品"被越来越多的消费者所熟知,无论是它的口感、品味还是传递的甜蜜幸福感,都让人印象深刻,口口相传。这正是创始人张岚创立诺心的宗旨:用蛋糕传递幸福。在创立诺心前,她曾有过三次创业经历。这一次,她同样坚持将兴趣与事业相结合,她本身就是一个"蛋糕控",在法国深造期间,她结识了一群开法国餐厅的朋友,并学会了制作甜品、蛋糕,这样的幸福感让她久久难忘,随即想到要将美味带回国。就这样她创立了诺心LECAKE。但张岚想做的,不只是卖蛋糕这么简单。"法国的浪漫生活、小资情调  相似文献   

Our analysis reveals that, from Russia's perspective, there is no economic rationale to unify the price of natural gas it sells domestically and in Europe. We argue that pipelines allow Gazprom to segment the Russian market from the European (including Turkey) market and that Russia has market power in the European market. If Russia were to fail to exploit this market power in its European market, by selling its natural gas to Europe at only full long‐run marginal cost plus transportation costs, Russia would lose between $5 billion and $7.5 billion per year (almost two per cent of its GDP). If, instead, Russia were to raise its domestic prices to the prices it charges in Europe, Russian industry would incur very large investment adjustment and unemployment costs in the short run – adjustment costs that cannot be justified on the basis of comparative advantage. We estimate that the efficient world price would be achieved if Gazprom were to employ its optimal ‘two‐part tariff’. The optimal two‐part tariff would double Gazprom's annual profits in Europe, but it involves significant long‐term risks for Gazprom of lost market share.  相似文献   

The Russian government is currently inundated with advice from international agencies but such advice should be offered cautiously. Evidence gathered by a recent United Nations Mission to Russia suggests that Western experts are giving insufficient consideration to the inter-relationship between economic and social problems; that the constraints of Russia's historial position cannot be overlooked; that social policies must re-inforce economic reform; and that there is a compelling case for gradual privatisation if mass unemployment is to be avoided. The priority now is to move from what is to be done to how it is to be done.  相似文献   

These words by the 19th-century Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev still resonate today. Russia is beyond comprehension; it can only be felt. And to do that, you have to come to Russia, see Russia, travel through Russia.  相似文献   

US companies have been accused by the Russian media of flooding the Russian markets with their exports, repatriating their revenues or using them to buy Russian resources cheaply, and, as a result, increasing Russia's unemployment and decreasing its standard of living. Russia, argue many Russian experts interviewed in the past several years, is being badly exploited and its culture cheapened with Western candy, which in 1994 took $5 billion from consumers in Russia. On the other hand, US companies, which have been entering the Russian market in increasing numbers, argue that exporting products and services to Russia enhances the satisfaction of Russian consumers and contributes to the country's economy. They further say that as they become more familiar and comfortable with the Russian market, they change their strategies and increase their investment in Russia. Are US companies exploiting Russia or investing in its economic expansion? In this study the author investigated the entry strategies to Russia of 87 large US companies starting in 1989. These were randomly selected corporations, including a cross-section of consumer goods, industrial goods, computers, oil and gas, fast food, and consulting companies. What emerged was a captivating, historical drama, which changes rapidly from making money through exporting to Russia, to commitment through investment in plants and employment. For example, while the most popular entry doors to Russia have been exportlimport and joint ventures, most strategy changes since 1989 have been to wholly-owned subsidiaries, which usually require substantial investment. Yesterday's Snickers Bars exporter, Mars Candy, created a wholly-owned subsidiary, Masterfoods, and spent $70 million to build a chocolate and pet food factory that employs many Russians. In addition, a greater number of US companies entered the Russian market after the 1992 Yeltsin economic shock therapy and had a much needed stabilizing effect on the Russian economy. So, what may have been perceived as a one-sided relationship has been evolving to growth and mutual commitment. And as the Russian economy continues to grow, these companies will grow and prosper, too. Executives who are interested in the Russian market are advised that this market is real, growing, and worth considering. To enter and grow in this market, however, executives are cautioned that business deals in Russia must be structured in unfamiliar ways, and that they must employ local workers and respect Russia's culture and history. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In view of the Russian annexation of Crimea and its ongoing efforts to destabilise Ukraine, political decision-makers in the EU and the US are considering economic sanctions against Russia. The article analyses whether the German economy would be affected by restrictions on trade and investment relations. As a result, German exporters would suffer from restrictions on business relations with Russia, but they would be able to compensate for possible losses. Russian gas export interruptions, however, would be a more severe problem. Due to Russia’s dependence on revenues from the export of natural resources as well as on technology imports from Western countries, the Russian economy would be hit particularly hard.  相似文献   

黑龙江省对俄贸易现状探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黑龙江地处东北亚的中心地带,和俄罗斯一江之隔。独特的地缘优势使俄罗斯成为黑龙江省最重要的贸易伙伴,伴随着中俄两国21世纪战略协作伙伴关系的建立,中俄在双边贸易、交通、通讯、旅游、中央银行协作等领域空前发展。本文通过近几年来黑龙江省对俄贸易强劲增长势头的事实指出了黑龙江省对俄贸易的重要地位,分析了对俄贸易的地缘优势、人文优势、公共关系优势、科技合作优势以及贸易结算优势,同时也指出黑龙江省对俄经贸存在着进出口商品结构单一、贸易行为不够规范、企业规模小、发展后劲不足等问题。最后提出应加大对重点贸易主体和重点商品的支持力度,办好俄罗斯年的各项活动,抓好境外能源及原材料资源合作,做好基地建设,扩大地产名优商品出口份额。  相似文献   

This article deals with the relations in the triangle state–society–business in modern Russia. It is shown against Russian historical background, that the absolutist state in this country could never be identified with the society and these relations were shaped under its strong domination. The ethics of rule-following characteristic for market economy in general did not develop in Russia. The breakdown of communist Russia and market reforms proceeding since 1992 did not change this situation significantly. The period of political alliance between big business and government was followed by restoration of state dominance in somewhat modified forms. Both periods were characterized by corruption, which contrary to Putin’s slogans, increases in Russia. In the article I show the evolution of Putin administration’s policy which changed from emphasizing and improving legal institutions to selective use of legal norms depending on personal loyalty. Main forms of state exploitation of Russian business are described. The conclusion is that Russian experience of balancing state and market should be called negative.Dr. Vladimir Avtonomov is Professor and Dean of Economic Faculty at State University-Higher School of Economics in Moscow. He is also Head of Department in the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of Russian Academy of Sciences. Among his works are two books on model of man in economics, textbooks in history of economic thought and introductory economics for high-schools. He is a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of Council of European Society for History of Economic Thought (ESHET).  相似文献   

How has the privatization-led economic transition transformed Russian firms? Prior to recent economic recession caused by Western sanctions, Russia’s economic performance has been impressive, yet little is known about its micro-level sources. Particularly, while macro-level data suggests a positive effect of privatization, such effect is seldom substantiated at firm-level in Russia. To take a step towards opening the black box, we investigated the performance effect of technology dynamism in Russian firms and the extent to which ownership mattered with regards to the technology dynamism-performance link. Our survey data shows that performance is driven by IT adoption, entrepreneurial orientation, and technological turbulence in Russian firms and that the positive effects of technological turbulence are stronger for private than for state-owned Russian firms. According to our results, Russian private enterprises appear more capable of buffering and gaining from technological turmoil, suggesting that the most significant outcome of organizational transformation in Russia is the firms enhanced capability in managing external environmental dynamism.  相似文献   

创建中国的俄罗斯学,首先要明确俄罗斯学的研究对象,这是一门学科必须具备的前提条件。俄罗斯学的研究应以俄罗斯语言研究为基础;以俄罗斯文化研究为核心;以俄罗斯民族研究为主体;以俄罗斯历史研究为主线;并把俄罗斯学作为一个整体来展开研究。这个整体指的是俄罗斯国家范围内的民族整体。  相似文献   

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