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我国饭店业整体绩效水平较差,本文从产权结构和市场结构的双重视角对我国饭店业进行了深入分析,提出我国饭店业是国有饭店主导的竞争性行业,国有饭店主导和竞争性行业的不相容性必然造成我国饭店业整体绩效水平差,因此改善我国饭店业状况的首要问题是产权改革,实施国有化饭店退出,而不是规模化、集团化经营问题.  相似文献   

众所周知,饭店销售的主要商品是饭店的有形设施和无形服务,饭店业是以服务为中心,以客人为中心,向宾客提供服务(尤其是情感服务)的行业。在当今激烈的市场竞争中,各行业都以质量求生存,以质量求发展,视质量为企业生存的基础,而如何提高饭店的服务质量、保持饭店业旺盛的生命力则成为饭店业人士关注的重要话题。 饭店服务质量的优劣,既代表着服务人员的服务水平,也体现了整个饭店的服务水准。资深的饭店业人士往往都有深刻的体会:尊重客人、熟悉客人、了解客人,耐心倾听客人意见,及  相似文献   

中国饭店业近的迅猛发展,导致了对饭店管理人才需求的激增,为适应新形势,也为饭店业的从业者能够为自身的未来发展奠定更扎实的基础,  相似文献   

饭店业在市场竞争激烈时,绝大多数都走上了降价销售的路子,因而使饭店业从一个高利润的行业转变成一个利润较低的、甚至是微利的行业。在饭店业诸多降价销售策略中,薄利多销成为一种无可非议的、普遍接受的、正当的降价销售策略,饭店希冀在求得营业总量增长的前提下能够有利可图。然而,在实际操作中,有不少饭店发现薄利多销这一降价销售策略并不怎么灵验,薄利并没有带来多销,多销也没有给饭店带来薄利,在有些饭店甚至出现了相反的结果,多销使饭店失利,销得越多,亏损额越大。本文想就这一问题,从经济学的角度进行分析探讨,希望饭店能够充分认…  相似文献   

日本的饭店业经历了三次建设高峰,形成了相当的规模。饭店不仅集中在各大中城市,甚至数万人的小城市也都兴建了不少新项目。本文结合笔者在日本千业县船桥市乐乐太阳花园饭店的研修体会,谈谈日本饭店经营管理的特点。 一、客房商品化的竞争方式 客房是饭店的重要商品,但怎样把客房作为商品去销售,去开展市场竞争,对我国饭店业来说,还是一个新课题。日本饭店业经营在这方面积累了不少经验,他们的一些做法,很值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

我国饭店业地区运行效率评价与提升途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
饭店业与地区社会经济状况和自然环境有着密切的关系,因此立足于区域实际情况对饭店运行效率做出评价具有重要意义.文章从饭店自身投入与建设水平、旅游地吸引力和目的地接待和服务能力以及水平3个方面分析了饭店业与地区发展耦合机制,并相应地运用数据包络方法(data envelopment analysis,DEA)和超效率DEA对我国31个省区2012年饭店业运行效率进行了评价,超效率DEA解决了最优评价单元排序问题.结果表明,当前饭店自身投入主要影响饭店技术效率,而旅游地吸引力和目的地接待和服务能力则会影响饭店运营的规模效率和综合效率.对很多省区来说,协调饭店业与其他行业部门之间的发展关系比饭店自身管理和投入更为普遍和重要.在投入方面,人员投入是影响饭店业运营效率进一步提高的主要因素.另外,有些省份面临饭店业规模报酬递减问题,需要慎重考虑地区的饭店业建设规模.  相似文献   

导 言中国旅游饭店业在改革开放的年代作为最早与国际市场接轨的行业之一,迄今为止在中国大陆已建成多种类型的旅游涉外饭店5200多家、客房70多万间(截至1998年底),且数量还在不断地攀升。我国旅游饭店业作为旅游业的支柱产业之一,是吃、住、行、游、购、娱的市场汇合点,无论从投资总量,还是规模效益,以及对国民经济的影响,都是不可低估的。毋庸讳言,中国旅游饭店的产业走势,其硬件有的已超过欧美等发达国家,软件也接近国际水平。但我国旅游饭店业发展的历史进程表明,现代饭店如何走可持续发展道路已成为中国旅游饭…  相似文献   

论我国经济型饭店发展的产业示范意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦宇 《旅游学刊》2007,22(7):68-73
本文讨论了我国经济型饭店发展的产业示范意义。对于民族饭店业而言,经济型饭店的示范意义在于以品牌为中心建立了产品形象、通过跨地域经营获得规模经济以及采用多模式扩张提高增长速度。对于整个中国饭店业而言,经济型饭店的示范意义在于通过产品差异化创新获得了很好的绩效。认识到这些意义,我们可以从更具有战略性的高度去看待今天中国经济型饭店的发展。  相似文献   

第一部中国饭店行业规范实施 5月1日起,中国旅游饭店业协会会员中的饭店开始施行该会颁布实施的“中国旅游饭店行业规范”。其主旨是:倡导诚实可信,强化饭店对客人的承诺,维护客人和饭店的合法权益;规范企业经营活动,维护企业经营秩序;引导饭店按国际规则办事,使饭店经营更加符合国际惯例;逐步建立饭店行业的信誉和行业规范体系。此规范是中国旅游饭店业的第一部行业规范,它的出台标志着中  相似文献   

浅谈饭店业的经营现状和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宾馆饭店业是我国最早实现与国际水平接轨的产业,饭店服务也基本上实现了标准化、规范化、程序化的目标。改革开放以来,我国饭店业的发展呈现出突飞猛进、全面发展的态势。主要有以下两个特点:一是饭店总量成倍的增长,二是客房出租率和经营效益呈下降趋势。此现状表明,我国饭店业供大于求,买方市场态势已经形成,今后,这一市场的激烈竞争还将会出现更加残酷的局面。而亚洲金融危机,又使泰国等我国周边国家旅游目的地吸引了不少原来计划到中国来的游客,更使我国饭店业雪上加霜。现就该形势下,饭店经营者应采取什么样的有效对策以适应千变万化…  相似文献   

The main objectives of this paper are to examine the effect of hotel hospitality on the satisfaction level of foreign guests in the context of the hotel industry, as well as to explore the moderating effect of national identity (country-specific hospitality) on the relationship between hospitality and guests’ level of satisfaction. In this study, “national identity” refers to the distinctive cultural elements of a specific country that are incorporated into the hotel’s service design. This study, involving 315 foreign guests at Malaysian hotels, used survey administration as the main data collection method. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis was performed and statistical support for the effect of hospitality on the patrons’ satisfaction with their hotel stays, as well as the moderating effect of national identity on satisfaction levels, were found. This study also proposes a new scale to measure “country-specific hospitality”.  相似文献   

中国省域星级饭店业的优势特征及其形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静波 《旅游学刊》2007,22(5):61-65
运用因子分析与综合评分分析相结合的方法,测算出我国各省区市饭店业综合实力的优势指数值.据此,可将我国省域星级饭店业划分为4种类型:发达型、较发达型、欠发达型、不发达型.从2000年到2004年优势指数值变化特征看,我国省域星级饭店业综合实力差异在缩小.从空间分布看,星级饭店业发展水平的分布规律是东部沿海地区大于中部地区大于西部地区.区域经济发展水平、旅游资源禀赋、区位、交通、区域产业政策与发展环境是影响星级饭店业发展水平的重要因素.最后,对我国星级饭店业的发展提出了一些建设性意见.  相似文献   


There is little doubt that renovation is a costly, ongoing and an essential requirement for hotels to stay competitive in the market. At any one time almost every hotel has recently been renovated, is under renovation, or is waiting for renovation. An examination of the literature uncovers that product innovation and property renovation are inseparable in the hotel industry. This is due to the fact that various levels of innovation can be attained through renovation. Therefore, it is the intention of this paper to concentrate on the process of property renovation in the hospitality industry and its role as a strategic marketing tool for product innovation. This is undertaken through presenting an analysis of a survey of hotel general managers in Egypt.  相似文献   

饭店收入管理方法最新研究分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
黄颖华 《旅游学刊》2005,20(5):50-54
收入管理是饭店业提高收益的重要方法。本文通过回顾国内外饭店收入管理研究状况,着重对饭店收入管理方法的六大研究内容:定价政策、客房存量控制、计算机收入管理系统研究、收入管理决策的最优化、细分市场收入贡献分析和收入管理绩效评估的研究进展、热点与不足及发展趋势进行了评述,并对我国饭店业收入管理应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

Given the increasing influence of social media on the hospitality industry, luxury hotels have begun to utilize social media platforms as primary marketing tools. This research reveals the joint effects of mental imagery perspective and need for status on Chinese consumers’ intentions to partake in luxury hotel experiences after viewing social media photos about luxury hotel consumption. For affluent consumers with high need for status, photos taken from a first-person (vs. third-person) perspective lead to higher behavioral intentions. This research further demonstrates that immersion serves as an underlying mechanism. The findings have important implications for luxury hotel managers.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors that influence leadership in Thailand's hospitality industry. The results show that interpersonal skills are the most important competency for Thai hospitality managers. There were significant effects of age, managerial experience, and hotel management types on the importance of levels of leadership competencies. The few studies which exist on Thai hospitality management competencies are combined with the results of this study to propose a leadership competency framework that can be used as a basis for further developing an internationally competitive Thai hospitality industry.  相似文献   


The growth of China's tourism hotel industry has been accompanied by declining profitability. Using cross-province tourism hotels data of 2000, this study attempts to empirically quantify the impact of operation scale on hotel performance. Controlling for the effect of overcapacity, this study found a significant and positive association between operation scale and profitability. The findings suggest that to improve performance, the Chinese tourism hotel industry needs not only to reduce the overcapacity but also reverse the property-downsizing trend and pursue economies of scale.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction is probably one of the most researched topics in the hospitality literature and, whereas career satisfaction, defined as the gratification with the accumulation of career-related experiences over time, has received much less attention. With the intention of enhancing our conceptual understanding and adding to this discourse, this study aims to investigate the effects of both intrinsic and extrinsic job traits on the individual's career satisfaction and subsequent intention to remain in the hospitality industry. The study investigates individuals working as full time employees in hotel establishments in Cyprus. Findings, some of which challenge existing theoretical paradigms, are of interest to stakeholders both in the industry and the academic community.  相似文献   

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