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The role of emotions in hedonic service settings is well established, but their role in utilitarian service settings has received scant attention. This research attempts to fill this gap by investigating the effects of customers’ perceptions of service quality and servicescape on their emotional reactions, and their perceptions of product quality and subsequent behavioral intentions. Data are collected from 189 clients/patients who visited an optometry clinic. The study reports that perceived service quality (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) and service environment (atmosphere and layout) both increase positive emotional satisfaction. In turn, positive emotional satisfaction leads to a high perception of product quality, high recommendation, patronage intention, and likelihood of purchase. Additionally, product quality perceptions have a significant positive impact on behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative study with 20 respondents in France and 20 respondents from the Czech Republic, this study aims to better understand how consumers’ concern about food waste, culture, social norms and emotions contribute to consumers’ attitudes and behaviors related to doggy bags. Results highlight a double paradox between conflicting norms and emotions: personal norms encourage not to waste while salient social norms encourage leaving leftovers; asking for a doggy bag generates immediate shame while leaving leftovers produces anticipated regret and guilt. Finally, the study sheds light on obstacles to overcome for the adoption of this social innovation.  相似文献   

While cognitive, affective and behavioral consequences of service recovery have been extensively explored in the literature, the role of co-creation is mostly neglected. Most efforts dedicated to investigating co-recovery are limited to cognitive and behavioral factors. Furthermore, most of the recent studies explored co-recovery on western and eastern cultures, ignoring the role of ethnics in countries with different sub-cultures. This study aims to discover all possible factors on service recovery procedure, focusing specifically on effects of co-creation. Thus, a 2(distributive justice: high/low)×2 (interactional justice: high/low)×2(procedural justice: high/low)×2(co-creation: yes/no)×2(ethnics Azerbaijani vs. Baluch) between-subjects factorial design experiment was performed. A sample of 977 Iranian mobile banking customers participated in the study. Results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) indicate that most cognitive, affective and behavioral factors were supported by predictors. In addition, Multi-group SEM reveal that co-creation increases effects of most positive nature variables except negative emotions which is conceptualized as negative nature factor. The results of cultural differences indicate that Azeri people are more intended to participate in co-creation programs, whereas Balochs are more loyal due to higher level of reuse intentions.  相似文献   


This article examines the impact of emotions on customer satisfaction, service quality, and positive word-of-mouth intention formation process over time. In the study, a confirmatory factor analysis supported a three-dimensional model of emotions that then served as predictors in a series of multiple regressions. The findings indicate that two emotion dimensions had a consistent direct impact on all dependent variables in both time periods. However, the interaction effect between time periods and emotions revealed that different emotion dimensions influence satisfaction and word-of-mouth intentions at different stages of the service encounter. The theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Online retailers provide social selling cues, such as “39 customers bought this product” or “156 customers viewed our product per hour”, to encourage sales. Revealing the numbers bought has been shown to increase purchase intentions, but what remains unexplored are the ramifications of posting the number of brand-related views or revealing both numbers bought and viewed so customers can determine the views-to-bought ratio. The number of views is much higher than the numbers bought, which customers may anchor on as a signal for product quality; however, a countervailing force is that views are a more ambiguous, hence a less diagnostic, cue. Five experiments revealed that: (1) showing the number of views or bought can, but does not always, increase purchase intentions; (2) revealing the number bought has a monotonically increasing (at diminishing rate) effect on purchase intentions; and (3) views exhibit a concave curvilinear effect in that, beyond a tipping point, increasing the number of views lowers purchase intentions. Given the anchoring effect of the larger views number, if the number of views or the number bought are relatively low, it is better to show the larger views number, but the reverse is true if the respective numbers are both high. Additional insights reveal that it is only advantageous to reveal both numbers if the views-to-bought ratio is lower than 20:1, which would apply to about the top 25% of brand landing pages. These findings were further validated in a choice experiment. Perceptions of product quality mediate the relationship between these social selling cues and purchase intentions; however, this is not the case for perceived skepticism (lack of trust in the information). Revealing these social selling cues is an online retailer’s prerogative; hence, these insights are theoretically interesting and have practical relevance.  相似文献   

During the last few years, nostalgia has become a fashion in Taiwan. “Nostalgic” restaurants are becoming common in Taiwan. A nostalgic restaurant can be a hot pot restaurant decorated with furnishing relating to the origin or earlier use of the “hot pot” in Taiwan. The study here uses SEM to test the hypotheses relating to nostalgia affecting consumption. The results indicate that (1) nostalgia has both direct and indirect impacts on consumption intention; (2) consumption affected by nostalgia varies depending on the individual; and (3) younger customers' predisposition to want cheap prices is an important consideration in marketing nostalgia to younger customers.  相似文献   

The “meaning” of a brand resides in the minds of consumers, based on what they have learned, felt, seen, and heard over time. This study explores the relationship between quality and image with special attention on brands plagued with negative impressions, including instances where consumers' perceptions of a product's quality conflict with its perceived “image”. Data confirm that quality and image impact attitudes in a distinct manner, and overall, low brand image is more damaging than low quality. In addition, findings show that (1) hedonic attitudes towards brands are most driven by image, whereas utilitarian attitude formation/change processes are dominated by quality, (2) non-attribute brand beliefs are a stronger predictor of hedonic attitudes when quality or image is low versus high, while (3) attribute-based beliefs are strong predictors of utilitarian attitudes across image and quality levels.  相似文献   

Retailers have treated the buy-online-and-return-in-store (BORS) policy as an important initiative to reduce return losses and provide a better customer experience. Studies on BORS policy have primarily focused on the retailer's strategic value, but not on how such a seamlessly integrated omnichannel operation affects customer behavior. Using Chinese customer data and the structural equation model (SEM), we investigate how BORS channel integration impacts customer behavioral intentions, with the consideration of the mediating effect of customer satisfaction and the moderating effect of offline store characteristics. Based on the stimulus-organism-response framework, our research found that two dimensions of BORS channel integration (integrated return fulfillment and integrated customer service) positively impact customer satisfaction and subsequently impact behavioral intentions in different channels. Furthermore, offline store convenience moderates the relationship between integrated customer service and customer satisfaction. Product variety in the offline store moderates the relationship between customer satisfaction and offline behavioral intentions, while it is not statistically significant in the relationship between customer satisfaction and online behavioral intentions. Compared to the younger group, the older group who is satisfied with BORS service is more likely to purchase offline. These findings generate important theoretical and practical implications for omnichannel return operations.  相似文献   

The present study is an effort to develop an e-tailer personality scale. Subsequently, we check the impacts of e-tailer personality on self-congruity and behavioral intentions such as intention to re-shop and intention to recommend. We have followed a traditional scale development method – item generation, purification, and dimension assessment. A structure questionnaire has been used to collect primary data online. A structure equation model was used to analyze the data. This study has developed a e-tailer personality scale of five dimensions: sophistication, competence, excitement, sincerity, and convenience. The results of a structural equation model largely support the propositions that e-tailer personality is positively related to self-congruity. The results also show that e-tailer personality, behavioral intentions and self-congruity are positively related. A comparison of the developed scale with the existing brand personality scales, results in a unique dimension of e-tailer personality scale. Arguably, this study may be seen as a first study in an emerging economy and online retailing domain. The results have both academic and managerial implications.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between service quality, corporate image, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. A structural equation modelling (SEM) approach is applied to test the proposed conceptual framework, using data collected from 404 supermarket customers in China. The structural model suggests that customer satisfaction fully mediates the impact of retail service quality on behavioural intentions (e.g. intention to recommend and repurchase). The results also indicate that retail service quality significantly influences customer perceptions of corporate image. The relationship between corporate image and behavioural intentions is fully mediated by satisfaction.  相似文献   

This research extends the concept of salesperson customer orientation to Internet marketing by conceptualizing and studying the effects of Web site customer orientation on perceived Web site quality and consumer behavior. This research also adapts the concept of brand/store personality to Internet marketing by investigating the effects of Web site personality on perceived Web site quality and consumer purchase intention. The model is tested on apparel Web sites using data from multiple sources. Implications of managing Web site personality and Web site customer orientation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines online commercial group chat from a structuration theory perspective. The findings support the influence of perceived technology attributes (control, enjoyment, reliability, speed, and ease of use) and chat group characteristics (group involvement, similarity, and receptivity) on customer satisfaction and the moderating role of advisor communication style on these influences. Furthermore, our results show that chat group characteristics influence customer satisfaction directly as well as indirectly via perceived technology attributes. Online chat satisfaction in turn influences behavioral intentions. Finally, group-level perceptions are found to add considerably to perceptions at the individual level. Our study illustrates that structuration theory provides a sound foundation for theoretical development and empirical investigation of online group chat. Also it shows that retailers need to carefully manage the intricate interplay between technology, chat groups, and online advisors to foster a satisfying experience for customers.  相似文献   

While prior research on animation effects focused on Web advertising, this article focuses on online retailing and identifies animated images as an important online atmospheric cue. Using an extended Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, this article explores animation effects on emotional and cognitive processes. Across two studies, the findings show that compared with static images, animated images elicit greater pleasure, which in turn induces more favorable website attitudes, and lead to higher purchase intentions. Further, this serial mediation effect holds across different types of products. These findings, from the perspective of online atmospherics, deepen our understanding of animation effects on consumer approach-avoidance responses.  相似文献   

Research on the psychological determinants of consumer repurchase decisions for professional services is limited. The authors focus on real estate agents and develop a model of determinants of repurchase intentions of agent services. The model was tested on a sample of clients (property sellers) for a Scandinavian real estate agent. The perceived ethicality of the service provider was found to influence repurchase intentions in three different ways. Clients’ co-production motivation moderated (increased) the effect of perceived ethicality. The findings have important implications for researchers and managers of real estate agent services.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions. Moreover, the direct and indirect effects of values and involvement on purchase intentions were studied. The study utilized the survey questionnaire and used sport shoes as the product being researched. The sample consisted of 197 students who responded to an anonymous questionnaire. Five hypotheses were tested and four of them were confirmed by the data. Perceived quality had a direct and an indirect effect (through overall satisfaction) on purchase intentions, overall satisfaction had a direct effect on purchase intentions and involvement had an indirect effect on purchase intentions through overall satisfaction and perceived quality. The results of the study provide several theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

Quality of life of the future generations depends on the efforts of current generations to protect environment. The purchase decisions based on their green behavioral intentions not only helps the society, but also helps companies to gain a green competitive advantage. In this study, the relationships between green satisfaction, green trust, green equity and behavioral intentions are examined. Data were collected from Turkey, Finland and Pakistan with self‐administered questionnaires regarding with green white goods. The hypotheses were tested with structural equation modeling. Results of a structural model reveal positive relationships green satisfaction, green trust and green brand equity across three countries. In addition, green brand equity plays a remarkable role in behavioral intentions towards green white goods in general. Managers should consider green trust, green satisfaction, and green brand equity while implementing green marketing strategies in a global marketplace.  相似文献   

An error management culture involves organizational practices related to communicating about errors, sharing error knowledge, quickly detecting and handling errors, and helping in error situations. Building on error management research, this study examined the influence of organizational error management culture on the turnover intentions of frontline service employees. The study also investigated the underlying mechanism that links this culture with turnover intentions. Data were collected from 345 frontline employees of hotels in Turkey. Structural Equation Modeling results revealed that employee perceptions of organizational error management culture have a direct and significantly negative impact on their turnover intentions. Furthermore, results showed that this relationship is mediated through perceived group cohesion and work stress. Using the job demands-resources model as a theoretical framework, this study revealed that organizational error management culture leads to increased group cohesion; increased group cohesion lowers work stress; and lower work stress lowers turnover intentions. This study contributes to the services management literature by demonstrating how organizational error management culture impacts employee turnover intentions.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how high-technology attributes influence consumer responses. Based on Mehrabian and Russell's Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework (1974), this study proposes that high-technology product attributes elicit consumers' cognitive (attitude) and affective states (pleasure and arousal), contributing to their approach-avoidance behavior. High-technology product users (N = 408) participated in surveys. The results provide support for the model. Among six factors of high-technology product attributes (usefulness, ease of use, innovativeness of technology, visual appeal, prototypicality, and self-expression), the latter four have major influences on approach behavior through attitude (cognitive state) and pleasure (affective state). Supplemental analysis shows that attitude and pleasure influence approach-avoidance behavior directly, but that arousal affects approach-avoidance behavior indirectly via pleasure.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships between environmental concern, the three main constructs of theory of planned behavior (TPB), two extended constructs (psychological ownership of the company and sense of responsibility) and employee behavioral intention to implement environmental measures. A questionnaire designed for restaurant employees was used to measure identified indicators. Structural equation modeling was chosen for hypothesis testing. Our results indicated that the three TPB constructs and one psychological trait (sense of responsibility) mediated the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. Employee psychological ownership of a company was verified to exert a positive effect on employee behavioral intention. However, the findings cannot be applied to F&B settings in general since the study was restricted to Chinese restaurants identified.  相似文献   

To increase the donation intentions of potential donors, many charities include pictures of beneficiaries in their ads, but there have been no consistent findings on how to effectively use features such as the facial expressions of beneficiaries. This study found that there was an interaction effect between facial expressions and the number of beneficiaries that influenced donation intentions. When charity ads used sad-faced beneficiaries, displaying a single beneficiary more effectively increased donation intentions than displaying multiple beneficiaries. However, when charity ads included happy-faced beneficiaries, displaying multiple beneficiaries was more effective than displaying a single beneficiary. Furthermore, the interaction effect between facial expressions and the number of beneficiaries was mediated by the perceived efficacy of a donation. In addition, this study found that for charity ads that used happy-faced beneficiaries, the relationship between the number of beneficiaries and donation intentions presented an inverted U-shaped.  相似文献   

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