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This paper assesses UK innovation policy impact on a large, population weighted, sample of both service and manufacturing SMEs. By focussing on self-reported innovation the study achieves a wider coverage of the effects of SME innovation policy than possible with more traditional indicators. Propensity score matching indicates that SMEs receiving UK state support for innovation were more likely to innovate than unsupported comparable enterprises. Innovating enterprises are shown to have grown significantly faster over the years 2002–2004 when other growth influences are appropriately controlled. Combining these two results and comparing the outlays on SME innovation policy with the estimated effects suggests that policy was efficient as well as effective. There is evidence that SME tax credits were expensive compared with earlier support instruments. But the overall high returns estimated suggest that, even in times of public spending cuts, persisting with SME innovation policy would be prudent.  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,跨境电商作为一种贸易新业态,为中小企业走向国际市场带来良好的发展机遇。全球化布局的常态化为中小企业发展跨境电商铺平了道路,其中新兴市场的崛起开辟了巨大的市场空间,平台服务生态的改善提供了重要支撑,新技术主导则为其提供了“弯道超车”的机会,持续政策支持也为中小企业打通跨境电商市场提供保障。然而机遇的背后存在着巨大的挑战,中小企业在发展跨境电商时,应积极布局,从策略创新入手,选择好市场的突破口;立足于管理创新,不断提升跨境物流效率,并且重视人才支持体系建设,更好地促进中小企业跨境电商的发展。  相似文献   

Firm size and innovation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In an innovation survey in the Netherlands, we find considerably more SMEs which perform small scale R&D than are found in the official R&D surveys. Nonetheless, SMEs appear on average to be somewhat less R&D intensive than large firms. Only when we restrict our observations to firms which perform some R&D, there is no systematic relationship between size and R&D. Among the barriers to innovation the following are particularly important to SMEs: information deficits with respect to instruments of innovation policy; a lack of capital; a lack of management qualifications; problems in finding adequate technical information, and problems in finding qualified employees.  相似文献   

Innovation networks, establishment characteristics and the regional environment are likely to play different roles in product innovation in enterprises of different size. This paper focuses on the influence of the regional environment on the early adoption of micro-electronic components in product development in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises (LEs). Drawing upon existing literature we compare the role of enterprise characteristics, innovation networks and, in particular, the regional environment for an early use of micro-electronic components in product development in SMEs and LEs using a tobit model. Our central hypothesis is that SMEs are more dependent upon their regional environment than LEs for an early adoption. However, this hypothesis is rejected by our empirical results that show that location in a large, dense region has a significant positive effect on product innovation in LEs, while it has a negative but non-significant effect on product innovation in SMEs. Our results imply peripheral regions are able to provide an innovative environment for SMEs, whereas LEs need the richer environment offered by the core regions. The results are also interesting from a policy point of view because they indicate that SMEs can be early users of new technologies even if they are located outside the large urban areas.  相似文献   

我国在政策性融资支持中小企业方面由较多部门掌握资源,各自为政,难以形成合力。政策性金融在中小企业融资领域长期缺位,企业过度依赖商业银行间接融资,是当前中小企业“融资难、融资贵”的一个重要原因。韩国政府从中小企业职能机构设置、机制完善、制度保障、金融支持、产业联动等方面大力扶持中小企业发展,尤其是韩国的政策性金融对中小企业的支持对我国具有借鉴作用。结合中小企业发展面临的融资困境,我国应当通过制度创新,建立两大政策性机构解决中小企业融资难、融资贵问题。  相似文献   

美国支持中小企业科技创新的政策体系及其借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业创新是各国经济增长的主要推动力,美国支持中小企业科技创新的政策已经形成了比较完备的体系,在立法支持、财政与税收支持以及创新服务支持等方面积累了丰富的成功经验。我国中小企业创新发展对建立"创新型国家"战略目标的实现具有重要意义,通过梳理美国支持中小企业科技创新的政策体系,分析提炼其主要特征,力图为我国中小企业科技创新提供有益的政策借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper makes an assessment of the homo-genous approach and policy measures towards SMEs, adopted by the White Paper on Growth, Competitiveness and Employment and by national policies in Greece. It is demonstrated that there is a key distinction between the structure of competitive, high-tech, highly-specialized SMEs in advanced countries, whose size is determined by the size of the international niche market where they compete, on the one hand and on the other, SMEs in Greece or in other less developed member-states, whose (micro) size is determined by the local markets they serve, while in most cases they do not have the marketing skills/approach to address export markets. Copying successful instruments for SMEs in advanced countries can thus be most dangerous for the less developed countries, since the industrial organization of the typical SME is very different from those SMEs in Northern Europe. Therefore, the effects of policy measures, without further modifications, will be different from those envisioned by the EU policy-makers. Increasing the utilization of assistance by SMEs in less developed member-states is likely to be more effective if the assistance focuses on incentives and services, which support cooperative action in local and foreign markets, rather than on direct SME financing.  相似文献   

To foster R&D activities, German industry lobbyists and policymakers are discussing the introduction of tax incentives for R&D in small and medium enterprises (SME) — all the more because Germany is one of just six of the 35 OECD members without indirect R&D support. Based on a critical assessment of the arguments provided, we conclude that international experiences with R&D tax incentives are not as promising as often suggested. An appropriate transfer into the German tax system, considering its specificities, appears to be technically difficult. The high level of heterogeneity of German SMEs population suggests that not every SME requires R&D to be innovative, because empirical evidence shows multiple diverse innovation patterns that demand other forms of support. Acknowledging the existing range of SMEs, we propose that instead of introducing R&D tax incentives, the debate should be focused on how to strengthen and develop the existing innovation policy mix for SMEs.  相似文献   

本文主要分析了企业规模扩张的合意性和可行性,认为我国企业规模扩张的特殊合意性在于微观上利用规模经济,宏观上实现产业技术升级和提升国家自主创新能力。可行性分析则表明,市场竞争的强化促使资源向优势大企业集中,企业规模扩张具备了必要的人力资源条件,企业规模扩张的资金需求正在逐步得到满足。文章提出,企业规模扩张离不开政府的支持与保护,关键是要消除阻碍企业规模扩张的各种体制性障碍,利用产业组织政策保护和引导企业专业化扩张。具体而言,一要进一步优化企业规模化的市场环境,打破行业壁垒的限制;二要鼓励不同类型企业优化重组,引导大企业与中小企业之间的专业化协作;三要促进资本市场的发展,为企业兼并重组提供融资支持;四要合理利用产业政策与国际规则,保护大企业的成长。  相似文献   

黑龙江省中小企业自主创新能力的提升是加强其核心竞争力的必要途径之一。目前,黑龙江省中小企业在提升自主创新能力方面存在的主要问题包括:企业内部——内部组织管理不健全、融资能力弱、与高校及科研机构合作不够;企业外部——政府支持力度不够、企业公共服务平台不完善、不健全。黑龙江省应强化政府服务功能,优化中小企业创新环境;搭建完善的中小企业公共服务平台,多渠道完善融资支持体系;企业应积极开展与科研机构的合作,借助外脑提升技术创新能力;走引进先进技术与提高自主创新能力相结合,加快提升自主创新能力的步伐。  相似文献   

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) potentially constitute the most dynamic firms in an emerging economy. They are the ones most likely to move into areas of comparative advantage and high value added, though they often face economic, institutional, and legal obstacles. Obstacles include limited access to working capital and long-term credit, legal and regulatory restrictions, inadequate infrastructure, high transaction costs, and limited managerial and technical expertise. Despite the presence of multiple and often interrelated constraints, however, the widespread belief, on which policies to support SMEs are based, is that the lack of finance constitutes the main obstacle to the growth of SMEs.Enterprise survey work is the tool generally used to deepen our understanding of constraints affecting SMEs formation and growth. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is no exception in this respect: during its early years it drew substantially on a set of enterprise surveys conducted by the World Bank between 1991 and 1993 in Hungary, the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR), Poland, and Russia investigating the obstacles faced by SMEs. As the volume and geographical spread of its operations increased, the EBRD felt the need to design and run its own surveys, effectively addressing specific issues encountered in the context of its increasing lending and investment activity in central and eastern Europe (CEE). The findings of this analysis confirmed the belief that credit constraints constitute one of the main obstacles to growth of SMEs and encouraged the EBRD to tailor its financing instruments to the stage of transition of the country in question and the ability of the local financial system to assume key responsibilities.This paper analyzes the way in which the EBRD strives to correct this capital market failure in the region in which it operates. The fundamental principles on which EBRD policy is based are: a preference for reaching the SMEs via local financial intermediaries, a commercial approach to the provision of finance, and finally a focus on development of the local financial system as a whole. It is still too early to draw conclusions on EBRD activity in the field of SMEs financing based on other types of indicators than data on volume of signed commitments. A large part of the loans is still in the grace period, therefore investments are in an early phase and operation performance evaluation reports on this type of operations are still too few. Aggregate data on volume of EBRD financing through financial intermediaries paint an encouraging picture. A 250% increase in the volume of such operations between 1994 and 1997, a nine-fold increase in the number of subprojects between 1995 and 1997, and an ever-widening geographical spread of activities and decreasing size of subprojects indicate that the experience of the EBRD in financing through financial intermediaries is on the whole positive. Financing provided to intermediaries is not necessarily always intended, nor guaranteed to reach SMEs. It is, however, guaranteed to create the appropriate financing channels which are necessary to ease the SMEs' liquidity constraint.This paper discusses the shortcomings of the financial system in the CEE countries. It outlines the EBRD policy to support SMEs and the various instruments employed so far and presents selected case studies to throw light on how good project design can help overcome difficult environments and lower the perception of risk connected to indigenous SMEs. A summary of the findings of the survey work conducted by the EBRD in the region is also presented.  相似文献   

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and IT Diffusion Policies in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main argument to justify an information technology (IT) diffusion policy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is that IT could act as a catalyzer to the SMEs' growth, which is important because of the role played by these firms in innovation and regional development. However, due to the heterogeneity of SMEs, present IT diffusion policies in Europe are reaching only a limited number of these firms. The aim of this paper is to discuss the obstacles to the implementation of an IT diffusion policy for SMEs. The main arguments that justify a policy for IT diffusion in SMEs, and the main initiatives taken for IT diffusion in these firms in European countries are summarized. The shortcomings of present policies will be discussed, together with possibilities to increase IT diffusion in SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of in-house R&D and innovation management practices on innovation success in small and medium-sized firms (SMEs). While there is little doubt about the significance of technology competence for generating successful innovations, in-house R&D activities may be a particular challenge for SMEs due to high risk exposure, high fixed costs, high minimum investment and severe financial constraints. SMEs may thus opt for refraining from R&D and relying more on innovation management tools in order to achieve innovation success. We analyse whether such a strategy can pay off. Based on data from the German CIS, we find that R&D activities are a main driver for innovation success if combined with external R&D, using external innovation sources or by entering into co-operation agreements. SMEs without in-house R&D can yield a similar innovation success if they effectively apply human resource management tools or team work to facilitate innovation processes.
Alfred SpielkampEmail:

Barriers to Innovation among Spanish Manufacturing SMEs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Innovation is widely recognized as a key factor in the competitiveness of nations and firms. Small firms that do not embrace innovation within their core business strategy run the risk of becoming uncompetitive because of obsolete products and processes. Innovative firms are a perquisite for a dynamic and competitive economy.
This paper reports on the results of a study that examined barriers to firm innovation among a sample of 294 managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Spain. The study examined the relation between (1) product, process, and management innovation and (2) 15 obstacles to innovation, which can limit a firm's ability to remain competitive and profitable. Findings of the study show that barriers have a differential impact on the various types of innovation; product, process, and management innovation are affected differently by the different barriers. The most significant barriers are associated with costs, whereas the least significant are associated with manager/employee resistance. Additionally, the results demonstrate that the costs associated with innovation have proportionately greater impact on small than on larger firms.
The findings can be used in the development of public policy aimed at supporting and encouraging the innovation among SMEs in Spain. Government policies that encourage and support innovation among all firms, especially small firms, can help countries remain competitive in a global market. Public policy that encourages innovation can enable firms to remain competitive and survive, both of which have direct implications for employment and a country's economic viability. The results may also be insightful for managers who are attempting to encourage innovation. Understanding barriers can assist managers in fostering an innovative culture by supporting new ideas or by avoiding an attitude that creates resistance to new ideas.  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate the role played by different sources of financing when analyzing firms' attitudes towards innovating. The empirical investigation is based on a large sample of European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) observed over the period 2012–2017. Different measures of finance and several robustness checks are used to select a well-behaved probit model. The results show that the probability to innovate increases when firms use internal financing and grants. The same applies when funds come from family and friends, while no conclusive evidence is found for bank loans. Recommendations for public policy to encourage firm-tailored policies to promote investment in intangibles allow firms to benefit from innovation activities. European SMEs will also benefit from capital market developments and the advancement of new financial tools devoted to supporting innovation.  相似文献   

近年来,中小企业的迅猛发展使其成为国民经济中不可或缺的力量,指导中小企业在现有基础上建立自主创新路径,实现自主创新,对我国自主创新国策的实现将具有十分重要的现实意义和理论价值。引进创新一直是大多数中小企业采用的创新路径,本文利用知识定位矩阵对自主创新引进路径进行了分析,并提出了中小企业应该采取的创新管理措施。  相似文献   

Innovation in SMEs exhibits some peculiar features that most traditional indicators of innovation activity do not capture. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a structural model of innovation that incorporates information on innovation success from firm surveys along with the usual R&D expenditures and productivity measures. We then apply the model to data on Italian SMEs from the “Survey on Manufacturing Firms” conducted by Mediocredito-Capitalia covering the period 1995–2003. The model is estimated in steps, following the logic of firms’ decisions and outcomes. We find that international competition fosters R&D intensity, especially for high-tech firms. Firm size and R&D intensity, along with investment in equipment, enhances the likelihood of having both process and product innovation. Both these kinds of innovation have a positive impact on firm’s productivity, especially process innovation. Among SMEs, larger and older firms seem to be less productive.
Jacques MairesseEmail:

R&D investment and growth in SMEs and large firms relate in a complex way. This paper analyses what role persistence of innovation output plays in shaping that relationship. We apply a vector auto-regression model to Finnish firm-level data and summarize the lead–lag relationship and complex co-movements of R&D growth and firm growth series. We found only continuous product and process innovators to have positive associations between R&D growth and sales growth. Also the associations between sales growth and subsequent R&D growth were stronger for continuous innovators than for occasional innovators, but only for product innovators. In the case of process innovators it is the occasional innovators that exhibit a stronger association between sales growth and subsequent R&D growth. In addition, our results vary between large and small firms. We express the need for further research on innovation dynamics and growth of SMEs analysing the interactions between different innovation activities.  相似文献   

经历重大疫情的小微企业面临更为严峻的创新挑战,也使企业家身份焦虑成为常态。文章聚焦疫情暴发这一特定背景,将小微企业对政商关系的预期视为诱发企业家身份焦虑的逻辑起点,从企业所处的外部制度环境和市场环境切入,探索化解企业家身份焦虑并提升小微企业创新意愿的可行路径。研究发现,企业家对政商关系的预期是身份焦虑的重要来源,企业家身份焦虑与小微企业创新意愿之间的关系会受到政策置信性和网络嵌入行为的双调节效应的影响。由于企业家身份焦虑难以避免,提高对政策置信性的预期能够有效缓解政商关系感知引发的企业家身份焦虑。疫情之后的复工复产活动中需要进一步缩短政策的传导链条,加强小微企业之间制度化互动,重塑企业家的自我身份认同,控制企业家身份焦虑的有效边界,推动小微企业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

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