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因受自身条件的限制,中小型民营企业在人才竞争中处于天然弱势地位。招聘管理工作决定企业引入人才的数量和质量,如何通过有序的招聘管理工作,为企业招募到适合的人才,是中小型民营企业人力资源管理的重要课题之一。在目前的招聘管理中,中小型民营企业普遍存在人力资源管理机构和人员配置不到位、计划性不足、没有全面统一的用工标准、缺乏招聘效果评估等问题。通过对中小型民营企业招聘管理现状的分析,结合工作实践,提出从科学认识人力资源管理、完善人力资源规划、制定招聘管理制度、加强招聘过程管理和提高招聘效果评估等五个方面提升招聘管理的改善建议。  相似文献   

目前我国零售业的人力资源管理面临较大的困境,如对企业人力资源管理的战略地位认识不足;缺乏人力资源规划;员工流失比例高;员工缺乏培训等。从人力资源管理理论演变的过程说明,其原因是人力资源管理的职能没有转变。零售业人力资源部门应逐渐从行政性管理工作中解放出来,开始更多地从事战略性人力资源管理工作,对于那些行政性的事务应进行虚拟化运作,制定员工管理虚拟、招聘虚拟、培训虚拟等对策。  相似文献   

本文对石油企业人力资源管理现状进行了阐述,指出人力资源部门是企业的核心部门;对人力资源管理存在的问题进行了分析,人力资源管理缺乏专业的管理人员、缺少人才招聘选拔的长远规划、缺乏奖励考核制度的健全完善、缺乏培训制度的规范与落实;结合石油企业的实际情况,提出了相应的解决问题的办法及对策。  相似文献   

一,人力资源管理的第三方化含义及其发展状况 人力资源管理的第三方化是指企业为了节省开支、缺乏中高层专业管理人员或者提高人力资源优化配置等原因将人力资源的部分职能(如招聘、培训、考核、福利)或者全部职能交由专门性人力资源管理机构执行.以提高企业效益的行为。  相似文献   

一、人力资源管理的第三方化含义及其发展状况 人力资源管理的第三方化是指企业为了节省开支、缺乏中高层专业管理人员或者提高人力资源优化配置等原因将人力资源的部分职能(如招聘、培训、考核、福利)或者全部职能交由专门性人力资源管理机构执行,以提高企业效益的行为.  相似文献   

中小企业的员工流失率较高,制约了企业的快速发展。以A企业为研究对象,对该公司人员流失现状进行的分析结果表明,员工高离职率的原因主要有人力资源部门工作过于传统、缺乏人力资源规划、招聘渠道单一、招聘方法过于主观、员工培训缺失、缺乏完善的薪酬体系及绩效考评制度、企业整体氛围不好等,严重影响了企业经营活动的持续进行。中小民营企业须转变认识观念,重视人力资源管理的作用;制定科学的人力资源规划并有效执行;进行科学招聘,重视员工培训工作,完善薪酬及绩效考核体系;形成良好的企业文化,以增强员工凝聚力,促进企业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

论国内企业人力资源管理的第三方化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、人力资源管理的第三方化含义及其发展状况人力资源管理的第三方化是指企业为了节省开支、缺乏中高层专业管理人员或者提高人力资源优化配置等原因将人力资源的部分职能(如招聘、培训、考核、福利)或者全部职能交由专门性人力资源管理机构执行,以提高企业效益的行为。人力资  相似文献   

正人力资源是保证企业发展的核心动力和资源。招聘工作是企业人力资源管理的起点,也是人力资源管理的重要环节之一。对于农机企业人力资源管理部门而言,招聘优秀的人才,支撑企业战略目标的实现,是一项非常重要的工作。选用育留,均有问题目前,多数农机企业人才管理缺乏以胜任能力模型作为核心的运行机制,对公司的优秀、关键人才"选、用、育、留"起始  相似文献   

人力资源管理是企业管理的核心和关键。当前民营企业在人力资源管理方面主要存在人员招聘欠规范,员工培训流于形式、激励手段过于单一,激励效果不明显、缺乏专业性管理人员,管理技能偏低等问题。解决问题的途径,一是改变方法,优化流程,创新企业招聘模式,二是转变观念,科学设计,创新薪酬模式,三是重视员工需求,丰富员工阅历,创新培训模式。  相似文献   

基于营销思维的人力资源招聘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从市场营销学的角度看待企业的人力资源招聘活动,将市场营销学中部分思想运用于人力资源招聘活动中,把人力资源招聘活动看成一种营销活动,视薪酬等为招聘的"核心产品",将定价、促销策略、营销渠道、"以顾客为中心"等理念贯穿于人力资源招聘活动中,使企业的人力资源招聘工作多元化,促进企业人力资源管理的发展。  相似文献   

现代企业的发展,离不开人力、物力、财力。而人力资源在三者之中又具有举足轻重的地位,不仅是三者联系的纽带,更是企业发展的关键因素。当前,现代企业人力资源发展过程中存在着招聘门槛设置不合理,员工培训制度不完善,激励机制不健全,企业文化建设不成熟等问题。加快现代企业人力资源管理的发展,应建立良好的聘用机制,重视员工的培训,完善激励机制,加强企业文化宣传建设,增强员工的主人公意识,减少人才的流失。  相似文献   

The effective utilization of knowledge has become an important part of how firms gain competitive advantage in the marketplace. However, the recruitment, search, and selection processes used to obtain workers who would develop and deploy that knowledge have not materially changed for many years, with human resources (HR) frequently automating legacy procedures. We believe that the hiring processes for exceptional knowledge workers, whom we call knowledge stars, must adapt to the current business environment. Using the framework of architectural innovation, we propose that HR’s recruitment of knowledge stars should begin before specific jobs are announced, should be done in partnership with line managers, and should be done in coordination with implementation of other workplace innovations such as the development of communities of practice and participative management. We conclude by discussing how changes in the search processes for knowledge stars fit in context with some other ongoing challenges for HR personnel.  相似文献   

目前不少企业校园招聘结果不尽人意:有的未能如愿以偿地招得到合适的人才;有的招到人才确留不住人才,这些都制约了企业的长远发展。笔者通过企业角度发放问卷,找出了影响校园招聘有效性的主要因素,从而提高校园招聘会的成效,促使校园招聘活动被广大应届生和企业充分利用,提高应届生的签约率和签约质量。  相似文献   

人才资源与高新技术开发区经济发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要依据实地调查资料 ,以北京市高科技园区为例 ,分析了高新技术企业在人才引进与流失、员工培训与激励等方面的情况和问题。从企业文化建设、企业家阶层的培育、员工培训、激励机制、员工流动等方面提出了相关的政策建议  相似文献   

In the battle for high-value talent, managers need to think like marketers, creating job offerings and employment relationships that provide mutual value for firms and their employees. This article provides a 3-stage framework for the application of marketing techniques to the recruitment and retention of high-value employees. In the first stage, the 4Ps of the marketing mix are used to create compelling job offerings that attract high-value employees. In the second stage, firms use relationship marketing concepts to build long-lasting employment relationships that create mutual value for the firm and its employees. The third stage involves the outcomes of high-value employment relationships, which include greater employee commitment and satisfaction, which then lead to greater employee advocacy of the firm and lower levels of employee turnover. The ultimate proposed outcomes of this approach are increased performance and stability of the firm.  相似文献   


Affective, cognitive and conative reactions to (i) altruistically focused, and (ii) egoistically orientated recruitment advertisements for charity volunteers were measured and related to individual differences in altruistic disposition among three sets of respondents. The first sample comprised 51 existing charity shop volunteers; the second consisted of 100 members of the general public who had undertaken some form of voluntary activity during the previous two years; while the third was made up of 100 people who had not completed any voluntary act over the same period. It emerged that although less altruistically inclined people responded more positively to advertisements which emphasised the material and emotional benefits of volunteering, it was not the case that people who displayed high altruistic tendency were more attracted by altruistic recruitment messages. Apparently, individuals with highly altruistic dispositions also preferred recruitment advertisements which listed the egoistical advantages accruing to voluntary work.  相似文献   

人员流动与企业员工培训——从人力资本角度的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现实生活中,有一些企业由于担心培训后的人员流动而不愿意对员工进行培训;相反地,另一些企业却对培训较为重视,不断加大对员工的培训投入,这看起来是颇为矛盾的现象。如果从人力资本的角度出发,运用资产专用性理论和博弈论的方法对上述现象加以解释,就可以透视出现象背后的实质。  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of lookism through a content analysis of nursing recruitment advertisements in China. Lookism or physical appearance-based discrimination is prevalent in roles predominantly occupied by women. This attributive bias assumes greater significance in the context of a patriarchal society like China within industries such as nursing that are highly feminized. Nevertheless, few studies explore the existence of lookism within the nursing industry in China. Reporting on the intent of Chinese health care employers to discriminate based on physical appearance, this article argues for awareness of and sensitivity toward the implications of workplace lookism in China.  相似文献   

An emerging source of competitive advantage for service industries is the knowledge, skills and attitudes of their employees. Indeed, achievement of a ‘service quality’ culture, considered imperative for competitive advantage in service organisations, supposedly results from the use of best practice human resource management (HRM), and from a strategic approach to their implementation. This paper empirically explores the use of these dimensions of HRM as a source of competitive advantage. It finds high-performing service organisations actively engage best practices across the areas of recruitment and selection, training and development, communication and team working. Evidence of a strategic approach to the implementation of these practices is also found.  相似文献   


A qualitative interview-based research with 32 participating companies, this article investigates the human resource management practices of Japanese subsidiaries in Hungary. The findings indicate that human resource management practices in Hungarian subsidiaries of Japanese companies are characterized as a hybrid of Japanese and Hungarian styles. Greater Japanese influence was found in the characteristics of the human resources department, corporate culture, safety practices, and trainings, whereas greater Hungarian influence was found in pay, benefits, and recruitment methods. The findings contribute uniquely to the understanding of whether and how the country-of-origin effect, localization effect, and dominance effect interplay in configuring human resource management practices in foreign subsidiaries of multinational companies.  相似文献   

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