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企业人力资源外包的风险及其防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资源外包风险是指企业在把人力资源管理活动的部分或全部内容外包的过程。人力资源外包是近些年人力资源管理领域中开展得越来越普遍的一项创新活动,并日益受到各类企业的重视。但是,在人力资源外包中也存在着很多风险性因素,例如:外包服务商选择方面的风险、企业文化冲突的风险、信息安全及经营安全的风险、员工流失与抵制的风险等等。本文首先阐述了人力资源外包风险的来源,然后分析了人力资源外包风险的理论成因,最后提出了人力资源外包风险的防范对策。  相似文献   

人力资源管理外包是企业在保有人力资源管理非核心职能产权的前提下,将人力资源管理职能行使权以合约的形式委托给外包服务商;外包服务商按照合约规定独立行使有关人力资源管理职能权力的过程。目前最为流行的人力资源外包主要有员工招聘、工资发放和培训等内容。世界500强公司中的绝大多数正在使用人力资源外包服务。据国际数据公司分析,人力资源外包业务是人力资源服务市场中发展最快的业务。  相似文献   

税务外包有利于中小企业降低管理成本、优化资源配置,是中小企业通过利用外部税务服务商的专业优势,增强控制税务风险能力的有效途径。税务外包的基本策略是:在精细化税务外包内容、选择合适税务服务商的基础上,制订税务外包具体实施方案、建立高效的信息沟通与交流机制。在税务外包实施过程中,中小企业还应放眼企业的长远利益,全员参与,逐步培养并提高自身税务管理能力。  相似文献   

基于模糊综合评判法的第三方物流服务商选择模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分析物流外包战略,物流服务商类型,以及物流的成本及风险.构建一个关于选择第三方物流服务商的模型,并采用两级模糊综合评判法,结合选择模型从定量的角度分析给出综合的物流服务商选择的模型,为供应链中的成员选择物流服务商提供思路。  相似文献   

李妍妍 《价值工程》2020,39(2):32-33
人力资源管理外包,可以帮助企业降低成本、聚焦核心业务。因为我国人力资源外包实践时间比较短,市场不够成熟,企业进行人力资源外包管理存在一定的风险。通过对企业人力资源管理外包风险的分析,提出防范人力资源管理外包风险的策略:建立健全人力资源管理外包相关法律法规,企业明确人力资源外包服务的需求和目标,建立信息平台交流人力资源外包信息;企业人力资源管理外包时与服务商签订保密协议;企业与人力资源管理外包服务商加强沟通和协商,减少文化冲突。  相似文献   

HR如何从繁杂的事务性工作中脱身而专注于具有高价值的战略性人力资源工作?人力资源外包已成为广大企业的合理选择之一。本期专题从人力资源外包的战略价值、外包服务商的选择以及风险防范等方面为您指点迷津。  相似文献   

梁景云 《企业研究》2011,(6):143-144
人力资源外包能降低中小企业人力成本,实现效率最大化。但人力资源外包同样存在外部风险及员工不理解、经营成本增加等内部风险。通过细化外包职能、外包成本效益分析及加强与外包服务商的沟通和监控等管理对策,可有效地控制人力资源外包风险。  相似文献   

物流外包风险是指企业物流外包过程及其结果的不确定性。包括决策、运作等风险,具有随机性(偶然性)、突发性、隐含性和关联性等特征。物流外包风险产生的原因主要有决策的有限理性、信息非对称以及代理者的败德行为。正确进行物流自营与外包决策、科学选择物流服务商、审慎签订物流外包合同、加强对物流服务商的评估与管理、建立"双赢"合作机制、及时办理货物保险、采用AB角制等策略与举措,均可有效降低物流外包风险。  相似文献   

人力资源管理外包的风险规避   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资源管理(HR)外包是策略地利用外界资源,将企业中与人力资源相关的工作与管理业务部分或全部转由专业服务机构承担。人力资源管理的一些工作在操作上具有基础性、重复性、通用性的特点,这使人力资源外包成为可能。此外,人力资源专业服务机构的发展,为人力资源外包提供了必要的外部条件。 企业选择外包,主要原因在于:一是发挥人力资源部门的战略作用。有研究表明,人力资源管理活动中的事务性活动或传统活动,通常占全部人力资源管理活动的65%-76%,而直接影响企业长远发展的战略性人力资源管理活动仅占30%左右。通过人力资源外包,可以使企业人力资源管理人员从作业性、事务性工作中解放出来,把精力、时间用于制订战略、提升人力资源竞争力等方面。二是获取先进技术和整合外部高技能的人力资源专家。信息技术的发展使人力资源管理的运行也必须加大电子程序、相关应用软件和平台的技术投入力度。而通过外包,企业可以充分利用外包服务商所提供的最新技术和系统。同时,外包服务商也已经培训出能为各种企业提供人力资源外包服务的职员。在今天的市场上,具有薪酬、福利、外派人员以及人力资源信息系统等专门知识的人力资源专家十分紧缺,而雇佣人力资源服务商通常比雇佣几个专家容易得多。三是降低经营成本,改善经营绩效。人力资源管理活动历来被视作重要的成本中心,而通过外包可以精简企业内部人力资源管理人员,以更好的成本效益为员工提供更满意的人力资源服务。虽然利用外包服务商需要付钱,但其往往能提供更好的服务质量,而同时成本也比雇佣或利用大批的人力资源职能人员要低。另外,通过外包可以减少企业人力资源管理所必须的信息支持平台等大量的技术投资,也可以消除或至少降低其日常办公预算或昂贵的资本支出。经营成本因此会全面下降,经营效益则相对提高。  相似文献   

随着国际分工的发展和细化,企业人力资源管理外包已成为物流企业降低成本,分散风险,从而提高企业核心竞争力的重要途径。所谓人力资源管理(HRM)外包,是指企业根据需要将原来由企业内部人力资源部承担的工作职能,包括人员招聘、工资发放、薪酬方案设计、保险福利管理、员工培训与开发等,通过招标的方式签约付费委托给专业从事相关服务的外包服务商的做法。  相似文献   


Nowadays, information technology (IT) outsourcing companies face enduring demands to reduce cost while increasing productivity. This pressure leads many IT outsourcing companies to rely on outsourcing arrangements with IT personnel suppliers. In order to maximise efficiency, outsourcing companies have focused on fostering high-performing suppliers through improved collaboration and mutual relations. However, it is very difficult to advance to a long-term partnership using the existing outsourcing process because of insufficient collaboration between IT outsourcing companies and their suppliers. Based on collaboration perspective of supply chain management (SCM), this study identifies the critical success factors for collaborative strategic partnerships and presents an evaluation framework for assessing and managing suppliers. We have developed an organisational process model for Supplier relationship management (SRM)-based collaboration which includes some of the key constructs from the previous studies and interviews with the IT outsourcing industry people. In this study, we will identify four types of strategic suppliers and suggest approaches for improving collaborative relationship between an IT outsourcing company and its partner companies. In addition, to validate the feasibility of the proposed model, we applied it to a well-known Korean IT outsourcing company ‘A’.  相似文献   

刘晓 《价值工程》2012,31(18):120-121
财务外包是指将财务管理工作中的部分非核心业务或流程外包给专业的财务公司代理记账或处理业务的财务管理模式。目的是为了降低企业成本,充分利用市场资源,更好的发展企业核心业务。本文首先介绍了财务外包和财务外包风险的概念,接着对企业财务外包的风险进行了分析,最后提出了五点管理对策,以期对企业有效的规避和降低财务外包风险提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

制造业企业如何挖掘第三利润源泉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了物流管理的重要性,从企业战略、供应链优化和非核心业务外包等方面探讨了制造业企业如何通过物流管理降低成本创造价值。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of company internationalization on the practice of outsourcing HRM functions in Greece. It holds the assumption that HRM outsourcing is perceived as an innovative practice and that foreign multinationals (MNCs) will use this practice more than native ones do. In doing that, the study aims at examining whether ‘diffusion’ of loosely- regulated management practices such as HRM outsourcing, is sustained by foreign multinationals. The findings of the 2000 CRANET survey are presented to show that HRM outsourcing is used to a lesser extent in Greece than other Western economies. Then the hypothesis that MNCs outsource more HRM services than Greek companies do is tested. The analysis draws upon the findings of a survey addressed to HR directors of both foreign multinationals and Greek companies. A significant difference is found in the extent of HRM outsourcing between Greek companies and foreign multinational subsidiaries. This is adequately explained through the comparison of the way HRM is conducted in Greek each type of company, as well as the segregation of the Greek market for HRM services. The paper adds to the discussion on the role of multinationals in the diffusion of innovative managerial practices, as well as to the HRM convergence–divergence debate.  相似文献   

朱兰  肖湘 《物流科技》2004,27(12):21-24
第三方物流(3rd Part Logistics.3PL或TPL)是80年代中后期开始盛行的。据美国物流协会的一份最新报告.企业将物流外包(outsourcing)将平均增加9%的成本.但与此同时能提高15%的企业核心生产力。因而物流外包成为企业降低成本的一个主要途径。然而在国内,第三方物流的起步较晚.企业物流外包的比重并不是很大。笔者通过实地走访国内具一定代表性的两个城市上海和厦门.拜访其主要物流园区的相关企事业单位.了解到各层次第三方物流企业发展的状况.并分析了阻碍其发展的主要原因,  相似文献   

Global outsourcing of software development is a phenomenon that is receiving considerable interest from North American and European companies currently under pressure to meet their growing manpower resource shortages and find new ways to cut costs. However, these outsourcing arrangements are technologically and organisationally complex, and present a variety of challenges to manage effectively. In this paper we discuss results from an ongoing longitudinal study of a British firm's attempts to develop and manage global software outsourcing arrangements with an Indian software company. More specifically, we focus on understanding management challenges along three key dimensions of culture, organisational politics and the process of distributed development across time and space. The process of globalisation provides the context within which these management challenges can be investigated.  相似文献   

IT外包项目的团队管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团队管理是IT外包项目成功的重要因素之一。文章分析了IT外包项目的团队体系架构和矩阵结构管理模式,着重介绍了团队的动态管理,包括流失预警、职业规划、培训及绩效评估等多种机制。在此基础上,结合激励及约束手段来维护团队的优质稳定。  相似文献   

物流被认为是"第三利润源",而物流外包作为供应链管理环境下企业物流资源配置的一种新形式,已成为商业领域的一个趋势。企业进行物流外包时须考虑主观与客观诸多因素,以形成合理的决策方案。根据物流管理的基本理论,采用层次分析法建立决策模型,为企业物流外包决策提供依据,并借鉴成组技术改善企业物流的运营模式,从而增强企业在市场上的竞争能力。  相似文献   

谢天帅 《物流科技》2008,31(3):71-73
通过建立模型,比较企业物流外包前后的利润水平,提出一个判别物流外包能否增加企业利润的准则。该准则表明,并非只要服务商的成本低于外包企业,外包企业就能通过物流外包提高利润水平,而是存在一个阈值。该阈值由外包企业的生产、销售、自营物流成本等因素综合决定,只有将物流业务外包给成本低于该阈值的服务商,才能提高外包企业的利润水平。  相似文献   

Employee training plays a crucial role in the success of most organizations. Due to its developmental aspect, training is closely linked to core competencies and strategic focus. However, it is also one of the most widely outsourced HR functions in most Western economies.

This article attempts to illustrate and propose a decision model for the factors that shape the expected benefits and subsequently the extent of outsourcing training functions. A distinction is made among generic training (for the development of competencies) and job- or company- specific training (for example, induction training, job specialization, etc.).

Two decision models are extracted with structural equation modelling. Asset specificity, market availability, in-house development of training and firm size are discussed. The factors shaping the decision to outsource, as well as the perceived benefits from outsourcing employee training, are different for each of the two types of training (generic and specific). The reasons underlying those differences are discussed. For both types of training service it is proposed that the expected quality benefits, not cost ones, induce companies to outsource training.

Thus, this study attempts to offer a useful insight into the factors shaping the extent and the expected benefits from outsourcing training services. The outcomes can further assist HRM professionals (managers and providers of HRM services), as well as academics to gain a better understanding of the nature of HRM outsourcing decisions in general, and a ‘basic’ HRM outsourcing practice – training – in particular.  相似文献   

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