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Triage protocols for intensive care units are based on priorities assigned to presents, but ignore patients about to arrive, so a priority newcomer may not find a ventilator and its associated nursing staff available because they are occupied by a lower-priority patient who however was present at the moment of assignment. Conversely, waiting too long leads to losing elderly patients who could have been saved by ventilators. As age and sex are major determinants of mortality by Covid-19 and have the merit, in contrast to other priority criteria, of being immediately available to health professionals, the criterion is the minimization of the mean mortality rate weighted by age- and sex-specific life expectancies. The dynamics is a queuing process involving mortality and return home flows and competition between ages. The result is the determination of an optimal threshold age that can guide triage.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the pure and fundamentals-based contagion effects in ASEAN-5 exchange rates during Covid-19 period using daily exchange rates from June 2019 to December 2020. We adopt VECM within the structural VAR framework and higher time–frequency wavelet analysis. The VECM findings show that ASEAN-5 exchange rates are cointegrated during this pandemic and should there be any disequilibrium, daily rate of adjustments in the Indonesian rupiah, Malaysian ringgit and Singapore dollar are 6.58%, 1.47% and 2.45% respectively. The wavelet power spectrum implies that Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore experience prolonged high degree of exchange rates volatility, Thailand experiences mild volatility in the short run and high volatility in the long run and only Philippines experiences mild volatility in the short run and no heightened long run volatility. The wavelet coherence shows Indonesian rupiah reacts first to the Covid-19 shock leading to fundamentals- based contagion to Malaysia and Thailand, and temporary pure contagion based on sentimental to Philippines and Singapore. Only the Philippine peso that insulates itself from the long run shocks. These findings are important as it gives insights into the nature of contagion among ASEAN-5 exchange rates due to global shock of Covid-19 and the need for timely intervention to prevent the short run contagion turning into the long run.  相似文献   

We consider the resilience of a group of 20 Western economies after the financial crisis of the late 2000s. We measure resilience by the growth of real GDP between 2007, the previous peak level, and 2015. The countries exhibit a broad range of experience, from a rise in GDP of 18 per cent in Australia to a fall of 26 per cent in Greece. A substantial proportion of the differences in growth rates can be accounted for by just two variables: the perceived level of corruption and membership of the Eurozone. The euro did have a negative impact on the recovery paths of the Mediterranean economies (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain), but their perceived corruption scores in 2007 had a bigger impact, especially on the first three of these economies.  相似文献   

We examine the survey responses of 278 individuals who transitioned from the workplace to working from home (WFH) as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic to understand how individuals’ attainment of productivity in work and meaning in life are affected by WFH. We also assess their perceived stress and health challenges experienced since WFH. On average, workers perceive that productivity and meaning changed in opposite directions with the shift to WFH—productivity increased while the meaning derived from daily activities decreased. Stress was reduced while health problems increased. By investigating these changes, we identify important common sources of support and friction associated with remote work that affect multiple dimensions of work and life. For example, personal fortitude is an important source of support, and the intrusion of work into life is an important friction. Our findings lead to concrete recommendations for both organizational leaders and workers in setting key priorities for supporting remote work.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyze the imitation behavior of investors in especially convulsed periods, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the recent global pandemic, both of which could affect investors' emotions and behavior, although both have different characteristics and might have different implications. The cross-sectional dispersion of returns is used to measure the level of herding in the markets of Spain and Portugal, using a survivorship-bias-free dataset of daily stock returns during the period January 2000–May 2021, in turn divided into several sub-periods classified as pre-2008 crisis, 2008 crisis, post-2008 crisis, Covid-19 and post Covid-19. Additionally, the existence is studied of differences between days of positive and negative returns, or between days of high volatility compared to the rest, and whether the cross-sectional dispersion of returns in one market is affected by the cross-sectional dispersion of returns in the other market. The results indicate that herding appears with greater intensity in periods prior to the crisis, disappearing during the financial crisis and reappearing, although with less intensity, after it, while it is not generally detected in Covid-19 times. However, herding behavior can be observed in the market during the pandemic on high volatility days.  相似文献   

The novel coronavirus 2019 revolutionized the way of living and the communication of people making social media a popular tool to express concerns and perceptions. Starting from this context we built an original database based on the Twitter users’ emotions shown in the early weeks of the pandemic in Italy. Specifically, using a single index we measured the feelings of four groups of stakeholders (journalists, people, doctors, and politicians), in three groups of Italian regions (0,1,2), grouped according to the impact of the COVID-19 crises as defined by the Conte Government Ministerial Decree (8th March 2020). We then applied B-VAR techniques to analyze the sentiment relationships between the groups of stakeholders in every Region Groups. Results show a high influence of doctors at the beginning of the epidemic in the Group that includes most of Italian regions (Group 0), and in Lombardy that has been the region of Italy hit the most by the pandemic (Group 2). Our outcomes suggest that, given the role played by stakeholders and the COVID-19 magnitude, health policy interventions based on communication strategies may be used as best practices to develop regional mitigation plans for the containment and contrast of epidemiological emergencies.  相似文献   

The severe scarcity of critical medical supplies caused by the COVID-19 pandemic led to considerable procurement challenges in the healthcare supply chain (HCSC). As ensuring the availability of such supplies during disruptions is critical, the debate on how to increase supply chain resilience in healthcare has gained new momentum. We present empirical evidence from a multi-tier case study spanning nine European medical supplies manufacturers and hospital groups. Based on the resource dependence theory, we investigated procurement-related strategies to improve medical supplies availability. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 39 procurement and supply chain management experts and derived seven propositions on buffering and bridging approaches for managing evolving resource dependencies and thereby strengthening supply chain resilience in a pandemic. Overall, we confirm the resource dependence theory's applicability for explaining companies' mitigation measures in a pandemic disruption. We find that bridging measures within the healthcare supply base, such as offering procurement support for suppliers or leveraging long-term buyer-supplier relationships, are more effective for securing medical supplies than buffering measures. Complementing bridging with buffering, such as extended upstream procurement or resource sharing among hospitals, can lead to superior risk mitigation as capacities of the present supplier base may not suffice. Furthermore, we extend the resource dependence theory by showing that the severity of disruptions caused by a pandemic triggers new forms of buffering external to the HCSC. Both traditional and new buffering measures establish novel flows of medical supplies in the HCSC that can enable higher supply security in a pandemic.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 76 banks from the Gulf Cooperation Council region, we use accounting- as well as market-based measures of financial stability to examine whether Islamic banks outperformed conventional banks in the time of financial shocks during the period 2000–2013. We find that the difference between the two banking types was initially not significant during the GFC. However, when the financial shock spread to the real economy during the later phases of the crisis, Islamic banks suffered a significantly higher level of financial instability than conventional banks. This result holds true for large banks but not for small Islamic banks. Small Islamic banks demonstrated a relatively better handling of the economic downturn than large Islamic banks, supporting the argument that Islamic banks are more stable when they operate at a small scale but lose this stability when they increase their scale of operations. Hence, while Islamic banks may have escaped the consequences of highly volatile financial instruments, they were not spared from a major shock in the real economic sectors.  相似文献   

We examined Fortune Magazine’s 100 Fastest Growing Companies of 2018 and found 32 firms still listed in Fortune’s updated 2019 list. The "Persistent 32" are still growing in the first half of 2020, as the COVID-19 recession continues. As a whole they have added to headcount over the long expansion (2013–2019) and continue to hire aggressively. We focus on how a commitment to building talent and growth sets them apart in this pandemic, how they represent a focus on human capabilities; how their investments contribute to organizational change and renewal; and how the leader plays new roles as marketplace insight visionary and chief safety officer. We draw lessons from the "Persistent 32" and outline steps top teams can take now to build talent and grow the firm.  相似文献   

We examine the volatility spillovers among various industries during the COVID-19 pandemic period. We measure volatility spillovers by defining the volatility of each sector in the S&P 500 index and implement a static and rolling-window analysis following the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) approach. We find that the pandemic enhanced volatility spillovers, which reveals the financial contagion effects on the US stock market. Second, there were sudden, large changes in the dynamic volatility spillovers on Black Monday (March 9, 2020), much of it due to the energy sector shock. These findings have important implications for portfolio managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

We use daily data of the Google search engine volume index (GSVI) to capture the pandemic uncertainty and examine its effect on stock market activity (return, volatility, and illiquidity) of major world economies while controlling the effect of the Financial and Economic Attitudes Revealed by Search (FEARS) sentiment index. We use a time–frequency based wavelet approach comprising wavelet coherence and phase difference for our empirical assessment. During the early spread of the COVID-19, our results suggest that pandemic uncertainty, and FEARS sentiment strongly co-move, and increased pandemic uncertainty leads to pessimistic investor sentiment. Furthermore, our partial wavelet analysis results indicate a synchronization relationship between pandemic uncertainty and stock market activities across G7 countries and the world market. Our results are robust to the inclusion of alternative pandemic fear measure in the form of equity market volatility infectious disease tracker. The pandemic uncertainty and associated sentiment implications could be one plausible reason for increased volatility and illiquidity in the market, and hence, policymakers should look upon this issue for the financial market stability perspective.  相似文献   

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, orientation toward sustainability is a critical factor in ensuring firm survival and growth. Using a large sample of 1,204 firms in Europe during the year 2020, this study investigates how more sustainable firms fare during the pandemic compared with other firms in terms of risk–return trade-off and stock market liquidity. We also highlight the drivers of the resilience of more sustainable firms to the pandemic. Particularly, we document that higher levels of cash holdings and liquid assets in the pre-COVID period help these firms to perform and absorb the COVID-19 externalities better than other firms. Our results are robust to a host of econometric models, including GMM estimations and several measures of stock market performance. These findings contribute to the theoretical and empirical debate on the role of the sustainability as a source of corporate resilience to unexpected shocks.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the explanatory power of realized volatility on the illiquidity in Saudi stock market during the COVID-19 outbreak. To achieve this objective, we consider the Wavelet Coherence approaches as empirical tools to investigate the combined effect of realized volatility and COVID-19 counts on the market illiquidity across frequencies and over time space by taking in account the number of infected cases in Saudi Arabia and over the World, and the number of death cases in Saudi Arabia as well as over the World. Our study reaches two main findings. First, the preliminary results reported by the ARDL bound test as a benchmark model showed significant long-run and short-run effects of the market volatility on illiquidity in contemporaneous and lagged manner. Second, the wavelet coherence analysis tools exhibited important results: (i) the wavelet coherency between illiquidity ratio and realized volatility in Saudi Arabia appear highly pronounced over all time horizons. (ii) PWC plots showed a significant mutual effect between liquidity risk and realized volatility when eliminating the effect of local COVID-19 cases. (iii) MWC plots highlighted that the response of the market illiquidity index to both the amplification in confirmed local cases (resp. international confirmed cases) and the stock market volatility appear significant in the short and middle horizons.  相似文献   

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