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新政策《高等学校境外办学暂行管理办法》 2月1日开始施行教育部近日颁布《高等学校境外办学暂行管理办法》,并将于2003年2月1日起施行。《办法》指出,高等学校境外办学应当坚持积极探索、稳步发展、量力而行、保证质量,规范管理、依法办学的方针,应当优先举办具有中国高等教育比较优势或者特色的学科,并充分考虑所在国家(地区)的需求及发展特点,鼓励高等学校在更为广泛的学科领域开展境外办学活动;明确了高等学校境外办学的申请和审批程序。近年来,我国高等学校境外办学活动逐步发展,越来越多的高等学校走出国门,主动参与教育的国际竞争与合作。目前经教育部批准,全国共有近20个大学和机构到境外开展办学活动。一批重点大学采取招生“宽口径模式”据报道,北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学今年起招生逐步推广“按大类或按院系招生”的新模式。与过去按专  相似文献   

文捷 《中关村》2006,(1):121-121
在强校如林的海淀区,在中学办校激烈的竞争中,北京市第十九中学能从规模上越办越大,从教育资源上越来越强,发展成为今天的一校三址,拥有近4000多学生的大校,究其原因,主要是这所学校具有自己鲜明的办学特色和超前的教育思想和意识。  相似文献   

中关村创新研修学院是1999年由中关村科技园区海淀园管委会创办的,以开展产业、企业研究咨询和教育培训为主的咨询研究与培训机构,属政府全额财政拨款的事业单位,并获北京市教委正式批准。学院采用事业化单位,企业化运营的创新运作机制,着力于打造中关村智力与培训旗舰。学院的办学宗旨是依托园区政府,  相似文献   

辽宁省首次明确规定高中生每天在校不得超8小时 为了减轻中小学生过重的课业负担,辽宁省日前出台《关于进一步加强中小学管理规范办学行为全面推进素质教育的指导意见(试行)》,首次明确规定高中生在校学习的时间不能超过8小时,初中和小学生在校分别不能超过7小时和6小时。  相似文献   

中关村创新研修学院是1999年由中关村科技园区海淀园管委会创办的,以开展产业、企业研究咨询和教育培训为主的咨询研究与培训机构,属政府全额财政拨款的事业单位,并获北京市教委正式批准。学院是采用事业化管理,企业化运营的创新运作机制,着力于打造中关村智力与培训的旗舰。学院的办学宗旨是依托园区政府,发展创新研究和教育。  相似文献   

肖娟 《中关村》2010,(7):82-83
走进北京市第十九中学的大门,只见环形影壁上嵌有两行醒目的校训:"培养中华民族之元气,为孩子幸福人生奠基。"后来了解到"培养中华民族之元气"正是十九中前身"培元"女子教会学校名称的由来,出自我国伟大的革命先驱孙中山先生的语录。追溯十九中的历史沿革,自然是内涵丰厚,品质不凡。十年树木,百年树人.有着近100年历史发展脉络的十九中学在二十一世纪的今天.抱定为孩子幸福人生奠基的办学理念,朝着建设全面优质理想学校的目标迈进,走得有声有色,令人瞩目。  相似文献   

刘海明 《中关村》2010,(3):80-80
中国大学虽谈不上病人膏肓,却也是沉疴多年,备受煎熬。会诊中国的大学病。已是迫不得已。1月26日,温家宝听取来自科教文卫体各界的10位代表对《政府工作报告(征求意见稿)》的意见、建议。“一些大学功利化,什么都和钱挂钩,这是个要命的问题。”温家宝听后深有感触地说,“一所好的大学,在于有自己独特的灵魂,这就是独立的思考、自由的表达。大学必须有办学自主权。”(《新京报》2月1日报道)  相似文献   

为了公路管理部门了解道路地面天气状况,采取交通安全措施,道路气象站(RWS)将提供如下地面状况:路面温度,地下温度.结冰温度,干燥,潮湿,湿泞,溶雪剂含量.冻湿泞.结冰(包括黑冰).雪,水膜厚度等,道路能见度,和其他气象参数如:风速.风向,大气温度,大气压力,湿度,露点,降水量.降水类型.日照,(总,散,反)直接辐射,净辐射.蒸发等,以及对未来24小时和6-12小时长期和短期的路面状况预测,本公司提供的气象信息采集系统基于硬件和软件均模块一‘化组合采用.具有开放性设计概念.能同时兼容市场上其他工业检测器。系统软件可自动识别新加入的传感器及采集的数据.可根据用户要求灵活组合使用。  相似文献   

金元浦 《中关村》2013,(12):36-39
曹雪芹是个旗人.更是个奇人,无所不能.无所不会.能写会画,能歌善舞.能医能药,能工会织,能苦能乐,能吃会玩,能爱能恨,能庄能偕。放在今天.叫“人的全面发展”,叫真,幽青中人。  相似文献   

马文良 《中关村》2013,(3):25-27
她们扎根于中关村.在这方被誉为“中国硅谷”的创业沃土之上,她们耕耘于此.书写传奇;她们来自不同的行业,虽术业有专攻.各自成长.但是她们如同园中盛开的玫瑰,朝露若颜.散发芬芳。  相似文献   

宗和 《中关村》2012,(7):36-37
地球是人类的摇篮,但是人不能永远生活在摇篮里,他们将不断地争取着生存世界和空间,起初小心翼翼地穿出大气层,然后就是征服整个太阳系。——齐奥尔科夫斯基  相似文献   

李学凌 《中关村》2012,(5):102-103
大企业对于小企业或者对于其他企业的全覆盖式的模仿或者竞争这个领域在未来一两年内可以慢慢越来越弱,大家扛不住这么多领域的创新。这样的情况也表明,创新的机会真的来了。  相似文献   

郭文婧 《中关村》2011,(9):90-90
7月27日,国务院公布《中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》,条例规定在中国境内的外商投资企业和外国企业中工作的外籍人员等将在每月减除3500元费用的基础上,再减除1300元,即外籍人士的个税起征点为4800元。(《国际金融报》7月28日)  相似文献   

冯新生 《中关村》2014,(9):116-117
遥想当年,在北京宣武门以南的一小片街巷中的古槐深处、紫藤架下、海棠花前,文人骚客品饮茶酒、低吟浅唱,语惊四座,何等风流儒雅!我辈今日游走于斯,真的不该忘记从那些四合院里走出,诗文惊四座,如今渐行渐远的身影。——行者悟语春夜丝丝雨,该是万木伸张,百花入梦之时。当年,东坡大学士在这个时段亢奋不已,吟诵出情切切、意绵绵的语句:"只恐夜深花睡去,故烧银烛照红妆。"春晓温润风,该是柳笛声远、泥土静静泛着清香之时,那时,与苏轼同时代的文人宋祁也曾对此诗兴洋溢,写下:  相似文献   

For many user applications large data sets may be collected passively and unobtrusively in the flow of their activity, and on scales ranging from the individual to increasingly larger communities. Large data sets, however, bring a concomitant need for tools to help understand what the data indicates. With the emergence of smart eyewear and the availability of sophisticated but affordable eye-tracking devices, eye movement data becomes a source of detailed information about a user’s focus and indirectly about their cognition and attention. Visualizing this usefully in terms meaningful for diagnosis however, remains a challenge. In this paper we report a new data representation from significant data sets generated by a gaze-controlled digital reading application for second language speakers. Current tools provide data sets aimed primarily towards statistical analysis of patterns: our focus is on end-user exploration of data sets in domain terms, so that practical implications can be readily identified. The visualization of horizontal eye movement data allows rapid diagnosis of problem areas in texts, informing educators immediately of individual or wider issues. The general applicability of this visualization to other applications is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an interactive constrained independent topic analysis in text data mining. Independent topic analysis (ITA) is a method for extracting independent topics from document data using independent component analysis. In this independent topic analysis, the most independent topics between each topic are extracted. By extracting the independent topic, managing documents with a large number of text data is easy with document access support systems and document management systems. However, the topics extracted by ITA are often different from the topics a user requests. For the system to be of service to users, an interactive system that reflects the user’s requests is necessary. Thus, we propose an interactive ITA that works for the user. For example, if there are three topics, i.e., topic A, topic B, and topic C, and a user choose the content from topics A and B, a user can merge those topics into one topic D. In addition, if a user wants to analyze topic A in more detail, a user could separate topic A into topics E and topic F. To that end, we define Merge Link constraints and Separate Link constraints as user requests. The Merge Link constraint is a constraint that merges two topics into one topic. The Separate Link constraint is a constraint that separates two topics from one topic. In this paper, we propose a method for extracting a highly independent topic that meets these constraints. We conducted evaluation experiments on our proposed methods, and obtained results to show the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new framework for projecting potential world economic growth, taking into account the critical contribution of information and technology. We apply this framework to project the potential growth of labor productivity, GDP, and per capita GDP over the ten-year period 2006-2016 for 122 economies. Relative to historical growth for the period 1996-2006, our base-case projections are slightly higher for productivity growth, but lower for growth of GDP and GDP per capita. By comparison with the World Bank forecasts, our projections are less optimistic for all groups of economies except for Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Our projections are also below the Goldman Sachs forecasts for all economies except for the U.S.  相似文献   

A cosine similarity matching method for a binary measurement scale was proposed and applied to a recommender system in our previous study for retrieving interior design drawings. However, for mixed types of intervals, nominal, ordinal, or ratio scales, this matching method fails, as the cosine similarity measure function is not defined for ordinal and nominal values. Compared to our previous study, this paper proposes a new fuzzy similarity matching method for mixed measurement scales and applies the matching method to a recommender system. A numerical case study was carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and capabilities of the proposed similarity matching method for handling interior design drawing recommendation problems.  相似文献   

When a large-scale disaster hits a community, especially a water-related disaster, there is a scarcity of automobiles and a sudden increase in the demand for used cars in the damaged areas. This paper conducts a case study of a recent massive natural disaster, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 to understand those car scarcities and demand in the aftermath of the catastrophe. We analyze the reasons for the increase in demand for used cars and how social media can predict people’s demand for used automobiles. In other words, this paper explores whether social media data can be used as a sensor of socio-economic recovery status in damaged areas during large-scale water-related disaster-recovery phases. For this purpose, we use social media communication as a proxy for estimating indicators of people’s activities in the real world. This study conducts both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. For the qualitative research, we carry out semi-structured interviews with used-car dealers in the tsunami-stricken area and unveil why people in the area demanded used cars. For the quantitative analysis, we collected Facebook page communication data and used-car market data before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. By combining and analyzing these two types of data, we find that social media communication correlates with people’s activities in the real world. Furthermore, this study suggests that different types of communication on social media have different types of correlations with people’s activities. More precisely, we find that social media communication related to people’s activities for rebuilding and for emotional support is positively correlated with the demand for used cars after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. On the other hand, communication about anxiety and information seeking correlates negatively with the demand for used cars.  相似文献   

Recently, smart glasses have been applied in the field of maintenance, with which a worker goes well during work by contacting a support operator from a remote location. The worker, however, cannot go well if the support operator is not there. To solve the issues, this paper discusses how a work system should be developed by integrating smart glasses with a question-answering module. We design the work knowledge acquired from skilled people and manuals as a workflow for when type of question, rule base for how, goal tree for why, domain ontologies, and its RDF data for what. Workers can receive answers from the question-answering module incorporated with multiple knowledge bases for four types of question. The authors conducted a demonstration experiment and found that workers could perform the work more autonomously by importing the system.  相似文献   

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