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年复一年,隆冬又至。北京丰台桥南的王德智老汉终于不再为晨练的地点而发愁了。从国庆开始,他几乎每天早上都会骑上10多分钟的自行车来到一个位于一片咖啡色楼群中的运动场地,压腿、伸臂、划桨、跑步……直到二十多个运动器材一一用完,他才又高兴地骑着自行车游哉游哉地回家。王老汉还经常呼朋引伴:“那里的环境很好,又很安静,运动器材比我们小区的多多了,我基本每天早上或晚上都会过去运动运动。”王老汉所说的“那里”是指,位于丰台桥南不远的总部基地,那一片咖啡色的楼群就是总部基地仅仅用了两年时间建好的300栋独栋总部楼,那个运动场位…  相似文献   

在中关村转型进入全球化发展阶段之时,我深深感慨到:“聚焦微循环,重在品质升”将是中关村转型发展的必由之路。记得在我5、6岁的时候,大约在1963年左右,我学会唱了第一首中文歌曲,“戴花要戴大红花,骑马要骑千里马,唱歌要唱跃进歌,听话要听党的话”。在我上初中的时候,大约在1972年左右,我学会唱了第一首英文歌曲,“ABCD……”26个英文字母歌。  相似文献   

我们很难想像被安装在冲浪板、自行车、头盔、安全带等物品上的小型摄影机会改变这个世界,但大胆的极限运动爱好者们却将gopro捧成了dv界的iphone。gopro的诞生源自于我在冲浪板上的一次异想天开。时间倒回2002年,当时的我已经经历过两次创业失败,为了激发自己的灵感,我决定放一个长假。随后,我来到澳大利亚和印尼进行了为期五个月的冲浪活动。  相似文献   

公交优先,公共自行车推广,以后的杭州,慢行交通将得到充分体现。目前,《杭州市慢行交通系统规划》已经完成编制。慢行交通系统包括了步行系统与非机动车交通系统,非机动车的对象是自行车、电动车、残疾人车、人力三轮车等,而步行系统的具体列象是行人。据了解,无论在早高峰还是晚高峰,慢行交通都是出行的主要方式,其总比例约占70%。  相似文献   

冯永锋 《中关村》2008,(3):120-121
中国人做事,有一个很大的特点,大概可以称之为“顾此失彼”。祖先们喜欢说的是“鱼和熊掌不可兼得”,喜欢说“娶了媳妇忘了娘”,喜欢说“狡兔死,走狗烹,飞鸟尽,良弓藏”。喜欢说“得鱼忘筌”,喜欢说“这山望着那山高”,喜欢说“狗熊掰棒子”,喜欢说“骑在马上打天下,所以要骑在马天治天下”,喜欢说“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”,喜欢说“拆东墙补西墙”,喜欢说“舍不得孩子套不住狼”。  相似文献   

闻思修 《中关村》2012,(11):71-71
银行是老百姓的“钱包”,存取自如,十分方便;保值增值,令人厚爱,博得青睐。特别是我们国家的银行,倡导为人民服务而不是“为人民币服务”的宗旨,具有中国社会主义特色,已然是国人须臾离不开的生活伴侣。  相似文献   

随着城市及其郊区范围的逐年延伸,城市公共低速交通成为了城市交通运转的重要组成部分,公共自行车服务不仅有效缓解了城市客运交通的压力,而且为缓解城市环境污染提供了有效途径。基于智能传感器的公共自行车微信服务系统通过智能传感器获得公共自行车运营数据并通过公共自行车网点和无线通信技术上传至微信服务器,市民通过移动终端可以实时获取公共自行车的健康度和服务信息,维护人员通过公共自行车数据信息资源库实现了公共自行车的及时排障、合理调度和运营服务质量提升。  相似文献   

网上银行最早起源于美国,美国安全第一网络银行(SFNB)从1996年就开始了网国际上提供网上银行服务的机构分两种:一种是原有的负担银行(incumbentBank),机构密集,人员众多,在提供传统银行服务的同时推出网上银行系统,形成营业网点、ATM、POS机、电话银行、网上银行的综合服务体系,另外一种是信息时代崛起的直接银行(DirectBank),机构少,人员精,采用电话、  相似文献   

明星 《中关村》2013,(1):98-99
海淀区所有登记注册的志愿者都将是“爱心银行”的储户.他们既是服务的提供者,又是服务的支取者,接受“爱心银行”提供的后续偿还服务。  相似文献   

银行信息化是国家信息化的重要组成部分,是实现国民经济和社会信息化的关键环节,始终得到党和政府的高度重视。近年来,我国银行业紧紧围绕改善金融服务,促进金融创新,增强银行核心竞争能力的指导方针,大力推动银行信息化建设,取得了显著的成绩。虽然我国金融信息化建设取得了很大成绩,先进技术的应用基本与国外持平,但运行效率、信息综合程度和信息服务水平与发达国家相比还有较大差距。  相似文献   

Nowadays, many businesses, such as banks, use direct marketing methods to reach customers to minimize the campaigning cost and maximize the return rate. To achieve this, huge customer data should be analyzed to determine the most appropriate product offer for each customer and the most effective channel to reach her/him. However, since only a very small amount of responses collected from the customers are positive to the offers, the dataset is very imbalanced. This decreases sensitivity ratio of prediction results and makes it difficult to make a successful product and channel selection for the offer. In this paper, we propose a hybrid system, which first classifies the customers to decide if s/he is interested in the offered product, and then clusters them for product and channel suggestions. Experiments with real life banking data show very promising accuracy results for predicting the proper product and channel for the customers. Moreover, cost-profit analysis is also added to this problem. Our experiment results show that the proposed method decreases a fraction of the total profit, but since the decrease in the total cost is very large, there is a huge increase in the overall profit/cost ratio.  相似文献   

This paper examines statistical correlations between workers?? income levels or wages, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The analyzed data set is micro data collected through the Web in 2008 and 2010 by the Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies. This micro data estimates the rank correlation of income classes with respect to three types of ICT labor service. Next, multiple linear regression functions are estimated for the wage levels with respect to age, sex, years of continuous employment, and three types of ICT labor service over all industries and in the manufacturing industry or service industry. Finally, a multiple regression analysis is conducted for individual utility levels with respect to income, leisure, and three types of ICT labor service. The results show that, first, the coefficients of rank correlation for all pooled data are positive and statistically significant. Second, individual ICT labor services have positive effects on workers?? wage levels, and the partial regression coefficients are statistically significant. Third, the partial regression coefficient of personal computer operation time decreased but the partial regression coefficient of mobile computer operation time related to work increased drastically from 2008 to 2010. Fourth, the use of the personal and mobile computer shifts the utility function upward with respect to income and leisure.  相似文献   

The aging of the population in Japan is a serious problem, and the reform of the public pension scheme is a major political issue. Although the 2004 pension reform was enforced to ensure a sustainable pension system in such an aging society, people remain quite apprehensive about the pension system. Consequently, various sectors have created new proposals for pension reform to overcome these problems, and it has become a recent policy debate. The objective of this article is to prepare projections for the income distribution of households containing elderly people using the Japanese microsimulation model, INAHSIM (Integrated Analytical Model for Household Simulation), and to evaluate the effect of the proposals on the living standards of the elderly. According to the simulation results, the problem of very low pension amounts for the elderly does not appear to be growing. However, changes in co-resident families of the elderly, such as the increase in the number of people living alone, may cause a decline in their standard of living. The author points out the problems of the previously proposed reform plans and proposes an alternative reform plan based on the perspective used in this paper.  相似文献   

Graph-based entropy, an index of the diversity of events in their distribution to parts of a co-occurrence graph, is proposed for detecting signs of structural changes in the data that are informative in explaining latent dynamics of consumers’ behavior. For obtaining graph-based entropy, connected sub-graphs are first obtained from the graph of co-occurrences of items in the data. Then, the distribution of items occurring in events in the data to these sub-graphs is reflected on the value of graph-based entropy. For the data on the position of sale, a change in this value is regarded as a sign of the appearance, the separation, the disappearance, or the uniting of consumers’ interests. These phenomena are regarded as the signs of dynamic changes in consumers’ behavior that may be the effects of external events and information. Experiments show that graph-based entropy outperforms baseline methods that can be used for change detection, in explaining substantial changes and their signs in consumers’ preference of items in supermarket stores.  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(6):81-83
艾默生、GE、华为、中兴、比亚迪、台达、长虹、TCL、康佳、雅达等一大批全球知名企业在节能转换装置的应用上都选择了索英电气。作为这个领域的全球老大,索英电气每年可为客户企业减少高达8000多万度的电力开销,相当于每年减排8万多吨CO2。  相似文献   

This study investigates the determinant role of the cross-border movement of skilled labor in the expansion of service trade between the US, and both developed and developing countries. For this purpose, we employ the key concepts of network theory as an analytical framework and conduct panel data analysis and graphical modeling analysis for 31 countries from 1999 to 2008. In this decade, offshore outsourcing in the service trade took off worldwide. We use data for each country’s service exports to the US, number of H-1B visas issued, GNI per-capita, network readiness index, and an English dummy for the official language. We illustrate the trajectory and interactions between these factors. These analyses yield three observations. First, service trade with the US is more intensive among higher income countries. Second, the number of H-1B visas issued has a positive effect on service exports to the US. Third, individuals in lower income countries tend to desire H-1B visas and create intensive skilled labor networks with the US, the path through which developing countries such as India expanded their service exports to the US.  相似文献   

程桔华  吴平 《中关村》2011,(7):16-20
金山顶尖的业务集中在应用软件开发、信息技术服务和信息系统集成等三个领域,用户遍布石油、石化、电力、教育、核能等行业。此外,金山顶尖还是Microsoft的解决方案合作伙伴、服务供应商、金牌认证合作伙伴以及大客户经销商(Dlar),成为HP、IBM、Oracle、SonicWALL、DELL、神码网络等知名IT企业的增值服务商、系统集成商和战略合作伙伴。  相似文献   

In this study, we carry out an empirical analysis on how electronic word-of-mouth (hereinafter “e-WOM”) marketing on e-WOM websites and electronic-commerce websites on the Internet boosts consumption on a macro-level. In our analysis, we conduct a model analysis of consumer behavior using data composed of more than 30,000 questionnaire surveys and quantitatively find the elasticity coefficient of the boost to consumption by performing a two-step GMM (generalized method of moments), which uses instrumental variables. The results of the analysis show e-WOM significantly increased expenditures in six fields: computers, electrical appliances, etc.; music; hobbies; clothing, accessories, etc.; beauty products, etc.; and goods for everyday life, etc. Furthermore, there was no field that had a significantly negative value. These results showed that, in the majority of the target fields, e-WOM had not only the effect of winning customers from the competition, but also the effect of boosting consumption on a macro-level. In addition, even from people’s subjective evaluations, there were many in all the generational groups who said that e-WOM boosted expenditures.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, ICT has rebuilt organizational networks by connecting value chains and providing communication networks. This made certain types of services tradable, including information services. This change raised the public concern in terms of the effect on employment and innovation capacity in developed economies. The fragmentation of the production network of information services has been led by US firms, but is spreading to East Asia, typically in outsourcing from Japan to China, India and the ASEAN countries. This study empirically assesses the effect of offshore outsourcing on employment in Japan, specifying trading partners. The results show that information services outsourcing affects employment in the manufacturing sector in Japan, but the effect is different depending on trading partners. This study discusses the implications from the viewpoint of industry policy, relating the results to outsourced business processes.  相似文献   

When a large-scale disaster hits a community, especially a water-related disaster, there is a scarcity of automobiles and a sudden increase in the demand for used cars in the damaged areas. This paper conducts a case study of a recent massive natural disaster, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 to understand those car scarcities and demand in the aftermath of the catastrophe. We analyze the reasons for the increase in demand for used cars and how social media can predict people’s demand for used automobiles. In other words, this paper explores whether social media data can be used as a sensor of socio-economic recovery status in damaged areas during large-scale water-related disaster-recovery phases. For this purpose, we use social media communication as a proxy for estimating indicators of people’s activities in the real world. This study conducts both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. For the qualitative research, we carry out semi-structured interviews with used-car dealers in the tsunami-stricken area and unveil why people in the area demanded used cars. For the quantitative analysis, we collected Facebook page communication data and used-car market data before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. By combining and analyzing these two types of data, we find that social media communication correlates with people’s activities in the real world. Furthermore, this study suggests that different types of communication on social media have different types of correlations with people’s activities. More precisely, we find that social media communication related to people’s activities for rebuilding and for emotional support is positively correlated with the demand for used cars after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. On the other hand, communication about anxiety and information seeking correlates negatively with the demand for used cars.  相似文献   

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