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近几年,我国城镇居民的收入差距持续扩大,引起了社会各界的关注。其中关于导致差距不断扩大的主要因素的讨论成为了收入分配领域的研究重点。本文以天津市城市社会经济调查队2004年3000户最新调查资料为样本,采用二种方法考察了城镇居民各人口特征对收入差距的贡献。结果表明:职业及职务、教育程度和行业是当前影响我国城镇居民收入差距的三大主要因素,三者合计解释了城镇居民总收入差距的40%以上。其中,职业及职务特征超过了行业,跃居成为影响城镇居民收入差距的首要因素;教育程度的影响排在第二位;行业特征退居第三位。为此,调整城镇居民收入分配的基本原则是“控制两端,扩大中间”,即提高低收入阶层收入水平,控制高收入阶层收入的过快增长,扩大中等收入阶层的规模,形成一个一个菱形的收入分配结构体系。  相似文献   

进入90年代,我国城镇居民中半数以上的家庭收入已步入小康,但居民间收入差距日益扩大。差距拉大包含非劳动致富及分配不公等因素,使居民心理负担加大。 国家统计局城镇调查总队作出的研究报告称,一方面,城镇居民中高收入阶层占相当数量,已跨过小康进入富裕阶段;另一方面,城镇居民中中等收入阶层处于温饱阶段。反映居民收入差距的基尼尔数已由1990年的  相似文献   

陈月婷 《特区经济》2009,(9):123-124
本文从构建社会主义和谐社会的视角出发,论述城镇居民收入差距扩大的双重影响,分析当前城镇居民收入差距的适度性,提出调节城镇居民收入,构建和谐社会的战略对策。  相似文献   

贾冰  韩睿 《发展》2010,(3):81-83
改革开放以来。我国城镇居民收入差距呈扩大趋势。这种趋势的形成与转型时期的制度变迁有密切关系。本文通过新制度经济学的分析视角。探讨我国由计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型过程中。所有制改革、国有企业改革、收入分配制度改革和政府行为对城镇居民收入差距状况产生的影响。  相似文献   

城镇居民收入差距扩大据国家统计局提供的对全国17万户城镇居民抽样调查分户资料表明,各行业就业者收入都较快增长,但差距扩大;各行业间收入差距不适当扩大与行业内部平均主义并存是目前收入分配中存在的主要问题。这份调查资料表明,从1991年到1996年5年...  相似文献   

中国城市居民消费结构升级的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张涛 《魅力中国》2010,(13):13-14
我国城镇居民消费结构经过四个历史发展阶段至今,既有内在优化升级的要求,又面临着收入差距扩大和社会保障制度不完善导致的预防性储蓄倾向增加等限制性因素的影响。促进消费结构升级,需要针对不同收入阶层制定相应的消费鼓励政策。  相似文献   

跨入21世纪,我国经济开始全面进入加速转型期.在这个时期,我国社会产生了一些常见的社会现象,例如就业压力大,收入差距扩大等问题.在收入分配领域里,进入20世纪90年代后,我国城镇基尼系数逐年上升,现在已经超过国际上的警戒线.于是对城镇居民收入差距问题的研究势在必行.本文分为三个部分:一是收入差距的现状;二是收入差距成因分析;三是对策研究.  相似文献   

长株潭“两型”城市群的崛起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,中国城乡收入差距持续扩大,至2008年,城乡收入差距扩大到3.31:1。若将城镇居民的一些隐性福利和优惠折算成收入,中国城乡居民的收入差距将达到6:1以上。中国城乡收入差距扩大的一个重要原因是城市化水平滞后于工业化水平。  相似文献   

收入分配、居民消费与经济发展方式转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘东皇  沈坤荣   《华东经济管理》2010,24(11):31-35
改革开放30年来我国经济持续地高速增长过程中呈现出收入差距不断扩大和居民消费需求不振等问题。文章通过构建模型实证检验了收入分配、居民消费与经济增长之间的关系,研究结果表明:尽管收入差距对农村居民消费的影响并不显著,但城镇居民收入分配差距对其消费有显著的负面影响,我国居民收入差距扩大显著地制约了我国消费需求的增长;居民消费对经济增长存在显著的积极影响,且对经济增长的效应强于投资,扩大居民消费有利于我国经济可持续发展。文章据此提出了针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

收入分配问题是新形势下需要着力解决的重大课题。本选择现阶段我国城镇居民收入差距作为切入点,就其扩大的状况,成因及对策进行论述。  相似文献   

Household income inequality in the Philippines remains high and the trends for three decades have been fairly stable except for a sharp decline in the mid-1980s. Gini coefficient of income inequality has been consistently close to 0.50. Urbanization and education of household head are the most important factors determining the level of income inequality while the contribution of age of head is limited. The increase in the number of urban households results in an increase of overall inequality while the increase in the number of household heads with a college education tends to decrease the inequality. Among the household income sources, wage income is the largest contributor to total income inequality. Wage rate inequality appears to be a major source of wage income inequality.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the determinants of income inequality in Thailand, which increased between 1975 and 1998. Our regression results strongly suggest the significance of agricultural factors. We also obtain some limited evidence that sectoral factors, financial development, and education level disparities play a roughly equally important role in explaining inequality changes in Thailand.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of financial openness on financial sector development and income inequality. We use the de jure and de facto measures of financial openness across 78 countries from 1980 to 2019. By employing a system generalized method of moments (GMM) with 5-year averaged data and a novel push and pull modeling framework, we obtain three key results. First, the de jure measure of financial openness exacerbates income inequality and is sensitive to banking crises and conflict intensity. Second, the de facto measure spurs stock value traded in emerging market economies (EMEs) and declines domestic credit in Africa. Third, the interaction between de facto measures with schooling and governance factors affects financial sector development and income inequality. We highlighted that the mere usage of the de jure measure and their interaction is incorrect. The key implication is that valuable information about the real impact of openness can be obtained from the de facto measures and their interaction with favorable macroeconomic fundamentals, governance factors, and adverse nonpolicy factors.  相似文献   

Changes in the differences of heights among social groups could indicate shifts in income inequality. However, they can result from other factors as well. This article discusses which factors are these and, hence, which variables should we control for before taking height differences as a proxy for income inequality. An application to Spain from late nineteenth to mid-twentieth century seems to sustain the authors' contentions, and provide some conclusions for this country and time period. Given the scarcity of data on family incomes, this method could prove valuable for the study of the long-run evolution of income distribution in other countries.  相似文献   

本文采用我国1991~2004年的省际面板数据,就收入不平等与对外开放之间的关系进行了实证检验,发现进出口的增加与外商直接投资的大量进入均导致了我国收入不平等程度的提高。以往的研究并没有将进口和出口的影响区分开来,本文分别分析了进口和出口对各地区收入不平等的影响,发现进口能够显著提高各地区的收入不平等程度,而出口能够在一定程度上减少收入不平等。文章最后就对外开放对我国收入不平等产生影响的可能途径进行了探讨,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

从总体上看,目前中印两国农村内部不平等程度基本上差不多,但是两国收入分配不平等的历史变化和趋势不一样;中国城乡之间无论是收入差距,还是消费差距所反映的不平等程度都明显高于印度的不平等;中国是农村不平等大于城市不平等程度,而印度则是城市不平等大于农村不平等。导致这些结构性差异的原因主要是:印度的经济增长包括技术变化、对外开放、人力资本等因素对于城乡内部以及城乡之间、地区之间等收入不平等变化产生的影响和作用更大;而中国经济增长和对外开放等因素虽然对于收入不平等也有一定影响,但是政府的政策导向和理念(先富后富政策理念与城市和沿海偏向政策)则对于城乡内部以及同一地区内城乡之间的不平等的影响更大一些。  相似文献   

Previous studies have cited inequality as a major factor relating to conflicts in Indonesia, while consideration of polarization and fractionalization as drivers of conflict is limited. The current paper examined the roles of three indices (polarization, inequality and fractionalization) in explaining the incidence of conflicts in Indonesian provinces over 2002–2012. This study used income (proxied by expenditure) differences to measure polarization and inequality, with subnational data as the unit of analysis. In addition, to complete the analysis, the present study used a variety of socioeconomic indicators as additional control variables. This paper verified that the high degrees of income polarization, ethnic fractionalization and income inequality are associated with the high probability of conflicts in Indonesian provinces. It also found that socioeconomic factors such as poverty, unemployment, population and natural resources, as well as some types of local government spending are significantly associated with conflicts.  相似文献   

This paper presents tests and estimates of the human capital model of income inequality using synthetic cohort data for Thailand: 1992–2011. The model focuses on four primary determinants of income inequality: mean per capita income levels, the variances in years of education, in the number of children, and in the number of earners in the household. All of these factors are important sources of income inequality in Thailand, with relative impacts that differ across demographic groups and types of household structure. An inverted-U relation between mean per capita income levels and inequality is found, reflecting gender differences of the head of household, differences in household composition, and variation in access to finance. Although the human capital model emphasizes education, estimates presented here show other household characteristics, such as number of children and number of earners, can be even more important sources of inequality.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of inward and outward FDI on income inequality in Europe using panel cointegration techniques and unbalanced panel regressions. Our main result is that both inward FDI and outward FDI have, on average, a negative long-run effect on income inequality. This result is robust to employing alternative estimation methods, controlling for potential outliers, using different measures of FDI and inequality, and changing the period and sample selection. Other findings are: (i) while the long-run effect of inward and outward FDI on income inequality is clearly negative, their short-run effect appears to be positive. (ii) Long-run causality runs in both directions, suggesting that an increase in inward and outward FDI reduces income inequality in the long run, and that, in turn, a reduction in inequality leads to an increase in inward and outward FDI. (iii) There are large cross-country differences in the long-run effects of inward and outward FDI on income inequality; for some countries the long-run effects on income inequality are positive.  相似文献   

This paper reports an application of household survey data collected from grain producing areas in five provinces of China to issues of the determinants of rural inequality. Previous studies suggest that non-agricultural activities have been the major cause of rural income inequality, which has important implications for policy formulation. However, our results show that inequality within the grain producing areas was also very high, with differences in crop income as the major source of inequality. The policy implications are also different from those of previous studies. While some suggest that an increase in agricultural income can reduce inequality, our results indicate that this is not universally true. In some cases, whether the increase in crop income has come from state procurement also matters. These results call for a more cautious and area-specific approach to policy formulation as far as inequality is concerned.  相似文献   

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