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吉林省一次性能源储量严重短缺,且能源自给率较低、消费结构不合理、能源利用率低;而生物质能、太阳能、风能等可再生能源丰富,开发利用潜力大,且拥有发展可再生能源产业的科技优势和实践基础.因此,可以通过发展可再生能源产业有效地解决吉林省经济发展与能源短缺和环境保护间的矛盾.制约吉林省可再生能源产业发展的主要因素有资金投入不足、技术相对滞后、管理体制不规范、激励政策不够完善等.对吉林省发展可再生能源产业的建议:一是加大科技创新投入力度,夯实产业技术基础;二是加强市场培育和开发,以规范化促进产业化;三是加强宏观管理,发挥政策的引导和激励作用.  相似文献   

林业生态经济系统能值分析指标体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现行的度量方法很难有效地解决环境和资源在经济体系中的价值问题,现尝试运用能值分析方法来解决此类问题。在对林业生态经济系统发展规律充分认识的基础上,按照能值指标体系构建的基本原则,借鉴已有的能值分析指标,阐述林业生态经济系统能值指标体系的基本构架,包括能值投入分析指标,能值产出分析指标,林业生态经济系统基本能值指标体系。提出可持续发展的能值指数,为林业生态经济系统的可持续发展状况研究提供了一种新的视野。  相似文献   

The provisions of the 1983 International Coffee Agreement (ICA) and proposed reforms to eliminate exports to nonmember importers at discounted prices are analyzed. The discounted sales were a key issue that led to the breakdown of negotiations for a new ICA and the end of export quotas under the current agreement. A model of the world coffee market incorporating the policy response of exporting countries is used to analyze the welfare implications of the different alternatives. The model shows that the price discounts result from the structure of the current agreement (the existence of nonmember importing countries) and allocation of export quotas for the member market, which does not reflect export capacity. Welfare calculations based on the model show that several small exporters derive substantial benefits from nonmember market sales. These exporters will not be willing to comply with an arrangement to allocate quotas for the nonmember market unless they receive a large share of this market. However, the large exporters appear determined to retain their market share. The results of the model predict that, unless importers no longer insist on eliminating the price discounts, a new agreement is unlikely.  相似文献   

The demand for crop hail insurance is examined in both static and dynamic models and both with and without all-risk crop insurance. Contrary to general results on optimal insurance with background risk, crop revenue uncertainty induces the farmer to decrease rather than increase coverage. The underinsurance results are strengthened when farmers are able to dynamically update their insurance portfolio as information about the value of the crop is revealed over time. When hail insurance is purchased along with all-risk crop insurance, two alternative approaches are examined and their efficiency properties compared.
Nous examinons la demande d'assurance-grêle au moyen, à lafois, de modèles statiques et de modèles dynamiques, chacun intégré ou non à une assurance tout-risque. Contrairement à ce qu'on observe généralement pour le niveau d'assurance optimal établi enprésence d'un risque sous-jacent, l'incertitude quant au rendement des cultures attendu incite l'exploitant agricole à réduire, plutôt qu'à augmenter, sa couverture. Les résultats de cette sous-assurance sont améliorés lorsque l'exploitant est capable d'actualiser régulièrement son portefeuille d'assurance à mesure que la valeur finale de la récolte se précise. Dans le cas de l'assurance-grêle achetée dans le cadre d'une assurance-récolte tout-risque, nous comparons deux options quant à leur possibilité de rendement économique.  相似文献   

This paper examines the economics of the adoption of sustainable production practices for soil erosion control. The research was conducted on three case farms within the Saint‐Esprit watershed in Quebec using a two‐stage process. The first stage involved the use of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to record erosion characteristics (slope, etc.) for these farmers'fields. This erosion information was then included as input information in the second stage of the process. Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) was used to model both individual farms and the watershed. Increasing erosion constraints were applied to these models to investigate changes in crop production mixes for farms and the watershed. A comparison of the results (farms versus watershed) was used to investigate policy questions concerning an optimal erosion constraint for society. Results generated indicate that farms with higher net incomes would be advantaged by erosion constraints set at the watershed level, whereas farms with lower net revenues would be disadvantaged. Thus, trading of pollution permits could be encouraged. Cet article examine les aspects économiques de l'adoption de pratiques de production durables visant a réduire l'érosion du sol. La recherche fut effectuée sur trois fermes situées dans le has sin du Saint‐Esprit au Québec, et impliqua un processus à deux étapes. Le premier étape consiste en l'utilisation du systéme d'informations géographiques “ SIG ” afin de noter les caractéristiques de l'érosion (pente, etc.) dans ces champs agricoles. Ces renseignements servirent de données au sein du deuxième étape. La méthode de programmation linéaire à nombres entiers mixtes fut employée afin de modéliser les fermes individuelles, ainsi que le bassin. Ensuite, les contraintes d‘érosion furent appliquées sur ces modèles de manière croissante, et ce afin d'étudier les changements dans le melange des productions de cultures pour les fermes et le bassin. Une comparaison des résultats (fermes vs. bassin) fut accomplie pour examiner les questions de politiques pouvant mener à une contrainte d‘érosion optimale pour la société. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les fermes ayant des revenus nets élevés seraient avantagées par des contraintes d'érosion établies au niveau du bassin, tandis que les fermes aux revenus nets plus bas en seraient désavantagées. En conséquence, l'échange de permis de pollution est recommandé.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the benefits and costs of soil conservation in the Upper Mahaweli Watershed of Sir Lanka. The costs of soil erosion control include the implementation costs of control measures, while the benefits are reductions in the costs of soil erosion. In contrast to many studies in developed countries, the on‐site benefit of soil erosion control in Sri Lanka is estimated to be greater than the off‐site benefit While a social benefit‐cost analysis demonstrates that it is socially desirable to implement conservation measures, the private financial analyses indicate that it is feasible for individual farmers to adopt the conservation measures. Despite private economic feasibility, programs addressing farmers' reluctance to adopt soil conservation measures may be preferable to public intervention in soil conservation activities when the on‐site benefits are greater than the off‐site benefits.  相似文献   

The Economics of Managing Infectious Wildlife Disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use a two-state linear control model to examine the socially optimal management of disease in a valuable wildlife population when diseased animals cannot be harvested selectively. The two control variables are nonselective harvests and supplemental feeding of wildlife, where feeding increases both in situ productivity and disease prevalence. We derive a double singular solution which depends on the initial state and does not require bang-bang controls. The case of bovine tuberculosis among Michigan white-tailed deer is analyzed. In the base model, the disease is optimally maintained at low levels, with intermittent investments (via feeding) in deer productivity.  相似文献   

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