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德国公共养老金体系覆盖范围由最初的工人,逐步扩大到遗属、雇员、失业人员,历经了经济危机、世界大战等历次变革的冲击,终于在1956—1957年的改革中实现了俾斯麦保障退休前后生活水平不变的理念。  相似文献   

生物技术是当前最具潜力和最富活力的科技领域之一。德国联邦政府认为,从传统化石能源时代向生物经济时代过渡是人类社会发展的必然趋势.未来生命科学和生物技术将更广泛地应用于农业、林业、渔业、畜牧业、食品、化工、制药、能源、环保和商贸服务等众多产业领域。知识生物经济将提高国家竞争力。2010年11月,德国联邦政府发布了《生物经济2030:国家研究战略》。包括德国在内的世界各国政府都高度重视推动本国生物技术研发创新和产业化发展。本文对德国生物技术产业发展最新情况进行了调研,并对其研发创新及其产业化发展的政策机制进行了总结分析。  相似文献   

德国近年来经济一直不景气,1993年滑坡已达谷底,1994年虽说有回升,但即便乐观估计,增长率也未达到2%。过去许多德国人仅视此为一种周期性衰退,现在终于明白并非如此,这完全是一种结构危机,特别是一种产业结构危机的体现。长期以来在市场上的成功使  相似文献   

概况2003年德国经济、社会福利以及就业形势进一步恶化,全年财政赤字约占GDP的4%。欧洲经济龙头德国是2003年唯一零增长的发达国家。欧元坚挺对于原本低迷的德国经济是雪上加霜,2003年德国失业人数一直保持在430万左右的高水平。2002年德国的科研经费占GDP比例重新达到2.5%,大选后新一届政府确定了科研发展目标,即到2010年科研经费占GDP的3%。因经济持续低迷,2003年大研究机构科研经费为零增长。联邦政府决定,从2004年起大研究机构的年科研经费增加3%科研经费为焦点话题1.经费零增长影响深远由于经济持续低迷,联邦政府突然宣布了2003年…  相似文献   

1995年5月,德国联邦教研部委托下萨克森经济研究所、德意志经济研究所、弗朗霍夫系统科学与创新研究所、德国欧洲经济研究中心四所软科学研究机构共同完成一份全面描述德国技术创新能力状况的报告,以便在此基础上进行广泛的讨论并确定今后德国中长期科技发展战略。这份报告已于1995年年底完成,1996年初由联邦教研部发表,题为《论德国技术能力——给联邦教研部的报告》(简称《报告》),该报告通过纵向和横向的比较,着重论述了德国在  相似文献   

德国经验——标准推动经济快速增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国人在战后所创造的经济奇迹令世人惊讶,同时也促使人们研究其取得成功的秘诀。德国人以严谨务实的工作作风积极参与制订、推行、使用标准与其创造经济奇迹有着密切的关系。一项最新的研究结果表明,从 1965~ 1997年德国国民经济增长率中的近 1/3是由标准化所带来的。由此我们不难发现,德国人采用白纸黑字创造了经济奇迹。   创新潜力是高技术国家竞争力和经济增长的重要源泉。为保持竞争力仅仅依靠创新是不够的。新产品只有能迅速打入市场和新工艺不断推广,才能实现经济效益。因此国家创新体系不仅要鼓励创新,而且必须保证创新与…  相似文献   

欧元危机爆发以来,欧盟在经济结构、财政纪律等方面有德国化的趋势。借鉴德国的经验,在中日韩自由贸易谈判中,中国有必要在谈判中展现高度的技术性和灵活性,争取利益的最大化。  相似文献   

孙艳 《经济》2012,(11):84-85
正值欧债危机愈演愈烈之际,经合组织8月13日预计,德国2012年贸易顺差将达到2000亿美元,超过中国、日本及海湾石油输出国,成为世界第一。德国联邦政府认为,其出口经济极具实力,相关数据是本国高水平竞争力的体现,值得骄傲。德国强劲的竞争力使其在欧债危机的惊涛骇浪中岿然不动,甚至一枝独秀,但也  相似文献   

德国鲁尔区工矿城市经济结构的转变   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
焦华富  韩世君 《经济地理》1997,17(2):104-107
1经济结构转变的紧迫性鲁尔区是德国最重要的工业区之一、在德国近代工业的发展中占居重要的地位、素有“德国工业之引擎”的美称。从50年代起、由于世界能源消费结构的改变和科技革命的冲击、鲁尔区逐步陷入了结构性危机之中。经济增长速度减缓、主导产业衰落。城市失业率上升、大量人口外流、生活水平下降、环境污染日益加剧。联邦政府对鲁尔区的衰退十分重视.制订了进行整治和改造的一系列规划和政策措施.如:成立鲁尔煤管区开发协会、负责制订整治、发展规划;在资金、税收等方面也采取了相应的扶持政策.以促进全区经济结构的转变。…  相似文献   

二战后,德国经济的腾飞一直吸引着中外学者的眼球,探求其原因,我们可以看到既有国际大环境下的外部条件,亦有国内人才和技术以及政策的决定因素。回顾德国发展历程,冷战、朝鲜战争,越南战争,科技,人才,市场经济体制,法制以及社会保障体系都是其腾飞不可或缺的因素。今天,在全球经济降温以及欧债危机的大环境下,德国经济何去何从,如何变革,这些都是我们不断思考的问题。  相似文献   

Germany has realized tremendous growth rates in the aftermath of the Second World War. Since the early 1970s, growth rates declined and settled down at a more or less constant rate of 2% per year, only to experience a renewed negative trend around the early 2000s. Estimating GMM growth models in a panel of 187 countries between 1970 and 2010, we illustrate that large parts of historical welfare increases have emerged due to conditional convergence, human capital accumulation, and innovation activity. Whereas conditional convergence was the main driver behind the extraordinary postwar growth rates in Germany, human capital accumulation in Germany currently lags behind the average level of most developed countries. While this may explain the moderate position of Germany in the group of the 25 richest countries, the developed countries on their part are experiencing a period of below-average GDP growth. In nearly all advanced economies, growth reveals a downward trend since the turn of the millennium. We argue that this decline must be traced back to a general lack of radically new ideas in the world economy. The explanation of the German growth crisis may thus be considered a blueprint of the situation in developed economies.  相似文献   

This study uses tailor-made enterprise-level data for 2008–2010 from various sources for firms from manufacturing industries to test for the link between credit constraints, measured by a credit rating score provided by a leading credit rating agency, and imports in Germany for the first time. We find empirical evidence that a better credit rating score is positively related to extensive margins of import – firms with a better score have a higher probability to import, they import more goods and they source from more countries of origin. The intensive margin of imports – the share of imports in total sales – is found not to be related to credit constraints.  相似文献   

德国的工业生物技术具有很长的历史,目前在各行业的应用迅速增长.通过发展工业生物技术,德国提高了工业的竞争力和创造了大量就业机会.德国具有发展工业生物技术的雄厚工业基础及技术优势,但缺乏风险资本和配套政策.因此,目前德国正在研究发展工业生物技术的相关政策.  相似文献   

How efficient is the East German economy? An exploration with microdata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of the East German economy at the firm level using an unbalanced panel over the transition period 1994 to 1998. We adopt a translog stochastic frontier model to estimate technical efficiency in eastern and western Germany. The results indicate that firms in eastern Germany are significantly less efficient than firms in western Germany. The paper also examines some of the possible correlates of regional variations in firm-level efficiency.
JEL classification: D24, C33, J31, O52.  相似文献   

英国和德国都是国际上控制气候变化和开发可替代能源的积极倡导者,但目前,两国在可再生能源的开发和利用方面存在较大的差距:截至2012年,英国和德国可再生能源在最终能源消费中的占比分别为4.1%和12.6%;可再生能源的总装机容量分别为15538和76017MW。究其原因,主要是由两国不同的能源政策造成的,英国采取的是类似配额制的可再生能源义务令制度,而德国采用的是固定上网电价机制。事实证明,德国的入网电价体系优于英国的可再生能源义务令,因为它在一定时期内能为可再生能源发电商提供稳定的回报。英国尽管在可再生能源的开发和利用方面落后于德国,但英国自然条件优越,开发利用可再生能源的潜力巨大,加上政府的积极努力,英国可再生能源产业的发展有望得到较大改观。  相似文献   

Analysis of the German response to the euro crisis has been framed around a narrative of the relationship between domestic sacrifice and hegemony and sustains an assumption that the German commitment to the euro is proven. Such analysis downplays the importance of the banking crisis in Germany in explaining the decision-making of the German government around the euro-zone debt crisis. Giving German interests in relation to the German banking crisis analytical weight can explain both the positions taken by the German government and their consequences for the underlying structural problems the euro-zone faces as a monetary union. Since the outcomes of German policy have advanced German interests, German handling of the euro-zone crisis cannot sustain a claim that Germany has demonstrated its commitment to the euro.  相似文献   

In the past, France and Germany were able to exercise leadership in history-making decisions in monetary cooperation, from the establishment of the EMS to EMU. In the case of Banking Union (BU), however, Germany and France turned out to be the main opponents with little common influence. Why could we not observe the familiar pattern of Franco-German co-leadership in building the BU? My explanation points to diverging views on the social purpose of a BU, the asymmetrical distribution of its costs and benefits for the two countries, highly prominent distributional conflicts and severe domestic constraints in Germany. These explanatory factors also account for the unfinished character of Banking Union.  相似文献   

Motivated by contradictory evidence on intergenerational mobility in Germany, I present a cross‐country comparison of Germany and the U.S., reassessing the question of whether intergenerational mobility is higher in Germany than in the U.S. I can reproduce the standard result from the literature, which states that the German intergenerational elasticity estimates are lower than those for the U.S. However, based on highly comparable data, even a reasonable degree of variation in the sampling rules leads to similar estimates in both countries. I find no evidence for non‐linearities along the fathers' earnings distribution. In contrast, the analysis shows that mobility is higher for the sons at the lowest quartile of the sons' earnings distribution in both countries. In Germany this result is mainly driven by a high downward mobility of sons with fathers in the upper middle part of the earnings distribution. The corresponding pattern is clearly less pronounced in the U.S.  相似文献   

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