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通过对中国铁路运输现状的分析,提出铁路运输企业改革的方向与对策:建设发达的运输网络,实施客货分线,缓解运输能力紧张局面;改革运输组织方案,构建综合运输体系;建设物流运输体系,实现运输资源的优化配置;改革铁路运输经营体制,扩大市场占有率;改革运输价格机制,积极应对市场变化;不断优化服务质量,提高铁路在客货运市场中的竞争能力。  相似文献   

为研究车流径路对铁路货物运输需求的影响机理,提升铁路运输市场竞争力,文章首先分析了车流径路调整对铁路运输组织的影响,梳理影响货主决策的关键因素。设计建立Logit模型,定义效用值为运输环节完成后货物的剩余价值,实现运输效用的货币化展示。模型分析了车流径路调整对不同货物品类铁路运输分担率的影响及对区域路网的影响。最终通过选取中国铁路唐山北站—丰润南站车流径路调整的案例,证明了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

铁路运输调度部门作为铁路系统核心的业务部门,承担铁路运输调度集中统一指挥、路网性的运力资源配置、应急救援指挥等重要职能,基于铁路运输安全、运输组织效率和运输效益等因素分析构建铁路运输调度业务绩效考核体系,提出铁路运输调度考核体系存在问题,优化铁路运输调度业务绩效考核体系,即:增加考核指标,设置科学合理目标值,完善运输调度内部考核办法,促使运输调度部门和职工履职尽责,合理配置运力资源,确保铁路运输安全,不断提升运输组织效率效益。  相似文献   

分析浙江省铁路水泥运输的基本情况,说明水泥企业对铁路运输的需求持续增长,为解决铁路运输能力紧张和专用车辆严重不足等问题,提出改进铁路水泥运输组织方式,优化运力资源配置,加强专用车辆管理,立足内部挖潜和建立健全水泥运输管理制度等对策建议,以进一步扩大浙江省铁路水泥运量。  相似文献   

铁路运输调度系统积极面对新冠疫情、极端天气以及市场波动对铁路造成的影响,发挥全国铁路运输集中统一指挥优势,推动调度安全有序稳定,促进运输效率高位提升,实现货运装车连创新高。在分析安全基础管理、路网能力配置、运力资源配置、运输总体增量、集中统一指挥等经营成效基础上,从充分释放路网运输潜力、稳定货运装车总量、提升天窗组织质量、深化运输提质增效、强化运输生产一体协同、强化调度信息化保障支撑等方面解析铁路运输调度发展经验,提出铁路运输调度高质量发展提升路径,即:全面深化基础管理,全面强化路网运力保障,全面贯通三级调度指挥,全面加强施工维修管理,全面推进调度信息化建设,全面提升十八点统计工作质量,全面强化队伍综合素质。  相似文献   

结合新疆经济发展趋势,通过对管道运输分流后铁路运量和货源结构变化进行分析,在优化资源配置、挖掘运输潜力、提高点线能力等方面,对今后铁路运输生产经营提出设想和建议。  相似文献   

随着运输市场变化、铁路运输改革和铁路信息化水平提升的需要,加快对运输调度系统的升级改造十分关键。在分析既有运输调度系统存在主要问题的基础上,通过阐述铁路运输调度管理系统升级的目标和原则,从总公司级、铁路局级2个方面阐明铁路运输调度管理系统升级的主要内容,提出运输调度管理系统升级的实施步骤。  相似文献   

"网运分离"条件下铁路客票价格分析和设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在铁路运输体制实地“网运分离”改革后,客运公司作为自主经营的经济实体,应根据价值决定价格,市场供求关系和差别定价三项原则,并结合运输成本,不同地区人们对运输需求和收入水平状况,以及铁路运输的淡,旺季时段,在国务院物价主管部门规定的价格幅度内,实现自主确定铁路客票价格,并以成本管理为基础,进行价格设计。  相似文献   

为使铁路运输适应连云港港口的发展要求,分析港口铁路运输存在的问题,提出建立安全长效机制、加大运力倾斜力度、加快信息化建设、优化路港卸车组织、优化运输组织方式等建议,稳定和拓展铁路在港口的运输市场,适应港口快速发展需要。  相似文献   

铁路货运现状及发展运输代理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2007年铁路运输发展情况,针对目前铁路货运在运输速度、办理手续、价格制定、货损赔偿和内部竞争等方面不能适应市场发展需要的现状,提出健全铁路货运营销机制、完善适应市场供求需要的货运手段、推行货场一体化改革、改革铁路货物运价体制、改革货运保价制度、优化运输结构、发展联运网络等措施,并探讨了发展运输代理网络的优点。  相似文献   

This work describes a methodology for determining the average vehicle kilometres travelled by the private national car fleet in Ireland and estimating the disaggregated CO2 and NOx emissions from private vehicles in the Irish road transport sector for the period 2000–2005 using national car test records. The developed methodology facilitates the calculation of greatly improved estimates for vehicle kilometres under a range of constraint variables and thereby enables the disaggregated analysis of specific vehicle fleet groups and their associated activity patterns to support evidence-based policy development. The results indicate that while older vehicles are contributing significantly to car NOx emissions; newer cars produce a higher share of CO2 emissions than older cars in the vehicle fleet.  相似文献   

This paper utilises revealed-preference parking trend data from parking meters ex ante and ex post of a general 50% price increase in the hourly cost of on-street parking to estimate the on-street parking price elasticity of demand in an area of Dublin, Ireland. Estimates are presented for the aggregate price elasticity of demand level and individual estimates for specific time periods and days of the week. In terms of reduced parking frequency, the average price elasticity of demand reported is −0.29. Daily average estimates are consistent, with one notable exception being Thursday, a ‘late night shopping’ day for which a lower price sensitivity is reported. Morning periods are also shown to be more responsive than other time periods in the test area, indicating some potential for influencing morning inbound peak traffic levels.  相似文献   

Organizations displaying best practices for attaining proactive sustainability targets at local level are of major importance as role models in the transition toward a sustainable transport system. This study summarizes results and conclusions from 20 municipalities in Sweden that have implemented the so called CERO analysis in order to adapt to future emission targets for travel. The overall aim of the study is to identify factors explaining why some municipalities are more successful than others in a benchmarking comparison.

The results indicate that commuting by car is by far the most dominant source of emissions, constituting on average 76% of total annual travel emissions (including both commuting and business travel). In order to reduce these emissions, travel planning programs within organizations must address both commuting conditions and business travel conditions to reduce car dependence for work travel, e.g., employees using private cars for business trips most likely also use their own cars for commuting. To identify potential success factors as regards emissions-efficient travel, three comparative statistical analyses were conducted: grouping municipalities with low emissions in relation to the total average; analysis of car commuters' willingness to change travel mode; and before-and-after analyses of municipalities implementing specific action plans. The results revealed that municipalities conducting follow-up studies 2 years after implementing travel planning programs all lowered their total CO2 emissions, by on average 10% during a 2-year period. Overall, these municipalities achieved redistribution to alternative travel modes but also reduced total travel mileage.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the Tunisian government's tourist promotion policies during the 1990s. It takes a Deleuzian perspective, using the notion of crystalline narration developed by the author of The Time-Image. I will emphasise the idea of coalescence between past and present as revealed in the advertising images of the period where heritage objects appear among other contemporary objects.

In fact, I will draw on a corpus of short films and commercials produced by the Tunisian tourism bureau to be broadcast both inside and outside the country. My analysis will focus on the ways in which actors in the fields of politics and tourism use these objects for media purposes, targeting both Tunisians and foreign tourists to whom they strive to hold up a crystal-image of Tunisia. This image is shored up by a political discourse put forward by a state that wishes to appear both to its citizens and to others as reconciling past and present. The crystal metaphor evokes a narrative mode in which heritage is likened to the glittering of scattered crystals and Tunisian identity seems to emerge from the ‘mists of time’ with sparkling refractions on ‘tips of the present’.  相似文献   

This paper obtains the optimal routings for intermodal containerized transport from Canada to Mexico. Such traffic is being stimulated by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but the cost and lead times of feasible routes are not well known. We summarize the links and routes to Mexico on which one or more carriers now operate, and then determine non-dominated tradeoffs between cost and service. Every southbound route from Canada requires a transshipment point in the southern or southwestern U. S. Feasible transshipment points are also candidate locations for a manufacturing ‘twin plant’, a distribution centre, or a transportation hub. Here, as a first step in this bigger problem, a network is constructed between five Canadian origins and three important Mexican destinations. Each link employs available intermodal services whose transit time and transportation cost are obtained through industry sources. A shortest-path algorithm enables calculation of the route requiring least time and the route of minimum cost. Non-dominated time/cost tradeoffs are identified for each origin–destination pair. After including inventory expenses (by parametrizing the unit value of lead time), total-cost curves then eliminate some routing alternatives. Guidelines are provided on the effects of mode, carrier, and O–D locations on selection of intermodal routes to Mexico. Finally, two new intermodal services are proposed and their benefits discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a single international border can exact different policies, practices, spatial variations, and tourism spaces at various points along its length. Based on an examination of the westernmost portion of the Canada–US frontier, this constructivist study investigates how the juxtaposition of barriers, attractions, transit spaces, and tourism landscapes is created concurrently on a single stretch of an international boundary. Four coterminous ‘zones’ of tourism were identified, including an area of illegal activity, ports of entry or crossing points, the peace park, and the exclave zone. Theoretical and practical implications are drawn from this study for border managers, tourism planners, and border agencies.  相似文献   

企业筹资中亟待重视非显性成本的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在企业筹资过程中,必然会导致非显性成本的产生。非显性成本具有不可控、误导等特性,往往掩盖企业总成本的真实性,影响决策的预期效应,影响经济决策的科学判断和正确选择。因此,不能把非显性成本排除在经济形势观察的视野之外,为此对铁路企业筹资中降低非显性成本提出有关建议。  相似文献   

针对未来10年山东经济和社会对铁路客货运输需求的发展趋势,从分析铁路运输需求总量、结构和质量入手,指出铁路仍是中、长途客运市场的主力;随着工业化、城镇化进程的加快,短途客运市场将是铁路扩大运输市场的关键点:由于货物运输需求结构的变化,铁路高附加值、集装箱适箱货物运输也将成为铁路货运强有力的增长点,界时,对铁路运输质量将提出更高要求。还指出,山东铁路网存在结构不尽合理,线路总量不足,装备水平和服务质量有待提高等软硬件不适应之处。为此,提出应加速铁路建设,优化、完善和扩大铁路综合运输能力,积极开发运输新产品等对策。  相似文献   

我国西部交通发展战略与措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地区间发展不平衡、东西部差距加大,已成为我国国民经济和社会全面持续发展的羁绊,而交通是其中的一个主要影响因素。针对目前我国西部交通发展建设中存在的问题,对西部交通的发展战略目标和设想进行了探讨,提出了建立西部综合运输体系新格局,以及加快西部交通发展的建议。  相似文献   

Evaluating the demand for new cycle facilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are many studies which report attitudes to cycling and factors affecting the propensity to cycle but very few which evaluate the detailed costs and benefits of new cycle facilities. As part of a review of cycle facility provision in Bradford, West Yorkshire, a large scale survey of current and potential cyclists was conducted in 1994. A stated preference survey design was used to estimate the value placed on the different attributes of four alternative cycle routes under consideration. The results found that safety is more highly valued than time and that some new cycle schemes can be economically justified on the basis of benefits to current cyclists, even in circumstances of relatively low cycle use. The findings are important in the context of the current promotion of cycle facilities and highlights the need for further research and monitoring.  相似文献   

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