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文章基于资源保存理论,构建一个跨层次模型,探讨了员工心理资本对创新行为的影响以及变革开放性和交互记忆系统分别在其中的中介及调节作用。数据分析结果表明:心理资本可以有效预测员工创新行为;员工的变革开放性部分中介心理资本和创新行为;交互记忆系统在心理资本-变革开放性-创新行为这一中介机制中起正向调节作用,即交互记忆系统水平越高,变革开放性对心理资本-创新行为的中介作用越强。文章有助于打开心理资本影响员工创新行为的“黑箱”并能够有效指导企业对员工创新行为的管理。  相似文献   

以往信任研究忽略了重要一点:下级很有可能在一段时间内感知到来自上级的信任是波动的,即信任随时间变化存在波动性特征,且个体在感知信任稳定性方面也存在差异。文章引入感知信任波动性概念,借助不确定性管理理论,探讨感知信任波动性对下级状态感恩、工作压力以及工作投入的影响,并检验了工作负荷与同理心的调节作用。通过连续7个工作日的日志研究法问卷调研,研究发现:工作负荷对感知信任波动性与下级状态感恩、工作压力和工作负荷关系的调节效应假设未得到支持;同理心的调节效应得到了部分支持,其中同理心缓解了员工感知信息透露波动性对工作压力的负面影响;增强了员工感知依赖波动性对状态感恩的负面影响;增强了员工感知依赖波动性对工作投入的负面影响。研究结果进一步对“下级感知上级信任波动性可能产生何种结果,以及组织情境和个人特质如何影响这种结果”提供了基于时间波动性的解释,也使管理者真正清楚“信任作为一种策略用于管理员工,当其存在波动性时,如何进一步引发不确定性管理问题”。  相似文献   

创新活动充满不确定性、风险性和复杂性,创新失败频繁发生。在此背景下,如何激励员工从失败中学习并成长是学者与管理者关注的焦点。基于社会认知理论和社会学习理论,文章构建“领导-员工心理-员工行为”研究框架,重点探究真实型领导对创新失败情境下员工失败学习行为的影响机制。研究发现:真实型领导能有效激发员工失败学习行为;内部人身份感知、员工韧性分别在真实型领导与员工失败学习行为关系间起部分中介作用,并且构成中介链发挥链式中介作用。研究结论不仅拓展了中国情境下员工从失败中学习与成长的研究,而且为企业如何构建从失败中学习的文化氛围,促进员工学习与创新行为提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

在创新驱动发展的今天,为保护员工弥足珍贵的自我创造空间,个性化工作协议成为了越来越重要的工作范式。已有研究基于自我决定理论揭示个性化工作协议促进个体创造力,但忽视了缺乏组织约束下可能带来的潜在消极影响。文章从创造蕴含的高失败风险特性和个性化工作协议潜在的身份认同特性出发,基于自我归类理论,由自我归类过程的“自我提升”和“减少不确定性”两大动机引入个性化工作协议和上级发展性反馈,构建了一个有调节的中介模型,探讨个性化工作协议对员工创造力的影响机制。通过区间估计Bootstrap法以及Johnson-Neyman法对325个有效样本进行假设检验,结果表明:个性化工作协议正向影响员工创造力;内部人身份认知发挥中介作用;上级发展性反馈正向调节内部人身份认知在个性化工作协议与员工创造力之间的中介作用。文章拓展了个性化工作协议的研究视角,表明它不仅仅是一种工作时的协议,还蕴含着高度的情感连带与主体互动,这为组织实施个性化工作协议提供了理论基础和实践启示。  相似文献   

员工建言在提高组织运行中扮演重要的角色,由于员工常常担心建言会威胁到组织的现状并使领导感到难堪而不愿发表自己的意见,如何促进员工建言是学者们普遍关注的主题。文章采用12家企业的145名员工和37名直接主管的配对问卷数据,运用多元线性回归方法检验了组织认同对基于组织的自尊的影响,基于组织的自尊在组织认同与建言之间的中介作用,以及工作价值观对基于组织的自尊与建言的调节作用。研究显示:组织认同显著正向影响基于组织的自尊;基于组织的自尊部分中介组织认同对建言的作用;工作价值观各维度中只有内在偏好工作价值观在基于组织的自尊与建言的关系中起正向调节作用。文章对充实组织认同和建言文献有重要的意义,可以为企业激励员工建言提供理论指导。  相似文献   

钟勇 《现代商业》2008,(2):148-149
在中国经济转轨的过程中,我国大部分国有企业薪酬分配体系基础还很薄弱;同时由于缺乏现代人力资管理理念的引导,企业薪酬激励机制内容比较单一,效果不明显。随着2008年国家新的《劳动法》的颁布,许多国有企业在薪酬分配体系方面进行了一些改革,在改善薪酬的结构、充分发挥其激励作用等方面进行了有益的尝试。但薪酬激励机制建设复杂的历史、社会文化、体制以及企业自身的原因造成了企业普遍存在原有薪酬激励机制作用不明显。特别是,国有企业在特定的发展过程,企业用工制度中明显存在着两种身份类别员工,即:所谓的“正式“与“聘用“员工;这种由于身份性质不同造成的政治及经济上待遇的千差万别,在相当程度上阻碍了所谓的“聘用“员工积极性的发挥,影响了企业生产经营的效果,严重的已直接影响企业的稳定、生存、和谐发展。本文以某烟草企业具体做法为例,探讨如何以淡化员工身份界限为切入点进行的薪酬体系改革,期许给正处在薪酬分配改革时期的国有企业提供一些有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究采用定性及定量方法,探讨了中国情景下感知激励对员工战略共识的影响机理。实证分析的结果表明:在员工感知激励的4个维度中,内在激励、互惠激励与员工战略理解显著正相关。但对于员工战略认同和员工战略承诺,薪酬激励、内在激励、互惠激励与声誉激励均具有直接的正向预测作用。员工工作卷入在内在激励与员工战略认同的关系中起完全中介作用,在内在激励与员工战略承诺的关系中起部分中介作用。同时,员工工作卷入在互惠激励与员工战略认同、互惠激励与员工战略承诺的关系中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

文章通过衡量家族企业中CEO与非家族高管之间的薪酬差距,试图探讨非家族高管的激励问题。依据社会比较理论和锦标赛理论的不同解释逻辑,并基于家族高管与非家族高管的不同特点,文章首先考察影响高管薪酬差距的前因变量,提出非家族CEO与薪酬差距之间关系的竞争性假设,并探讨薪酬差距对企业绩效的影响作用。利用2009〖KG-*4〗-〖KG-*6〗2016年中国家族上市公司数据,研究发现,当非家族成员担任CEO时,CEO与非家族高管之间的薪酬差距减小;另外,薪酬差距与企业绩效呈负相关关系,说明非家族高管中“不均”的薪酬安排会影响企业绩效。综合来看,相比锦标赛理论,社会比较理论对解释家族企业CEO身份对其与非家族高管之间薪酬差距的影响更具预测力与解释力。  相似文献   

薪酬满意度一直是员工和雇主最关心的话题之一,是组织留住优秀人才的重要前提,影响员工的工作满意度和绩效等。影响薪酬满意度的决定因素是员工应该得到的薪酬和实际得到薪酬的差异,感知的薪酬政策与管理和组织公平也对薪酬满意有着重要影响。此外,感知的投入、感知的工作特点、感知的他人的投入和输出结果、实际薪酬和加薪通过应该得到和实际得到薪酬的感知差异对薪酬满意都会产生影响。薪酬满意的后因变量有:员工的工作满意、组织承诺、工作投入、离职意愿和忠诚度。最后,本文根据分析结果提出薪酬满意的前因后果模型和未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

本文首先运用公平理论、社会交换理论、心理契约理论对薪酬公平与组织公民行为之间的关系进行理论分析,然后从程序公平、互动公平、人际公平,组织支持、组织信任、组织承诺、组织认同等角度对薪酬公平与组织公民行为的关系进行了系统的文献述评,最后分析了现有研究的不足,提出了未来的研究方向,指出应重视区分强制性公民行为对员工组织公民行为的影响,并基于社会现实、企业实践及员工心理提出新的中介变量——敬业度。  相似文献   


A sample of marketing graduates was surveyed to identify the factors that caused some of them to feel that they had become ‘professional marketers’ consequent to their early experiences of work in graduate marketing positions. A model of the possible determinants of the form of ‘workplace identity’ that a marketing graduate would assume was developed and tested. The model hypothesised that: (i) a firm's approaches to training and management development, mentoring, appraisal and reward; (ii) the natures of the tasks allocated to graduate marketing recruits and the task culture prevailing within an enterprise; and (iii) specific characteristics of the individual employee affected the emergence of particular types of workplace identity. Levels of each category of professional identity observed among the sample members were then correlated with job and organisational satisfaction and commitment, self-assessed operational performance, and intention to remain with an enterprise.  相似文献   

This research highlights a contextual application for big data within a HR case study setting. This is achieved through the development of a normative conceptual model that seeks to envelop employee behaviors and attitudes in the context of organizational change readiness. This empirical application considers a data sample from a large public sector organization and through applying Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) identifies salary, job promotion, organizational loyalty and organizational identity influences on employee job satisfaction (suggesting and mediating employee readiness for organizational change). However in considering this specific context, the authors highlight how, where and why such a normative approach to employee factors may be limited and thus, proposes through a framework which brings together big data principles, implementation approaches and management commitment requirements can be applied and harnessed more effectively in order to assess employee attitudes and behaviors as part of wider HR predictive analytics (HRPA) approaches. The researchers conclude with a discussion on these research elements and a set of practical, conceptual and management implications of the findings along with recommendations for future research in the area.  相似文献   

Using an in‐depth case study approach, this study investigates human resource management (HRM) practices in Chinese privately owned enterprises (POEs). While HRM practices in POEs are marketoriented, there is a lack of HR planning, commitment to training and development, and employee involvement and participation. The pragmatic HRM practices in POEs contribute to greater efficiency and rapid expansion of the private enterprise economy, but at the same time are associated with low employee job satisfaction, employees' organizational commitment, and their experience of disadvantages. These are issues that are all likely to cause labor disputes to occur. The findings of this study have significant implications for practitioners and further research. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

人力资源管理实践:员工承诺管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戚振江  杜红 《商业研究》2003,13(17):44-48
员工承诺一直是人力资源管理与组织行为备受关注的领域。对员工承诺的权变效应、承诺类型以及人 力资源管理实践与员工承诺的关系进行总结,在此基础上分析员工承诺研究的发展趋势,使人力资源管理在 员工承诺管理方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

Researchers have begun to focus on emerging markets, particularly those in Asia, because of the phenomenal growth in the size of their business sectors and a remarkable increase in their share of global business. Businesses in the developing world are now grappling with people management issues that formerly were the preserve of businesses in the West. This study aims at exploring the role of employee development in job satisfaction and organizational commitment and in particular its moderation by person–organization fit. The context is the telecommunications sector in Pakistan. The results reported show a positive impact of employee development initiatives on employee job satisfaction and later the job satisfaction has significant impact on organizational commitment. The results also revealed, however, an unfavourable relationship between employee development and organizational commitment. The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment was significantly moderated by person–organization fit.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempt to explain the divergent results found in the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and employee work outcomes. Specifically, we propose that the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and participatory management, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment are mediated by job satisfaction. Based on the data collected from a sample of 196 employees of three local manufacturing firms in Zhejiang Province, China, we found that job satisfaction fully mediated the effects of supervisor–subordinate guanxi on participatory management and intentions to leave, but partially mediated the relationship between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and organizational commitment. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Democratic management, a unique union-based form of employee participation in China, is seldom studied in the employee participation literature. This paper investigates the associations between employees’ perceived democratic management effectiveness, employee job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), using 988 matching surveys of both workers and their supervisors in a state-owned petrochemical firm from the central region of China. We find that our measure of an employee’s perception of democratic management effectiveness is positively associated with an employee’s job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. However, the association between perceived democratic management effectiveness and employee performance is negative if the employee is a dispatch worker. Our interpretation of the findings suggests that an employee’s perception of democratic management effectiveness is a source of employee performance.  相似文献   

Democratic management, a unique union-based form of employee participation in China, is seldom studied in the employee participation literature. This paper investigates the associations between employees’ perceived democratic management effectiveness, employee job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), using 988 matching surveys of both workers and their supervisors in a state-owned petrochemical firm from the central region of China. We find that our measure of an employee’s perception of democratic management effectiveness is positively associated with an employee’s job performance and organizational citizenship behavior. However, the association between perceived democratic management effectiveness and employee performance is negative if the employee is a dispatch worker. Our interpretation of the findings suggests that an employee’s perception of democratic management effectiveness is a source of employee performance.  相似文献   

Behavioral integrity (BI) is the alignment pattern between an actor??s words and deeds as perceived by another person. Employees?? perception that their leader??s actions and words are consistent leads to desirable workplace outcomes. Although BI is a powerful concept, the role of leader referents, the relationship between perceived BI of different referents, and the process by which BI affects outcomes are unclear. Our purpose is to elaborate upon this process and clarify the role of different leader referents in determining various outcomes. To understand the impact of referents, we explicitly compared the BIs of two leader referents: senior management and supervisor. In contrast to previous research findings where supervisory BI was found to have a stronger relationship with outcomes than senior management, we find that both referents are important. However, their impact varies based upon the outcome studied. Only senior management BI predicted organizational commitment, while senior management BI, supervisory BI and supervisory trust predicted organizational cynicism. Only trust in supervisor, and not supervisory BI, impacted organizational citizenship behaviors. When senior management is the referent, trust and not BI might play an important role for outcomes that require extensive employee investments, such as organizational commitment. In contrast, when the outcome measured does not require employee investments, BI might have a direct impact on the outcome. We also uncovered that trust in supervisor substantially influences the trust employees have in their senior management.  相似文献   

员工创新行为是组织塑造竞争优势的重要环节。尽管已有研究表明领导风格能够对员工创新行为产生显著影响,但目前对于二者之间的作用机制和边界条件却知之甚少。文章基于国内新能源行业422名在职人员的有效调查问卷数据,构建并检验一个被调节的中介效应模型。实证研究结果表明:包容型领导对员工创新行为具有显著正向影响;组织和谐能够在包容型领导与员工创新行为关系中起中介作用;组织创新氛围在包容型领导和组织和谐之间起着正向的调节作用,组织创新氛围越强,包容型领导对组织和谐的影响程度随之增强。文章解释了包容型领导对员工创新行为的作用机理,不仅打开了二者之间的“黑箱”,也为员工在组织中如何有效增强创新行为提供了管理启示和对策建议。  相似文献   

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