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BLOG是目前商务或个人信息交互的常见方式之一,基于RIA架构的利用Agent协商和FLEX技术平台,构建一个基于Web的用户自适应通用BLOG系统,对提高部署效率和用户交互体验具有积极意义.本文系统地设计了一套标准BLOG流程的功能构件和一个支持构件对象协商的构件通信模型,以构件方式实现用户自适应的BLIG系统平台.  相似文献   

外汇账户信息交互平台(以下简称"交互平台")是国家外汇管理局外汇账户系统的一个子系统,是银行和外汇局之间的交互平台,用于银行外汇账户数据上报、银行和外汇局间信息交互以及数据质量考核.该交互平台采用Lotus Domino开发,运行在Windows 2000 server平台上,部署在外汇局防火墙的停火区.  相似文献   

张铭 《新理财》2011,(7):32-34,10
如果建立一个基于电子发票系统的综合IT系统平台,连接银行信贷管理平台、第三方电子商务平台和企业ERP平台,那么,就可以将供应链中的物流、资金流、信息流打通,不仅能解决无数中小企业的融资难题,还可以将我国企业的财务与信用管理拉上新的台阶。  相似文献   

日前支付宝方面透露,随着市场越来越重视企业及个人诚信问题,支付宝未来或将在已有的信用系统基础上寻求与央行征信系统对接. 支付宝内部人士称,一旦支付宝信用数据与央行征信系统或其他全国性的征信体系打通,失信客户未来前往银行或其他金融机构办理贷款等业务,银行便能够调出用户曾经的违约记录,这或将影响相关业务的办理.另悉,支付宝信用数据并不仅仅来源于小微,阿里巴巴下属支付平台、交易平台及外部商户合作或用户其他消费情况都将涵盖其中,包括天猫、淘宝、聚划算等所有用户数据,构建出十分复杂的信用计算模型.  相似文献   

权限管理是MIS系统开发中不可或缺的一个子模块,在开发过程中系统登录、异常、权限控制往往费劲周折,且结果还难尽如人意。本文基于开源的Dorado框架,在系统登录、异常、细粒度的权限控制问题上提供一个解决方案。一、概述作为新一代Web应用的引擎平台,Dorado有效地增进Web应用的用户体验与交互效率,并大幅提升开  相似文献   

本文基于保险系统复杂性特征和复杂性科学在解决系统非线性和复杂性交互行为方面的优势,针对保险系统中非对称信息的特点,运用博弈数学模型系统分析保险系统非对称信息,通过CAS理论构建了基于Agent的保险系统仿真模型并在swarm平台上实现了关于保险系统逆向选择问题的经典模型的动态仿真。结果表明:信息不对称产生了保险逆向选择和道德风险,妨碍了保险机制顺利运行,使保险系统资源配置效率严重降低。  相似文献   

郭莉 《投资北京》2013,(4):55-56
阿里金融日前高调推出的“信用支付”还未正式开通,已在银行业掀起轩然大波。这个拟在4月中旬面世的“信用支付”,被看做是对银行业传统支付的一大冲击。据了解,借助信用支付这一产品,支付宝用户在淘宝等平台进行购物时,可以使用阿里金融提供的信用支付额度,这种虚拟信用卡功能与普通信用卡基本一致。最近一段时间里,阿里金融正在将信用支付功能接入淘宝和天猫等平台的商家体系,每个签约商家将为此支付1%的服务费。  相似文献   

民间信用的演化模拟、失序控制与渐进式变革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
民间信用的社会变迁是一个动态演化的过程,用一个含有自洽系统的层序系统模型来对其进行模拟,则在"合理"与"非法"的冲突中,民间信用会产生诸多社会问题;利用粗糙集理论对定性、模糊、口径不一的数据指标进行分析,可以推导出社会控制的若干原则.因此,针对中国实情与民间信用发展现状,应大力倡导其变革的渐进模式.  相似文献   

本文结合前人的研究成果,区分出"传统信用"和"数字化信用",总结了"传统信用"与互联网金融相结合时面临的"数据篡改"、"双重支付与双重提币"、"僵尸平台"和"平台破产"四大风险,并以Mt.Gox比特币交易平台的破产案例作为基础,对比了"传统信用"和"数字化信用"的优劣。由于当前"第三方支付平台"也是基于"传统信用"与互联网金融的结合,也可能面临"数据篡改"、"双重支付与双重提币"、"僵尸平台"和"平台破产"的威胁。针对这一问题,本文提出了应当及时对当前"第三方支付系统"的算法进行升级的建议,借助"数字化信用"消除潜在的不确定性,用技术手段杜绝风险发生的可能。  相似文献   

日前,在上海市律师协会与上海市东方公证处共同主办的“电子证据保全研讨会”上,上海东方公证处发布了其电子证据保全平台‘公证证据宝”。当用户安装并使用该平台登录QQ、MSN等聊天工具进行聊天,或者是收发邮件、进行网购、发布微博时,系统会在远程服务器端自动记录下用户的操作行为及显示器上的内容变化,并作为视频文件保存在远程服务器中,必要时可以在东方公证处提取相关证据。据了解,‘公证证据宝”系统保全的证据是通过公证处的第三方手段进行保全,当用户需要将该电子证据作为证据使用时,可以向上海市东方公证处提出调取以及保全证据公证的申请,还可以由公证处出示公证书,能够在法庭上可以作为强有力的证据使用。  相似文献   

This paper combines insights from the sociology of knowledge and the emerging practice-based literature on learning and knowing to extend the institutional framework of accounting change developed by Burns and Scapens [Burns, J., Scapens, R.W., 2000. Conceptualising management accounting change: an institutional framework. Manage. Acc. Res., 11, 3–25]. In particular, it explores how management accounting systems (MAS) can be implicated in processes of learning and culture change, and used to identify ‘trustworthy’ solutions in the face of organisational crises. A case study of an Italian company, which was subject to massive change following its acquisition by General Electric, is used to discuss how, when crises arise and organisation members find themselves under intense pressure for change, their rationales and routinised behaviour, which are driven by the existing knowledge and cultural assumptions, are challenged. The case illustrates how MAS can act as sources of trust for the processes of change – i.e., accounting for trust; while at the same time being socially constructed objects of trust – i.e., trust for accounting. Drawing on the concept of personal trust and the notion of roles as access points to organisational (expert) systems, the paper discusses how, in this case, finance experts facilitated the acceptance and progressive sharing of new rationales and routines. Clearly, this does not guarantee that change will occur or occur in some ‘desired’ direction in other cases, but it increases the possibility of replacing trust in the predictability of routines with feelings of trust for change.  相似文献   

雷宇 《会计研究》2012,(3):26-30,94
本文初步论证了财务会计的信任功能。财务会计发挥作用的起因是委托人对代理人的不信任;财务会计信息能够增进委托人对代理人的信任;而财务会计系统能够增进委托人对代理人提供的财务会计信息的信任。财务会计是一个自身构建十分完善的信任机制。在论证财务会计的信任功能之后,本文建立了一个初步的分析框架,将其他信任机制与财务会计联系起来。进一步地,将理论应用于分析制度对财务会计信息的影响,厘清了现有研究中的一些争论。  相似文献   

Research on inter-organizational relationships argues that at mature stages, when trust has reached a high level, it will be damaged by new management control systems (MCSs). This longitudinal case study provides evidence to the contrary: in an open-ended and evolving relationship, even when trust is well established, MCSs can build it. High trust provides a platform where success encourages the partners to cooperate further, demanding, in turn, more MCSs and greater levels of trust to support cooperation. By providing evidence with a greater appearance of objectivity than informal controls can yield, action and result controls improve partners’ perception of each other’s trustworthiness, and build competence and goodwill-based trust. MCSs are used not only to supervise but also to coordinate, and this second, more salient function avoids possible suspicions that could damage trust.  相似文献   

我国公益信托税收政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公益信托具有优越的资产管理和运作机制,但在我国尚处于发展初期。由于目前尚未出台专门针对公益信托的税收制度,公益信托发展面临着明显制约。根据我国现有公益信托相关税收政策中存在的重复征税等问题,应当从公益信托的运作机制入手对课税环节进行调整,加大税收优惠力度,促进公益信托在我国顺利发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the way in which calculative practices are implicated in the constitution of trust in the UK retail sector. In the sector, where trust receives much attention in declarations of intent, the notion of category management – a framework for orchestrating collaborative buyer–supplier relations based on dualistic modes of information exchange – has become widely adopted. Drawing on Giddens’ conceptualization of trust in abstract systems, it is argued that regimes of calculative practices embedded in the category management framework played an integral role in constituting system trust in category management and enabled its rapid diffusion across the sector. However, modes of supply chain accounting can also be deployed as a mechanism to further particular interests behind a veil of talk about trust. This paper presents a longitudinal field study where management accounting practices pursued under the banner of category management operated to dissemble a variety of self-interested actions and trust was deployed largely as a discursive resource which ultimately resulted in distrust and cynicism. This paper presents a framework for conceptualizing the relationship between accounting and inter-organizational trust and provides insights into the way that accounting techniques such as open booking accounting and joint performance management introduced amid ‘trust talk’ can act to undermine trust in buyer–supplier relations.  相似文献   

Two fundamental options exist for management accounting system (MAS) design: Either financial records can be used as a database for management accounting (integrated accounting system design), or the MAS can be based upon a separate system, i.e., a third set of books beside financial and tax accounting records. Since the 1990s, many German-speaking firms have changed from the second to the first option, which has instigated a highly controversial debate.Our paper contributes to this debate by empirically analyzing (1) whether the integration of financial and management accounting has a positive impact on controllership effectiveness, and (2) what causal inferences relate both variables. We use structural equation modelling for a sample of 149 dyads surveyed from German top 1500 firms. We identify no significant effect of the technical aspects of MAS integration, but a fully mediating influence of a consistent financial language on controllership effectiveness. Our results thus imply that consistency with financial reporting is an important property of MAS design from management's point of view.  相似文献   

我国在线投融资平台呈"百花齐放"之势,既有传统银行参与,也有机构投资者参与,更有以P2P为代表的民间社会资本介入。在线投融资平台的风险主要在于投融资双方及中介平台三者之间的信息不对称与信任缺失问题。信任缺失主要是由社会资本(即社会规范、社会信任和社会网络)不发达造成的。本文基于社会资本的角度,从政府监管、风险防控、信用保障、投融资双方对接、参与者激励、投融资双方隐私保护、知识产权保护等机制设计上,探讨加强各类在线融资平台的竞争与合作,促进网络借贷行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Process orientation has made its entrance in Health Care Organizations (HCOs). The purpose is to improve patients’ journeys through the health care system. One factor that potentially affects process orientation is the design and use of Management Accounting Systems (MAS). In the literature there are worries that process orientation often is not supported by a well designed and used MAS but, on the contrary, is counteracted by a MAS designed for other purposes than supporting processes. This study contributes to the existing knowledge in that it shows how the introduction of process orientation within health care is accompanied by the development of horizontally oriented MAS (HMAS) which is used in different ways and by different actors. Generally, the use of HMAS for diagnostic control is limited. The main use of HMAS is for the purpose of mastering the events and interactive control, and the main users are the persons connected to the processes. The observation in earlier research that the existence of vertically oriented MAS may be a threat to process orientation is to some extent corroborated in the paper.  相似文献   

The Enron case has highlighted that the provision of management advisory services (MAS) can endanger auditor independence. Recently, a number of changes have not only been made to the relevant international and US regulations, but also to the Danish regulations in this area. Theoretical research explains the emergence of non-independence and demonstrates that the provision of MAS can decrease independence. According to the economic model of DeAngelo, the existence of client-specific quasi-rents impairs auditor independence. The provision of MAS increases quasi-rents and thus, is a threat to independence. Antle used an agency theoretical approach. Information asymmetries between auditor and client could lead to a moral hazard risk, i.e. the auditor could give up independence from client's management and accept payments for withholding detected errors and irregularities. The client's management could also use MAS to legally compensate the auditor for giving away independence.A large number of empirical studies have investigated the influence of MAS on the perceived independence of the auditor. Most of these studies were performed in English speaking countries and the majority found a negative impact. Sociological research reveals cultural differences between English speaking and Nordic countries, e.g. concerning the dimension ‘masculinity’. Thus, an empirical investigation of the impact of MAS on perceived auditor independence in Denmark is promising. It was found that shareholders, bank loan officers and journalists perceive a negative effect on auditor independence if MAS are provided. The recent liberalization in Denmark is inconsistent with this finding. Furthermore, it was shown that the type of MAS influences the degree to which auditor independence is perceived to be impaired. Thus, independence rules related to MAS should be differentiated. Additionally, the study ascertained that perceived auditor independence does not increase if MAS are provided by a separate department of the audit firm. An internal separation of the auditing and the consulting function within the same audit firm is not viewed as being beneficial in Denmark.  相似文献   

随着信托业务的不断发展,以财产保护和转移为目标的财产转移信托在我国已经出现。财产转移信托具有特殊的财产权架构,因而导致其税收法律关系出现较为复杂的变化。由于我国尚未建立财产转移信托税收制度,信托税收法律关系的变化将产生不利于社会公平、不利于防范避税等一系列负面问题。本文认为,我国应当按照信托受益人课税和信托主体课税的原则构建相关信托税收制度。  相似文献   

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