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This study investigates profound changes in South Korean industrial relations after the Asian financial crisis of 1997. Korea's neoliberal labour reforms have produced a large number of non‐standard workers, deepening the union representation gap. Realizing that the fragmented enterprise unions could not adequately protect workers from this degradation of labour, trade union leaders began a major organizational drive at the industry level and tried to institutionalize sectoral bargaining. A political space for union centralization was partially opened because the state needed labour's co‐operation to implement neoliberal reform packages. However, disorganized centralization in Korea, where important decisions on wages and working conditions have been negotiated mainly at the company level, has faced limitations in achieving meaningful changes in the dualistic structure of the labour market. This study concludes with a review of changes in Korea's labour law in 2010 and a discussion on the effects of the law on bargaining rights of non‐standard workers and the incipient industry‐level bargaining. This trend towards union centralization may continue, but the notable gap between the formal bargaining structure and actual practice is expected to widen.  相似文献   

Following the decasualisation of dock labour in 1967 at the behest of the Devlin Committee it was widely anticipated that Britain's ports would enter a period of industrial peace and prosperity. In fact, the docks entered a phase of unprecedented militancy which persisted throughout the early 1970s. This paper examines why Devlin failed and demonstrates how continued insecurity on the waterfront, largely as a result of technological change, continued to be a source of conflict and dissension. More fundamentally, decasualisation was a necessary but not a sufficient condition for industrial peace on the docks, as institutional reform alone did not address many of the real troubles of the industry.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the presence of organized labour in firms (approximated by the scope of collective bargaining) and the extent of gross worker and job flows. According to the voice theory of Freeman, those firms having a union presence will have lower worker mobility. However, there is no analysis of the effects of the presence of organized labour on gross job flows. Using a Spanish data base, we find evidence of the existence of a voice effect on gross worker flows but not clear support for a voice effect on gross job flows.  相似文献   

Both the flexibility of labour and wider sociocultural issues have historically been identified as important dimensions of the economic success of Italy's industrial districts. Increasing numbers of labour migrants from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe are now working in industrial districts and living in local communities previously characterized as socially cohesive. Immigration status, Italian employment legislation and the micro‐level conditions prevailing in districts appear as key issues affecting employment relationships for labour migrants, and the social cohesiveness seen to contribute to the success of industrial districts is being undermined through the treatment of labour migrants as people outside the national Italian community in terms of rights and other markers of citizenship.  相似文献   

Labour intensification has often been assumed to be related to industrial safety, but surprisingly different views of this relationship have been held and systematic enquiry is lacking. A measure called the percentage utilization of labour (PUL) claims to monitor the intensity of labour in British manufacturing and therefore potentially affords the opportunity for a much more systematic investigation into the effects of labour intensity on industrial safety than has ever been possible before. This paper introduces the PUL measure and indicates why it might be thought particularly likely to register an increase in the 1980s. It then examines variation in PUL and in industrial injury rates in British manufacturing, both in the early part of the 1980s and over a longer period, in order to assess whether changes in PUL have tended to be associated with changes in safety. No consistent relationship is found. The evidence presented is reviewed, and the relationship between industrial injury rates, intensification of labour and the adequacy of the PUL measure for safety research is reconsidered.  相似文献   

This article analyses management–union–worker relations in a foreign‐owned Moldovan clothing factory. Studies of post‐socialist industrial relations have focused on explaining labour quiescence, advancing ‘path dependence’ and ‘Soviet legacy’ arguments. These draw attention to strong links between management and unions, and weak relations between the latter and workers. We show how the union has, in one case, drawn creatively on Soviet legacies to develop strong articulation between itself and women workers. This was part of a wider adaptive strategy within which the union transformed the meaning of previous functions and developed novel ones. The outcome is a well‐organized representative union capable of challenging management at the negotiating table, as well as on the shop floor. This seems unlikely to be universal but equally unlikely to be unique.  相似文献   

Despite decades of decline in strike rates, recent scholarship has examined how unions and labour organizations are retooling the strike to confront increasing employer power. This study focuses on a militant labour union and the emergence of an understudied type of strike – the fixed-duration strike – as a source of labour revitalization. Drawing from qualitative data gathered on fixed-duration strikes organized by a union of registered nurses in the United States, I investigate the strategic adaptation of labour militancy and how these strikes overcome the limitations of traditional, indefinite work stoppages. I find that fixed-duration strikes protect the economic interests of nurses and advance their role as patient care advocates, while still imposing financial and reputational costs on employers. These findings suggest that the strategic adaptation of militant tactics, such as the strike, help labour organizations achieve revitalization outcomes like contract victories and enhanced membership activism.  相似文献   

Labour activists have called for greater international co‐ordination among trade unions in response to the assault on organized labour by global capital, but such co‐ordination faces many hurdles. Under what conditions can unions overcome those barriers and co‐ordinate effectively to achieve campaign goals? I examine this question through a comparison of European‐level international solidarity with Portuguese, Greek and English affiliates of the International Dockworkers Council involved in labour disputes. The divergent outcomes of otherwise similar cases reveal the critical role of politics and strategy at different scales and sites of union organization in determining the successful exercise of labour internationalism.  相似文献   

Research using U.S. samples has demonstrated a significant relationship between organizational structure and organizational climate. Given recent developments in Korea, as well as the call to test organization theory and behavior concepts across cultures, this study analyzed the structure-climate relationship in large Korean organizations (N = 1,192 employees in 27 firms). Similar to U.S.-based results, it was found that lower levels of centralization and conflict in the Korean firms were associated with more positive employee perceptions of organizational climate. However, contrary to U.S.-based findings, greater formalization in the Korean firms also led to positive perceptions of climate. Interpretations of these findings are discussed and implications for future management practice offered.  相似文献   

The study examines all cases (1990–7) in Israel in which employers petitioned the labour court to issue an injunction against striking workers, and identifies how judges use their discretion in deciding the petition. The findings indicate that, judicial rhetoric to the contrary, the labour court limits its considerations almost solely to the parties' formal compliance with the legal rule. The implications of these findings for the relationship of the legal and industrial relations systems are discussed, particularly with reference to the dual task of labour law: to govern the industrial relations system, and to facilitate its autonomy.  相似文献   

本文考察了大都市区面临的种种冲突尤其是产业冲突问题,揭示了新型区域产业分工的基本特征和发展模式,在此基础上提出了一个基于产业链分工的大都市区冲突管理思路。作者认为,在区域竞争与合作的过程中,推进形成一体化的新型产业分工体系,是消除和缓解大都市区产业发展恶性冲突的有效途径。  相似文献   

Most Continental European labour markets and welfare states have experienced a substantial transformation. Germany is a case in point as it exhibits increasing levels of employment and a growing share of low pay and non‐standard work. The article claims that changes in labour market institutions play a major role, but changes in industrial relations at the sectoral level and individual firms' staffing practices are equally important. Regarding labour market institutions, the pattern found in Germany shows sequences of reforms addressing the margins of the labour market and contributing to a growing dualization of employment. This dualization trend was reinforced by micro‐level dynamics in industrial relations and company employment practices, where we can observe growing reliance on mechanisms of internal flexibility for the skilled core workforce and increasing use of non‐standard types of employment in less specifically skilled occupations, in particular in the private service sector. Hence, the adjustment of the German model can only be understood by taking into account the interaction of policy change and actors' adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

Industrial conflict went out of fashion as an explicit research focus during the 1980s. Yet a review of the relevant literature suggests its continued importance. The review embraces: studies of collective protest at the level of the world economy and nation-states; recent economists' theories of negotiations; assessments of the impact of Thatcherism on the level and nature of conflict in Britain; case studies of the place of conflict in new forms of workplace regulation; and analyses of the processes of strike organization. Conflict remained a central element of work organizations, though its form changed. The need to consider its place in emerging systems of labour control is as great as ever.  相似文献   

Businesses engaged in the importing of different products and services encounter suppliers with wide ranging backgrounds in terms of their size, cultural experiences, and duration of relationship. In this study, we investigate the effects of such contextual variables on the importers' relationship commitment to their foreign supplier. The hypotheses are tested using data collected from 144 Korean importers. Results indicate that both cultural similarity and type of product (consumer vs. industrial) do not impact the Korean importers' relationship commitment. However, their interaction is significant; cultural similarity matters for consumer products but not for industrial products. It is found that Korean importers tend to be more committed to larger suppliers and to those exporters with whom they have been having longer relationships. Implications for managers, limitations and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

We find that, conditioning on industry of assignment, cleaners and security guards who participate in activities organized by contract companies earn 15 and 17 per cent less, respectively, than workers in those activities organized in‐house. These estimates are hardly affected by the inclusion of a set of jointly statistically significant exogenous variables. We can expect that most of the productive traits that characterize a task are transferred to the contractor in the process of contracting out a cleaning or security task. Thus, our findings are hard to rationalize by a simple competitive labour market setting where the law of one price holds.  相似文献   

WIRS3 paints a picture of a lessening of support for unionism among employees, yet an optimistic view is taken of the potential for a positive response from organized labour in the 1990s. The European model of social partnership between unions and employers is seen as the way forward for Britain in the context of a changing political and economic situation.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, labour relations, and, indeed, the entirety of working‐class politics in China, have been dramatically altered by economic reforms. In this review, we focus on the two key processes of commodification and casualization and their implications for workers. On the one hand, these processes have resulted in the destruction of the old social contract and the emergence of marketized employment relations. This has implied a loss of the job security and generous benefits enjoyed by workers in the planned economy. On the other hand, commodification and casualization have produced significant but localized resistance from the Chinese working class. Up until now, the activities of labour non‐governmental organizations and of the official trade unions have contributed to the state's effort of individualizing and institutionalizing labour conflict resolution through labour law and arbitration mechanisms. Finally, we provide a brief discussion of the impact of 2008's Labour Contract Law and the outbreak of the economic crisis on labour relations. We conclude that the continual imbalance of power at the point of production presents a real dilemma for the Chinese state as it attempts to shift away from a model of development dependent on exports.  相似文献   

Employee resistance has traditionally been analysed as an activity that occurs in the work organisation. In recent years, new Internet communication technologies, such as blogs, have expanded the possibilities for employees to express conflict. This paper explores how these developments can add to our understandings of employee resistance to the labour process.  相似文献   

Although temporary agency work has been growing over the last decade, its use differs widely in different industrial relations systems. Drawing on theoretical and empirical insights, propositions are developed on why companies deploy temporary agency work. These propositions are then contrasted with case‐study evidence collected in Germany and the USA to analyse the deployment of agency work in two different industrial relations systems and the role that agency work plays in these diverse settings. The main conclusions of the research are that differences in the deployment of temporary agency workers exist with regard to legal regulation and employers' strategies of labour use while similarities exist regarding the supply of agency labour.  相似文献   

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