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While research-based technological improvements are an important part of a successful agricultural development strategy, the small South Pacific Island Nations face special difficulties in attaining such innovations because of their particular agricultural production and marketing circumstances and because of diseconomies of small size in research. There is a need to sharpen the focus of national agricultural research efforts on adaptive work, implying both increased international and regional collaboration and the reorientation of national programs to be more receptive to outside ideas and information. It is particularly important to seek a parsimonious research paradigm, involving a broadening of the range of people who contribute to the research process.  相似文献   


Recent developments at the consumer and at the farm level have resulted in a renewed interest in short market channels for fresh food. This paper focuses on consumer valuation of purchasing fresh food from short channels in general and on differences between two distinct types of short channel initiatives, i.e., farmers' markets and food teams as examples of supply- and demand-side driven initiatives respectively. The research methodology builds on the Means-End-Chain theory. Data are collected through laddering interviews with 100 respondents. The general hierarchical value map largely supports classical theories of value structures. “Security” is the predominant value type with “Health” as the major value. Further, a distinct “Hedonism” and “Universalism” cluster are discovered, with the first being built on the attribute “Freshness,” the consequence “Taste” and the value “Pleasure,” and the latter including environmental, animal welfare and regional development concerns. Specific motivation structures dealing with farmers' markets versus food teams are reported. Recommendations pertain to organizational and marketing issues, more specifically product positioning, innovation and communication based on the revealed Means-End-Chains or motivational structures.  相似文献   

French production is based on a large agricultural area with a large number of farmers. They work with co-operatives which are very near to them and collect their product. Protectionism has led to a disequilibrium with the economic system in this sector. Actual CAP's orientations and the increase in competition, has forced farmers and co-operatives to concentrate and restructure. The number of farmers has decreased while many co-operatives have started to process raw production materials. One goal of the food industry is to become more international. French food industry made a lot of acquisitions abroad but the increasing place of Italians in French companies also has to be noticed. Distribution plays an important role in agricultural marketing where 66% of food products are sold through about ten companies. This market structure allows them to have a favored position. However, it's a very dynamic sector which now faces some difficulties.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the analysis of marketing in the Spanish agrofood sector. The methodology follows the industrial organization paradigm: structure, conduct and performance. It gives a first analysis of market environment, monetary fiscal policies, and consumer's demand. Market structure shows a dominance of minifundia at farmer and retail level. A concentration process is going on at wholesale and industrial level. Conduct and performance of agrofood marketing are being studied, with special attention to competitiveness and rice evolution. Finally some observations are made on marketing characteristics in some of the traditional food sectors.  相似文献   

Agriculture in Belgium and the Netherlands has a strong export tradition and has been market oriented for a long time. In this article agricultural markeling in Belgium and the Netherlands is analyzed on the basis of the concepts structure, conduct and performance. In our review of market structure attention is paid to the structure of agriculture, the food consumer, food retailing, government policies, competition and marketing channels. Afterwards market conduct with respect to product, price, promotion and distribution is discussed. Finally some qualitative observations are made on marketing performance. It is concluded that agricultural marketing policies in Belgium and the NeIherlands are increasingly focusing on value added to the agricultural product. As a result vertical marketing systems/food chain and marketing management become familiar concepts to agicultural marketing.  相似文献   


World-wide cross-country regressions are used to examine South Asia's export structure through the lens of Heckscher‐Ohlin trade theory. By comparison with other regions, South Asia's exports are unusually concentrated on labour-intensive manufactures. This distinctive export structure is shown to be the result mainly of South Asia's distinctive combination of resources: by comparison with other regions, it has a low level of education and few natural resources, relative to its supply of labour. This basic economic fact must be recognized in the design of trade and development strategy for South Asia over the next few decades.  相似文献   

分析表明,广东省农产品出口的显性比较优势指数呈缓慢下降趋势,国际市场占有率呈稳步上升趋势,贸易竞争指数曲折中呈下降趋势。总体来看,广东省农产品整体国际竞争力不强,竞争优势有待进一步发掘。文章提出了提升广东省农产品出口竞争力的相应措施,包括:创新模式,推进出口农产品质量安全基地建设;运用比较优势,调整产业结构,增强国际竞争力;挖掘、培育长效优势品种,创建农产品出口品牌;积极开拓出口市场,推进市场多元化。  相似文献   

Some officials in developing country governments, development experts, and donor agency representatives adhere to false assumptions about the organization and performance of food systems in developing countries and to preconceptions about the roles of certain participants in the food system. While these views may have at least a partial basis in fact, empirical studies have generally shown that the views are flawed in important respects or not widely applicable. Nevertheless, these preconceptions can be pervasive, often having a negative impact on developing country policies, regulations and programs affecting the food system. The author argues that one important role of food system analysts is to challenge the myths, presenting empirical evidence in concise and skillful fashion to skeptical policy-makers, specialists and donor agency officials.  相似文献   

Given the diversity of agrifood marketing in the U.K., in terms of the range of agricultural commodities and value-added products produced, the many and varied marketing structures used, and the numerous legislative and policy instruments involved, it is not possible in this paper to provide a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the system. The approach has been rather to provide the volume's international readership with a selective view of the U.K. agrifood marketing system, concentrating on some topical issues. This approach has the benefit of allowing more in-deplh consideration of important issues, and a focus on topics where the U.K. exhibits a degree of uniqueness amongst its E.C. partners. The paper therefore presents an international readership with an analysis of truly "U.K. issues."  相似文献   

推进农业产业结构的战略性调整   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
农业产业结构调整是一个长期的动态的过程。农业产业结构合理与否由多种因素决定的 ,也是相对的。由于影响农业产业结构的诸因素不断发生变化 ,今后相当长时期内都需要不断地调整和优化农业产业结构。与以往不同的是 ,目前农业发展正处于一个关键时期 ,要求对农业产业结构进行战略性的调整。大力推进农业产业结构的战略性调整 ,努力实现预期的调整目标 ,是近些年农村经济发展中应当完成的一项迫切而又重大的任务。一、扩大优良品种 ,提高农产品优质率与以往的农业产业结构调整有很大不同 ,当前和今后一个时期 ,我国农业产业结构的战略性调整…  相似文献   

Patterns of food consumption shift as countries develop, incomes increase, and lifestyles change. Strategic marketing in this dynamic environment involves aiming at moving targets. Fortunately, some of these changes in demand for food products can be anticipated by understanding those that have already occurred. We consider changes in consumption over time for selected nations as they have developed and also compare a cross section of countries at different levels of development. Seeking and retaining markets in high-, middle-, or low-income countries requires an appreciation of the stages, dynamics, and nature of heir economic development and the implications for food demand.  相似文献   

菲律宾的农业市场信息系统建设及其对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、菲律宾的农业市场信息系统建设  菲律宾政府高度重视农业市场化问题 ,其建设农业信息系统的主要目的是 :通过提供及时有效的市场信息服务 ,不断提高独立的市场经营个体的市场观察判断能力和市场销售技能 ,积累市场知识和经验 ,从而构造并加强初级农产品生产者与农业市场之间的有机联系。按我们的说法 ,实际上就是帮助农业生产经营者成功地进入市场。下面 ,从五个侧面介绍菲律宾农业市场信息系统建设的大体情况 :(一 )领导机构的设置及其主要职责 全国顾问指导委员会是菲律宾农业市场信息系统建设的最高权力机构 ,由国家贸易及工业委…  相似文献   

关于农业综合开发战略定位问题的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文运用公共产品和准公共产品理论以及多级政府分工管理理论对我国农业综合开发的战略定位问题展开分析,提出了农业综合开发应定位于农业准公共产品的提供,并应确立地方政府的开发主体地位的观点。  相似文献   

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