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以安徽省"新网工程"项目建设为背景,研究"新网工程"典型案例,分析其运营管理模式的成功经验及存在问题,重点讨论"新网工程"信息化综合服务平台建设问题,并给出相关指导意见和建议,以便对全省乃至全国"新网工程"项目建设提供参考。  相似文献   

随着黑龙江省三江治理工程的不断深入,人们越来越意识到构建三江河道堤防工程科学的运行管理机制是实现黑龙江省三江工程建设目标之后的必然要求。对河道堤防工程管理模式进行了重新界定,并在"垂直"管理模式和"省县分级"管理模式两种管理模式下对黑龙江省三江河道堤防工程运行管理机制进行设计,包括:项目责任主体与项目设立机制、项目设计和承包方的选择机制、项目实施过程监管和项目验收和后评价机制。  相似文献   

项目党建工作是推进企业发展的重要基础工程,也是企业发展的重要生产力。务实开展项目党建工作就要以"围绕工程抓党建,抓好党建促工程"为中心,拓展项目党建载体和工作领域,强化人才队伍建设、党风廉政建设和项目文化建设,才能真正发挥项目党建工作核心作用,促进项目效益提升。  相似文献   

"211工程"项目进程管理研究对于提高"211工程"资金管理效益,提升高校重点学科工程建设具有重要作用。本文通过分析"211工程"管理在国家政府相关部门、高校、课题组等三个层面的现状,揭示了我国在"211工程"方面存在的投入产出效率低、管理难度大等问题,提出了"211工程"项目进程管理的具体建议。  相似文献   

一、从工程、资金、物资相关性着手,抓住项目工程、项目资金、项目物资三条线不放,审查是否达到"三统一",坚持"四必审",做到"五对照"。从资金收支平衡入手,着重账外审计,查看工程、资金、物资是否统一到设计概算之中,坚持"四必审",即审  相似文献   

方翠兰 《价值工程》2011,30(21):10-11
"价值工程"和"价值管理"是两个在近代才刚刚出现学术性的词汇,价值工程最初被应用在美国的军事方面,价值管理最初被应用在建筑工程上。价值工程和价值管理采用管理学有关的原则和方法,提升产品价值的项目,进入21世纪以来,价值工程和价值管理越来越多的被引用在不同工业领域的建设项目之中。近年来中国的建设项目的发展越来越快,而且建设行业也成为了大众关注的焦点,中国的建设项目,无论在理论和实践上,与国外都有很大的差距,工程建设项目并不是一个简单的项目,我们需要做的是合理利用价值工程的建设项目价值管理服务。本文将介绍价值工程和价值管理的相关内容,以及其在我国建筑工程项目中的应用。  相似文献   

现代工程训练是在传统金工实习、电工电子实习的基础上发展而来的,在引入了各类先进制造设备的同时,工程训练的实践教学方法也随之发生相应的变化,更加注重训练的真实性、系统性和综合性,最终实现提高综合工程素质,培养工程实践能力和创新能力的目标。文章探讨了在现代工程训练中以项目为主线、教师为引导、学生为主体的新型"2+X"项目制创新训练实践教学方法,课内集中式工程训练与课外扩展项目式训练相结合,更加适应"大众创业、万众创新"时代背景下应用型高素质人才的培养。  相似文献   

<正>今年4月10日,在第七届中华慈善奖颁奖项目中,"爱心温州.善行天下.明眸工程"入选中华慈善奖"最具影响力慈善项目"。中华慈善奖是我国公益慈善领域的最高政府奖项。"爱心温州.善行天下.明眸工程"这一项目的获奖,凝聚了温州各界人士的爱心,同时也饱含着策划、承办这项活动的温州都市报  相似文献   

近四年来,襄樊市邮电局加强工程建设投资审计工作力度,累计审减投资1828万元。在内部审计活动中,该局一是适应两个根本性转变,努力扩大审计项目和审计覆盖面。去年他们把工程审计引向装饰工程、零星维修工程、自动报警设备安装工程和市话管线工程。开展审计项目100项。另一方面审计的覆盖率达到100%。二是实行"三不审、三不准"、"四关"和"三不放过"的审计办法。"三不审、三不准"即不审计不准签订施工合同,不审计不准预付工程款,不审计不准办理工程竣工决算;"四关"即工程申报审计关,施工合同审计关.施工单位预(结)算审计关;"三不放过"即:新建和改造工程审计不放过,装饰、零星维修和安全设备安装工程审计不放过,市话管线工程审计不放过。凡是建设性投资不管大小项目都置于审计监督之中。去年一年审计各项工程投资5107万元,审减投资645.84万元。  相似文献   

杨畅浩 《价值工程》2020,39(7):29-31
随着我国经济对外辐射能力的日益增强,加之"一带一路"战略的实施,我国工程承包企业在国际上迎来了更多机遇和发展空间,工程企业想要保持可持续发展,就必须增强自身国际竞争力,不断开辟国际市场。然而由于海外工程建设项目受到的影响因素较多,管理难度也比国内更大,尤其是海外EPC项目。因此工程企业需要及时研究、分析海外工程的实施环境,制定有效管理措施,提高海外EPC工程的项目管理能力。  相似文献   

纵观项目管理发展史,项目经理总是本着成本、进度、质量这三条标准去管理项目。但事实证明,人力因素也是项目管理中必不可少的标准。有效的人力资源管理往往是项目成功的关键;而绩效考核作为人力资源管理的重要内容,严重影响到项目的成败。本文主要探讨了项目中人力资源绩效考核的相关问题及解决办法。  相似文献   

竹隰生  李奇 《价值工程》2012,31(13):107-108
人力资源管理是工程造价咨询企业内部管理的重要组成部分,人才优势是工程造价咨询企业发展壮大的关键。本文以重庆市工程造价咨询企业为例,在对当前工程造价咨询企业人力资源现状与本质特点对比分析的基础上,阐述了造价咨询企业人力资源管理的现状,并进一步提出了一系列提高造价咨询企业人力资源管理水平的建议。这些建议的实施将会促进工程造价咨询企业发展,显著提高工程造价咨询企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

This article examines the intersection of the project management body of knowledge with new product development (NPD). The area under examination is the development of consumer products that have a significant engineering production content. It is concluded that the project management method, with its structured task definition and software tools, is generally useful for managing NPD projects. However, in some areas, project management incompletely meets the needs of NPD. Specifically, NPD is characterized by complex interrelated activities and large uncertainties about precisely which solution path will be taken, such that the full scope of the project can often not be anticipated beforehand. The article identifies that more research is required to validate the stage‐gate and lean project management methods. Whereas cost is the primary focus in project management, with NPD there is a need to consider both cost and income (from product sales) in making strategic decisions. Communication and human resource management are important factors in NPD success, but existing project management perspectives have little to say about the social and behavioral aspects, such as organizational culture, team dynamics, and leadership styles, especially not for NPD. Current project management practices are very much based on “output control” (targets, appraisal, rewards, management by objectives), which the human resource management literature identifies as inhibiting innovation. There is also likely to exist an intersection, as yet poorly understood, between project management and knowledge management, particularly for innovation processes such as NPD. For practitioners, the main message is that the project management method provides a basic, but imperfect, tool for managing NPD. The relevance for researchers is that gaps have been identified in the project management method as it is currently applied to NPD. Several places are identified where further research is required to (a) better understand the causality between factors (e.g., human resource management) and project success and (b) adapt project management methods to better serve the NPD process.  相似文献   

建筑企业项目成本管理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑企业项目成本管理是整个项目管理的核心。进行成本管理的目的是合理使用人力、物力、财力,降低项目成本,增加收入,提高建筑企业对工程项目成本的管理水平,以创造较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Effectively managing human resources is an essential part of achieving the goals of any project. It can be challenging, however, to identify and then classify human resources into appropriate roles, particularly in the early stages of a project. To address this issue, a modified approach for managing project human resources is proposed that focuses on reducing/eliminating the omission and/or misclassification of these resources. Given the motivation from a case example of a process improvement project, this approach was developed to support the inclusion/reclassification of project team members and/or project stakeholders throughout the life cycle of a project. The focus of our proposed approach leverages learning opportunities throughout the initial stages of a project as project management tools and process improvement methods are used to investigate a problem and integrates that knowledge within the project through an augmented change request process. More specifically, the proposed approach equips project teams with the knowledge needed to question the appropriateness of a project’s human resources and their classification into various roles. By improving human resource management practices within projects, this research aims to help organizations enhance their project success rates.  相似文献   

建筑企业项目成本管理是整个项目管理的核心。进行成本管理的目的是合理使用人力、物力、财力,降低项目成本,增加收入,提高建筑企业对工程项目成本的管理水平,以创造较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

基于价值工程的项目团队人员配置的构件化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据软件工程中软件开发模块构件化与项目管理中项目职能分解的相似性,把构件化方法引入到项目团队人员配置中,按照项目职能的构件并灌以价值最大化的思想来进行项目团队人员的选择方面的应用,并为企业建立项目人员配置构件化的管理体系,来实现满足人力配置需要,降低费用,长期改进发展的目的。  相似文献   

童志礼 《价值工程》2014,(9):164-165
项目团队建设在项目管理中占有较大作用和功效,在项目施工管理中只有将团队建设纳入项目管理上,才能在第一施工要素"人"上抓住重点,有针对性的开展项目管理工作。项目的团队建设应该涵盖施工中的全过程、全方位,并要在实际项目运行中抓紧抓好,要注意实施过程中方法和手段运用的有机结合,方能取得良好效果。  相似文献   

赵龙梅  谷新 《价值工程》2010,29(36):52-52
工程造价的控制与管理是一个动态的过程。市场经济的变化多端,使工程投资的确定与控制变得较为复杂,这就需要建设单位对工程造价的管理始终贯穿于项目的全过程,既要全面又要有侧重点。项目实施阶段的工程造价管理是实施建设工程全过程管理的重点。建设单位对工程造价的控制就是在满足项目合理的质量标准的前提下,在投资决策阶段、设计阶段和建设项目实施阶段中把工程项目发生控制在批准的限额内,力求在各个建设项目中合理使用人力、物力、财力,取得较好的投资效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Employee resourcing is the process of matching human resource capabilities to the strategic and operational needs of the organization. This is exceptionally problematic in project‐based organizations due to the competing priorities of the project, the individual employee, and the wider succession needs of the organization. This article presents the findings of research examining the human resource management practices that form the key components of the resourcing process. These included, inter alia, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, team deployment, performance management, and human resource administration. Current practices were examined in seven leading construction firms, all of which faced dynamic resourcing priorities. Within an inductive methodology, semistructured interviews were carried out with senior executives, human resource management (HRM) specialists, senior operational managers, and project‐based staff. Based on a synthesis of the promising practices extracted from the case‐study organizations, an innovative approach to project resourcing was developed that aims to balance organizational, project, and individual employee requirements. Team deployment resides at the center of resourcing process for the project‐based organization as it determines the success of the project, which in turn determines the competitiveness of the organization. Long‐term planning and employee involvement enable team deployment to integrate with other elements of HRM effectively and thus help to balance the organizational strategic priorities, project requirements, and individual employee needs and preferences.  相似文献   

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