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卞志村  赵亮  丁慧 《经济研究》2019,54(9):56-72
中国货币政策调控框架正从数量型为主向价格型为主转型,货币政策的变动会影响到财政乘数。本文在新凯恩斯框架下构建DSGE模型,建立权重可调的混合型货币政策规则,考察货币政策调控框架渐进转型过程中政府投资、政府消费、投资补贴、消费税、资本收益税和劳动税等六类结构性财政工具调控效果的变动情况。研究表明,货币政策调控框架转型会显著影响财政乘数,且财政乘数随转型进程非线性变动,其机理在于货币政策转型会影响财政冲击对私人资本的挤出效应强度。中国经济发展进入新时代,需要构建高效协同的宏观调控框架,财政政策应密切关注货币政策调控框架转型进程,以保证调控力度恰当、效果合意;对财政工具的选择应更加重视结构性减税与投资补贴,以改善民生福祉、激发经济活力;财政调控应有增有减,以维持预算平衡、防范化解政府债务风险。  相似文献   

新冠疫情冲击了世界经济增长和金融市场稳定。很多国家推出极度宽松货币政策应对危机。从经典货币政策国际协调的博弈理论来看,应对本次疫情冲击的各国货币政策协调性不足,“以邻为壑”的非合作均衡效果明显。为数不多的货币政策协调也存在执行力不足、深度与广度不够、新兴市场国家话语权低等问题。在世界经济紧密联系、货币政策溢出效应加强的背景下,为了应对疫情冲击,国际组织需要创设协议和合作剩余分配机制,寻找货币政策刺激效果和防止国际资产泡沫之间的平衡,加强政策沟通和信息共享,提高新兴市场国家话语权,建设有效的应对危机的货币政策国际协调机制。中国应在“一带一路”倡议的框架下建立长期货币政策协调机制,在现有的IMF和G20等平台上发挥发达国家与新兴市场国家之间的协调桥梁作用,通过持续开展央行间技术性合作等措施参与和推进协调进程。  相似文献   

本文选取中、美两国2008—2015年月度数据,从非线性时变参数视角借助TVP-VAR模型和马尔科夫蒙特卡洛方法对中国经济运行受到美国货币政策调整冲击的响应过程进行模拟。结果表明,美国货币政策调整对中国经济增长、通货膨胀及对外贸易产生动态外溢性冲击,且其影响效果具有明显的时变性特征。在经济对外开放程度不断深化的背景下,中国应注重宏观经济调控的国际协调性,实现中、美两国货币政策的良性博弈。  相似文献   

通货膨胀与自然灾害使财政支出经受着结构性冲击,这种冲击使财政总支出内部不同项目的支出增速发生改变,但总支出的压力仍然较大,计量分析的结果与实际财政数据证明了这一点.同时,随着宏观经济运行与市场环境的改变,财政收入在持续高速增长之后也面临着一定的趋势调整.在这样的背景下,可以采取建立财政收支运行监控与预警机制等措施来确保财政收支发展的协调性,防止因过度"财政失街"可能引起的矛盾与问题.  相似文献   

财政与货币政策是稳定和刺激经济增长的两大工具,在美国“新经济”发展中,这两大政策工具发挥了促进经济增长、缓解经济衰退、启动经济复苏的积极作用。我国正处于经济转轨时期,分析研究美国“新经济”发展中的财政货币政策的实践和经验,为我国应对入世挑战,抢抓发展机遇,在财政货币政策选择上提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

吴振宇  唐朝 《经济纵横》2021,(10):33-43
新冠肺炎疫情给全球经济带来严重冲击,但随着疫苗接种速度加快,全球经济正在逐步恢复.应对疫情的大规模财政和货币救助政策在短期内会推高经济增速,但未改变2008年国际金融危机以来全球经济增长的总趋势.新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,全球经济增长面临的结构性问题有所恶化.随着救助政策效力下降和逐步退出,全球经济增长中枢可能下移.受货币政策传导机制改善、财政货币政策协调性增强、主要经济体货币政策框架调整、流动性向实体经济传导效率提高等因素的影响,疫情后全球通胀水平将高于疫情前.2008年国际金融危机以来,全球金融安全网持续强化,应对新冠肺炎疫情引发的金融动荡进一步增强了各国危机应对能力.然而,疫情后金融市场与实体经济背离程度加大,风险进一步累积.全球将处于金融风险与危机应对能力均上升的脆弱平衡状态.在金融安全网保障能力不均衡、危机应对工具不足和疫情后发达经济体经济政策转向的影响下,新兴市场将面临更大金融风险防控压力.  相似文献   

政策的协调性包括两层涵义:一是指政策与政策之间的协调性.二是指政策工具之间的协调性.本文通过构建向量自回归模型(VAR),利用协整检验的方法和系统要素协调度理论评估了货币政策工具的协调性,并对中美两国的实证结果进行了比较.从实证结果来看,各指标的协调性关系呈现复杂多变的形态,本文认为这是因为在实际经济运行环境中,各项货币政策工具的执行结果之间的协调关系会产生较为复杂的影响所导致.通过观察自2008年金融危机以来的数据发现,中国应对金融危机的货币政策协调性逐渐提高,在某些方面表现明显强于美国.  相似文献   

我国财政政策与货币政策的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了我国财政理论及其框架的创新与发展,进而分析了财政政策在国家宏观调控下的一系列发展和转变,对财政政策与货币政策等其他宏观调控政策的配合与应用进行了研究.研究目的在于分析财政政策在国民经济调节体系中的政策走向和作用,说明财政政策与货币政策的配合要有利于维护国内经济的稳健运行,应对来自外部的冲击.  相似文献   

股票收益和通货膨胀之间的关系不仅依赖于供给冲击和需求冲击,而且还受到货币政策制度的影响。需求冲击使得两者是正相关的,供给冲击对两者关系的作用还和货币政策制度有关。顺周期的货币政策使得供给冲击对两者关系是正相关的,而逆周期的货币政策使得供给冲击对两者关系是负相关的。对中国1991年1月—2009年7月实践的经验分析表明,股票收益和通货膨胀的相关性发生了两次结构性突变。进一步分析表明,1997年6月股票收益和通货膨胀的结构性突变主要是由货币政策制度引起的;2005年8月股票收益和通货膨胀的结构性突变主要是供给冲击和需求冲击的相对重要性发生了改变而导致的。  相似文献   

本文在一个引入时滞、政策传导扰动和中介目标的货币政策模型中,分析了通货膨胀目标制的实施与货币政策效率之间的关系。我们发现,由于货币政策的时滞和货币政策传导机制的不畅,中央银行无法及时地对经济中的扰动做出正确的估计,尽管可以利用中间目标变量和其他参考变量的实际值对目标值的偏离所给出的信息来适当调整货币政策,但仍然无法对冲击及时做出正确的响应;再加上中央银行货币政策执行中的财政占优、金融占优和外部占优问题,使得中央银行无法执行其意愿的政策,因此通货膨胀目标制的引入无助于解决货币政策的低效率问题。  相似文献   

Willi Semmler  Wenlang Zhang 《Empirica》2004,31(2-3):205-227
The problem of monetary and fiscal policy interactions is an important issue for the euro area, since the individual member states of the EMU are responsible for their fiscal policies but monetary policy is pursued by a single monetary authority, the ECB. This paper is concerned with empirical evidence on monetary and fiscal policy interactions in the euro area. We first explore fiscal regimes with a VAR model and find empirical evidence that a non-Ricardian fiscal policy has been pursued in both France and Germany. As an example, we then study how one member state of the EMU, namely, Italy, is responding to the common monetary policy with its fiscal policy and find that Italian fiscal policy seemed to be counteractive to the common monetary policy between 1979 and 1998. In order to study monetary and fiscal policy interactions in a more general way, we explore time-varying interactions by estimating a State-Space model with Markov-switching for some Euro-area countries. There appear to be some regime changes in monetary and fiscal policy interactions in France and Germany, but the interactions between the two policies are not strong. Moreover, the two policies have not been accommodative but counteractive to each other. Finally we explore forward-looking behavior in policy interactions and find that expectations do not seem to have played an important role in the policy designs.  相似文献   

Inflation and the fiscal limit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use a rational expectations framework to assess the implications of rising debt in an environment with a “fiscal limit”. The fiscal limit is defined as the point where the government no longer has the ability to finance higher debt levels by increasing taxes, so either an adjustment to fiscal spending or monetary policy must occur to stabilize debt. We give households a joint probability distribution over the various policy adjustments that may occur, as well as over the timing of when the fiscal limit is hit. One policy option that stabilizes debt is a passive monetary policy, which generates a burst of inflation that devalues the existing nominal debt stock. The probability of this outcome places upward pressure on inflation expectations and poses a substantial challenge to a central bank pursuing an inflation target. The distribution of outcomes for the path of future inflation has a fat right tail, revealing that only a small set of outcomes imply dire inflationary scenarios. Avoiding these scenarios, however, requires the fiscal authority to renege on some share of future promised transfers.  相似文献   

The inflation of the 1970s in the US is often discussed as if the only type of policy action that could have prevented the inflation were monetary policy actions and the only type of policy errors that might have induced the inflation were monetary policy errors. Yet fiscal policy underwent dramatic shifts in the 1970s and economic theory makes clear that in an environment of uncertainty about future fiscal policy, monetary policy instruments may lose potency or have perverse effects. This paper documents the vagaries of fiscal policy in this period and argues that people at the time must have been uncertain about fiscal policy's future course. It also lays out a theoretical framework for understanding the effects of fiscal uncertainties on monetary policy and shows that fiscal variables have predictive value in dynamic models, even if traditional monetary policy indicators are included in the system.  相似文献   

我国积极财政政策在总需求管理过程中起到了重要作用.通过判断我国财政政策工具和财政政策规模与经济周期波动之间的关联,描述结构VAR模型中财政政策的作用和反馈过程,我们发现我国积极财政政策操作过程中体现出了一定程度的相机选择性和对经济周期阶段的依赖性,这意味着在我国经济增长已经出现"软扩张"的经济周期态势下,应当适当调整财政政策的期限结构和政策工具,加强货币政策的组合作用,继续保持积极财政政策对国内产出的作用方向.  相似文献   

农村政策性金融与财政支农关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王桂堂 《经济经纬》2005,(4):132-134
政策性金融的产生及其作用的发挥,实际上就是财政职能不断强化的一个产物,改革开放中后期以来,我国农村政策性金融体系的功能趋于弱化,其原因在于:财政实力被过多地削弱,公共产品资源配置不够合理,过分倚重商业性金融的支农效应而弱化了财政对农村政策性金融的支持。为此,应当健全财政对农村政策性金融持续投入机制与补偿机制,协调好财政政策与货币政策的关系,财政还应承担起对政策性金融业务监督管理的责任。  相似文献   

Peter Claeys 《Empirica》2006,33(2-3):89-112
This paper characterizes rules-based fiscal policy setting for G-3 and large EMS countries. We set up a simple fiscal policy rule and then infer on the policymakers’ reaction coefficients by testing with GMM. Our results qualify existing evidence on systematic fiscal policy in two respects. First, fiscal policy usually stabilizes public debt; and there is indeed substantial interaction between fiscal and monetary policies via the policy mix or the debt channel. Second, sustainability is achieved with a “stop–go” cycle of consolidation. Unless debt ratios are high, consolidation does not come at the cost of less cyclical stabilization.  相似文献   

This paper shows that government spending shocks in the U.S. has become ineffective due to lack of coordination between monetary and fiscal policies. Employing the post-war U.S. data, we report strong stimulus effects of fiscal policy during the pre-Volcker era, which rapidly dissipate as the sample period is shifted toward the post-Volcker era. We explain the causes of this phenomena via a sentiment channel. Employing the Survey of Professional Forecasters data, we show that forecasters tend to systematically overestimate real GDP growth in response to positive innovations in government spending when policies coordinate well with each other. On the other hand, they are likely to underestimate real GDP responses when the monetary authority maintains a hawkish stance that conflicts with the fiscal stimulus. The fiscal stimulus, under such circumstances, generates consumer pessimism, which reduces private spending and ultimately weakens the output effects of fiscal policy. We further report statistical test results that confirm our claims.  相似文献   

This study summarizes a theory of the origin of the current world economic crisis and the role of fiscal policy in mitigating its effect. The perspective is dynamic stochastic general equilibrium analysis. Overall, the model analysis suggests a strong case for fiscal policy if the monetary authority is unable/unwilling to close the output gap. This remains the case, even when explicitly taking into account public debt dynamics.  相似文献   

This article adopts the “functional finance” approach to consider the utilization of expansive fiscal policies in the members of the European Monetary Union most affected by high unemployment. As they do not have their own monetary policy, fiscal deficits require the issuing of public debt without the support of the central bank. The authors consequently incorporate the notion of a (partially) balanced-budget expansion to achieve the desired stimulus in gross domestic product (GDP) with the least possible effect on public debt. Their proposal is only a sort of “imperfect” balanced-budget expansion: It is based on the idea that simultaneous increases in public revenue and expenditure can boost GDP, but without any pretension of keeping public deficit unchanged. Specifically, the authors use the case of Spain to show that a more expansive fiscal policy is desirable on economic grounds, and that only institutional constraints prevent it. They do it presenting two alternative scenarios for the coming years and analyzing their different impact on unemployment and fiscal sustainability. The first represents a firm commitment to budget consolidation, whereas the second is based on this “imperfect” application of the balanced budget multiplier. The main conclusion is that a more expansive fiscal policy is perfectly compatible with finance sustainability.  相似文献   

There has been a major shift within macroeconomic policy over the past two decades or so in terms of the relative importance given to monetary policy and to fiscal policy in both policy and theoretical terms. The former has gained considerably in importance, with the latter being rarely mentioned. Furthermore, the nature of monetary policy has shifted away from any attempt to control some monetary aggregate (prevalent in the first half of the 1980s), and instead monetary policy has focused on the setting of interest rates as the key policy instrument. There has also been a general shift towards the adoption of inflation targets and the use of monetary policy to target inflation. This paper considers the significance of this shift in the nature of monetary policy. This enables us to question the effectiveness of monetary policy, and to explore the role of fiscal policy. We examine these questions from the point of view of the "new consensus" in monetary economics and suggest that it is rather limited in its analysis. When the analysis is broadened out to embrace empirical issues and evidence the clear conclusion emerges that monetary policy is relatively impotent. The role of fiscal policy is also considered, and we argue that fiscal policy (under specified conditions) remains a powerful tool for macroeconomic policy. This is particularly an apt conclusion under current economic conditions.  相似文献   

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