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This research seeks to identify gaps in financial knowledge and behaviors between immigrants to Canada and individuals who are born in Canada. The research aims to evaluate to what extent immigrants involve themselves in financial planning and avoid harmful financial behaviors. Employing the Canadian Financial Capability Survey (2009), the findings of the study suggest that immigrants are less likely to show high levels of financial knowledge compared to born citizens. The knowledge gap between immigrants and born citizens narrows as an individual resides longer in Canada. In addition, immigrants are less likely to prepare themselves financially for their retirement or to have long-term investments. The findings provide a basis for addressing the implications of weak financial knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examines how study participants' financial knowledge and participation in a Child Development Account intervention affects 529 College Savings Plan account holding among caregivers of infants. The study uses data from the SEED for Oklahoma Kids (N = 2,651), a statewide randomized experiment using a probability sample of infants selected from birth records. Results of logit regression show that participants' financial knowledge is positively related to account holding in the treatment group but not in the control group. The interactive effects between financial knowledge and treatment status are statistically significant. This finding implies that the effect of financial knowledge on financial decisions related to college savings is moderated by institutional features, such as incentives, information and access. Results of this study support the propositions of financial capability and suggest that expanding financial capability requires both improved individual financial knowledge and supportive policy .  相似文献   

Under the concerted efforts of China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) officially completed and initiated earlier this year is becoming a high-quality economic entity.  相似文献   

Financial knowledge is an essential component in financial decision making; however, knowledge is insufficient to ensure responsible financial behavior. We investigate the weak association between financial knowledge and behavior by simultaneously testing the roles financial knowledge, parental influence, and individual psychological characteristics (self‐discipline and thoroughness) play in young adults' financial behaviors. Results from 2,712 respondents from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth confirm there is a weak association between financial knowledge and behavior. Parental influence and self‐discipline positively associate with responsible financial behavior. We also investigate the moderating role of gender and observe that financial knowledge and parental influence improve women's financial behavior more than men, whereas being thorough has a larger impact among males. These findings suggest that considering social and individual psychological factors in financial education programs could improve program efficiency. The results also highlight the importance of adopting tailored financial education to suit gender differences.  相似文献   

2015年1月27日,世界银行集团成员机构国际金融公司(IFC)、蚂蚁金融服务集团(蚂蚁金服)与高盛"巾帼圆梦"万名女性创业助学计划(10,000Women)在北京推出中国首个专门的女性互联网金融贷款服务项目。这一服务是通过互联网信贷帮助中国小微企业及女性创业者改善融资问题的战略合作的一部分。IFC将通过"高盛‘巾帼圆梦’-IFC女  相似文献   

This article argues that abstract knowledge in the form of formally developed theory plays an increasingly important role in the economy and in financial innovation in particular. Abstract knowledge is easily reified, and this is an aspect of knowledge work that is insufficiently researched. In this article, we problematize reification of abstract knowledge in financial innovation from wisdom, ethics, and social network analysis perspectives. This article, therefore, considers the composition and structures of financial innovation networks that help avoid reification by building ethicality through social practice wisdom. Finally, we discuss future directions that empirical ethics research can take.  相似文献   

Researchers and policymakers in many countries are interested in better understanding the relationship between financial education participation and cognitive outcomes such as financial knowledge and self‐efficacy. We used two waves of the nationally representative Canadian Financial Capability Survey along with propensity score matching (PSM) to compare outcomes between persons who had taken a financial education course to those who had not. After matching and adjusting for demographic and economic factors, financial education participants exhibited significantly higher objective and subjective financial knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores. Post‐estimation analysis showed that higher overall objective financial knowledge scores were at least partially driven by higher scores of men. Financial education participants had higher subjective knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores for both genders and across age. Future research into financial education ought to consider cognitive dimensions in addition to behavioral and financial outcomes.  相似文献   

文章从银行收费风入手,分析了与金融服务消费环境相关的5个问题:跨行查询收费与关系营销理念缺失;银行卡收费与子虚乌有的“国际惯例”;银行“午餐”实际并不免费;“一窝蜂”收费与管理思想的稚嫩;为顾客着想与竞争优势的建立。指出:银行卡全部收费并非是“国际惯例”,免费银行卡也不是“免费的午餐”,我国银行近年“一窝蜂”和“一刀切”收费反映我国银行管理思想稚嫩;中外银行卡和金融服务差距说明,我国金融服务消费环境亟需改善,银行只有处处为顾客着想才能取得竞争优势。  相似文献   

The topic of women and globalization raises fundamental questions on the impact of globalization on women, ethnic minorities and other socio-demographically under-represented actors in global organizations. This article seeks to integrate theories of procedural justice, psychological contracts, motivation and psychological ownership in knowledge transfer in global organizations, and the implications for women, and other under-represented actors. Our analysis concurs with current research on the need for a relativist perspective in business ethics research and one that encompasses the critical processes of exchange from a cognitive perspective. Our contribution is to show that globalization is a complex process, that has different impacts on actors, an impact that can vary widely depending on, whether the actors are in a dominant situation, or as in the case of women and ethnic minorities, in a relatively socio-demographic and geo-politically under represented situation.  相似文献   

This research is the first to describe financial knowledge in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Data were collected from a convenience sample of investors in the Tehran Stock Exchange. The data were used to examine objective and subjective knowledge as well as overconfidence in one's financial knowledge. The results indicated that compared with other populations, Iranians did not perform well on either basic or advanced financial knowledge questions, especially when the questions dealt with interest rates. This is likely related to the Islamic law ban on usury‐based investing. Regression analysis indicated that demographic charactristics related to basic financial knowledge were income, labour force status and being a student. Demographic characteristics related to advanced financial knowledge were education, labour force status and age. Higher income and education reduced the odds of being overconfident about one's financial knowledge, while being a student and male increased the odds. The article concludes with recommendations about future research as well as building a national financial education strategy.  相似文献   

We examined financial literacy among the young using the most recent wave of the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. We showed that financial literacy is low; fewer than one-third of young adults possess basic knowledge of interest rates, inflation and risk diversification. Financial literacy was strongly related to sociodemographic characteristics and family financial sophistication. Specifically, a college-educated male whose parents had stocks and retirement savings was about 45 percentage points more likely to know about risk diversification than a female with less than a high school education whose parents were not wealthy.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in and funding for financial literacy and financial education programs in the private and public sectors, the field of financial literacy still has a major obstacle to overcome: the lack of a widely disseminated measure of financial literacy, developed through rigorous psychometric analyses. In this article, we develop such a measure, focusing specifically on financial knowledge. Using item response theory (IRT), we analyze items from three national surveys, resulting in a psychometrically sound 20‐item financial knowledge scale. By using IRT, the current analysis uses individuals' answers to inform which questions to include in the scale in the first place, rather than simply confirming relationships between these answers and other financially relevant outcomes post hoc. Widespread use of this index and the continued use of modern psychometric techniques would allow for the comparison of financial knowledge, measured consistently and reliably, across studies, populations, and programs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a financial education program on high school students' knowledge of personal finance. A comparison of pretest and posttest scores achieved on a reliable and valid thirty-item instrument suggested that the Financing Your Future curriculum increased financial knowledge across many concepts. The scores increased regardless of the course in which the curriculum was used and across student characteristics. The assessment contributes to the growing literature showing that a well-specified and properly implemented program in financial education can positively and significantly influence the financial knowledge of high school students.  相似文献   

本文认为,我国金融组织结构优化过程的关键是要通过准市场组织的发展,促进金融机构间的合作竞争对古典竞争的替代,以机构间的混业合作为混业经营做好准备,通过业内整合,形成各业寡头集团主导格局的基础上,培育中国的混业金融寡头集团,先形成各业"太阳系",再形成混业"银河系".同时,重视中小金融机构的发展,科学规范政府行为,以降低金融市场的无序化程度,提高金融市场的组织化程度和金融业的整体作战能力,提升我国金融业的竞争力.  相似文献   

预先知识是企业最初的共同知识,是企业能够快速、有效地吸纳其他外在知识的知识。预先知识是企业的吸纳能力的重要来源,它随着企业的成长发展,通过对关联知识的启发记忆和解决问题的技能的延伸,演化并形成企业内生的共同知识,并推动了企业吸纳能力的增进。  相似文献   

现代社会,金融与法律的关系十分紧密,农村金融法律制度也是农村金融生态环境中的一个非常重要的部分,它也是影响农村金融生态环境的最主要的因素。农村金融法制是否健全能够影响农村金融生态环境的稳定,也能够影响农村金融生态环境内部结构的平衡。因此,我国应从转变立法理念。优化农村正规金融法律环境与农村非正规金融法律环境。建立严格的农村金融监管法律制度。加大执法力度。提高司法效率几个方面,努力完善农村金融生态法律环境,以此促进农村金融生态环境健康发展。  相似文献   

文章指出,长期以来由于国家对农业发展银行没有一个长远的系统规划,加之农业政策性金融条例和有效财务安排的缺乏,导致我国农业发展银行缺乏独立生存发展的外部环境和有效营运机制,其生存发展面临困境。为完善我国农业政策性金融体系,文章认为,国家应以全额投资方式建立若干个全国性的具有专门职能的农业政策性金融机构,由国家、地方政府联合出资共同设立若干个区域性农业政策性金融机构,同时通过国家、地方政府参股或控股地方农村金融机构,形成一个产权结构多元化、业务经营专业化、经营形式多样化的农村政策性金融服务体系,从根本上解决我国市场经济发展过程中农村金融与农村经济发展之间的矛盾,推进农村经济建设和社会发展。  相似文献   

Traditional kinship relations denied African women access toproperty and cash income. As they moved out of the traditionalsector to urban centers, women created opportunities for independentearnings, and they displayed remarkable entrepreneurial spiritin undertaking informal economic activities. One of their tacticswas the utilization of a type of rotating credit and savingsorganization (ROSCA), the stokvel, to mobilize savings outsidethe formal financial structure. This article brings togetherscattered research on stokvels, traces their past and presentuses by African women, and concludes with an exploration ofthe reasons for the persistence of these forms despite the developmentof sophisticated financial structures in modern South Africa.  相似文献   

Knowledge context and entrepreneurial intentions among students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current paper analyzes the role of the individual and regional knowledge context in forming university students?? entrepreneurial intentions. As access to knowledge resources is crucial for the growth and survival of knowledge-based start-ups, we argue that an individual??s decision in favor or against becoming an entrepreneur should critically depend on the multilevel context providing her with access to strategically relevant knowledge. A unique dataset for German students and regions allows us to analyze a variety of personal and regional determinants of entrepreneurial intentions among students. At the individual level we find that role models facilitating the transfer of tacit knowledge and the expectation that strong ties will provide know-how and know-who positively impact entrepreneurial intentions. At the regional level we find that a high regional start-up rate in knowledge-based industries and a high growth rate of regional knowledge production positively influence entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

目前神经网络技术在日益发展中完善,在对于非线性数据的处理中也被证明具有卓越性能,这种性能为企业财务危机预警的研究开阔了新思路,同时提供了新的技术支持。通过筛选并确定了对上市公司陷入财务危机最具有影响力的七个财务指标,并且将其作为建立预测模型的判定指标,运用PNN对财务危机预警模型进行改进,并分析了这种模型的预测效果,得到了有关研究结论。  相似文献   

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