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零售专业技能的跨国转移与零售本土化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售专业技能的跨国转移与零售本土化问题是零售国际化理论研究的一个重要环节,对跨国零售商海外经营的成败有着重要的作用。本文对零售专业技能的内涵与构成进行了全新的界定,认为零售专业技能由零售技术、零售文化以及零售业态三部分构成,每一部分又可以分解成固化性与操作性两个层面,在此基础之上构建起零售专业技能跨国转移的理论框架,认为零售专业技能的固化性层面在跨国转移过程中应该进行标准化的复制,而操作性层面则可以进行不同程度的本土化调整,进而论文围绕零售专业技能操作性层面在跨国转移过程中的调整行为深入分析了跨国零售本土化边界与策略问题。  相似文献   

本文认为零售企业的核心竞争力是由外显竞争力要素和内含竞争力要素复合累积而成的动态竞争力,在跨国转移过程中,不同要素的标准化程度与本土化程度有所不同.有效的核心竞争力跨国转移受东道国环境因素和零售企业自身因素的影响.东道国环境因素包括文化环境、制度环境、经济环境、技术与基础设施环境;零售企业自身因素包括核心竞争力的情景嵌入性、企业学习能力和国际化经验.最后,作者提出了零售企业核心竞争力跨国转移过程的框架.  相似文献   

从网络视角运用嵌入关系来分析零售专业技能跨国转移具有重要意义.通过对沃尔玛、家乐福和乐购在华子公司的案例分析,发现零售企业海外子公司东道国网络的关系嵌入、网络中心度、网络密度对零售专业技能跨国转移的效果有正向影响,群体中心度对零售专业技能跨国转移的效果有负向影响.  相似文献   

在经济全球化的背景下,世界零售巨头纷纷实施国际化战略来谋求经济利益最大化。但基于东道国与母国市场环境的差异,跨国零售商往往不能将在母国市场发展起来的专业技能完全移植到东道国市场,有效运用本土化策略显得尤为必要。文章从社会网络嵌入的视角出发,通过对家乐福在中国市场发展的案例分析,发现跨国零售企业进入海外市场后,将嵌入到一个全新的社会网络中,只有有效利用由社会网络带来的社会资本与知识资源优势,才能有效的实现零售专业技能的本土化。  相似文献   

零售本土化是跨国零售企业海外经营过程中需要解决的一个难点问题.本文选取家乐福作为研究对象,通过比较家乐福在中国市场高度本土化的策略和在韩国市场高度全球化的策略,导致不同的经营结果,说明了跨国零售企业进入与母国市场差异较大的海外市场时实施有效的本土化策略的重要性,同时也分析了本土化的模式与程度.  相似文献   

2004年中国零售业全面对外开放,国际零售巨头如沃尔玛、家乐福,全球大型建材家居建材连锁企业百安居、家得宝,国际品牌洋快餐麦当劳、肯德基等都在通过连锁这一经营模式在中国迅速发展。对于所有国际品牌跨国连锁企业来说,如何拓展中国市场,既能创出佳绩又能保有企业文化,是一个长远而艰巨的任务。本文就跨国连锁企业在中国的经营战略进行一些分析。  相似文献   

本文从经济全球化的时代大背景出发,结合跨国零售企业的特点,分析了跨国零售企业本土化的利弊。  相似文献   

随着宜家、百安居等跨国家居零售企业进入中国市场,中国传统的家具零售企业面临严峻的挑战。本文以宜家家居为例,分析了中外家居零售企业的营销差异,指出营销导向的差异是根本区别。传统家具零售企业不能一味跟随模仿宜家等家居企业的营销模式,而应以消费者的需求为指导思想,制订差异化的营销战略,进行准确的市场定位,采取体验式的服务营销策略,与跨国企业进行有利的市场竞争。  相似文献   

本文认为,目前越来越多的零售企业走向国际化,进行跨国经营。跨国经营不存在一个普遍适用的模式,一切都要在实践中摸索。零售企业在跨国经营活动中要注意选择恰当的进入时机,确定本土化的经营模式,制定清晰的跨国经营战略,了解进入地区与母国在地理和文化上的差异,正确选择业态和营销渠道,重视东道国消费者的消费习惯和偏好,认识企业公共关系对跨国经营的作用,依靠服务提升竞争力,注意跨文化管理。文章指出,在赢利模式上,跨国零售企业应通过商品进销差价和降低供应链管理成本赢得利润;而在经营模式上,则强调系统性和集权性,以先进的信息系统和高效的物流配送系统为强有力的支撑,这是21世纪零售业的发展方向和跨国零售企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

本文利用2000-2007年中国工业企业数据和海关数据实证研究了人民币汇率变动对企业全球价值链嵌入度提升的影响。研究结果表明:人民币升值对企业全球价值链嵌入度提升有积极影响,但价值链嵌入度计算过程中考虑了中间商贸易后影响力有所减弱;人民币升值对企业全球价值链嵌入度提升的作用,因嵌入程度高低及企业所有制、生产率和融资约束的不同有所差异;产品质量改善有利于企业价值链嵌入度的提升,并且人民币升值对产品质量越高的企业价值链嵌入度提升的积极作用越强。  相似文献   

We offer a theoretical extension and empirical analysis of home country autocracy as a key determinant for the internationalization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Building on international business and international political economy theory, we argue that the pursuit of a mercantilist domestic agenda by autocratic governments is influential upon the magnitude and direction of state-owned multinational enterprises’ (SOMNC) outward investment via acquisition. We conclude that autocratic home countries are ‘re-purposing’ SOEs to pursue international nationalist objectives – and that autocracies can do so more effectively and purposefully than democracies, by maintaining effective control over their SOMNCs.  相似文献   

中国企业国际化的影响因素及其战略选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业国际化研究企业如何向跨国企业演变发展,随着国际竞争环境的变化,中国企业的国际化战略也由内向国际化转向外向国际化,“走出去”成为企业的必然选择.在企业国际化的过程中,企业的技术水平、产品战略、海外投资的固定成本、母国与东道国的文化差异、东道国的管制与工业化程度等是企业国际化的主要影响因素.中国企业应该采取“差异化”、“本地化”及“渐进推进”等战略,以提升中国企业的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

National institutions shape the ability of civil society and minority shareholders to monitor and influence decision-makers in listed state owned enterprises (SOEs), and thereby their strategies of internationalization. We argue that the weaker are such controls, the more likely such decision makers pursue self-serving motives, and thus shy away from international investment. Listed SOEs’ strategies will thus be more similar to those of wholly privately owned enterprises (POEs) when these controls are more effective. Building on Williamson's (2000) hierarchy of institutions, we examine how home country institutions exerting normative, regulatory, and governance-related controls affect the comparative internationalization levels of listed SOEs and POEs. Based on a matched sample of 153 majority state owned and 153 wholly privately owned listed firms from 40 different countries, we confirm that, when home country institutions enable effective control, the internationalization strategies of listed SOEs and POEs converge.  相似文献   

This study explores the relevance of top management teams’ experience to support the headquarters parenting advantage in the context of Chinese multinationals. Specifically, it studies how the political and international experience of headquarters’ top management teams moderates the relationship between headquarters involvement in knowledge transfer processes – a key aspect of value creation in the parenting advantage logic – and the extent of reverse knowledge transfer from subsidiaries. Based on the data from two complementary surveys of senior managers in 99 Chinese multinationals and managers in their 177 subsidiaries, our analysis indicates a contrasting effect of top managers’ experience as their political experience weakens, but their international experience strengthens the positive effect of headquarters involvement in reverse knowledge transfer. This study contributes to the parenting advantage logic, by introducing the relevance of different top managers’ experiences, and to our understanding of top management teams in the context of both reverse knowledge transfer and Chinese multinationals, particularly by showing the important implications of top management teams’ experience for Chinese enterprises’ international strategies.  相似文献   

随着中国企业国际化的发展,国际采购必将为中国企业国际竞争力的提高与可持续发展作出越来越重要的贡献。国际采购不仅是企业的运作职能,更是企业的战略职能。运作层次国际采购向战略层次国际采购的发展可以划分为不同阶段。本文采用案例研究方法对不同阶段中国企业国际采购的特征进行实证分析。研究结果表明,中国企业国际采购发展的初级阶段主要是追求海外供应的高质量和高技术,随着国际采购阶段的深入,中国企业国际采购能力建设将更为完善,将追求更为多样化的战略利益。中国企业国际采购所面临的硬性成本与外部障碍的重要性下降,软性成本和内部障碍越来越重要。对于国际采购发展程度较高的企业,内部障碍对企业国际采购能力建设提出了更高的要求。但软性成本的阶段性特征表现得不明显,文化与商业习惯差异是比较普遍的软性成本,其他软性成本类型主要与企业特征或行业类型有关。  相似文献   

While significant progress has been made on the contextual role of institutions, scholarly research on the dynamic process of emerging economy multinational enterprises’ (EMNEs) international activities interacting with home country and host country institutions still seems to be in its infancy. Therefore, in order to move the current academic debate forward, we examine the intersection between the internationalization of EMNEs and their institutional environments by undertaking a critical review of the existing literature, given that institutional forces not only shape organizational behavior but also affect EMNEs’ internationalization strategies and organizational outcomes. We propose an integrative framework of 5Cs (context, capability, change, concomitance and configuration) underlying the co-evolution of EMNEs’ internationalization and institutions, and position all the papers included in this Special Issue within this framework in order to point towards a number of directions for future scholarship.  相似文献   

Nationalism is an important yet underexplored issue in the international business strategy literature. As a new reality, the resurgence and augmentation of nationalism in recent decades has brought disruption effects that challenge traditional arguments on the international expansion of multinational enterprises (MNEs). We suggest that nationalism is not merely about one’s own national interest but should be extended to consider the mutual forces from home and host countries in international business (IB) research. This study proposes a comparative nationalism view to investigate the impacts of various types of intercountry nationalism on MNEs’ expansion through cross-border acquisitions. Through scenario analysis, the MNEs’ expansion trajectories are characterized by different degrees of comparative nationalism, including incremental expansion, deceleration, leapfrogging, and divestment strategies. Our findings and propositions create a new vision for cross-border research considering the interacting effect of national sentiments. We also discuss promising future research agendas enabling further exploration of this topic.  相似文献   

企业开展国际营销,首先必须解决国际营销的战略层面问题.本文就国际营销市场扩张模式、营销标准化与本土化、品牌战略模式的战略抉择问题进行了分析,并提出了战略抉择的建议.  相似文献   

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