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多年来,检验检疫机构对进境种用动物(立口奶牛、猪、鸡等)的隔离检疫工作积累了大量的经验,而对于新引进的运动马,由于其在疫病和饲养管理等方面与其他动物存在一定差异,隔离检疫工作还需不断地探索。笔者根据我国有关进境动物隔离检疫的有关规定,结合隔离检疫3批进境运动马的实践,就如何控制进境马匹隔离检疫工作中的关键点与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

2003年8月12日,徐州维维集团从连云港口岸进口2500头澳大利亚荷斯坦良种奶牛,隔离在江苏灌云县东辛农场进口奶牛隔离检疫场。为做好对该批奶牛的隔离检疫工作,江苏检验检疫局先后安排了三批驻场检疫人员,作者作为第一批驻场兽医,详细描述了在隔离场的工作经历。愿本文与辛勤耕耘在检验检疫这块热土的检验检疫人员共勉。  相似文献   

10月28日,经秦皇岛海关检疫合格,36匹荷兰矮马解除了为期30天的隔离检疫。该批矮马是秦皇岛市首次进口,9月29日经首都国际机场口岸入境后,进入秦皇岛进口动物指定隔离检疫场接受隔离检疫监管。按照《中国从荷兰输入马的检疫和卫生要求议定书》和荷兰出口中华人民共和国的马卫生证书格式,以及进口许可证相关要求,秦皇岛海关严格做好隔离检疫工作。  相似文献   

一、出境大熊猫的检验检疫程序 (一)颁发出境大熊猫临时隔离检疫场许可证 1.根据<进出境动物临时隔离检疫场管理办法>的要求,考核由出口大熊猫单位所提供的临时隔离场.由于饲养大熊猫的单位同时也承担繁殖和展出大熊猫的工作,因此隔离场必须符合以下条件:  相似文献   

介绍了宠物花卉的概念及其生产工艺特点,简述了福州口岸宠物花卉出口情况及主要输入国的检验检疫要求、福州口岸检疫措施及结果,根据薄弱环节提出了针对性措施建议.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的进口宠物检疫程序以指南的形式公布在其官方网站.主要分为5个部分,即从6类国家和地区的进口检疫条件、助残犬的检疫条件、返回澳大利亚宠物的检疫条件、检疫费用和检疫所膳宿.总体来说是公开、透明,科学、合理,系统、全面,灵活、严格,也是便于操作的.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国畜牧业的快速发展,企业从国外引进优良种畜的批次和数量激增,为满足检疫需求,进境动物隔离检疫场随之不断增加。2021年11月22日,海关总署发布了第97号公告(关于发布《进境种猪指定隔离检疫场建设规范》等83项行业标准的公告) 其中,《进境牛羊指定隔离检疫场建设规范》(SN/T 4233-2021)是对《进境牛羊指定隔离场建设要求》(SN/T 4233-2015)的修订,《进境种猪指定隔离检疫场建设规范》(SN/T 2032-2021)是对《进境种猪指定隔离检疫场建设规范》(SN/T 2032-2019)的修订。本文结合《进境动物隔离检疫场使用监督管理办法》、新版标准等文件,着重介绍进境种猪及牛羊隔离检疫场(以下简称"进境动物隔离检疫场")的知识及业务办理要点。  相似文献   

日前,惠州检验检疫局和广州检验检疫局分别派出驻场兽医官,在惠州进境种猪临时隔离场联合对华美(惠州)畜牧科技有限公司从美国引进的127头种猪(其中公猪68头、母猪59头)实施为期45天的隔离检疫工作已经结束.除两头被检出传染病阳性和一头外伤引起后肢瘫痪的种猪被扑杀作深埋无害化处理外,其余124头经检疫合格已投入生产.临时隔离种猪工作取得了圆满成功,为企业的投资发展起到了保驾护航作用,同时对惠州检验检疫局首次参加种猪临时隔离检验检疫的"猪官"们的能力进行了考验.  相似文献   

按照《中华人民共和国从新西兰输入牛的检疫和卫生条件》(下称《检疫条款》)中的要求,我国从新西兰进口的3000头奶牛经过17天海上长途运输和45天口岸隔离检疫顺利抵达秦皇岛口岸。从本批牛的入境口岸隔离检疫结果看,充分反映出境外动物预检工作所发挥的有效性和重要性,并有效地控制和降低了疫病传入风险,御疫病于国门之外,切实维护了国家利益。  相似文献   

进境大中型动物一般都是大批量的,而大批量进境大中型动物的采血工作是隔离检疫最繁杂、最艰苦、最累的一项工作,既有数九寒冬的考验,又有酷暑蚊虫叮咬的体验。江苏检验检疫系统共隔离检疫20多批大中型动物(其中南京检验检疫局5批),在采血过程中经常会出现一些差错,如血样数量与进境动物数量不一致,少数血样样品号与耳号核对不一致,血样耳号重复,少数血样耳号无法辨认,少数血样量不足等。  相似文献   

Desire for status or control may motivate some consumers to own certain types of pets. In the light of recent debates surrounding “designer pets,” this article examines the dark side of pet ownership through interpretive interviews with dog owners. The findings compare and contrast two types of ownership motivation — pets as companions to love versus pets as toys, status markers, and brands. This latter category forms part of the dark side of pet ownership. Owners differ in their motivation for ownership, their appreciation of the pet, the nature of human-animal interaction, breed choice, and the purchase of pet-related paraphernalia.  相似文献   

通过考证卫生检疫创始的原因和发展进程,得出检疫起源于中世纪黑死病时期,并且欧洲社会、经济、宗教、神学等方面因素的综合作用,促进了卫生检疫的产生;检疫的场所在历史上经过了多次变迁,其称谓也随着历史的发展而有所变化。卫生检疫的内容和制度随着历史发展和社会需要逐渐完善,时至今日,海港检疫已成为世界通用的检疫方式。  相似文献   

Using two studies, this article explores how a tendency to buy excessively for self relates to spending on one's pet. Existing research on excessive buying reports that these buyers spend money primarily on themselves. Excessive buying is the tendency to be preoccupied with buying and, consequently, to buy relatively more and more often than others. The first study, using a qualitative research approach, provides insights into the relationship of excessive buying for self and for pets. This study reveals that excessive buyers consider their pets as full family members and extensions of themselves. The second study, a national survey conducted via the Internet, provides a quantitative test of the relationship between excessive buying for self and spending on pets. Respondents who score high on an excessive buying index also tend to spend more on their pets for toys, food treats, clothing, accessories, and grooming products.  相似文献   

More people own pets than ever before. Further, people spend more money on pets than they ever have. The increase in pet ownership and spending on pets provides evidence of the importance humans place on the pets in their lives. This study explores the relationships between humans and their animal companions, specifically canine companions. Drawing on decades of research on personality, relationships, and well-being, the current research takes a cross-species approach to examine the influence of pet personalities on human outcomes. Using personality assessments for human and dog, the article examines how both personalities impact relationship satisfaction. The article also examines how human-dog closeness impacts owner well-being. Some findings corroborate results found in the human personality and relationship literature, but others point to some unique aspects of the human-dog bond. These results not only shed light on the human-dog relationship but also suggest some departures from the human relationship literature that could be explored in future research.  相似文献   

通过与传统工作模式之间的比较,分析新工作模式的优势所在,详细描述了“对外承诺”服务机制,提出四种检验方式,并对不同方式下完成检验检疫所需时间作了规定,最后从技术的角度阐述了整个框架及它的实现原理。  相似文献   

本文从检验检疫业务主流程入手,分析了检验检疫业务流程管理工作存在的问题,提出了流程管理信息化解决方案,并从流程管理系统总体业务流程、数据流、主要功能等方面进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

Research relating to pets focuses almost exclusively on human-pet interactions or pet-specific behavior such as pet-food purchasing. Seldom has research used pet consumption as a context to study broader consumer-behavior topics. The influence of pet-related research is expandable by viewing pets as a path toward studying more general consumer-behavior questions.  相似文献   

通过分析检验检疫技术机构在管理、技术能力和人才队伍等方面的现状,探讨检验检疫技术机构的发展方向,为检验检疫技术机构改革方案的制定提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

This essay presents a personalized account that reflects some well-documented aspects of pets as animal companions — especially as they relate to the case of Rocky the Cat. The narrative begins with some oft-mentioned ramifications of viewing pets as friends and family. The common ingredient — namely, love — opens doors to various market-related opportunities. Among these, the exorbitant sums spent on veterinary care loom large and, in an illustrative personal story of Rocky Raccoon, reach nearly epic proportions. In practical terms, this report suggests some tips for marketing to lovers of pets. On a more spiritual level, further questions concern the author's own animal-related identity and how this self-concept manifests itself in an attempt to see the world in general and to view a film in particular through the eyes of the cat.  相似文献   

通过认真分析《中化人民共和国邮政法》与现行检验检疫法规规章及规范性文件之间的区别与联系,提出了该法施行后对检验检疫部门影响较大的两个方面。也希望在今后重新修订《邮政法实施条例》时检验检疫部门能够提请国务院法制办对其中的立法缝隙予以细化并做出必要的立法填充,使其可以与检验检疫部门的法规规章做到有机衔接。  相似文献   

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